U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85388276 views.
Photo by Karolina
rating : 6.8 with 67 vote(s)
Nikon CoolPix 3200
1.34s f/2.8 at 5.8mm (35mm equiv: 38mm) iso 200
1.34s f/2.8 at 5.8mm (35mm equiv: 38mm) iso 200
Chorzow, Poland
Exif.Make | Nikon |
Exif.Model | CoolPix 3200 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1.34 |
Exif.FNumber | 2.8 |
Exif.FocalLength | 5.8 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 38 |
Exif.ISO | 200 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-07-05 20:31:03 |
Exif.UserComment | |
Iptc.Copyright | Karolina |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Karolina |
Iptc.City | Chorzow |
Iptc.CountryName | Poland |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050705 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Piotr on 2005-07-06 23:23:13
Super wyszła nam flaga!!!
From: Mado on 2005-07-06 23:24:28
Jak zobaczylem flage szczena mi opadla!
From: u2_sushi speaks Polish!! on 2005-07-06 23:32:32
Uk yarrga mushfaka oonz flupin gardo! See, I can do it too!! Craghkil zaewrt mu vabba oonz flurp!!
From: i.d on 2005-07-06 23:33:06
Flaga byla super!Czy ktos ma dobre zdjecie tej flagi?
From: i.d on 2005-07-06 23:35:08
I am sorry... i wrote in polishThe flag was super! Anyone has a good picture of it?
From: u2_sushi on 2005-07-06 23:36:16
No. Flaga byla NO super!!! Czy ktos ma dobr zdjecie tej flagi NO!!! lol... I wonder what I just said... lol lol lol I'm probably cussing my effing tounge off in Polish... hah
From: Lucia on 2005-07-07 00:39:36
From: u2_sushi on 2005-07-07 00:42:56
oh it's ok... haha LOTSA people make that mistake!! lol you wouldn't believe it.. OMG who on earth could've organized that thing? Who told everyone going to that concert to bring red and white stuff?? Wow!! BTW lucia I missed what i.d said b4 i wrote my last post... lol i'm so slow!!
From: lizeth on 2005-07-07 06:25:30
Wow! I'm really glad it worked out, it looks great!. I was afraid they weren't going to be able to pull it off, but I'm happy they did. And sadly I don't speak polish, only spanish. heheh
From: fanny on 2005-07-07 11:13:36
hola senorita! ;-)
From: Jacek ze Rzgowa on 2005-07-07 13:43:50
tez mialem czerwona flage. Bylo super.
From: tisaya on 2005-07-07 14:38:18
Yeah, that was an unforgettable moment. Bono clearly couldn't believe his eyes:) When he turned his jacket inside out to show the red lining inside, that was unbelievable! What a night! What a concert! The best rock band ever, no doubt about it.
From: u2_sushi on 2005-07-07 22:57:56
Umm... tisaya I hate to disagree with you but U2 isn't the best rock band ever.....they're the best band PERIOD!!!! No rock band involved here, there is no hip-hop, punk, pop, country, blues, jazz or reggae band better than U2!!! yarrr
From: fanny on 2005-07-07 23:14:54
From: lizeth on 2005-07-07 23:36:43
Well said sushi, couldn't agree more. :) Hola fanny ;)
From: tisaya on 2005-07-08 10:33:11
You're damn right. There's no band better than U2! No idea why the word "rock" appeared in my previous comment. I guess my fingers were faster than my thoughts;)which isn't so suprising cause I got stuck in this beautiful moment showed on this pic and I still can't get out of it. Hugs to all U2 fans.
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-08 10:37:13
Just my two cents: I think what makes them a great band is that this is what they truly are: a *band*. Four people sticking together since an eternity and still getting a kick out of playing together. I love that!
From: darecki on 2005-07-08 14:33:56
I got no words to describe what I felt in that moment.It was My beutiful day:)