U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85294237 views.
Photo by Knappevent / [email protected]
rating : 6.7 with 16 vote(s)

Minolta DiMAGE 5
1/80s f/f/3.4 at 47.56mm (35mm equiv: 230mm) iso 200 with flash
1/80s f/f/3.4 at 47.56mm (35mm equiv: 230mm) iso 200 with flash
Chicago, Illinois
Exif.Make | Minolta |
Exif.Model | DiMAGE 5 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/80 |
Exif.FNumber | f/3.4 |
Exif.FocalLength | 47.56 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 230 |
Exif.ISO | 200 |
Exif.Flash | 1 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-09-22 06:02:02 |
Iptc.Copyright | Knappevent / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Knappevent / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Chicago |
Iptc.CountryName | Illinois |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050921 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-28 12:47:52
BIG SCREAM..... yeppa here's my desk top ....oh I do love this one....so big and beautiful it looks on my puter... woot ..his stillness and focus drives me absolutely crazy insane...*kitty wipes slobbylips* ...Knapper this does it big time for me *hands Knapper blue ribbon*......RWAAARRR
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-28 17:43:53
we should knight him in the order of u2photographer greatness! AND MY DESKTOP IS TOO SMALL FOR THESE PICS >< lol... and I don't think my parents would like it... ;)
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-28 19:50:56
I'm right there with you /soulcat. These B&W are doing something to me that is not easily explained.As you have heard me going on and on about though,black and whites rule in my book. Color can sometimes be a distraction. Maybe that is why these are making us feel the way we are feeling about them, you can focus on the subject a lot better!! Ingrid, I'm not convinced that these beauties would not look fantastic in some simple black frames all in a row, like in a museum. i'v hung many art shows and the black and whites are the most stunning in a room by far. I hope I can convince you :)
From: Susanne on 2005-09-28 20:07:50
Ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmymohmy.............. Nononono, this is "the" hot one, I can't stop staring at this...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-29 06:09:51
Me neither Susanne.....*stares stares*.... grrrr
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-09-29 08:14:32
anyone know what wrist band Bono is wearing , he has the ONE band on but what is the other?
From: Ingird on 2005-09-29 17:58:59
Iono, it's some orange/reddish thing... and oct... after seeing these, I truly apreciate the black n white.. I love them... but I think in colour, you can Identify it a little more... iono
From: Susanne on 2005-09-29 18:01:02
Hihiiiihiii... Still staring this picture... With Soulcatgirl...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-29 18:04:11
Kitty and Susanne grab pillows scoot right under Bono and stare stare stare...til our eyeballs fallout....and still stare.....grrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-29 18:33:20
I can't figure it out either Trin. It looked orange in one of the colored ones. I don't know of any other charity that has an orange one so I'm guessing it could have something to do with the concert,but why would he need one? This is a puzzler for sure.
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-29 19:07:57
wow... I think I could spent hours trying to see all the different reflections in his shades...... and I would definately not mind spending some days in counting his chest hairs;) so bono,.. you know what to do!
From: Susanne on 2005-09-29 19:12:37
Well nice to you to pop by... I wonder, did everybody else leave already? I'm doing my history course about Cold War (the course is a net course) and that's why and go and come back all the time.... Hmm, have to do little reading about Stalin soon...
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-29 19:14:14
well I was having dinner, and goin to my granny soon, barely time for school left, and I am suffering something like insomnia... well not quite, but I wake up in the middle of the night(sometimes around 1, sometimes around 3/4, this morning 6) and I can't sleep after that... I sleep at school instead;) oh If I could, yes I would, if I could, I'd sleep, at night... teehee it fits in the lyric;)
From: boomcha on 2005-09-30 00:13:15
*Boomie grabs pillow and blanket and stares together with Kitty and Susi* *starestarestare*
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-30 04:44:36
Kitty runs and gets munchies....*he makes me sooooo hungry* lol.....climbs between Boomie Susanne, and Ingrid...passes popcorn ....*staresstaresstares*
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-30 16:33:09
soulie, don't get me started about food.. I am starving!~.... lol I eat A LOT(Look oct! I put a space in between!)lol I am like, hungry all the time... but I don't get fat of it ^^ so pass me the popcorn and let's stare till the end of the world!
From: Susanne on 2005-09-30 16:36:24
Susanne gives Ingrid some pizza and goes back to stare the mystical man with Soulie and Boomie... After a while Ingrid joins them.... And they stare and stare and stare.... Continues in the next part...
From: Susanne on 2005-09-30 16:38:50
And BOOMCHA, it took me for a while to realize you ment me when you wrote "Susi". There's nothing wrong in that, it's just that in finnish "susi" means "wolf". Susi the wolfie, hihii...
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-30 17:11:43
Hey, scoot over and give me some room and a bite of popcorn. Sushi would love that if she reads this Susanne:) Crazy little sushi wolf!!!Wouldn't you love to have a staring contest with the b-man.
