U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85388041 views.
Photo by Tomek Wojtys
rating : 6.8 with 88 vote(s)

Konica Minolta DYNAX 7D
1/5s f/4 at 75mm (35mm equiv: 112mm) iso 1600
1/5s f/4 at 75mm (35mm equiv: 112mm) iso 1600
Chorzow, Poland
Exif.Make | Konica Minolta |
Exif.Model | DYNAX 7D |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/5 |
Exif.FNumber | 4 |
Exif.FocalLength | 75 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 112 |
Exif.ISO | 1600 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-07-05 20:43:45 |
Iptc.Copyright | Tomek Wojtys |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Tomek Wojtys |
Iptc.City | Chorzow |
Iptc.CountryName | Poland |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050702 |
Comments :Add comment
From: trool on 2005-07-08 17:48:17
widok nie do opisania a zadan fotka czy slowa nie oddadza tego co czlowiek czul w takiej chwili. Szczescie, radosc i DUME:) POLSKA!!!!!!!
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-08 18:36:13
I whish we knew Polish to beable to know what this person said :( I'm sure it was all good though.
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-08 18:37:16
Wow, I can't even spell. I don't think I will ever learn Polish if I can't even spell in my own language.
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-08 18:55:12
Wow, that looks really good! I wonder if the band noticed it and what they thought of it. I read in a review that Bono apparently realized what was going on, but did he say anything about it?
From: Christina on 2005-07-08 22:06:04
Yep, he bowed and turned his jacket with the red lining on the outside. The Poles went totally bananas by that. This was really great.
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-09 09:56:53
That's great! So he understood what was going on. How about the other three, did they do anything?
From: i.d on 2005-07-09 16:21:33
It was the best moment of the show. I still think of it and I don't belive that it happend.I have to tell you that Bono when he saw it he didn't know what is going on. He stoped moving, looked at someone from band (I don't remember who).This moment (maybe 4sec)I remember very well. Than Bono took off his sunglasses. He didn't have to much time becouse he had to sing but he put his hand on his heart and he hold it for long time and he bowed(I hope it's a good word),few times.Afterwords, he took his jacket off, turned outside out. If You want to see this song look here:http://www.u2.com.pl/chorzow/video.phpsorry fom my English
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-09 20:16:26
Ah, ok, thanks for explaining! That sounds like a really great moment. I bet you'll never forget this! :-) I'll have a look at the video, thanks for the link!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-10 08:38:15
Thanks i.d.definately heading to take a look.....btw your English is great...... *waves*
From: i.d on 2005-07-10 12:44:17
Y.welcome!I'm glad I helped!
From: PogodnaAga on 2005-07-12 03:39:21
Bosko!Bylam tam,widzialam,ale to pierwsze zdjecie na którym naprawde widac to co Bono mogl ujzec.Piekny widok.Respekt dla nas wszystkich tam bedacych:)
From: Qba on 2005-07-12 10:04:00
ONE of the GREATEST MOMENTS of my LIFE, it's a MIRACLE it's worked out :) and it'd have become a guiness record if somebody cared about that :) But all we wanted to do was to give a band great THX for NYDBTW A girl who was dancing with Mr B., told us that his jacket sleeves were inlaid with white-greyish material (but it wa to thin) ... so he definitely wanted to make us a surprise as well :)We are acceptors ... They are givers...when will it change???...It's changed that day -> 07.05.2005 :)
From: Iwona on 2005-07-12 22:43:22
I was one of the people who did a white part of our national flag. I saw it very well because I was on the right side of the stadium. I was very moved, I didn't expect that it will be that good, that perfect. And the way Bono reacted was great. I think that all the band, all the crew and everyone who was on that concert will remember this moment for the rest of their lives. I know I will...ps. I'm sorry if I made some mistakes :)
From: fanny on 2005-07-12 23:27:25
no apology needed hun,if you want my oppinion I think your english is perfect!
From: MARTUCHA on 2005-07-13 21:35:12
Byłam tam !!!Na płycie.Byłam czerwoną cząstką tej wspaniałej flagi. To było niesamowite. 70 tys. osób zjednoczyło się i tym samym przeszliśmy do historii. Jestem szczęśliwa, że uczestniczyłam w tym widowisku i był to najpiękniejszy dzień mojego życia. Pozdrawiam fanów z Wrocka, którzy stali na płycie i nie tylko ...
From: Cezary on 2005-07-16 13:24:17
Bylem tam :))) To bylo naprawde cudowne wielkie.
From: fanny on 2005-07-16 19:59:51
From: u2_sushi on 2005-07-17 07:43:25
Haha fanny I can understand exactly what them Poles are sayin... lol see I can speak Polish.. mmm lemme tell you a secret fanny.. ssshhhh don't tell no one but.. I'm really from Poland!! Muahaha.... see them two Poles are sayin that no matter what the heck any of us may think their english is far from perfect and they are EFFIN proud of their sucky english!! =DDD
From: fanny on 2005-07-17 13:57:59
From: scorpion on 2005-07-22 16:35:09
Yo, sushiwe're not effin proud of our sucky english we're effin proud of the greatest concert in our whole lives - which, as u see on the picture above, must have been a great experience for the band as well.. anyhows - read the notes on u2's homepage and u'll admit i'm right.Oh and ps. Our english is far better than your polish will ever be :P peace ]:->
From: IsDinnerReadyYet on 2005-07-22 23:21:17
So who's the guy just top, left of centre in the white shirt?BTW I can speak polish too: czlech wlgech siscz a bca upyorz!! ;-)
From: VSR on 2005-07-23 19:08:19
Heh Nice picture as i can see it well i was some rolls behind the photographer , really nice flag , really nice show i and i am glad and proud that a was part of ( also with white T- shirt in hands)
From: BONO CHORZOW on 2005-08-21 23:34:32
Dalismy Czadu
From: Anula on 2005-08-23 14:52:27
From: MK from Poland on 2005-10-07 22:42:07
IT WAS SO AMAZING EXPERIENCE !!!I started waving my red scarf when I heard the first tacts of the NEW YEARS DAY ! Our dearest Bono was very suprised - he really took off his sunglasses to see what was happening at the stadium ! I will never forget it - it was one of the greatest moment of my life ! I'm waiting for the next U2's concert in Poland. U2 dziekujemy za NYD !!!
From: evay on 2006-02-24 19:26:51
I'll never forget it!!!Obejrzalam sie tylko na sekunde i ujrzalam flage. nigdy nie zapomne tego widoku. NIGDY.Zadne zdjecie, nagranie tego nie opisze... to bylo cos przepieknego. nastepnym razem takze nam sie uda!