U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85165813 views.
Photos by Terry Mayer / [email protected]
rating : 6.5 with 81 vote(s)
Nikon D1
1/200s f/2.8 at 200mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso ??
1/200s f/2.8 at 200mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso ??
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Exif.Make | Nikon |
Exif.Model | D1 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/200 |
Exif.FNumber | 2.8 |
Exif.FocalLength | 200 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 1999-09-25 03:09:44 |
Iptc.Copyright | Terry Mayer / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photos by Terry Mayer / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Milwaukee |
Iptc.CountryName | Wisconsin |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050925 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Tomaž Ostervuh (gradin) on 2005-09-27 12:20:04
Nice SHOOT!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-27 15:08:08
Come here baby let me suck that lip back out here.....ummm sweet as honey....his scruffy looks so soft....awe just a little pet to see how soft.....grrrrrr rrrrrrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-27 19:09:23
wow... I love this one! the coloured background... and he's shaving into a goatee!
From: Susanne on 2005-09-27 20:28:53
Hihihihihii... He looks so funky!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-27 20:37:09
From: Sabine on 2005-09-27 20:45:18
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-27 21:04:52
hhmmm I can't even remember bono with a shaven face... hes so darlin adorable here with his scruffy.. I love it!
From: knappevent on 2005-09-27 21:07:50
Now THIS is a nice shot!! I like it!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-27 21:09:24
wow a man actually saying that... can I use this as a quote to my friend who's saying that guys absolutely don't like pictures of bono, and they just like the music... ?
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-27 21:11:01
okay I'm emailing this photographer, maybe she can send me a high pixeled one ^^
From: knappevent on 2005-09-27 21:27:07
Well,I just like the small guy :D he's singing like an angel :P he's my hero!!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-27 21:35:44
to quote him: "I like small guys with big Ideas!"but you are a miracle! Ive never evere heard a guy like you!
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-27 23:05:19
Nice to know there are other guys that arent intimdated by us gals going on and on about him. My husband is a good sport too,and likes Bono, so I bet knappevent is a great guy. The photo is great, now I have to eat my words on no good pics coming from us. Right on!!!!
From: Ingrid *BUMP* on 2005-09-28 18:06:50
this pretty one got looooost! I haven't got a return from the maker yet, but I hope I will get a return... oh this would be thee perfect poster! but should I, for not making my parents suspicious, have one bono poster, and also one u2.. cuz if I suddenly have two bono posters.. would that be obvious?
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-28 20:14:08
This is sooo clear and up close, it can't get lost in the crowd...so bump!!!
From: boomcha on 2005-09-29 15:21:35
Edge: Oh Bono youve lost your teeth again!!
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-29 18:18:46
OK that is it, for you boomie, Soulcat and I will be coming for you soon so watch your back. At least Bono didn't wear a beanie to his wedding to hide part of himself!! SO there!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-29 18:22:50
COVER? cover what? HE COULDNT COVER ANYTHING CUZ THERES NOTHING ON HIS Friggin BALD HEAD!!!!!!!so boomie... quit being mean to this man with all his gorgeous hair!Oct, I wanna join you and soulie, we could have a kittyfight with boomie....
From: Susanne "falls of her chair" on 2005-09-29 18:22:57
Hahhhhaaaaa... I can't stop laughing to Boomies comment... "Sorry people, singing's off for a while, I seem to have lost my teeth.... Muffle muffle..."
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-29 18:23:03
"Come here baby"...kitty cups his soft cheeks..."here let me suck those babies right back out here in the light of day".....grrr....
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-29 18:23:38
Bye Susanne......
From: Susanne says to Ingrid and Soulcat... on 2005-09-29 18:38:56
Bye bye, come back soon... :)
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-29 19:06:49
Where are you going Susanne.
From: Susanne on 2005-09-29 19:08:08
No, I'm not going anywhere yet, I was talking to Ingrid and Soulie and asking them to come back soon... Hmmm, I really have to start practise my english...
