U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 84995596 views.
Photo by Mike Caito / [email protected]
rating : 7.9 with 32 vote(s)
Chicago, United States
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Mike Caito / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050510 |
Iptc.City | Chicago |
Iptc.ProvinceState | IL |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | Mike Caito / [email protected] |
Comments :Add comment
From: ante on 2005-05-19 14:25:24
Great shot of the backbone of U2...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-19 14:32:18
From: Slateblue on 2005-05-19 20:37:53
Wow, that's a nice Larry shot... *joinssoulieingrrrrrrrrrrrring*
From: fanny on 2005-05-19 21:12:14
soulie,sushi and liz I've got GOOD news here!!Guess what I just find out!?there's going to be a liveaid concert in London, and do you know what?!I'm in London then!!*SCREEEEAAAAAAM!!*U2,Rolling Stone,Eminem, Oasis and Coldplay!U2 at that concert my friends,U2!! BONO IN LONDON JUST BY THE HOTEL WE ARE GOING TO STAY ON! OH MY GAWD!*fanny jumping up and down*I'll guess I will see you guys soon,HUGS TO EVERYBODY!!
From: Kat on 2005-05-19 22:30:43
Woah, Fanny! Might see ya there!
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-20 03:31:25
are you sure it was a Live Aid? cause there's been rumors circulating around but Bono recently denied a Live Aid 2... maybe it was a normal concert in London... but whether it's Live Aid 2 or just a normal concert, you're so lucky.when the men (just for you, Soulie... It's no boy's band!! =D) I saw four huge silver tourbuses next to a huge fancy-schmansy hotel. I was freaking out cause i knew it musta been their hotel... so I circled it at least ten times throughout the day. i was all alone in big Seattle with a ton of hills!! it was so fun! anyway, I was really pissed when I found out that Bono was staying with the Gates... but Edge, Adam and Larry must've been at the hotel!! I waved up at the hotel and I waved at their tourbuses when I saw them the day before then!!!Oh I was so lucky!!! There was a ONE rally in seattle on the 24th... we went to it and on our way out we passed Boeing Field which is a private airport... it's turned international now but noone uses it. Anyway, I was glued to the window when we passed the field on the lookout for Vertigo Air... my mom asked me what the plane looked like and i told her it had a huge red and black target on the butt fin. my dad spotted it almost instantly afterwards and i swear i screamed. but I didn't get in trouble... lucky. we pulled out on the Boeing Field access ramp and drove around till we saw the very edge of the butt fin. We pulled up to the terminal and couldn't get a good pic of it... so we went inside and asked this guy if there was an observation deck.I told him i wanted pix of the U2 plane and I said that I have a press pass for the school newspaper (I lied) but he was really nice and actually TOOK US OUT ONTO THE AIRFIELD TO GET PICS OF THE PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was incredible... I'll post the pix on the seattle 25 show, so everyone go check 'em out!!! =D
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-20 03:32:37
oops...typo. in the second paragraph where it says 'when the men' then has sumthin in (), after the () it's supposed to say 'were in Seattle'. sorry!=D
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-20 03:37:53
ok... nevermind. I won't post them on the seattle 25th show cause i don't even know how to post pix on this site!!! geee, am i smart or what? anybody have some pointers?
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-20 04:06:35
Fanny holy cow thats awesome ...you must have an angel in your pocket...talk about being in the right place at the right time.....you have lucky charms in your pocket? If you get a chnace to get into this gig you and yuor parents should definately do it....do your parents like any of these bands??? ...whoopee *group hug for fanny*sushi I 've been trailing your posts..your one step ahead... :)... that story is incredible too!! Did you use a digital camera? If so and if your computer is set up for it you can download the camera stuff (ok don't look at me like that!) onto the computer and then I'm sure Matt has some kind of instructions somewhere on how to put them on a the site........help people...grrrr
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-20 04:09:08
yeah i've been posting like crazy... it's not like i've got sumthin better to do. sorry! ^^we did use a digi-cam (i love abbreviations!!) and the pix are downloaded... I've got that whole deal taken care of but i don't know how to post 'em.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-20 04:28:30
MATTTTTTT MAAATTTTTT MAATTTTTT help please......MAAAATTTTTT....... kitty pounding on the door..... !!!
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-20 04:31:11
I emailed him... half an hour ago. course, if the site is set on Central European Time, and I'm on Pacific Time, then that may be a bit of a problem.... no fun. Time zones suck. =(
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-20 04:33:27
I've been looking at pictues from Boy and October. Some people have said that Larry looks like he did now that he's grown his hair out.... the truth is: HE DOESN'T. In some of the pictures he looked like he was only 10!!! It's bloody insane!! I look like I'm 16 to some people and if that keeps up for the rest of my life then BOO HISS!!! He was soooooooo hot way back in the day..... woot woot!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-20 05:09:13
Sizzle hot....sssssssssst.....ok I went searching and this is what I found....go to www.u2-vertigo-tour.comsee where it says latest showsthen submit review/pictures well hit one of the pics....then fill out info ..tell Matt your story and city (he can put them where they belong) then hit browse.... it will then show your computer file of uploaded files to where you have your photos stored and then you click them in the little box thingy....ok I probably screwed that all up better wait for email..... :)...Actually I always thought Larry looked a little James Deanish when he was young but I think it was more about his style than actually looking like James...actually if Brad Pitt was skinny instead of a buff-o-mite- he reminds me more of James Dean...... please don't say "WHO THE EFF IS JAMES DEAN OR I"LL KILL MYSELF".....kitty goes back to rocking chair with her cup of moonshine....hahaha now sushi's really lost!!!!! ....grrrrr
From: Matt on 2005-05-20 10:23:44
I just mailed u2_sushi how it works :) Easiest way is to use the drop-down on the frontpage > select the show > click the "Send your pictures from this show" below the shows setlist. The next part is hopefully self explaining.
From: Matt on 2005-05-20 10:24:46
If the show is question is one of the last 5 of course the direct link on the frontpage can be used as soulie wrote.
From: u2_sushi on 2005-05-21 02:21:59
no no no I know who James Dean is. I think. I recgognize the name. Thanks Matt, I just sent those pix Soulie so check 'em out!! =D
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-22 05:52:33
Whoo hoo Matt....ok is Slate gone?...kitty brings ladder climbing to the top and looks Matt in the face....kitty gives big guy a cheek bussi and says Thank You.........ooops kitty hit the ground .... Slate walks away holding the ladder mumbling some people have no buisness climbing ladders they get Vertigo when they least expect it..... :)) .....grrrrr
From: boomcha on 2005-05-22 10:54:40
Oh what a shot...great but who the hell did you get in that position??? thats awesome my friend will die .... and than pick on you cause its only from behind!! *grrrrrr*
From: fanny on 2005-05-22 14:58:37
hi soulie! yep, my mother is crazy about stones! so if we get the chance maybe??but I don't know for sure if there are a certain date yet. but I think it's when we are there!
From: Mike Caito on 2005-05-23 03:38:35
Boomcha.... Thanks. Coincidence. And blind luck (and seats behind the stage). I was trying to shoot Bono, and instead got this. Call it a "happy accident."
From: boomcha on 2005-05-23 13:52:39
Mike...call it a superduperhappy accident! who needs more bono pictures....that is what we really need. Art for arts sake!!! thanks still great!!!!!