U2 concert photos
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U2gigs.com gallery » 2005 - Vertigo Tour » 2005-08-14 - Lisbon (Pictures by Eduardo de Oliveira S. Esteves) »
Photo by Eduardo de Oliveira S. Esteves
rating : 4.9 with 37 vote(s)
Fujifilm FinePix F601 ZOOM
1/120s f/2.8 at 24.9mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 400
1/120s f/2.8 at 24.9mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 400
Lisbon, Portugal
Exif.Make | Fujifilm |
Exif.Model | FinePix F601 ZOOM |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/120 |
Exif.FNumber | 2.8 |
Exif.FocalLength | 24.9 |
Exif.ISO | 400 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-08-14 22:11:43 |
Iptc.Copyright | Eduardo de Oliveira S. Esteves |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Eduardo de Oliveira S. Esteves |
Iptc.City | Lisbon |
Iptc.CountryName | Portugal |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050814 |
Comments :Add comment
From: fanny on 2005-08-18 11:15:29
Bono:oh look edge,a beachball!
From: boomcha on 2005-08-18 12:10:11
Bono: Oh THE EDGE look, Im trying to be as cool as you...but honestly...I SUCK!!!!
From: Kat on 2005-08-18 17:36:43
oh Boomie!! *tries to cover up the laughter, because, despite the meanness, it was quite funny!* You rascall *scolds Boomie*
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-18 18:08:45
I think he is saying more like,"you wanna piece of me boomie!!!"
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-08-19 07:11:08
*blurts out an unwanted hihi*...ok Boomie you gonna pay for that one!...*Kat's right your a rascal*.... ;)*blurts out another hihi*....High fives Oct cause thats exactly what Bono's strut looks like!!! Oh yeah baby...hahahaha...grrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-19 18:50:16
Oh ya, he is totally saying come and get it man!!! The face and the stance is a total Bono Strut to the 20th power :)
From: Lucia on 2005-08-19 22:38:24
wow...look at this picture...I have just found out a nice thing..I know about B's beautiful jackets come from.. a young italian stylist...amazing!I was on holiday last week while I was relaxing on the beach I read an article on U2 and the main title was saying " I have become B's stylist...I was an unknown creator of jackets but one day U2 called me..."..his name is Davide Dinardo,33 years old and his story is quite amazing....the article tells that last march B was in london and during shopping he bought a jacket made by Davide...during Usa tour he was in L.A. always for shopping he saw another jacket that he liked and he noticed that it was from the same stylist...after that he decided that this guy would have created his jackets for the tour...he was called by B's assistant Sharon and he was told to create something like 40 jackets..he hasn't met B yet but he said that after the first Milan show B sent him this jacket he had on in the show with three words written on sleeve which were saying.." Thanks Davide,Bono"...is it a very nice story?..can I add I'm proud of this guy?....it is true...sometimes dreams come true! :-))))))
From: Kat on 2005-08-19 22:46:46
Wow, what a wonderful story!! That guy is one awesome designer!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-08-20 01:40:42
Thanks Lucia loved it.... :))
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-20 18:37:34
Thanks Lucia for the story as well. When they were here, I noticed one of the jackets in our concert right away,and my daughter and I wanted it!!! He truly is talented and I hope he has continued success.Italians rule in designing clothing and shoes that is for sure!!!!!!! I saw some beautifully dressed people when I was there! Bella Figura sp? Right :) I have to say my favorite cities in Italy were Florence first then Venice. We did go to Rome ,and i loved everything I saw and all the history, but I so sad to see the graffiti on all your old beautiful buildings :(Next time I go to Italy I want to go to Capri.We have friends in Milan, so I would like to go there as well. Aww I miss Europe today :(
From: Lucia on 2005-08-20 20:57:02
:-)) yeah that's right Oct "bella figura" is ok... I was reading that the collection is called "preview Milano" but I don't know anything else...I'll try to have a look on internet...about my country do you believe if I tell that I never visited Venice?..and it's just 500 km from Rome...but I was twice in Australia..this is quite silly don't you think?I just adore Florence but I do love with all my heart Rome...! I do agree with you about graffiti sometimes poeple don't really appreciate these treasures of art...oh I tell you Capri is...MARVEILLOUS!..even if quite expensive but I assure that it's worth to it!Milan is not that great,always cloudy and cold in winter..terribly hot in summer...but if you have friends you can drive around the city..you can visit lago Maggiore (a beatiful lake) where George clooney bought a villa..he lives in italy for five months a year...you konw I have relatives in Usa,some in Philadelphia,some in las Vegas and Venice Beach (CA)..I hope to come visit your country very soon...my best friend was there last summer and told me that New York is the best place in the world!...and the Pacific Ocean is beautiful!...*sigh*....I want to come! :-)))))
From: fanny on 2005-08-21 13:51:14
I've never been to Italy nor America,but I would really like to go there someday=)My brother are in Italy this very moment,and comes home tomorrow=)
From: Lucia on 2005-08-21 22:04:30
...I think travelling the world is such a beautiful experience..where you from fanny?...I hope your bro had a nice time here.. :-))
From: fanny on 2005-08-21 22:22:57
hi Lucia=) I'm from Norway...I got to go now,see you soon and good night!Lots of Love!