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-29 19:17:48
hehe I was pulled to this one like a magnet... ;) but I gotta go soon, don't know how much longer I can take till my mom gets me and pulls me away from the comp....!
From: Susanne on 2005-09-29 19:19:24
Well, "see" you soon, try to sleep your nigth peacefully, no waking ups in the middle of night, alright?
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-29 19:20:54
well I hope not.. I can't remember if I even dream something at night, so it's prolly not a nightmare.. I should be able to remember those.. anywayz I allready have a messy mind... I can't remember lots of things like, what did I ate yesterday,.. what school things to remember...
From: boomcha on 2005-09-29 23:58:19
Haha, you girls crack me up...thats why I luv ya all....haha. No one would wear a hat for his wedding but THE EDGE and thats what makes him so special and his beautiful bunny teeth of course...Byebye Susanne!!! hihi!!!
From: zk on 2005-09-30 12:09:58
to oct and soulcat: i have been saddened to read your posts on the Barcelona page...its too bad that you cannot accept who i am ...thats the guy who goes by the name of ZOOKEEPER and got you all annoyed because i chose to express views about U2 which you didn't like.in response to the remarks penned esp by OCT i'd like to say that i've zritten and given more info about myself and my thoughts on the band than most of the other guys / girls who post....what more did you want ?i have nothing more to say about my identity...i have and never have had time or inclination to dream up other names and thoughts about the band or myself... but you are intent on beating me up over this....i understand that the RR is an expat brit living in france ....wow...that makes 2 of us then that like U2....of course...we must be one and the same people....come on give me a break.. i mean do the sums ladies!!!so i continue to be castagated for either saying too much or not enuff...soulcat clearly didn't accept my appology cos she wouldn't post whilst i was in the forum...i consider this a form of group censorship exercised by someone with an agenda who has no space for other peoples thoughts about the band that go beyond how they look.OCT , i thought more of you than to stick the knife in so quickly when Soulcat came back on line....i'll remind you that i told you about my job...i told you about my girlfriend Charlie...i gave up thoughts about the band and in response you opened up ( as did sushi )about your lives...i ask you again...what did you expect from me ? lets be fair here ...more than the others ( unless of course you knew them all and i seriously doubt that )so yeh....i'm a bit peeved...i've participated....i've given stuff to this forum and for that i've been kicked from pillar to post cos you think i'm someone else and you didn't get my sense of humour either....get to grips OCT...botty burps is hardly taking farting seriously...come on !but this "defence" if i can call it that is for nothing...because you guys never really wanted me around...you didn't like what i had to say and you've adopted some fairly interesting arguments to bully me out.you have got it wrong...and that in my book represents a terrible endictement of free speach and civil liberty....and i consider your behaviour and aggressiveness toward me to be 100 percent unfounded, illegitimate, un reasoned and particularly narrow-minded and sloppy.....but its easy. heh why not charge me of habouring WOMD too....pin that one on me too...in YOUR posts, i believe that you have revealed a meaness of spirit, a lack of fair-play and a venemous "back stabbing" side of your character for all to see....(not 24 hrs after i left the forum you plunged the knife in ...and you say that I can't be trusted....don't make me choke !!!) this was done without provocation or substantiation. i think that it speaks volumes ...don't you ?ZK
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-09-30 15:16:41