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-30 17:19:53
*hands popcorn to oct*OKAY FREE POPCORN FOR EVERYONE!!!my dad just got thee best news of his life! after two years of unemployment he got a new job!!!! he's 52 so not many ppl want him, cuz he's expensive... but he got a job as manager of a wine store ^^ that's his specialty, and he'll work in amsterdam! maybe bono'll visit the store someday!
From: Susanne on 2005-09-30 17:23:24
That's nice news, Ingrid! :) If I ever come to Amsterdam, I try to find that wine stor of yours...And Octu2, don't eat all the popcorns!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-30 17:24:56
gawd I lost my apetite... we're eating indonesian, Bami... and I hate that... anyway I'm happy ^^
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-30 18:12:22
When we went to Amsterdam we had some indonesian food. It wasn't bad, but boy was it spicy with a capitol SSSS
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-30 19:44:58
hehe sambal;) but indonesian is supposed to be spicy... I like chinese food, I like that alot... I just hate Bami... and now I'm terribly hungry... :(
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-02 01:32:23
do tell what Bami is. I know it was suppose to be spicy,but,as Sushi would say"HOLY HELL FIRE IN A BOTTLE" that stuff is not eatable!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-02 17:32:17
I can live with the spicy, but the taste! EWWWW, I hate it sooo much~!btw... I just found something new out in this pic ^^ check 'thee' hand;) it's veery close this time I say!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-02 18:47:43
...Almost there... Almost there...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-02 18:53:03
hm I'm listening to this version of Don't come knockin (just 45 secs) on u2.com... pretty song! I like andrea corrs voice!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-02 19:11:51
Ojj.. Are they going to play it in radio? I can't hear that song from internet, since I don't have that "sound card-system".
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-02 19:47:54
no idea, Well yyou could go watch the movie;) hmm now playin: Summer wine video... They have great closeups of bono's scruffy chin here... I love it! and am I the only one thinking that Andrea corr looks a bit like Ali?
From: fanny on 2005-10-02 19:49:10
yeah,Ingrid I thought of that too..Andrea looks like Ali!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-02 19:51:28
yeah and have you seen that pic of Bono and JoJo at the Troy premiere, she looks alot like her mom and andrea too!... lol maybe Ali and andrea are family somehow.... would be a funny thing!
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-03 05:01:54
I'm telling you, if you watch the movie that I saw with Andrea in it ,you would think so different on her looks. Ali I would have to say is a bit more pretty than Andrea. The Irish all have a certain Look ,just like all the other European countries. The Dutch look a certain way and so do the French and German etc....In The U.S. We are so mixed that that it is hard to tell where anybody ever came from. That is what i loved about going to all the countries in Europe,people still looked like the people in some of the old paintings in the museums. OK now i'm rambling, All I wanted to say was ,I really don't think they look a like and I think Ali is much prettier after I saw Andrea in that movie she did caled "The Boys and girl of County Clare".
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 17:02:10
lol we dutchies look the same???? have you ever seen how many diff ppl we have here! he he, and I've never seen an irishman looking like any of the bandmembers... however, Paul McGuiness has that, familiar look....
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-03 17:35:03
Ingrid , I knew that would be your response. It is because you live there and don't see it. As an outsider I can see it switching every time we changed borders in our travels. It is so neat though. It is like Asian people also, it wasn't until I moved to the area I live,where there are a lot of asian people did I notice the different look from Chinese to Japanese to Korean. They all have a certain look or features that distinguish them. What do you think an average American looks like? Here in the States, you can kind of see where people originally came from i.e. Europe,when you go to different areas of the country. Like on the East coast you see a lot of Irish, English,Italian. In the mid west the Scandanavian's tend to settle there and you can see all the blond people there. I'm not saying that every single person looks the same ,But that is what I noticed, the features in each country and how different they were from their neighboring friends. Interesting.
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 17:37:49
true, but in holland we are very multicultural, so I know the diff between turk, marrocain, chinese, jap and korean and such.. cuz they all live here!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-03 17:38:52
Ohmigod, don't take me wrongly, but why people always think that scandinavians are blond?????????? Since they're not... Well, some of them are, not everybody though...And I have a bit hard to think what does an average American look like... You surely know who's American, when they walk in the middle of the Helsinki, but mostly after you hear them saying something... I guess Americans really are the people, who are mixture of little bit everything. And that's a good thing! :)
From: Susanne on 2005-10-03 18:08:49
Hmmm, I was thinking a bit more what I said those Scandinavians...It just that I had a bit hard day today, we got two American exchange students (from US) today as guests, and I had to show them around. And first thing the other said to me, in front of thirty people is: I always thought all the Scandinavians were blond" (my hair is brown). And well, that was a little funny argument, since Finland isn't a part of Scandinavia, and I tried to think, that it doesn't really matter a comment like that, you know, how could they know (and why should they), but it wasn't giving a very good picture about them, that they didn't even know where they actually were... And another comment I got as walking in the streets of Helsinki with them was: "Is this little town really your capital? How funny is that!". And I like to think they said it in the good way, but they didn't so... I'm bit frustrated now, sorry...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 19:48:32
huh, I thought finland was partly scandinavian... only the left half you know... the part attached to russia excluded... hmm.... I am blonde, and my name is scandinavian... lol... but I sure am a dutchie!
