U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85306126 views.
Photo by Kapsel
rating : 6.4 with 19 vote(s)

Chorzow, Poland
Iptc.Copyright | Kapsel |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Kapsel |
Iptc.City | Chorzow |
Iptc.CountryName | Poland |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050705 |
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From: IsDinnerReadyYet on 2005-08-27 20:42:39
Check out all those guitar gadgets...! how does he remember which knobs to turn and when???? He must have more than one silicon chip implanted under his beany, that would explain why he never takes it off??
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-27 21:08:41
maybe there's somebody who wispers it in his earplug!
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-28 19:05:25
He is a pro and loves what he does, I'm sure it is second nature by now :)
From: Kat on 2005-08-28 21:08:48
*Whispers* he never takes his hat off because he doesn't want his naked head to get cold.. lol, jk *waits to be brutally attacked by the edgy bunnies*
From: sushi on 2005-08-29 02:38:35
*brutally attacks kat*DIE, you evil thing you!! *whips out bunny teeth bites Kat on the arm*Erg, I mean...*takes out bunny teeth, removes beanie and bunny ears and puts on a little halo with wraparound shades, angel wings and a black leather bono-style angels robe*Bye bye...*flutters away*=D
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-29 17:37:59
Did anyone notice how cool his jaw/cheek bone looks in this photo?
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-29 22:09:35
Nice shadows.. but wait a second.. now I'm confused, can somebody make a list of who are Bono's and who are edge's? cuz I thought sushi was on B's side... :S
From: sushi to Ingrid on 2005-08-30 03:40:54
Ingrid I am on Bono's side *flutters away with little Bono Angel wings* Just sometimes Edge's wunnerful gorgeous beauty makes me lose control for a moment... =)
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-30 18:38:06
Same here Sushi :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-30 19:19:04
okay, can I get a full list with Bono addicts(me and soulie for sure...) and edge addicts, bono fans with sometimes strange moods who fall for some guy who is cute WITH HIS BEANIE ON HIS BALD NAKED HEAD!sorry I just can't put the picture of edge w/o his beanie out of my head... it was too horrible... no off to edge! PoPedge is the coolest edge ever....by the way, are there here die hard adam and larry fans? cuz I would like to be a bit of a adam fan now.. okay the maffiaboss adam and Rattle and Hum adam...
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-30 20:04:27
I'm a Bono girl, so is Sushi, Soulcat,and I think Lucia. Slate and boomie are Edge girls I think. Fanny is a Larry girl. That is all I can think of at the momment.
From: sushi on 2005-08-30 20:55:35
Hey who said I wasn't a Bono addict? Ingrid you are weird... Edge is hawt with his bald naked head!! But of course I still am a Bono addict, and a Edge/Adam/Larry fan. =)
From: Kat on 2005-08-30 20:57:07
I used to be a total Bono girl, but these days, I'm kinda impartial.. I'm like, the referee, lol. But when I see pics of Bono from the 80's... *melts* haha. So yeah, technically, I am an old school Bono babe, lol *bussies*
From: sushi on 2005-08-30 21:33:05
My mom showed me the Desire vid before we went to the concert, and she said, "This was back when Bono was all pretty," and I was thinking, "Mom you have no idea..." then we went to the concert and she was saying to someone, "The music and lighting and everything was truly incredible, and as unlikely as it may seem, Bono and the others were still very attractive!"HAHHAHHAH!!!=P
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-31 01:56:18
They sure are a fine looking group of men that is for sure and I can't wait to see them again in November!!!