First of all if you are not RR then I say good for you because he was a piece....That is my only beef with you OK.....I believe you to be one in the same....if not well thats great and ok too....you can post anywhere you want i never told you to leave?? I have no power? You have a puter ...this is an open forum do what you want....you were the one that said you were leaving I didn't come and say go or else like I owned the place.... stop whinning and blaming me for something you have total control over...Matt has not banned you...hopeful he hasn't banned me yet??? But he might if this whinny crap keeps getting spalttered here....My bitch was over what happened to Kat from RR .......again if you are not RR (which I believe you to be) then OK you are who you are....post away I'm sure there are people that would love to talk with you(what does that have to do with me?)..... and I have no business with your business...go talk to your friends and you will have fun.... nobody is sending in the puter police....geeezI would never presume to tell you to go anywhere ....this is a fun forum with fun talk...... I for one have been on a high with all the latest vids and photos.....actually in 7th heaven and in a euphoric state of bliss and thats what Matts house has always been that for me....you can make it what ever you want it to be for yourself.....last post for me on this tired subject.....kitty runs back to amazing u2 vids of absolute heaven....grrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-30 16:58:08
okay this situation is a bit out of hand now isn't it? (I didn't even knew you can be banned from here) well ZK, at the time you arrived and started the discussions, I was on holidays.. when I returned I spent about three days readin all the posts on the barcelona pic.. and I must say you were saying some pretty mean things there.. but I'm not attacking you now! don't get me wrong..cuz alot more persons weren't very nice there, so its not just your fault,.. we can't blame just you or anybody for it.. you are never alone involved in something.maybe it would be a good Idea to start over again, okay you have your opinions, we all have.. but just forget about the negative stuff when you're here, since we all love them, and we know opinions differ.. I can tell you I'm not telling some of my opinions on stuff here too because I knew what reactions that'll give me.. just try to sort out things, this I can say, this I cant... and post the things you know we won't have probs with... get it?^^ good.. cuz this is still a happy place, and one of the few lights in my life... and I think I speak for everyone if I want to keep it that way! by the way, hello.. since I've never really met you ;)
From: Octu2 on 2005-09-30 17:55:24
Ingrid you said it in a nut shell. This whole thing is not right with ZK and I'm really torn,because I did make a mistake by saying what I said 24 hours after ZK left. I guess it was in my excitement that Soulcat came back that I said that it would be no choice. Well that was a poor choice of words to say and I truly appologize. I have been thinking about the whole ZK RR for a bit and it is still up in the air for me. Living in France I can see that the difference between where RR lived and spoke about is far different from where you say you are fromand how you spoke. I could be totally snowballed by you and maybe you are making up a new persona because of what happened to Kat. From the sounds of what you just wrote though, you seem to have finally spoken up for you self. I really don't know about the whole story with Kat, only that she really got ripped off with some tickets . I feel bad that you think that I did you wrong, becuase we did have a nice chat for a bit there. You did reveal quite a bit,but why did you not answer many of my questions when I posted them to you. I think that was my only beef with you. I think I said it before, it was like I was bothering you or something. I don't think you should run away and hide. I'm all for a second chance....and like Soulcat said she didn't ask you to leave and Matt hasn't either...so come on. I want to appologize to you because after thinking about it I felt bad and that isn't right. So, if you are RR then you should be feeling bad now and not post here anymore. But if you aren't and you can just roll with the flow then go for it.Truly sorry though and hope you can accept my appology. How is Charlie's foot by the way?
From: Ingrid on 2005-09-30 20:00:55
wait One second plz... what's the thing with kat????????