From: Susanne waves to Ingrid! on 2005-10-03 19:50:57
From: susanne on 2005-10-03 19:55:36
Damn... I'm getting very tired, I think I better go and get some sleep... Since this computer isn't doing anything I want...The only thing I wanted to say, was that I'm a bit of shame of my outburst, it really isn't that big a deal really, (and this certainly isn't the place to talk about such things) I guess I just got surprise about those girls attitude today... I have to meet them again tomorrow, and let's just hope I got them all wrong...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 20:11:06
hee hee I scrolled up for this pic,.... and landed on the hand... hee hee if you want to be hyper, check some nice u2 vids... well the Bono with the corrs vids make me very hyper duper ^^ np: Ultra Violet(light my way) Live at ZooTv tour ^^ bono's voice is sooo deep here.. love it!... that's the sad thing about it now... the fly.. it lost its magic... I love the album version, and this Zootv live version I have.. but the Vertigo tour live version... hm... It lost the shadowy darkness in bono's voice...
From: Octu2/This is for U2 Trinity on 2005-10-03 20:23:33
Sorry Susanne, I should have just said Sweden,since that is where I was. And I don't think in my life time I have seen that many Blond people all in one spot. But you're right, not all Scandanavians are blond. Sorry I should know that since my Husband spent a year in Sweden and his girlfriend there had beautiful brown hair. But you have to say that in Sweden they are mostly blond and so damn good looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys and gals there are so cute. We were hard pressed to find a really ugly swedish person. i'm biased though since I love Sweden. I even have a Volvo here in the states!! My husband and I are not typical Americans though as far as saying stupid random things like the ones you incountered. You could see all the stupid freak Americans in France, when I was living there. So friggin loud and retarded and the next ones that were so loud and abnoxious were the British. You could hear them a mile away. So I know your frustration with us. don't even apologize,because I feel bad I said that already about all blond. Dumb comment sorry. I think I'm not the typical American since my mom is from Panama and my dad is Canadian. my mom came to the states when she was twenty and so did my dad. So, I have a different upbringing than the average American. I find for instance that the average American is too permissive with their kids. Anyway, didn't mean to launch into a whole speech,just to say that I know what you mean and sorry about the blond thing I should have known better :(
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 20:30:12
oct that with the loud folks that's in every country... there are SUCH terrible dutchies, in salau and such places, mallorca... they just CANT behave.... really annoying...to be put in the same square as them
From: Susanne on 2005-10-04 18:21:02
Yes, that's true what Ingrid's saying. And you know, It really didn't matter which country these two where from, it didn't matter that they didn't know lot about my country, but the way they put it, their attitude and the way they were behaving... Well, today was my last they with those two girls, it didn't go better than yesterday, I'm a bit sad about that but what can I do... I'm kind of happy that I don't have to see them again anymore.And thank you Octu2 for your understanding, since I felt after writing that yesterday that I was highly overreacting and being a real idiot...But feeling better now, sometimes we just can't get in to the same level with somebody else.
From: HUGE U2 ALERT ALERT ALERT on 2005-10-05 01:35:29
Bump this title for every one PLEASE....THURSDAY NIGHT U2 IS GOING TO BE ON AN ALL NIGHT SHOW WITH CONAN..........EFFING UNBELIEVABLE.........HURRAH HURRAY......just found out ....sorry if somebody else posted it already .....gotta run be back later.....WOOT WOOT......hope Europeans get CONAN...praying you all do......LOVE FROM A SOULkitty........yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
From: HUGE U2 ALERT ALERT ALERT on 2005-10-05 09:11:17
From: Octu2/U2 on Conan O'Brian on 2005-10-05 18:51:29
Yes, soulkitty, I was typing away here yesterday morning,and heard it on the TV, I got so excited that it was on yesterday the 4th,that I wrote on here to watch it(on the 4th) and Mirosalva corrected me :) Had she not written that I would have been up like an idiot last night waiting for it. So make sure to watch on Thursday!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-05 19:44:54
ohhhh this is SO MEAN!!!!!!!! I WANNA SEE ITT OOOO!!!!! *sniff* they don't have such things in dutchieland!