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-22 19:05:40
Well, I know what you mean Lucia about not visiting Venice. I was born and raised in California and never went to Yosemite,don't know if you have heard of it, but it is one beautiful location in the mountains here in California. Everyone has gone it seems. Finally, right before we moved to France for two years, my husband and I said we have to go there in case something happens to us over there and we never see it. A bit dramatic I'll admit, but we decided to go three days before Chistmas and it truly was a magical experience with the snow and riding in a horse drawn sleigh!! Go on google and check out how cool it is there. So, I get ya about Venice. You have to go though!! Venice,apart from the tourist area, it one of those magical spots on this planet I believe. I also believe you about Milan, it would only be to see our friend. That friend has taken my husbund up to the Lake areas,and he really loved it, that is what I would like to see also.I've been to New York once,the day before the American holiday of Thanksgiving,and it was a lot of fun. But it was the coldest I have ever felt in my life. I went to the Metropolitain Museum,and to this day I don't know what I saw because I was so frozen. I would like to go again and spend some more time. I haven't been to Australia,but my husband has on business. He will be going soon again.Yes, the Pacific ocean is beautiful!!!
From: Lucia on 2005-08-23 19:06:11
...jeez...Oct I looked on internet about Yosemite Park and it's just ...breathetaking!..I just simply adore mountains and nature itself!...I'm planning a trip to Us next year cause I have relatives there..last night I phoned my aunt Caroline who lives in las Vegas and she invited me to go there as soon as possible.Then I spoke to my cousin David he lives in L.A. and he looks forward to know me...you know even if we are first cousins and we have the same last name we have never known each other..I need to get some money to go then!I lived in Sydney for one year and I think Australia it's a wonderful place...*sigh*..if I was rich I would spend my money travelling....two years ago we made a tour of Germany and we had so much fun cause first of all I don't speak a bloody word of german..just " Danke"...and they use to drink a lot so we were always drunk!!!..nice time..you know for us is quite easy to travel in Europe... :-)))
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-24 19:56:48
Ya I know, when I first saw "El Capitan" Mountain and" Half Dome", my mouth dropped!! Pictures do not do it justice. There is a road that you wind your way up to and when you go through this one mountain side tunnel,at the other end of it, that is the first thing you see!! It was snowing at the time. Stunning. I love to travel as well and we tried to make good use of our time when we lived in France. Most French people we knew could not believe we went to all the place we did in the two years we were there. Here is my list: our first trip was to England/London,then Rome,Florence,and Venice,then we went to Stockholm Sweden,Scotland,Amsterdam,Belgium,Germany,Then many many regions of France. Our last trip before we moved was to Strasbourg,then Germany. Then we took a trip to the south of France to Provence and also the Lot region. Other trips in France were to The Loire valley,Burgandy, Normandy,Brittany,and others that slip my mind at the moment. If I were European, I would be all over the place visiting,since you have all those good deals on flights. Here in the States it is so darn big that it is more expensive to fly and it takes forever to drive. California for example is so big that it takes forever to drive around the state!! If you get to come to California,go to Yosemite and check out San Francisco. I personally love northern Cal more than Southern. Just a personal choice.