From: sushi..for anyone who wants to read on 2005-10-01 00:57:27
Ok... didn't take the time to read Soulcat's or Oct's or Ingrid's posts... sorry... I flipped out of my chair and started crying when I saw the name ZK... ok... you have no idea...I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooworried that you had left... forever... lord in heaven I don't know what it is about you ZK but i felt like i was connected to you somehow.. when you left I was torn in two... one half of me was stuck back here and the other was with you... wherever you were.. lord... I swear these few last days have been the strangest in my life.. i'm not joking or making anything up just to be dramatic when I said I was torn in two... THIS IS SUSHI YOU SEE HERE TELLING THE BARENAKED TRUTH. ZK... holy hellfire in a bottle.. you worried me sick.. you are staying right? Not leaving? not going anywhere..? you know we still have that chopstix date.. <=)Well the biggest fattest most lung-emptying hugs to you.. luv ya... =]
From: sushi for ZK on 2005-10-01 01:24:49
And ya know what else... I've been tellin EVERYONE at school about you... hihi... you're famous at my school lol... I wrote a couple of your funniest comments in a friend's agenda/planner thing and when he read it he could not stop laughing... lmao... haha.... hugs~Swoosh
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-01 18:24:54
oh my effin god... sushi... gal, you really sound like... you are in love with him aren't ya? it sure sounds that way!!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-01 21:41:58
.....................ZOINKS!.................... grrr
From: zk on 2005-10-01 22:30:09
alright der la! yo swooshi! waaasaaabi grass-hopper? chopstix to you meine freunde! comment ça va ? wie gehts ? heh, did you hear about the new addition to lunch time menu at the down-town sushi bar next door to the law courts in London ? they are serving up "SoooMe". so, after a week of travelling through Dubai & Bahrain...i find myself tonight... here, on Saturday night....at the Herodion Hotel in Akropolis; Athens - Greece. Dionysis et al sure knew how to build some big ol temples n' pillars....its getting all decadent though...they say that its the acid rain.....alchemy live ( not quite the sultanas of swing..but it sure is turning solid history into a future of gold dust....haven't spotted Diogense though...they say he still lives in his tub, holding up "une bougie" ...in search of the truth...but no-one seems to believe anymore. consPIRACY theory seems to serve our collective needs better. so what kinda chopstick fireworks are you settting off tonite? you on a promise ? maybe U R going out on the razzle ...kitted up in battle attack ? roll me one before you go! anyway thoughts go out to the 22 lost souls of the BALI blast... Tony "Teflon" Blair's war on terror continues ...in vain and to no avail... the militant group "Jemaah Islamiyah" has struck with impunity...so..lets go Tony! you go get em!...not easy on your knees heh ?... go get em tiger after all you got the troops are on the ground...they be already dug in! we need some peace on earth...and we need it now.over and out from the old town in Athens....its late..and i'm off for something to eat...no holy rice cakes for me tonight bat girl.take carethe keeper
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-02 00:29:55
Ok ZK are you now that pissed off that you can't take an olive branch!!! Tell me to get lost or at least acknowlage what I wrote to you above. "Hope I'm not bothering you."Peace out and catcha on the flip side dude.
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-02 01:50:31
Sorry for the spelling errors. I'm half dead from the Greenday concert and can barely keep my eyes from crossing and passing out from fatigue.
From: sushi on 2005-10-02 08:15:16
INGRID!! I'm offended!! *ish offended* naw.. joking... lol... i dunno what it is. i think it's just that i relate and connect to people really well.. even if I've never met them. weird isn't it? yeah. oh well. yeah. It's... yeah. o0 ok.. umm.. so did you ask me "how goes it" twice? in different languages? hehe.. SooooMe.. that sounds like something a prep would say: "yeah, these leg warmers, are, like, soooo me." xD lolbali blast? hewah? did I miss something? awww... but the holy rice cakes are so yummy!! oh well.Now before I go... *sushi grabs some rice and seaweed and salmon eggs and tuna and finally some wasabi and pickled garlic... she whips em all together and rolls it out... into a plate of several perfect sushi rolls.. she throws one out Ingrid's way.. flips one over to ZK... whooshes one over to Oct and finally throws one up in the air... opens her mouth wide.. plop! ouch.. ok kids, dont try that at home.. it hurts. xDPah-eaceDah-udes~Swoosh
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-02 17:47:56
nope. the only thing you missed is A NEW TERRORIST ATTACK ><lol well sorry if I offended you, it really sounded like thaaat! gawd mtv are truly my heroes! Bono looks so drop dead hot on that flat bed truck during Mtv's jammed(also taped AllBecauseOfYout there) hehe when they're on the bridge, he does this funy pose he did alot like the fly, a real YEAH pose... hee hee.. and before they launch into all because of you, he hugs the mic stand.. very cute!