From: knappevent on 2005-10-11 22:27:21
Oh oh.... gonna be generous again :SIngrid?.... We do have it in Dutchieland.. :-D don't snif around here... you've got my mail adres.. mail your post adres and i'll send you a downloaded copy of the show.. for free :-D... dutch to dutch ;-) LOL... its a LOVELY show... believe me... i'll send you a dvd of the openening night in San Diego as well with it... and THATS a teaser to watch till the real one comes out! WOW... hasn't been out of my dvd player since i've got it... ow... The Toronto show audio as well along with the first two?? Just name it... sounds even better than the silver discs from Amsterdam..
From: Soulcatgirl To Knapp who has ONE FOR INGRID on 2005-10-11 23:18:32
Hey Knappe I have two San Diego DVD opening shows and they are the bomb.....really awesome ..I wonder if we have the same copies??????? Sound is super and vid superior too... What are the siverdisc's from Amsterdam? .....grrrr
From: Ingrid OMG *faints* Knappe, you are my hero!!! on 2005-10-12 17:41:59
wow, I love you ;) lol well I'll send you my adress, but I hope my parents aren't gonna freak out that when I'm in rome, there will be a BIG mail for me... ghehe I wanna see the look on their faces.... will it fit in an envelope? cuz at daytime theres nobody home hrer ghehe... ohhhh I wish I didn't have to go to rome! I know it's gonna be great, but I'll miss sooo much! but when I come back I"m not comin out of my room the first days, and it's holiday for a week, so I'll have some time, for your dvds and the special edition of HTDAAB ^^
From: Ingrid ^^ knappe=my herooo! on 2005-10-12 17:43:24
oh and if you have it, the berlin show, with the shoe thingy? and if you want something as a reward, I don't mind really! you are my hero ^^
From: sushi for Knappe on 2005-10-12 18:29:08
UMM... HELLO!DVDS ARE FLYING LEFT AND RIGHT AND I JUST NOW FOUND OUT ABOUT IT?!WHAT IS THIS?! WHO'S RUNNING THIS FACILITY?!So... Knappe is sending DVDs to people... hehe... umm... so I just send you my address and I'll get DVDs? Pleaasseeeee tell me this is the case... hehe... ummm yaaaaaahhahahhaa!! Hahh... I'm hyper right now And I'm on restriction from the puter, the only reason I'm on is cause i'm in computers class at school ^^KNAPPE!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 18:51:38
well maybe it's less expensive to let soulie send them to you... you live far far away in america... knappe and I live in dutchieland, so that's not that far away... I hope I can get them when I return from rome... sure love to see them!
From: knappevent on 2005-10-12 21:40:25
Got the adres..... will make it Ingrid... just enjoy Rome... 've been there 2 years ago... old sh*t over there, but you can learn a lot of the past, that's for sure...Got the Berlin show on audio.... **Litlle story**Since my wife just don't like to go to concerts at all, i've found a dutch woman who will is even more mad than me from U2. She's traveling everywhere, America, Berlin, etc, etc... I was in America with her and stayed over in the house of an American penfriend who she has found through Propaganda. **End litlle story**So fot this generous reason, to help a dutch girlie... i´ll send the DVD´s and the audio..
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 21:42:26
you know I love you donh't ya;) you're my true hero next to bono and matt from now on!! ^^ ohhh I can't wait to return from Rome!!! ghehe wonder what my parents will say.. omg wich idiot gives adress to some random guy on the internet??? it could be a stalker!! hehe yes, I wouldn't mind if you'd stalk me with u2 material^^
From: knappe to Sushi on 2005-10-12 21:43:15
Even if i wanted... most of the dvd's are in PAL, the European standard and not in NTSC.. i have downloaded this program to convert is, but i still must find out how.. i did make some dvd's fot the American Girlfriend (c previous post) and 50% of them didn't work :'( (but some did ;-) LOL and she was HAPPY!!!)