From: Lucia on 2005-08-24 20:51:36
...wow..you visited more europe than me!...but forgive me Oct you missed one...Ireland!.. :-)))..anyway..I look forward to come to Usa and meet the american part of my family...it is gonna take me at least two months!!...and I look forward to "my" muffins!! :-PPPPP
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-25 02:32:36
Hey, LuciaOnly one member of our family did go to Ireland and it was my oldest daughter. She had an internet romance going with a young guy that lived outside Dublin about 30 min. And she went to visit him. So one of us did go :) This guy was a music nut and saw Bono on several occations in Dublin at the Bar/Restaurant Bono owned. You will have loads of fun when you come,do you ahve dates yet or is it in the planning stage?
From: sushi on 2005-08-25 08:20:58
*boomie magically appears at the Lisbon concert and as Bono struts so sexily like this she shouts at him* "OH EDGE LOOK I'M TRYING TO BE AS COOL AS YOU BUT HONESTLY I SUCK!!" to which Bono stops, glares at her and continues his sexy strut, this time towards her, he does his best attempt at being threatening (which I think he stupendously conquers) and says without talking "You wanna piece of me Boomie?! Cause I'll give it to ya!!" with this he breaks out into a run charging towards the stupefied Boomie the rest of the crowd instinctively moves away from Bono's jumping spot which *happens* (coughcough) to be right where Boomie is standing, frozen.. and I will let your imaginations finish the story!! ^^ =P
From: Lucia on 2005-08-25 09:55:30
...It's planning stage Oct but it should be on summer '06...after Dublin and Ireland on spring 06....I should find out which bars and restaurants B owns so I could think of something ...hihi...you know last night I was watching the videos of Milan (on this site by KZ) and it was funny because B was joking about "bono" meaning in italian...*sigh*...is there any tickets left in Us?..well I bet it's sold out...as always...I bought my ticket last february and I was lucky then cause they were sold out in two hours!!!When I spoke to my cousin David he told me that's he going to u2 shows in L.A...both shows......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....if he had a ticket for me I would have come..I swear! :-))))))))
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-25 17:53:20
When we bought our tickets for the April show, we went on line when they opened up,and within 3 min they were sold out. We got tickets,but we didn't dare try to get better onesfor fear we would get nothing instead!!!!!!!! I tried to get tickets for the one in November and it was all sold out. Then I got an e-mail from Ticketmaster saying they had some more to sell. They aren't great seats like I have been saying,but oh well.Maybe whomever your cousin is going with will not be able to go and you could fill in :)
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-25 18:26:48
Great story Sushi :) glad your back.
From: ingrid on 2005-08-27 20:18:58
I'm sorry to say this, but bono looks very horny in this pic...look at his mouth..btw lucia, thanks for making my day! I'm going to italy with school in october! I'm sure going to look for clothes of that designer!
From: Lucia on 2005-08-27 20:38:46
..Hi Ingrid..:-)) I'm glad I did make your day....anyway I'll try to know more about this guy and were you can buy his jackets...even if they should be quite expensive!!!...
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-27 21:10:29
I'm going to google him... and Try to look for a spot in rome to find it... I dun care bout the money^^ I get money to buy clothes apart from pocket money, so If it's below 100 € I think I can afford it! oh wow... imagine, I could be wearing the same jackett as Bono... kay not exactly the same*would be even better* but stilll....
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-27 22:40:43
okay there goes my dream!the one he's wearing now.. is 1500€ or something like it.. it's french so I can't really get it..anyways here's his site(Italian) and the jackett http://www.previewmilano.it/it/colluomo1.htmlThe site where I found the price(french)http://www.info.u2france.com/article.php3?id_article=7969
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-27 23:01:58
here's the translation of the price part of the article(long live french friends) david reveals that each jacket worths about 1500, which is not a lot considering we need 800 of leather and 300 of tissue to make one
From: sushi on 2005-08-27 23:35:24
OMG HI Ingrid great to have you back!! *hugs* Did you have a good time? I already forgot where you went... O.o sorry... I've been caught up in my own vacation! How are you hun?? =D *morehugs*
From: Lucia on 2005-08-28 01:32:25
..jeez..I supposed was that expensive!...anyway I'll try to have a look here in rome shops...ok?....hugs!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-28 16:31:12
ty very much lucia! lemme know if I can get you something dutchie^^sushi, your name allways makes me hungry!(okay maybe the pictures of bono a bit too.....;)) I went to france*YAWN!* and it was boring,.. next year I'm allowed to stay home alone... mohaa that's gonna be heaven... now listening to Beautiful day Live8... it's still my favorite song!