From: Laura on 2005-10-02 17:48:54
Ah...good to hear something from you again Zoo-keeper. Dubai - Bahrain - Greece is a nice trip. Hope you didn't get influenced too bad by what Dionysis stands for...otherwise your head might feel exactly like mine now ;)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-02 17:53:12
hee hee Im sure bono is a BIG fan of dyonisos... since he loves wine... too bad it makes him sleepy, or maybe that isn't soo bad at all... ^^
From: sushi on 2005-10-02 22:17:00
*laughs* haha ok this is what U2 lala land does to ya ingrid.. you get stuck in there you dont come unstuck, you're so stuck that you miss important events.. like terrorist attacks, birthdays, big school tests... and a big tree falling down in the middle of our driveway.. lmao!! Umm... hehe... isn't Dionysius... dionisyus... Dyonisiius... ok here we go WHOOPA holy hellfire in a bottle my darling you're goin down... *sushi grabs her WEUDEL (Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Lanugage).. she slams it down on the table and whoops! restarts the computer... stupid thing, she mutters... while the compy revs up she flips to D.. dichogamous, that's a fun word.. direct tax.. whoops I missed it, hah! she flips backwards.. the puter is now entering the musical startup sequence DINGALING! Bweep! Welcome, SUSHI! Ok hunny here it is:Di·o·ny·sus (dī'ə nī'səs), n. Class. Myth. the god of fertility, wine, and drama; Bacchus. Also, Di'o·ny'sos.Ok. Now that we've got that settled (it took me fifteen minutes to go through the character map and find all those stupid pronunciation letters ><) let's discuss what I was GOING to say before Mr. Winery here got me distracted.. isn't Dionysus the god of sex, too?? o0 *ish scared* Ingrid sounds cool but our slightly salty sushi slugger doesn't have cable... can you get it on the internet? hehe... oh yes Bono and Dionysus are best buds.. yepp.. cept when the B comes round he brings a couple o' pints o' Guinnes, me bucko.. tee-hee!! ;)
From: sushi MAAAAAATTTTT I NEED HELP on 2005-10-02 22:19:20
O_OUmm... yeah.Well...where you see all those @#$%#$&@##$ there WERE some very proper-looking pronunciation characters.. like the upside down e.. and the i with a little horizontal line above it.. but, uh..MATT CAN YOU HELP WITH THIS?!
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-03 04:50:22
Speaking of" All Because of You" don't you love it when he screams :) Makes my day when I hear it.
From: Matt on 2005-10-03 14:41:22
Sushi, sorry but I can't change that. Many special characters are not supported by the script to avoid script injection and such stuff. Sorry. :-(
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 17:29:54
gawd soulie's first comment here makes me rofl every time I see this!!!and sushi, lemme explain, it's Dionysos in greek, and Dionysus in Latin, and also Bachhus in latin, since thats his roman name.. and I dont think bono would bring guinness with him, since dionysos is the god of wine and some other things... ^^ so B drinks the wine, gets sleepy, and hmm he sure needs my lap as a pillow I think ^^
From: Susanne on 2005-10-03 17:34:27
Hehee Ingrid, hope is always a good thing in the world....
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 17:39:18
oh you bet I will allways have hope ^^hmmm maybe, one day, I'll eventually meet Thee man Himself... *drool* if I haven't fainted if seeing a little piece of evidence he's coming, I might even be able to talk to him.... okay.. skip that... I WONT be able to talk...
From: Susanne on 2005-10-03 17:41:03
Well you can always try to sing him a song..