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-13 01:04:26
music cds seem to work no problem on this end,it is just the dvds that don't work from Europe to the US. Although,Soulcat said she got the ones Matt was going to mail to the ones who wanted them and they woked on her computer. I wrote on another pic how my computer can't do them anymore :(
From: sushi for Soulcat on 2005-10-13 02:56:06
PAL.NTSC.PAL=Poopy American LoungesNTSC=Northern Thames Sickly CarbeuratorSo.. what Knappe said was this:Even if I wanted... most of the dvd's are in Poopy American Lounges, the European standard and not in Northern Thames Sickly Carbeurator...L--M--F--A--O!!!That was the MOST random thing I've ever done in my entire life. Enjoy this moment, it's historical. Anyway, SOULIE could you send the dummy things to me? Would that work, would you mind? KNAPPE could that thing convert the DVDs or would it be waaayy too expensive to send stuff overseas anyway?? Full of questions.. yupp.. the adolescence is showing.. ^^
From: Soulcatgirl To Sushi and Oct on 2005-10-13 08:56:56
Kitty's Eye balls pop.....Sushi you want me to give you my DVD's????? I like you alot but I'm so NOT giving away my DVD's sorry hun.. :(( ...*holds onto U2goodies runs to the closet slams the door shut*...I also have two live audio cd's from Chicago that are ripping good but nope I can't give them to you either..... *kitty huddled over treasurebox with AK47...uncontrollable drool dripping from corner of mouth* .......got any other ideas Sushi? I'm open but I don't know how to convert or copy anything so big duh here! Ok you can call kitty pathetic and try to kick her!!! I deserve it!By the way Oct does Bono have a flowered looking shirt on in that photo you were talking about? If its the one I think his hair is SUPER LONG and FLUFFY (luv it) and a real close up frontal of his face....he is magnificent in it ! Tell me if thats the one?...I can't tell you the date or I'd have to drag my box out...! But I'd say around 88' 89' ?...grrrr really curious to know which one it was? I have them all.......grrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-13 16:00:49
*sniff* I searched all over the rolling stone site,... no angry bono there!!!! also the zootv articles are fun to read, I only read one, but I'm gonna read them all on my last day in dutchieland... well I'll try... but soulie, don't you know anybody who knows how to copy a dvd? cuz it's very easy, you only need a burning program like Nero Burning Rom(e)<- interesting addition.. well it's Rom, but I think they wanted to make it look like rome... well anyway you need such a programme, and that'll do the trick for you
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-13 22:30:57
You are correct Soulie, it is the one with the flowered shirt. I laughed when I read what Anton said about it. Can' see him getting mad at something like that,but I guess he was not pleased. Only when it got good press is when he apologized to Anton. Maybe he was in a MOOD? I like it too.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-14 05:41:20
You know I just figured it was that one.....there was something in your post that rang a bell about him not liking that particular photo and I sort of remembered it. I was like HUH? at the time because he is such a doll in it *talk about bedroom eyes Wheuuweee! hawt!!!*.....but I absolutely luv it I have two copies ...one I bought originally and another i got about a year later at a used book store......both in excellent condition..yippie!.....grrrr
From: Knappevent to the ^^ girls... but especially Ingrid... on 2005-10-14 08:53:54
Whats this story about AK47's?? Just share!! SHARE!! Keep those E-bay creeps out of buissines!! I don't mind sharing or trading...And just to be nice:Ingrid?Made my promise true.. This day the postman wil recieve a enveloppe from me with the next things in it:- DVD "Angeles in Devils shoes" Rockumentary from '90, LoveTownTour with BB king.. A MUST have!!- U2 Press demo / promo dvd Elevation tour (just short, 13 min but nice to see)-U2 Rocks the midwest... with the clips from Chicago on it... i've been there!! I can see my camera, and CLEARLY my dutch U2 girlfriend... Full size clip of Miro dancing with Bono is on it either..- Full Live Concert Vertigo Tour, 28-03-2005 San Diego, 4 cam mix- The U2 Conan show... to watch on pc only!- Audiocopy of "All i want is U2" the last concert in line 10-01-2005 Rotterdam 2 disc (GREAT GREAT SOUND (yes, been there ;-) LOL )- Audio Toronto 14-09-2005 2 disc. Great sound, but sometimes there's a second missing in the songs.. whatever, it's a great audiance audio. Still very nice to hear- Audio "U2 Hours of fun" 16-07-2005 Amsterdam 2 disc. Souns isn't great (to much high in it) but hey... it's Amsterdam!So Ingrid? Get a AK47, a bucket to place near your face (drip, drip) ans a lot a free time... it's on his way to you!! YW
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-10-14 09:08:16
Thats so sweet of you Knapp , I think Ingrid has gone to rome but she will be in U2 heaven soon!!!!!!!
From: knappevent on 2005-10-14 10:27:11
I doubt that she would go to Rome if she knows it's on his way...Nothing beats an evening spending in front of the tv, watching some good stuf!On the other side: Rome does have a HardRockCafe... it's nice there!! (been there 2 years ago...) They play good music, not the commercial crappy thing you hear all day on the radio...
From: Soulcatgirl TO KNAPPE !!!! on 2005-10-14 10:35:12
OK I must calm my self....... When I saw the LOVE TOWN TOUR I swear I just about lost my self...literally!! I have to get this from you ....Ok I will pay through the nose to have this ...oh yes as you state a MUST HAVE....!!!! I might have this so I need to go check my junk....but I'm thinking no...was it an MTV thing? I know I have some stuff on this tour could you tell a little bit about it?..... Guess what I think the four cam SanDiego Vertigo is the same as mine on 28th...*cool*.....I also have the 30th..and it centers on Edge.... :)) Also at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim (LA) on April 1...and Chicago May 12 both audios.... :)) but super sound ;D..... oh must wait for your post.....*kitty's eyes wide awake*...grrr oh heck forgot to tell you Ingrid is off on vacation with her class and won't be back for awhile....I hope she told her mama to look out for your package??????? sorry...