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-28 19:35:27
I agree Ingrid, I think he has that certain swagger and look about him. HOT HOT. I started to giggle a bit when you thought you would get a jacket of the same designer as Bono. Can you imagine Bono wearing anything that is under 100 euros? Don't take it wrong, I just thought it was cute. When I first read that you wanted to get one, I said wow, she must have the bucks,because I thought that they would be in the thousands. What part of France did you go to Ingrid? Where in the Netherlands do you come from? We drove from Paris to Amsterdam last year and had a great time, it took about 6+ hours though.
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-29 17:15:00
lol I live 20 km near amsterdam, to the east...and my holiday was in the Loire, near Tours, 200 km under paris...
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-29 17:55:16
I love the Loire valley, but I can see how it could get boring for a teenager. I have been there always on the off peak time,once in October and the next time it was in cold, cold February!! Our French friends thought we were super crazy going there at that time,but it was fun. Although Chateau Chambord was soooo damn cold I thought I was going to die. I really liked Amsterdam also and we had a great time. I love Dutch painting and studied it when I was in University. All the Vermeer Paintings had my head swimming. Those paintings are something else!!!!!! :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-29 21:58:32
ghihi do you know who else loves dutchieland? our holy mr B!but I am not really into culture these days.. I like to be left alone, on pc, gameboy, or drawing.,... but I can only draw when theres nobody around... if people are near me, or looking over my shoulders, without me noticing.. I can feel they are.. Iono why, but I can't draw anymore then... that's why I didnt make much this holidays.. only had 2/3 days off.. I usually take a week or more for a drawing.. ok I started Joshua tree bono, but I'm searching for energy to continue,guess I'm too lazy...
From: sushi on 2005-08-30 03:57:03
Ingrid I'm the same way, i can't draw when someone's watching me, which is why vacations are a bad time for me to draw... O.o too many people around!! I didn't get much done in terms of drawing over my vacation. Oh well...
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-30 19:30:04
You guys need to take a life drawing class to really get the meaning of people watching you. In my life drawing class the teacher circled around all the time watching you and you already feel embarassed because you are staring at a naked person and drawing them. My favorite story about that class it the guy model that we had sometimes. I really hated drwing this guy because he was a buffed out swimmer and it was very tough to draw all those muscles!! The next class I had was swimming. I would see the same guy,since he was a student assistant for the class. His face would turn Beet red when he saw me, since I knew what was under the speedo :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-30 19:33:42
rofl this picture makes me laugh every time I see it, and your story also did ALOT oct! ghehehe I'm sure it would be tough to focus on such a model! was he hot rofl? I'm not doing drawing class since I can't do that on my school, only had it in the first two years, but I still have good contacts with my teacher, very cool guy! and I think every painter/drawer has the same thing... you should only look at someone others work when it's finished...
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-30 19:33:51
rofl this picture makes me laugh every time I see it, and your story also did ALOT oct! ghehehe I'm sure it would be tough to focus on such a model! was he hot rofl? I'm not doing drawing class since I can't do that on my school, only had it in the first two years, but I still have good contacts with my teacher, very cool guy! and I think every painter/drawer has the same thing... you should only look at someone others work when it's finished...
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-30 20:01:55
I took that class in University as I have a fine art degree,in studio work. He was kind of cute. He had red hair,and for a red head he was cute. no offence to red heads but you have to have a good combo of eye color and the right shade of red hair to be cute to me.
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-30 20:15:19
lol, I wonder what would've happened if they didnt kick bono out of art class..... maybe he'd be a famous painter now instead of our rockgod!
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-31 01:37:10
Well, he has had shows of his work you know, he still paints. No doubt though,he probably would have been a famous painter!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-31 20:53:06
but what I actually lolled over in the book.... he is quite like me... he prefers to draw over painting! I adore his Peter and the wolf drawings, and the paintings!
From: Octu2 / Where are you Soulcat ,We miss you!! on 2005-09-01 02:15:08
I prefer to draw as well, Painting and I do not get along:) my other passion is photography,and if I had seats at the November concert that were good enough, you would see my photos on here. But my seats are way up high,so I don't hink I could get interesting ones.