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-03 17:42:09
hm I'd be more like... *astonished look on face since shes facing god himself*... uhh... uhh....eeeeehhhhhhhhhh.... *dies*
From: sushi on 2005-10-04 02:39:11
Oh yes Oct I like it allooooooottt when he SCAHREAAAAMMMSSS ^^Oh.. ok Matt.. what's script injection? Aww Ingrid.. ya know what.. you just have no confidence!! This is what I'd do: (this is from a third person perspective)Bono's getting out of the car... he's smiling and waving.. the girl in front of me is waving a guitar!! Is she gonna want Bono to sign it? Bono's at the other side, signing autographs, you know.. now he's over here.. right next to the girl with the guitar.. he's signing someone else's picture but he's looking at the girl grinning.. haha.. he's finally doing it.. he's talking to her!! The girl has stopped jumping.. haha... she's grinning ear to ear.. Bono is too, he's apparently thouroughly enjoying conversing with her.. what a lucky gal.. now he's taken her guitar.. he's looking it over, it's very pretty.. he's making some comments about it and the girl is pointing out something.. Bono laughs.. he borrows a permanent marker from somebody next to him and signs his name beside the neck.. He wrote something else. "Sushi your guitar is almost as beautiful as you" What a cool guy! He's given the guitar back.. the girl is laughing, so is Bono.. he hugs her.. and the girl just kissed him.. Bono's giving her another hug.. she hugs back... so sweet.. now Bono's going inside for soundcheck.. he's waving goodbye to the girl.. what a great guy!!Hehehee.. it made me laugh just reading it.. lmao... hehe... ^^See Ingrid what you can do? With just a little confidence you can bring yourself to do anything.. like Miroslava and the whole score of other girls that have been pulled onstage.. hihih =)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-04 16:07:23
well.. it's not much a confidence thing, altho I lack that... but more I look up to this man... I really look up to him alot.... and I can't even imagine talking to him... I know he's great with fans and stuff, but... Iono..,.. it makes me a lil scared even...btw your story is nice, what kind of guitar do you have? Im still searching for my dads accoustic... and gonna try to play it if I founhd it(wich u2 songs are easy to play, or even playable on an accoustic guitar?) and I want an electric one.. but lessons are soo expensive!
From: Matt on 2005-10-04 16:27:15
@Sushi: Good question about the script injection. A good example may someone inserting harmfull code into a comment that opens a pop-up or something like that. Thats also the reason why links posted here are not clickable.
From: Ingrid *sniff* on 2005-10-04 17:20:15
I just got a mail from the photographer... she can't send the full sized to me, here's a copy of the mail:Due to copywrite laws I cannot send any of the U2 photos. I am so sorry but I am glad you like to photos. Again I am sorry I have no control over my photos they go to my editor then GM and then archieved into a system. what is GM by the way??? nayway... sadness.. wouldve been a great picture:(
From: Susanne on 2005-10-04 18:04:01
Oh that's sad, Ingrid... Well, I think you just have to start looking for some other picture, right???
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-04 18:06:27
heehee we still got knappe here;) and I've some pretty fullsized from him....
From: sushi on 2005-10-05 03:16:05
It's an Ariana guitar, verry verry pretty.. and One is verrrrrrrrrryyyy easy to play on an acoustic, along with Kite (it's a bit harder), In God's Country (more difficult only because the strum is really fast), Staring at The Sun, and a teeennyy bit of Bad *prepares to get tackled* plus Sunday Bloody Sunday sounds really good on acoustic. Oh OK Matt, thanks for the clarification.. that makes sense now. ^^
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-05 17:33:52
BAD BAD BAD BAD O_Oehhhhh sushi,... I have nver ever had a guitar lessoon.... and bad is... a really really fast song... and a very pretty one(my 2nd fave) but... well I don't think I can play that one ^^ is sunday bloody sunday easy(ier)? hmm... I have no idea how to play one tho... ghehe I really suckkkk.. but have you had guitar lessons?