From: boomcha on 2005-08-31 12:06:44
Holá Mädels and Matt!!!!I AM THROUGH AND TROUGH FROM HEAD TO TOE FROM INSIDE TO OUTSIDE ON INSIDE and OUTSIDE FROM ONE EAR TO THE OTHER FROM LEFT TO RIGHT AT NIGHT AND IN DAYLITE FROM MONDAY TO SUNDAY WHEN IM AWAKE OR ASLEEP IN FAKE AND IN REAL LIFE IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH SUMMER and WINTER IN LIFE and DEATH and all the other wayround (forgot so many possibilities but I think you get what I try to explain)ADDICTED to this beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous, darlingsweet, heavenlyhot, mouthwateringlovelyMAN CALLED THE EDGE who throws THEE BESTEST Bussies at me, haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And apart from that I have a big space in my little heart left for (in correct order) ADAM, BONO and Larry Mullen Jnr!!!!!!!!!SO, now Ingrid you know exactly where I belong ;-)Have to wave bye bye for now. I take my anual U2-summerbreak and will be back in fall when the boys too are back on track!!!!Otherwise Im afraid to get on with my fellow countrypeople of depressing the rest of you ;-)>> Boomie leaves the stage with a sad face through the door wich is labeled "OUT OF U2 WONDERLAND" and dissapears into no U2 wonderland<<
From: Octu2 / Where are you Soulcat ,We miss you!! on 2005-08-31 18:41:36
Hey Boomie, nice to see another familiar name on here. Soulcat is MIA and now you say you are gone for a while? I think the tour over here begins on the 12th of Sept. Is that when you'll be back?
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-31 20:48:16
sushi, I am NOT calling you a bono addict... since you think edge is hawt with his BALD head... ><I saw Streets vid for the first time yesterday,.. GAWD bono is too hot there! I thought I was dying!And I CANT find it on intenet:(Boomie, I allready knew you were a Edgey.. so is slate right? well except for her Bono x Edge imagination(loive bono singing that in Lemon, wich I 'm listening to)
From: sushi//Bono is RAWRing for you to come back, Soulie on 2005-09-02 02:56:32
Ok Ingrid you wanna be that way then you can be that way... just cuz I think Edge is hot with his bald head doesn't mean I can't be addicted to Bono... I think Thad is the hottest contemporary I've ever seen in my entire life, but I'm still addicted to Bono... just cause Larry is super hexy doesn't mean that I can't be addicted to Bono... just cause Adam is very very cute doesn't mean that I can't be addicted to Bono... I'm sure you think Edge is hot at some level or another. And of course you are an Adam fan, and doubtless Larry is super hawt to you. But you're still addicted to Bono, aren't you?? Ok if that hasn't moved you at all, let me tell you...Soulcatgirl, the person who is possibly the best/most Bono addict in the world, has said, to me, to quote her EXACTLY: "kitty stares at Edge and lets her tongue drop out". Is Soulie not a Bono addict? Is she not the best Bono addict we know? Read my quote again, slowly, soaking it all in. Now that you've educated yourself, I would like to very, very politely ask you to call me a Bono addict. Thank you. *bigbussiesandbearhugs*
From: Slateblue on 2005-09-02 07:44:47
[Soulcatgirl, the person who is possibly the best/most Bono addict in the world, has said, to me, to quote her EXACTLY: "kitty stares at Edge and lets her tongue drop out".]There you have it: Even Bono addicts know real beauty when they see it! :-)))
From: Ingrid // Soulie if you are alive SPEAK on 2005-09-02 21:03:50
lol okay sushi I got my portion!I'm dying of being hyperactive and laughing and happy all the time since uh 7.15, when I started watching rattle and hum, it's now 9.00 pm and I'm listening to my fave u2 song ever(*beautiful day).. and I cant stop smiliong:Dyou're right, I like the rest.. edge is the hottest bald man I know, but I jsut.. Iono got something against bald... it scares the heck out of me! and I think Rattle and Hum adam is very cool... he moves in mysterious ways...
From: mariëtte on 2005-09-02 22:34:30
Rattle and Hum is indeed a great dvd, I like with or without aaaah it's so great, bono looks so good when they play that song :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-03 19:42:10
yeah, and have you seen how bono, in the beginning, really has a strong grip on the mic! I wonder why....and while singing uh exit or in gods country, the piece about the man and the pistol... the way he rubbed his guitar... that was HOT!