From: Lucia on 2005-09-01 11:09:20
Oct....you know something?...we are thinking to buy tickets for u2 shows in boston on Nov 4 and 5 with Estours,there are some avaliable for GA...we are making a plan with my friend Barbara and how much it would cost to us.....tell me more about u2 shows in Usa.....that would be indoor right?...funny funny funny....I've always seen u2 show in open stadium with at least 70.000 people...I hope Estours is gonna accept our order... :-))))
From: Lucia on 2005-09-01 11:16:19
..opps...I meant Boston shows on Dec 4 and 5....
From: Octu2 / Where are you Soulcat ,We miss you!! on 2005-09-01 18:29:26
If it is like here in California, You get a seat number and that is where you go. There is still a line outside, but at ours we just went to the front,and had dinner at the arena,then casually went in . There are GA tickets and those are the ones around the stage, there are two sections though. Check out some of the pictures back when they started,in the spring, and you will understand better. They have security,so you can't really get too close unless you have those tickets. From what I hear, the ones in Europe where first come first serve? Seems like that would cause a stampede!!! That would be great if you could go, keep us posted!
From: Ingrid // Soulie if you are alive SPEAK on 2005-09-01 20:20:55
yeah in america was also a bomb shelter, wich wasnt in europe... here you had seating tickets, and standing, and for standing it was first come first stands... so you had to run like maniacs prolly... ARGH and I still remember this because I studied everything SINCE I COULDNT GET TICKETS... wich frustrates me... now I'll never see bono live!
From: Lucia on 2005-09-02 11:39:29
the tickets are for the G.A...but the guide tells that there's dinner before about 4 p.m. and the shows starts at 7 p.m.....I saw the picture of 1st leg shows and the 2 sections...my question is if you can get a nice spot,it sounds me so weird that you go to the arena just two hours before!..in Italy people was outside the GA gate from the day before!!!..I got there the early morning and I got the bomb shelter...I run as a gazelle though...we were thinking of both boston shows and buffalo..(we are completely out of our mind!) ...that would be absolutely fanstatic to see U2 in Us indoor tour and it would be great to visit these cities as well...my aunt lives in las Vegas and she told me to get their show in mgm hotel but it is too far!..you know the east coast is "closer" for us...I will let you know...but I can tell you it would be totally funny!!!!! :-)))))
From: Lucia on 2005-09-02 16:12:03
...I can't beleive it!!...I really did it....well Lucia will be on her way to boston for Dec 4 and 5 U2 shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....I could not way 4 years!
From: Octu2 / Where are you Soulcat ,We miss you!! on 2005-09-02 19:52:40
I'm so excited for you Lucia. You will have a blast. Boston concerts always look very fun. They did a DVD of the Boston Elevation one. So you are going to a good spot girl!!
From: Ingrid // Soulie if you are alive SPEAK on 2005-09-02 20:36:10
wow lucia, congratz! And remember, make some GREAT bono pictures for this poor girl who isnt able to get to a single show......btw.. this picture... it has something with it... the way he walks, and looks... It makes me laugh...and I can't stop lauging ^^ but it's in a positive way.. my mom said once that I was watching the All because of you documentory on Mtv last december or whenever it was broadcasted(NEW SINGLE YEAH) I was watching that with thee biggest smile on my face she'd ever seen:P I allways get a big smile when I see him ^^
From: Lucia on 2005-09-02 21:56:24
..well Oct I'm so excited too!I paid today with the credit card and they're going to send me the voucher...I booked the GA tickets...gawddd...what can I say?I don't know...I tell you I could not wait 4 years to see them again...but you know something?on italian u2 site there's the rumours that maybe U2 will play next december in Rome for the pope at Christmas concert in the Vatican city...can you imaging that?Fortunately I have a friend who works in vatican and she told me that the rumours could be true....and it is free!the only big problem is to get a ticket...but anyway I will go looking for the hotel again!...for sure I will try to get the best spot..what Oct if I write a poster like..."hey I have come from Italy...could you pull me up?"..hahaha..joking..you know there's a lot of people coming from here for the Us shows...Ingrid I'll do my best for the picture...do you want to come with me?
