U2 concert photos
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U2gigs.com gallery » 2005 - Vertigo Tour » 2005-03-28 - San Diego (Pictures by Martin Stieglmayer) »
Photo by Martin Stieglmayer
rating : 6.0 with 37 vote(s)
San Diego, United States
Iptc.Copyright | Martin Stieglmayer |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Martin Stieglmayer |
Iptc.City | San Diego |
Iptc.ProvinceState | CA |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050328 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Tanja on 2005-03-29 12:48:19
these lights are so beautiful... this BAND is so beautiful...
From: Cathills on 2005-03-29 23:57:07
He looks like an angel!
From: guru of u2 on 2005-03-30 00:22:02
There tickets are over priced!
From: Darren Elliott on 2005-03-30 07:50:31
"yahweh, yahweh"...great shot...
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-01 12:59:39
agree with you tanja this band really is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!=)
From: grammar police on 2005-07-23 23:38:50
To guru of U2...it's "their"
From: on 2005-07-24 09:12:54
To grammar police....whom appointed you there? here ?or anywhere for that matter? keeper of the alphabet tell me it ain't so .....oh come on do tell me .......lol....excuse please we don't correct people here because all of us and that includes the fuzz as you call yourself do on occasion fall off our golden thrones and slip up... you know why? Because many people posting here English is not their first language....so please keep your police scanner to your own posts....thanks... :]
From: IsDinnerReadyYet on 2005-07-24 16:26:48
I agree with "guru og U2", the tickets are way too expensive. How can we aford to follow the tour???!! ;-)
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-24 21:00:28
They aren't that bad. How much are they going for in Europe? I got some for 50.00 dollars over here in the States. Granted,they aren't the best seats in the house,but bring the binoculars and have a blast.
From: Laura on 2005-07-24 22:14:37
73,50 euro. And if you are willing to spend a couple of hours in a line your standing next to the stage.