U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85167037 views.
Photo by Rory / [email protected]
rating : 5.6 with 25 vote(s)
Olympus C740UZ
1/250s f/3.7 at 63mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 333 with flash
1/250s f/3.7 at 63mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 333 with flash
Boston, Massachusetts
Exif.Make | Olympus |
Exif.Model | C740UZ |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/250 |
Exif.FNumber | 3.7 |
Exif.FocalLength | 63 |
Exif.ISO | 333 |
Exif.Flash | 1 |
Exif.DateTime | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Exif.UserComment | |
Iptc.Copyright | Rory / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Rory / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051003 |
Iptc.City | Boston |
Iptc.CountryName | Massachusetts |
Comments :Add comment
From: Lucia on 2005-10-07 20:40:11
oh God...look at his neck!...jeez it seems it is going to explode!!!
From: sushi on 2005-10-08 00:37:37
He's eating the mic again.And his neck does look sort of freaky. o0But the sweat!! Yumm... hehe
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 03:01:01
OMG.......*fans self*.......omg....*breaths* ...so darling.....grrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 17:59:17
woah Hot hot hot hot, it burns here!his neck sure looks a bit of overheated... bono could use some cool water... or a few ice cubes ^^
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 18:01:45
Oh no, help, Bono is melting!!!!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 18:08:00
thee solution::: BONO DITCH YOUR JACKETT NOW! Danger, heat alert, danger, Bono ditch the jackett, or your Burning hotness will melt you!!! well, and now you're allready ditchin the jackett, ditch the shirt!!!!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 18:15:49
Yes Bono, Just Do It!!! (heh, I stole that one for you, Ingrid).
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 18:16:19
...I meant "from you"...
From: mariëtte on 2005-10-08 18:40:12
ieh...the left eye is kinda scarey..
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 18:45:08
hmm red eye filter would fix that mariette! Susanne, my quote fits like,... alot of bono related things ;)... gawd Im hyperactive... bono is bad for me... too much adrenaline...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 19:48:43
Kitty takes ice cubes and slowly rolls them over his neck ...noticing the drips licks her way to paradise.....grrrrr ...thanks Ingrid and Susanne for the advice!!!!!! lol...grrr
From: fanny on 2005-10-08 20:02:29
he's so sweat his shades have started to fog..(I really hope that's the right word)
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 20:06:24
Well kitty will just have to remove them.....kitty takes them off slowly ...slow..inching them off.....awe his eye are so beautiful.....grrr*winks at Fanny* thanks for the inspiration and yes fog works for me... ;))....grrrr
From: fanny on 2005-10-08 20:17:42
*winks back* hi soulie!what's the time over to you now?? I'm so used to seeing comments frm around two O' clock at the night from you;)havin' a little date with bono tonight are ya??hehe=)hugshugs..
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 20:24:06
Hihihi...well Its 11:20 in the morning... *winks back*....I only sleep about 4 hours a day and i go to sleep when ever it hits me....usually I'm writing (for my job) at this time but I'm playing hooky...oppps (do you know what hooky is?) its skipping out on what I should be doing..... anyway I'm still looking at Bono's neck drooling like a hyena and yes wishing I was touching him.....grrrr
From: fanny on 2005-10-08 20:30:52
well..I haven't got much sleep lately either,because I'm reading this exiting book every night until the morning hours=)I found some pictures:http://www.alihewson.com/photos/photos/photo159.htmlhttp://www.alihewson.com/photos/photos/photo161.html
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 20:32:20
ohhhhh no way you're gonna lick his neck wich is cooled with MY icecubes! they're mine, so my water drippin down his neck, so I would be the right person to lick that.... grrrrrrrr and yes, the shades have to go, and the shirt also... and the jackett... and the creepers!!!!!!!! o wait, no, that'd make me taller than him.... K bono, you can keep your creepers...
From: fanny on 2005-10-08 20:33:13
btw I got to go now,I have to eat my Vertig-O's=)haha..just kidding,but I'll see you guys later=)byebye,hugs!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 20:35:28
ciao! ;) and remember, don't eat too much vertig'o's ... they'll make you dizzy! ;)
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 21:24:27
Hehe, Fanny, I got stuck with your links... I haven't seen very many pics about Bono and his wife, so I just had to watch them all... Well I didn't watch them all but quite many.. What a lucky lady she is!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 21:31:00
lucky? yeah she's the luckiest person in the world.. I also found a pretty pic of them together....Bono looks very very cute here^^http://www.bonoonline.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=91&pos=3
From: susanne on 2005-10-08 21:38:09
Hehe, I just found pic with Edge and Bono and their beautiful wifes... And guess what, this is the first time, when I really see, that Edgy is bald....http://www.alihewson.com/photos/photos/photo36.html
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 21:39:53
yeah it was at the pavarotti and friends concert... and scary that bald head is!!!! edge, please keep your beanie on for me?