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-03 19:46:11
lol I'd LOVE to... but how?,.. I'm still in highschool, and I'm only 16.. my parents are never letting me go to america on my own, with somebody I only know from the internet..... ^^ ok I wouldn't let my child go tho, I'd join it and would see them!
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-03 21:17:27
Hey Lucia, can't wait to hear all you stories like I said,and also that would be cool to see them in Rome again. Keep us posted on that rumor. Hope you didn't get too much into debt coming over here.:) You are going to have so much fun though.
From: Lucia to Ingrid on 2005-09-04 01:20:33
...but you can tell your parents I'm a very nice person...never been in jail,don't drink,don't smoke...I'm just a little bit out of my mind! :-)))..that's the real problem but it never hurted anyone...btw I can understand problem with your age,on my first U2 show-the zooropa 93-I was 16 and it was so hard to convince my mum,I spent the all day outside the stadium and I got the front stage but I was with my cousin -older than me - and we had such a great time..you know I've got picture of that show and I think I'm going to send them to Matt as soon as possible...the funny thing is that always in 93 we visited Holland and I had such a great time...Amsterdam is such a beautiful city..and I really enjoyed all the hot chocolate milks I had!... :-))
From: Lucia to Oct- SOULIE where are you? on 2005-09-04 01:40:33
...Oct for sure if you spend a week in mediterrenean beach places in italy it's gonna cost you the same.....or more..anyway I should afford it otherwise I'm gonna rob a bank and then ask political asilium to Us..hihihi..what do you think?...I'm so excited to do this great experience,from what I heard Boston sounds such a great place to visit...we say in Italy..you have just ONE life to live...don't miss the train!!...is it the same for americans?...WHEN " U2" COME TO TOWN I'M GONNA JUMP THAT TRAIN....WHEN U2 COME TO TOWN I'M GONNA CATCH THAT FLAME....hihihi...there's people from here that are going to U2 shows in New York in october and I look forward to hear their stories about it..they bought the GA tickets from Ets tours as well....I'll keep an eye ( I'll say 2 eyes opened) on that rumor....oh I just love the Pope!!!...hihihi
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-04 14:32:27
YOU...LOVE....THE...POPE... :|he's scary!!!!!I liked the old one, he was cooL! I still want to see pictures of John Paul II with bono's shades on!man my sister was cold on holidays in france, so she asked for Chocola chaud avec chantilly*hot chocolatemilk*with whipped cream*... the lady was looking at her like..wtf? they didnt know it there, was very funny:p But uhh my parents are naïve.. they think I never drink too... and well, in holland it's legal at 16... let's say I'm not really legal... rofl.. but still, I have to go to school, and I have never been on a plane... so I am quite sure they'd never let me go! the only way to be there, is to make bono pick me up in his private jet! can you ask him that if you meet him? something like "hey bono, there's a dutch girl, who wanted to go to your concert badly, but she couldnt get a ticket, and her parents didnt want to let her go to america by herself, they said that only if you came to pick her up, they'd let her go.. will you do that pleeaassee?"
From: Lucia - SOULIE where are you? on 2005-09-04 15:36:41
..hahaha..Ingrid..that would be nice..but would you allow me on the jet too?..and maybe we could dress like those japanese girls - geisha??- or smtg like that and make him some nice service...hihihi...anyway Don't worry about seeing Bono on a live show but next time when you'll hear about a new tour....move up!!..login in some dutch u2 website...that's useful....about the Pope I just adored John Paul II..I have a picture with him when he came visiting our church years ago..you know in Rome we do love the Pope cause it is very important authority here...it's like the president in Us or Queen Elisabeth in england...last night Elton John made a free concert here in Rome in the very ancient part of the city..but I could not go cause I'm sick!!! :-((((
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-04 19:20:31
okay some weird thought came up in my mind reading the dressed parts of your story... sure you'd be allowed in... but I would be bono's no1 helper, I'd give him anything he wants, except for the thing that he wants, he is the first one, of his kind ^^ ohh and what is your opinion of the new pope>?
From: Lucia on 2005-09-04 19:48:17
...Pope Ratzinger is for sure a nice person..sweet and kind..but I think he's just temporary...John Paul II was with us for such a long time that my mind always goes on him....can't forget B'imitation of JP II wicked face when he gave him his shades....what a beautiful man...