From: knappevent to Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-14 12:55:47
Hey Girlie :-) Gues you're in bed now (sorry, i have to work sometime )Okay... The LoveTownTour DVD..Don't know if its a MTV thing.. but its a professional filmed documentary. Good video and audio, with complete songs and snippets fron the concerts. Its filmed with an Australian (i gues) presentator (girl), and she's looking for the answer on the question: "What's the differance between love and sex..." At last, she's shut up by a one liner of Adam... Great answer!! (Okay, his answer was: "Love involves two people, having sex involves only one...)I'll make it up with you: You've got my mail adress.. mail a post adres to me, i'll send you a copy from the DVD. If you let me know wich period of U2 you like the most, i can see if i have something more (i will... i will... got the full 28 years of U2 covered on DVD ;-) even a dvd with TV appearances from '80 on... including the BIG curley hair from Adam LOL )Enclosed with it, i will send my post adress so you can surprise me with some audio/video ;-)(i'm still looking for the audio of both 3th leg concerts in Chicago..)Dutch greetings!Edwin
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-14 20:44:33
You guys are killing me!! All I have is a vhs of Rattle and hum and the dvd that came with How to dimantle.......I feel left out :( As I said ages ago, I owuld love to see Soulcats stash!! We live not so far from each other" wink wink." Are all you things only able to paly in PAL format? I have a big problem with my computer not being able to show stuff from Europe anymore :( Do you know if I can change that? Our computer lset us watch both American and European,but after the fifth time we had to make a decision,I guess that was the program? Do you or anyone out there know how to override this? If so I would love copies of old stuff too :)
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-15 08:49:46
Oh Knappe I don't how to copy stuff to Cd or DVD...!!! *kitty crying a river* .... I want to share stuff but how do I do it????? I have alot of goodies from 80's even the Tom Schneider short interview with U2 that Conan refers to...Use to watch Tom all the time he was on after Johnny Carson... ;))Do you have the Jamaican Concert with Keith Richards? This was the fund raiser to raise money after the hurrican that wiped Jamaica out? My copies fairly decent... but I would love to get it on DVD...do you have that? ... Do you have the 83 Summer festival (huge show) they are so young and cute? Shirtless Bono woot woot!..I only have them and not the rest of the festival...Tell me more ....are you the one thats converting the video tapes to DVD's ? or is it a friend? ... do you know how to edit the video tape as you put it on DVD? Are there stores i could go have this done or is it extremely expensive? I have all the Live aide (now I bought the new DVD) and the making of etc. Also All of The sun city stuff...Bono is gruff-O-licious...and Bruuuce! ..grrrrI will tell you I wish U2 and Phil Juneah <<spell? would release the whole of the free concert that was done in San Francisco during JT ...I want THAT CONCERT and he has it on film!!!! Jeeez!ok I'm rambling again.....tell me some more what you got???? Tomorrow I'm going to go through my tapes and see what I have but it will take awhile I have a lot of SH__! .... but how do I convert it??????? Oh Oct I've used all of my thingys up and I can't convert to European on my puter either but the concert Matt sent me plays on my puter ...I have a universal DVD player at my TV but I didn't try it there yet...so I figure your puter would play Matts right?.... Gads I'm giving myself a headache! OMG Oct you go to the store right this minute and get the Live from Sydney Zoo Tour....THAT IS A MUST HAVE EVEN IF YOU MUST TRADE YOUR LIFE TO THE DEVIL to get it !!! hahahaha....grrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-15 19:18:03
Soulcat, I think if you go to a good camera store they can do all kinds of things with tapes and dvds etc. I have a mom and pop really cool camera store in my town and they will do stuff like that. it is a good place to start,they maybe able to tell you where to go if they can't. Good luck.
From: knappevent tot soulcatgirl... on 2005-10-23 21:01:20
... hey girlie... better find out how to copy... ask Ingrid about her thrill when she got back home from Rome... ;-) ^^
From: Soulcatgirl'ie to Knapp'ie on 2005-10-24 03:17:04
Hey...hahaha Knappe ....you need to be tickled so severely .....gads..haha.... Ok big guy don't ever challenge me and tease me with Bono goodies cause guess what I did? I bought a video player that will record tapes into DVD's.... ordered the darn thing yesterday and I'm suppose to get it Nov. 3erd....then WALLA...I will be able to make DVD's..... although it says it's easy to work I will hold my breath when it gets here...if this thing turns out to be to complicated to run I'm going to scream & croak!.... Its suppose to do everything except clean my house!...unmm we'll see... So Knappe let's me and you play doctor...shall we? You show me what you got and I'll show you what I got...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
From: boomcha on 2005-10-24 12:15:44
oopsy sorry to interrupt that intimate thingy going on with you 2 ;-)Just want to tell ya that I got such a Video/DVD thing too and i got it to work ... so even you Kitty will lern it! Its really easy to do...allthough I had to read the instructions over and over and over again and made a BIG mistake when I tried to tape Conans .... aaaaaaaah *stillcrying*
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-24 14:12:12
thank you whoever bumped this!!!Knappe I can't thank you enough, adn yes, coming home watching that Angels IN devils shoes thing was KILLING ME!!!!!!! also, I couldn't make out properly what bono said to the question, but it was funny,... also I can't thank you enough for these gifts... and your motto is pretty cool too, when you think of it, it fits... U2 is all about sharing... It just fits... ^^also soulie, that summerfestival... makes me curious! I have a few pics of bono there, waving irish flag w/o shirt... rawr! maybe you can email it to me if you get it on dvd, and on your pc.. as long as it's smaller than 250 MB my mailbox can handle it ^^ I still need to email matt for the berlin dvd,..... I really want it now!
