U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85030076 views.
Photo by Martin Stieglmayer / U2005.com
rating : 6.1 with 24 vote(s)
Rome, Italy
Iptc.Copyright | Martin Stieglmayer/U2005.com |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Martin Stieglmayer / U2005.com |
Iptc.City | Rome |
Iptc.CountryName | Italy |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050723 |
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From: Lucia on 2006-03-21 23:06:06
hahaha...I've never notice this before...the girl with that sign is one of my best friend Francy...she's a great u2 babe and I think the only woman in my country who had a half-kiss on her lips by Bono....she could have so many stories to tell us..unfortunately she cannot write a good english...:-((
From: patty on 2006-03-22 15:02:19
this is also a nice B butt shot!
From: Ingrid on 2006-03-22 15:15:55
*snicker* fine arse right ahead!well lucia, maybe she can tell you her stories, and you can translate them into english for us??? I'm reaallyy curious for that kiss... tell me!!!
From: Lucia on 2006-03-31 23:05:24
Well it's quite funny...during the Pvarotti and friends 2003 she went to the concert and then she went to the restaurant where Bono and Pav were having dinner after the show...she got into it and reached Bono at his table - I don't know how she did it...but she did it! - btw....she asked him to sign an autograph to her and he started to make a sort of flower..she was on her knees and started caressing Bono's cheek..suddenly he took her hand off and gave her a small kiss on her lips...the funniest thing is that all this happened in front of Pavarotti and his wife..then Bono told her..here you are Francy...take care...and he gave her a caresse on her hair..then she met all the band again in Dublin in 2004 while they were in the studios recording the Bomb..she has so many beautiful pics...we are planning a trip to Ireland very soon....everyone is invited..:-))))
From: Octu2 on 2006-04-01 03:46:02
That is a very cute and heart warming story Lucia :)
From: patty on 2006-04-01 16:10:07
Wow! That is an amazing story! What a lucky girl!
From: Ingrid on 2006-04-01 17:38:27
omg that sounds amazing! Bono's such a cute guy with fans :)ohhh she caressed his fine cheek... where did she get the guts to do that??? hmm I wish I could join you to ireland..
From: Lucia on 2006-04-02 23:36:04
That's Francy Ing...she's really in that way..she's got huge guts!!:-)))...not like me..I mean two times I reached my man both I was standing like a penguin in front of him...at least I got his autograph!Francy also also a pic taken at the studios where Bono is kissing her hand ..ahaha he's for sure a cute guy with his fans..above all with beautiful women...:-)))
From: Octu2 on 2006-04-08 18:20:00
Hey Lucia, at least you did get to be in front of him. That takes a lot of guts also. All the stalking you did and actually finding him!! Give yourself some credit.:)