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-04 20:40:18
do you have any pictures of that? bono said also in the book that the pontiff had the most evil grin on his face:p and I soo want to see that! also a bono imitating him would be very cool tho ^^
From: Lucia on 2005-09-05 00:24:03
no pic but if you see those taken by Matthias from Rome there's a video in which he speaks about that time with JPII and imitates his face....nice moment!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-05 17:50:16
lol that vid is awesome! he's really cute! btw why are vids so big? 24 MB or so for 1.09 minutes...
From: Lucia on 2005-09-05 22:33:36
Ing...a present for you...go on www.u2place.com..click on "speciale milano II" and "speciale roma" and you will find and listen all the 2 concerts...amazing history!... :-)))
From: Ingrid O_O on 2005-09-05 22:43:53
omg lucia THANK YOU!!!!this is heaven for somebody who's never seen them live before! wow I'm checking rome first!
From: Lucia on 2005-09-05 22:58:45
..oh yeah I'll go for Rome...but the sound of second Milan is much better...enjoy it!!p.s. at the beginnig of elevation in rome is that one when he pulled up the guy with the white hat (i was behind him check pic from Matt and Martin) and he says.."tonight irish and italians are going to fall in love"...bono asked him to translate these words...
From: Lucia on 2005-09-06 12:25:27
HEY Ing...did you get the concerts?....
From: Ingrid Sushi CHECK THIS!!!!! on 2005-09-06 15:37:27
yes the downing took time... had to sleep... I am listening now... THIS QUALITY IS SUPERB!!! I never expected this! and I love it! thank you SO much *hugs*Sushi... this is awesome... 2.24.09 (H/m/s) of U2 Live... I'm lovin it!
From: Lucia on 2005-09-06 16:30:17
well I'm happy to hear that....there's a great audience what do you think?:-)))
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-06 17:00:25
lol I'm still not done, but what's that thing with the encores, at the far end of one, after bono's speech.. before zoostation... it sounds like a casino machine or so!
From: Lucia on 2005-09-06 17:22:36
..if it's rome that was the audience.....singing..ooohhooo (vertigo)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-06 17:25:24
no I mean after One, before Zoostation(encore1) there are alot of mechanical sounds wich sound like a casino machine, with the fruits stuff y'know? what are those... sniff, now listenig to Yahweh.. only two songs, and then it's over... tonight I'll download milan2.. then I'll hear it tomorrow... my pc can't handle much...lol ok I"m going to down it right away.. I'm tooo curious~!
From: Lucia on 2005-09-06 18:31:50
..oh now I got it....that was the beginning of zoo tour like in 93..show started with those technical sounds,the stage was built with lots of tv..oh I miss that one...and they did it again..not like zoo tv but very close to it...go and check some pics from zoo tour....I told you sounds of Milan II is much better,at the beginning of elevation he says "stasera facciamo l'amore..." which means "tonight let's make love..." and then he says "bono...bono...sexy person..." coz in italia bono means sexy and he was joking on that and started dancing so sexy....but I tell you more..if you go on Milan I there's the video of Sometimes ...fantastic but I stop here...there will be a surprise....on what our audience prepared for him....have fun! :-)))
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-06 19:53:19
Teh Electric cooolol I am listening milan now... where's that vid O_O
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-06 20:00:01
rofl now listening Elevation... he has a great italian accent ^^"I can't dance, Irish, Irish ppl can't dance... teach me how to dance" gawd he's too cute this tour!
From: sushi on 2005-09-07 00:45:32
*dies**comes back to life**dies again*OMG... listen.. to.. all the ...concerts!! *dies*Is there a place where I can listen/watch Seattle Key Arena April 25??? *dies of anticipation**dies**dies*
From: Lucia on 2005-09-07 10:35:59
Ing..go on "speciale milano I" then click on Sometimes....video...go for it and then you will see what auduence prepared for bono....stunning stuff!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-07 16:40:14
did anyone keep a list of sushi's deads?hm its not very clear lucia, but before sometimes on milano II he thanked the audience for yesterday, so I think he saw it!I got the joshua tree, and I must say, I am a little bit dissapointed... Exit, Running to stand still, in gods country... I heard them on R&H dvd first... and they are soo much better on that.. I love exit.. but the album version,... is different! but the rest is awesome so I'm happy ^^
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-07 18:02:16
How could you not like Joshua Tree? With or with out you? etc.... Oh well to each his own. Have you ever seen the with or with out you video? You may change you mind about the Joshua Tree era :) I love Achtung Baby the best, but Joshua Tree is pretty far up there. Do me a favor and try not to say" Awesome." You should hear how over used it is in the US and how retarded it sounds when even adults use it. It is one of those words that sends me over the edge when I hear it.