From: knappevent to MATT on 2005-10-25 10:24:02
As Ingrid mentions, is there a Berlin DVD?????My Dutch U2 girlfriend was there... and that should be just the perfect christmasgift for her :-)... gonna mail you ;-)!!
From: Ingrid for knappe(and both for matt) on 2005-10-25 13:06:57
yeppa there is one, and matt offered me to mail it, but I forgot that... and I don't know if his offer is still available... it's from the show where bono got new shoes during the show! the really funny pics here, and matt said he had it on dvd... well I have no Idea if he still wants to send it... I hope so...also how did you get those envelopes you sent to me, without stamps... is it your company or so?
From: Soulcatgirl to Ingrid on 2005-10-25 17:46:13
Yeppa i got the DVD ...you need to write Matt at the *contact us* thingy at the left of screen... This Devil in Angel SHoes??? this Love Town tour right...is he stripping on it.....I told you somewhere (gads i get lost on here) that I saw him do this live I don't mean on DVD I mean like in the flesh in front of me!!!!! Its been almost 18 years and its in my brain like it was yesterday.....you just don't forget things like that!!!! hahahaha...... I will tell you more if you want.....*get drippy bucket ready when I do*......grrrr I'm going to get this from Knappe *waving to Knapp* when I get my DVD thing here and get it to work.....Ok Ingrid I have on my computer all this stuff DVD to DVD burner CD burner movie maker all this crap and I have no idea how to use any of it....! So I would have no clue how to send a video tape through the computer??????????? I don't think I can???? OOOOPs sorry I had to scream at my TV Bush was on flapp'n his jaw and I had to scream at him and turn it off....anyways...what was I saying???I will send the dvd in the mail and I'm pretty sure it will put it in a DVD mode that will get along with your computer...at least it better!!! ...Oh hun you'll die if when you see the Amnesty he is so effing darling you'll sh== a brick...*sorry for swearing but sometimes you just have to*!!! grrrBoomie you rat I didn't know you got a DVD recorder thing...Is it hard to use???? .Did you screw up Conan..how come? What happened....? ok gotta go look some more...this place is so big i can never find anything I wrote or asked before?????grrrr
From: Ingrid fo soulie on 2005-10-25 19:21:36
I beg, no I DEMAND you to tell me more! how about everyting about it!!!!! can you remember wich show it was, maybe knappe can find us a bootlegged vid of it.... if it exists... and I have no Idea how to work with a cd/dvd burner since I only have Cd... we only have a crappy pc... I can burn only cds... maybe you can find somebody there who knows... now tell me all about thee strippin!!!!
From: U2TRINITY bumping Ingrid to Soulie on 2005-10-26 09:18:58
I'm confused, do you need someone to volunteer to burn DVD's . I will if I can get in on these bootlegs!!!!!!! Soulcat how far did Bono go????????