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 21:41:35
by the way, is this a site, dedicated to bono's WIFE??? O_O
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 21:46:49
also, Bono showing off his passport!!! is it me or is the pic on it Pop Bono? http://www.alihewson.com/photos/photos/photo102.html
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 21:47:32
Well, I haven't really watched what the site is about, I been busy watching all those pics... But yes, there's quite many pics just about Ali, and since it is alihewson.com... Obviously, she has fans, and come to think of it, when I said she's a lucky lady, maybe we should also think Bono being a quite lucky to have someone like her around...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 21:50:22
yeah she's the one making sure bono's not getting too big for his boots, hehe and ofcourse she takes care of our beautiful hero ^^ but I never knew Ali also had fans.. she did do some very good things, chernobyl thing and such...
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 21:59:38
Oh so nice pics there... Hmmm, I don't know much about what she (Ali) has been doing, maybe I should go and find out (since obviously my efforts to study aren't being very successful tonight)... I did heard she has been doing some environment protection and stuff though... Hmm hmm hmm..
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 22:03:02
yeah she was also into the sellafield thing, and there were rumours of ali becoming president of Ireland.. but she said that hte labour hadn't asked her, and that bono wouldnt like her to have a higher status too... and yes, there are alot of pretty pictures here! I'm watching them all
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 22:05:07
OMG THE MULLET!!!! and btw,I like B's shirt;)http://www.alihewson.com/photos/photos/photo343.html
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 22:08:28
His shirt??? What about his trousers??? Nasty thoughts... Hehee..
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 22:13:22
ohh they're a few sizes too 'small' if you get what I mean ;) and no, must.. not... think.. of... that... gawd today has been a great day... and I think I'll be heading towards bed soon, butI'll read this Ali Bio first,.. maybe find some interesting things there... I have the feeling this site is made by a dutch girl... lies is a dutch girl name...
From: Susanne on 2005-10-08 22:17:42
Heh, Ok, good night, I think I may hit my bed too, has to be ready to win my friend tomorrow (we play regularly badminton, I lost last time, not gonna lose tomorrow). See you soon, hugs!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 22:38:25
Bye girls....*waves*.....been looking at the whole gallerie....a few I haven't seen... thanks Fanny Ingrid Susanne.... grrrrIngrid still licking away and your asleep so hahahaha ...licky licky licky...rwarrring....
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-09 02:33:52
Wow it is about time there were some pics from Boston!!! Woopeee
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-10-09 02:45:48
HI, octu2,and everyone , I had an emergency my husband is in the hospital , he is comming home tomorrow.
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-09 02:51:52
Oh nooooo Trin. I have been waiting to hear about your Green day concert. So sorry to hear about your husband is he going to be ok?
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-10-09 03:10:42
missed Green Day spent tuesday in ER. I gave my ticket to my daughters friend , my daughters , my niece, and one friend went they said it was the best concert they have ever been to! And about my husband he has a chronic illness , so he spends alot of time in the hospital.
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-09 03:13:56
Your daughters are right about Green Day. Amazing to watch. So sorry to hear about your husband though. I'm sure the person you gave the ticket to loved it :) I fyou ever get a chance to go again...You should. Vey talented musicians. But No body touches my boys!!! They are at the top of my list always.but for Punkers GreenDay is fab.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-09 05:40:12
Triny so sorry to hear of your hubby ....that can be tuff ....I've had some simular occurances in my family too..... hope you have a good support system cause it truely helps... *hugs*.....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-09 14:18:16
sorry to hear that trinity, hope he gets well soon... grrrr soulie, sneaky person, well you aer prolly still sleeping now so it's PAYBACK TIME! hmmm lemme see, bono got mad because you fell asleep, and is still very very sweaty, he sure needs some help.... and since you are asleep, you're not much of use anymore *drags soulie into some closet and locks door* problem fixed, rawr for me bono! Rawrrr *lick*
From: Susanne on 2005-10-09 18:29:18
*Susanne opens the closet's door and lets Soulie out* Let's not be selfish girls, there's enough Bono for everyone of us... Or if you two want, you can have a little fight of him and I'll just take care of him at the time... Yeees, that sounds a perfect solution.
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-09 20:13:45
ohhhhh nonononono you evil gal! it took me months to get soulie in that closet, now you released the beast again! *runs in a car with bono for a joyride*I have a feeling I'm going to regret this......