From: mariëtte on 2005-09-04 11:48:15
I adore Exit on Rattle And Hum, it's so great, much better than the version on the joshua three!!! Unfortunally it's not on the album rattle and hum..
From: fanny on 2005-09-04 13:03:39
yeah! I AGREE!!! the live version is siply the best! all the instruments plays very in harmony with eachother on that song,everything in that song is perfect,and then they go over to gloria and you hear all the people sing with bono..it gives me goosebumps! it sounds soo super!
From: fanny on 2005-09-04 13:08:00
btw have you heard all I want is you going over to streets on the slane movie? I get tears in my eyes everytime I see it,and again all the people singing with bono..I remember I sung so loud at all I want is you on the concert that I lost my voice several times!it sounded like this: ALL I WANT IS YOOOOOOOO-*cough,cough*ALL I WANT IS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!*cough,cough*
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-04 14:23:47
rofl no I haven't seen that.. I'm still doubting about wich dvd Im going to buy next... especially since I'm just a poor girl and I"m still trying to save for my ipod, wich I'll have in uh seven months or so! and I want to buy the joshua tree too,that's my first thing now.. but I was thinkin bout buying a dvd at the same moment.. should I buy U2 go home: live from slane, or best of 1990-2000?(those are the only ones here, with Rattle and hum:( )
From: fanny on 2005-09-04 18:14:45
I think the 1990-200 dvd is only music videos?and that maybe makes the slane movie a bit more entertaining,because they are saying and doing lots and lots of funny things..=) but this is my oppinion,ad it's your oppinion that counts=)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-04 19:15:28
lol yeah, and the best of 1990-2000 contains 2 of the three one vids... the drag queen one and the bar one... that drag queen one is awesome!:pI must say bono and larry look quite good as females!but I'm more going for the Slane one I think.....
From: Ingrid for sushi on 2005-09-04 21:05:58
I found the original bono taking off his shades picture ^^ but I was more thinkin of linking you to this one, since it's soo adorable!just press the next button for the one with bono taking off his shades ^^http://www.bonoonline.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=151&pos=5
From: sushi on 2005-09-04 23:14:10
Ok Ingrid hahahaa those pix made me laugh so hard!! *falls out of chair*Holy smokes Bono is funny with Bob Geldof xD AND OMG BOB HAD BROWN HAIR WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!?! Lol that sounds stupid, huh... =) They're so funny together xDIngrid you frick'n rock, you know that... right?? *hugs*
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-05 16:57:47
rofl I know I know ;)it was at live8.. and bono+bob made me laugh so badly I just had to show you!btw I saw rattle and hum again today(yes AGAIN, I had to do cleaning, wich I hate, so I needed some music) and I have a question, maybe one of you knows this: During sunday bloody sunday, bono's speech is about 'the hatred of the H-Blocks'... what are the H-blocks?btw..I got really happy during the BBkingsong, first the wink.. and when they start playing, bono nearly jumps up and down from excitement.. he really looks like the funny little boy, getting taught by the master(BBking).. and the excitement, I feel he brings that on the vieuwer, at least he made me hyper hyper hyper... loland sushi ^^ you rock too! you're the one here who can play SBS!(wich guitar do you use?) god I really want to spend so much money on things I can't afford ><U2 is bad for my wallet!
From: fanny on 2005-09-05 17:03:20
you were at live8 and didn't tell!!=)in which town were you?? I was outside hyde park..hehe=)this ain't good for my wallet either..Before fanny was a U2 fan: a very full walletafter fanny got the U2 fever: pretty much an empty wallet!!=)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-05 17:07:38
lol no I wasnt at live8, that pic was made at live8!sushi asked when did it happen, well at live8... well I never had a full walllet... buit let's say I want sooo much things... like, I have to get schoolstuff(starts friday) want iPod, want remaining 7 u2 albums, wants two remaining dvds, wants elec guitar.... and more I allready forgot.. lol no this is gonna make me flat broke!