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-26 13:51:40
He went far enough for it to have stayed with me all these years...hihihi..Lets just say it wasn't how much he took off rather than the way he accomplished it. *incert big drooly tongue here ok*.. It was at the second show in '87 JTree at Tempe Ariz. the final show of the tour in N.America and they were taping Rattle & Hum (both nights)....ok now I can't tell you exactly what song it was because later both my Mom and I couldn't remember *like a couple of drunks on a bender* which song he was singing and to this day we still laugh about it...we sort of went into lalaland and neither one of us could never get our heads together good enough to remember but I think it was 'running to stand still' ...ok anyways at the point of this THING he started to do, I do remember he was singing soft and crooning he had on a brown printed shirt it looked silky and slippery not paisley but sort of paisley and he had loosened his hair pulled it down out of his queue all sexy and shook it around his head and face ... at first he was looking point blank at the audience and singing with this beguiling blue eyed stare then as he went into the song he shut his eyes tilted his his back not far but enough that he was enjoying himself and began to unbuttton his shirt slowly then as it loosened up he began running his hands vera vera slowly all over his chest with the material clenched somewhat in the most sensual way I swear to gawd I've ever seen and then he opened his eyes and stared at the crowd again still running his hands slow ever so slow and clenching.... the lights were dim already and then they dimmed further as the song faded and he slipped out of the shirt and somebody brought him another shirt....my mouth went dry I reached over and hit my Mom and whispered can you believe what your seeing and she said Nooooooo and told me not to interrupt and I remembering snorting back a laugh....but we almost croaked right then and there.. this was not a two second thing either it was terrific....and the sad part was later in our hotel we talked about it and decided it was the best ever and it was pornagraphic as hell and we absolutely became devouted to him..hahaha.....Now of course we're aware there making this movie right so were already saying no way in hell will they put THAT in the movie but still we were praying and hoping ...then a year later in the Rolling Stone(before we saw the film) Bono says after being asked what he thought of seeing himself on a big screen he said he thought he was a tad pornagraphic and it was hard to watch himself....Oh my gawd we almost fell out of our chairs because he ws saying what we had said......but we knew right then and there he would never allow Phil to put it in the movie and they didn't!!!! But the thing here is girls Phil (director) has that piece of hawt sizzling film and gawd only knows what else from all the other shows and we will never get it......doesn't THAT just piss you off!!!! Well it does me....cause even though its in my head I'd still love to see it again and again and AGAIN!!! lol....sweet dreams B-babes...lol grrrrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-26 14:01:49
Oh Triny I'm getting a VHS tape recorder that will put my already taped tapes onto DVD's supposedly with a touch of a button....hope to gawd or I'm in trouble.... anyways yes I will make up DVDS for all when I get the darn thing.......Nov 3erd its suppose to be here....Ingrid how is that DVD from love town tour is it a major bootleg far away or is it up close with good sound? By the way does anybody have the DVD for '87 Paris show? I have the CD and its great but man i'd luv to get my hands on the show.....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-26 17:32:10
it are very professional shots, several shows(including the 31-12-89 show, just two songs, but still, new year with u2^^) and the making off all I want is you.. and what knappe said, very funny witty adam comment on what's the diff between love and sex, adam: making love involves two persons, having sex just one... woman who asked: rofl, hey edge, he has the perfect answer just here!hehe and your storyyyyy OH MAY GAWD! I'd die if I'd ever see something like that! maybe Phil(joanou?)will make a *cutted scenes* dvd... rated 16 or so, with that on it... I'd sure buy it !!!!! *drool*
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-26 19:23:53
Oh soulcat, that was THE best story you told. I don't think I can now watch the old R&H and not think of that :) Thanks for the detailed memory Gal!!!
From: U2Trinity on 2005-10-27 08:07:50
OH, Soulcat that was so damn HOT , I read this quickly before I went to work and I just couldn't concentrate this vivid image would not leave my mind!! I usually listen to U2 at work , I had to change my CD to a different band . I think this VIVID image was more than I could handle... I wonder what Larry, Edge and Adam were thinking when Bono was doing this?????
From: U2trinity- Bumping must read... on 2005-10-27 10:17:33
must read Soulcat's hot Bono strip!!!!!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-27 12:54:45
hmmm the song he sang during the semi-striptease on the Angels in devils shoes dvd was God Part II... but it didn't exist yet during JT so it can't be the same ^^ and maybe we could all sign a petition for the cut scenes to be brought out on dvd!!!!!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-27 19:07:00
Uhoh... *Susanne is reading Soulie's comment about stripping Bono.. It gets a bit hot, she has to go and open the window... She reads more... She has to go and put the window wide open, ooooops, too late, she faints*
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-27 19:43:25
*fans susanne*breathe girl, breathe! he kept his pants on(I hope!) so BREATHE!!!!! ohhh I really really need to get a tape of that... then I can die of happiness! until there, I'll be happy with my semi-stripping dvd film and the Bono moan aka melpop roll
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-27 19:55:59
Hey I'd love to pry Phil's fingers off that film for all us gals....but it probably AIN'T gonna happen..*sniff*....I mean I'm still waiting to get a new copy of Zoo Sydney on a damn DVD with super dooper sound.....! There stingy if you ask me.....!... *kitty gets all huffy*....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-27 20:00:05
maybe we could alll campain for it!!! also I DID NOT knew there's a ZooTv dvd... o_O WHY ISNT IT IN STORES HERE?????
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-27 20:16:05
Zooropa live from Sydney......girl look on the internet you must get this if not I'll put it on too for you.....:))
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-27 20:18:01
I do have a Zoo TV that was on Fox channel but its very annoying with alot of horse pucky and not enough of our guys....but I do have part of the Oakland indoor show from Zoo..... :))
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-27 20:19:48
how would you put it on for meeh?????? ohhh I think if I can, I'm goin to order it or so.. but I'm not allowed to buy over the internet, maybne the music store can order it for me?
From: U2trinity- Bumping must read...I don't on 2005-10-28 07:37:22
I don't want to lose this......