From: sushi on 2005-10-06 02:18:43
Bad isnt that fast.. it just sounds fast.. and it's REALLY easy (at least the part that i've figured out is easy.. it's only the first riff) SBS is actually kinda hard.. and when you sing and play it at the pace its supposed to be, it's pretty dang hard. If you google "u2 guitar tab" A TON of options will come up.. the one I use is ultimate-guitar.com, that's pretty good.. but The Edgeworld of u2station.com is good too. =D If you want the tab I have for Bad I can give it to ya.. =)
From: sushi on 2005-10-06 02:21:29
Oh yeah I have had guitar lessons.. I took them for six months, I think. The teacher was really cool, I liked him A LOT.. but his shop went out of businesss ='( Oh well. Lessons are really helpful when you're just starting, but once you've figured out the main chords that you use alot, you dont really need lessons, at least thats how it was for me. =))
From: zk on 2005-10-06 08:34:15
i was catching some MCM ( thats a satellite music channel here in france ) this morning whilst munching on my crunchy nut cornflakes and saw a caption pop up on the screen during City of Blinding Lights...it said that Bono is up for a nobel prize and the result is to be announced later today. anyone else heard this news ? by the way i reckon that COBL is a blindingly good tune...next single out over here is All Because of You....( thats already been a single in north america right ? )heh swoosh...looks as though you've been giving a few online seminars on the mysteries of guitar playing...but if you got any spare time....maybe you could line me up some rice based finger food on your fret board...go easy on the wafer thin salmon and heavy on the ginger & wassssaaaaaaaaabi! chekc you later. i'm of out with my old man who's down on a long weekend for to play a round of golf....very civilised for a thursday morning.over and out
From: fanny on 2005-10-06 11:00:21
hey zoo!(hope it's okay that I call you that?) I've heard tons of stuff about the nobel peace prize,and I can't waituntil they say who's the winner. but there are a good thing and a bad thing..the bad thing is that there are 199 persons nominated for this prize,but then again the good thing is bono will win the award..I have the feeling of it..and if he does,he'll come to "the city of northern lights" which in this case mean:Norway!
From: zk on 2005-10-06 11:51:59
fanny...i suppose you know the origins of the nobel prize ?
From: zk on 2005-10-06 13:37:41
ps fanny...you can call me what you like...a mate of mine in scotland calls me "jimmy" and that ain't my name..its not jim / james / john either...but he still calls me jimmy.over and out
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-06 17:21:09
sushi, I cant read guitar tabs! I can't read chords! :(Zk: tomorrow the result of the nobel peace prize will be announced, and yeppa our baby is nominated ^^ All because of you will come out here uh oct. 12 I thouhgt it was... jimmy sounds... like we have sjonnie over here.. a little goofish I think... and my sister asked me yesterday, what's city of blinding lights about? I know paris is called capital of lights, so is it about paris? so I was, nope, bout NY... and I showed her the piece where bono says that in the MTV Jammed U2 thingy ^^ and she lolled about edge talking while eating a pizza(or is it a tosti?) about new york...
From: Susanne on 2005-10-06 17:21:29
Hehee, Fanny: As much as I do love Bono and have respect for everything he has done, I'm still hoping that his not the one who's going to win the Nobel Prize: That's because I'm hoping that the award will go to Martti Ahtisaari (Finland's former president). But if Ahtisaari wont win the prize, then I really hope he's losing it to Bono.
From: Susanne on 2005-10-06 17:22:27
Ingrid, I think City of blinding lights is about New York, altough I'm not sure...
From: Susanne on 2005-10-06 17:23:17
Eh, you knew that already, sorry, I just read half of your comment...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-06 17:33:39
heheh I know, I luv my mtv jammed vid ;) 21 minutes of JOY, it even includes the iPod ad, wich I had never seen before since it's not in EU... ;) ohh and larry SMILES badly there, This is sure one of the uh coolest thing Ive done the last years... and adam's soo cool there.. We love new york, and I think new york loves us too... hehe oh I'm toohyperactiveeeee I just watched Bad, I can't thank miroslava enough for this! oh this is pure joy... adam is SO funky cool htere, and bono is thee ultimate god! he looks soooo cute!