From: fanny on 2005-09-05 17:11:50
hehe,okay=) well,I guess Ipod and elec guitar empty your pockets even more..el-guitars are soooo freakin cooool!! hope you get one someday=)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-05 17:15:44
well, the ipod Iis 339€ here... and the guitar I want(I know it's one of the expensives) Fender stratocaster, in blue algarve(google it if you like) and that one's uh 550€ or so... and that's without amp and cables and such,...each u2 album is 10€ here*exception JT and AB wich are 20!* I allreayd have AB and I"m going to buy JT VERY very soon! so that'll be another 80 euros... dvds are uh 12 € apiece... so that's say 25 with it.. rofl this is gonna run into the thousands! oh and I want u2 tshirts! but I can't buy them anywhere...:(
From: fanny on 2005-09-05 17:23:58
that guitar looks super!!=) it's the perfect guitar!!=D
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-05 17:28:53
yesss it's *blue*... *blue* = perfect... Imagine, bono in a *blue* shirt! wouldn't he be even more perfect than he allready is? *drool*
From: sushi on 2005-09-05 21:36:28
Ok Holy Wow Ingrid I have no idea what the H-Blocks are... something about the revolution in Ireland.. I suppose o0Which guitar? Umm... I use my own guitar.. an Ariana acoustic.. meh, it's acoustic, yeah, but its beautiful, I love it.. BUT GRRING HOLY DEVIL I WANT AN ELECTRIC SOOOOO BADLY I'd go out and play NYD on New Year's Day, I'd go out onto the bridge (i live on an island) and blast it out of the amps onto the water where everyone in the entire Puget Sound could hear it... then on the last day of school I'd play Beautiful Day, and then at appropriate times I'd play other songs, like Miracle Drug for someone who has cancer, or SYCMIOYO if someone just died, etc... it'd be so much fun!! I think I'd want a Fender Strat or a Les Paul.. isn't that what this guitar is ^? Ingrid which albums do you have? I have these:HTDAABATYCLBZooropaAchtung BabyRattle and HumJoshua TreeThe Unforgettable FireWarBoySo I need Pop, October and UABRS, then the two Best Ofs and Passengers.. meh, I have an iPod already, it's a blue iPod mini... but I don't have any DVDs! Which do you have? My friend let me borrow the Slane DVD for a while, but of course I didn't get to keep it :'( and we only rented R&H... and I've never seen any others *cries*I have a shirt too, yay! But i have to go, bye bye bye bye bye! *hugs*
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-05 21:42:05
guitar: Fender Stratocaster Blue Algarve *perfect colour*and I'll sure want to play I still havent'found, bad and beautiful day(even tho I need a diff guitar for it, gibson explorer) and miracle drug! did you know vertigo was originally played on fender stratocaster? in TOTP 2004 somewhere you can see edge playing it on his fender!I haveHTDAAB(copy)ATYCLB(copy)PoP(Copy)ZooropaAchtung BabyWarand Best of 1980-90(copy)and I have Rattle and hum Dvd.. that one's GODLYbtw passengers isnt realll u2.. and it's impossible to find here btw!and soon I'll have the joshua tree.. before friday! I"m going to buy it together with some school stuff.. and I think I'll buy slane dvd also... damn this is gonna bankrupt me!
From: mariëtte on 2005-09-06 20:31:53
I've got the Passengers album! Miss Sarajevo is on it, the version on Passengers is longer than the version on best of 90-00. It's a bit strange album, but mm it's ok, btw, Ingrid, maybe you can send me your e-mail, so I can send your the songs on Passengers. If you can't find it.
From: fanny on 2005-09-06 21:11:19
they always said that Larry didn't like passengers..why??
From: mariëtte on 2005-09-06 21:31:57
I thought Larry didn't like Passengers, just becaause of the fact that he didn't have to play the drums much, most songs are without drums.
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-06 21:44:02
lol mariette that's what B said about it.. :pbut I want to find the album myself.. I'm not really into getting the songs... I have all those albums copied, but I want the real thing! I don't know why.. I just want them.. tomorrow Ill buy my school stuff, and... Teh Joshua Tree!!!