U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85083696 views.
Photo by G Bara / [email protected]
rating : 7.0 with 35 vote(s)
Chicago, United States
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by G Bara / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050510 |
Iptc.City | Chicago |
Iptc.ProvinceState | IL |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | G Bara / [email protected] |
Comments :Add comment
From: jjjj on 2005-05-11 14:55:25
From: jackman on 2005-05-11 14:56:10
Sweet picture! I wish I was at that concert!
From: evelynn on 2005-05-12 01:43:22
enviame fotos
From: Vik on 2005-05-15 05:20:47
That was pretty much my view too, but from the other side of the stage. :)
From: peter D on 2005-06-03 18:51:32
How many songs have the string lights and does it effect the view from backstage? I have backstage in Minneapolis and am just curious.
From: Octu2 on 2005-06-03 19:48:06
I was at the San Jose concert,and had a seat in the back. I was worried about the same thing and it wan't bad at all. Bono walks around a lot and also the light curtains aren't always down. He walks through them on some of the songs,gently moving them aside. You will not be disapointed. Have a blast!!!!!