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-07 18:09:20
okay oct, it's an Extraordinary album!and I didnt include Streets, WoWY, ISHFWILF, Bullet the blue sky, because I allready knew them from the best off and Bullet I got from a friend.. well and I LOVE those songs! Absolutely... and WoWY, that vid.. .it's sooo cute.. at Mtv top 11 at 11@u2.. was last week or so.. WoWy was uh 4th I thought... and on no 1.. One, the DRAG QUEEN VERSION!! man I rofled soo much there... I love that vid! Bono is so adorable there, especially the way he treats his guitar! but don't get me wrong... When I was not into music, and got HTDAAB, I was like.. ok they're ok.. and I have that with every album I listen to the first time, except Achtung Baby and Best of 1980-90.. I was Wow. blown away by them... and with the rest.. I have to listen to more of it, to Love it.. don't get me wrong, I absolutely like it ALOT! but the special feelings gets me when I hear it more... I guess I have a bono infection, since he says similiar things about u2 songs... (vertigo)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-07 18:10:34
oh and one thing... the JT era is MY FAVE!!!! I love the band's looks, the way they acted.. especially bono's looks... It's my most favo era! *droolz away by JT bono*
From: Lucia on 2005-09-07 18:48:56
...jeez..Oct that video is beautiful!...and Bono is so bono....well AB is my favourite too and I miss that period..can't forget the zoo tour show...
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-07 19:59:59
I remember when that video first came out and I was sitting up late at night feeding my oldest daughter as a baby. 1986 I think it came out. I could not get enough of that video.
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-07 20:07:53
*sniff* and YOU have been there those days... with the most beautiful bono around... I wasnt even on the drawing board back then!!!!
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-07 20:40:13
Yep, since he is only two years older than I am, I've been there through all the young days as well as now, when they still are sexy.He and Ali got married only one year before my husband and I.
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-07 20:53:48
ohh my parents got married in '87.... that year is heaven for me ^^ and two years later I was there...
From: Lucia on 2005-09-07 22:08:07
..but my affection goes to All I want is you video because was shoot here in Rome....on the beach of Ostia,just 2 miles from my house...you know the scene of the funeral?..that was the church where I was baptised..quite amazing thing....
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-08 15:00:30
I saw it on mtv a week ago.. I didnt really got it.. :S first I thought it was the midget who died, and afterwards you see him walking from mthe graves :S
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-08 18:02:32
That is a cool video,and you really never know where it is filmed. Thanks for telling us about it Lucia.
From: Lucia on 2005-09-08 18:36:55
well oct that was the church...and everyone of the roman u2 fans knows it...I just got it a year ago
From: Ingrid has some awesome vids to show! on 2005-09-08 19:18:48
http://www.u2emporium.com/downloads_videos.htmthere's one from ZooTv! Stockholm 92.. dancing queen with the males from Abba and u2.. gawd bono's voice is sooo deep there... and there's something with his earring at the end of the song or such "we have an INJURY here"... and there are many more! you should just watch them, sadly they're very short... well most of them
From: fanny on 2005-09-08 21:29:27
hi Ingrid! I tried to watch some of the videos but it says you got to buy them first? what should I do?hugs to you!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-09 16:06:35
nub you pressed the wrong button! don't click on the text, you have to click on the picture.. then mediaplayer or stream audio will popup ^^
From: fanny on 2005-09-09 16:14:33
oh..jeez,I feel so smart now,hehe=)
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-09 16:19:07
lol it's okay, I had it the first time.. but I was like wtf I want to see that, so I tried the picture, and voila! ^^ the first one is mean tho, cuz there's no shirtless bono in the vid!!!:( the ones from elevation are quite, big.. I liked New York live.. and the tour over the heart with the fireman, that one's very interesting.. and bono running from them in the end;) ghehe
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-09 21:46:33
That was a fun site, Thanks Ingrid!!