From: THE ORIGINS OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE on 2005-10-06 22:20:22
okay..I'll try to explain it as good as I can.Alfred Nobel found up the dynamite(sounds quite ironic,eh?)and of course he earned loads and loads of money for this. he got old and wrote down that he wanted the money he had earned to be given to people who had done great and nice things to others,and people that had found up very great things(there is several Nobel prizes,but the biggest and most famous one is the peace prize)I hope you got some information about it..=)
From: NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: on 2005-10-06 23:50:31
okay..tomorrow is the big day.I don't know if you guys will know it the same time as we get to know it in Norway but I'll check it out in the morning,and of course give a little raport;) I have actually heard that mr. gorgeus is among the top three of winning!I'm so exited!!*jumps up and down* hey Ingrid,maybe you shall glue me to my chair as well..haha!=)
From: sushi on 2005-10-07 00:42:30
ZK... wow. I heard about Bono being nominated for the Peace Prize in MAY. That was five months ago. That's weeeeeiiiiiirrrdd. Anyway.. oh yes I jumped outta my seat when I heard it.. Ingrid.. haha.. I figured that (no offense!) but thats why you need lessons in the beginning, they'll teach you how to read chords/tabs. I thought CoBL was about innocence? But they did play it at NY after 9/11.. but in a video where Bono was asked what it's about, he said its about innocence... but you know One has been interpreted hundreds of different ways.. so I dont know. =S
From: fanny on 2005-10-07 11:13:20
sorry pals..Bono didn't get the prize.but congratulations to Mohamad el Baradi!(you know,bono will get the award sometime,I'm 99,9% SURE)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-07 15:46:27
want the mtv jammed u2 episode sushi?? I think I got it from u2emporium.com/downloads/htdaab, but this is plain out of my head, so I'm not sure.. it's that site for sure... well... I think.. and bono says it there!
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-07 19:17:12
I watched Bono and guys on Conan O'Brian last night in the wee hours of the morning actually,and he was most confident that he would NOT get the prize,but felt very honored to even be nominated. He didn't even thing he deserved to be on the list. So, I don't think he though he had a chance. It was a whole hour of just them and nobody else. They san and did a funny skit with the host.
From: Susanne on 2005-10-07 19:45:15
*Sights*...And neither did Martti Ahtisaari (got the Nobel, I mean). But well, I think it was a good choice anyway, El Baradi.Yejjj, I think I'll see the episode of Conan with U2 next week, the episodes air here with a few days delay. But I hardly can wait, exspecially since I read that the whole episode is for U2! Yejjjj.... Btw Oct, did Conan also talk with other band members? I mean, I read that he would talk only with Bono, but I would love to see the other three sitting there in his sofa too...
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-07 19:49:48
He tried to talk to all of them,but as usual Bono kind of did all the talking. Adam was funny and Larry did talk a bit. But since Bono was sitting the closest he did most of the talking.
From: Susanne on 2005-10-07 19:52:23
Heh, yep, that sounds like our Bono... Thanks for telling about that show! :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 17:35:48
is there a possibility to download this show somewhere on the net? I'd love to see it!!! now checking an episode of Fuse,... 100% U2... and it's very very funny, bono tried to tell a joke, *silence*
From: Kat on 2005-10-08 17:38:19
I dunno if you can download the show, but this has some cool stuff http://www.nbc.com/nbc/Late_Night_with_Conan_O'Brien/specials/u2/
From: KAT HAS YOUR ANSWERS on 2005-10-08 20:08:11
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 20:47:33
that edge sketch was awesome!!!!!! hahaha edge has a tatooooooo!!!!!! Bono sure got him there! no crappy shades mister!
From: KAT HAS YOUR ANSWERS on 2005-10-08 22:49:07