U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85087505 views.
Photo by Christine Sullivan / [email protected]
rating : 5.5 with 32 vote(s)
Boston, Massachusetts
Iptc.Copyright | Christine Sullivan / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Christine Sullivan / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Boston |
Iptc.CountryName | Massachusetts |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051003 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Susanne on 2005-10-07 17:39:28
Little-Bono: "Look dude, I'll just go for a pint, I'll come back home early..."
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-07 19:10:19
Not on my watch!!! Get back in the hotel right now!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-07 19:13:11
yes little man, listen to your big bad bodyguard!
From: Lucia on 2005-10-07 20:42:56
is this one outside the main entrance of the hotel??...just like this????....I just love Usa... :-))))...I'm cominggggggg...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 05:49:34
I'm taking bets now.....and I'm putting it all on you Lucia....I know you'll get to him again I have no doubts... you go girl ... :)~ lol grrr
From: Lucia on 2005-10-08 14:18:21
hahaha Soulie....I met few guys on U2 italian fan club and they were in boston...they told me about U2 accomodation in town and someone told them that it would be the same on dec...hihihi...can't believe Bono just goes out like this....if I think what I did here in Rome last July to get in...hihihi....Soulie why don't you come with me?... :-)))
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 18:56:11
well, when he *tried* to get out of the amsterdam hotel, he nearly got squashed by the crowd... ghehe well and he stayed cool, placed his mark on couple of papers and wwas like: look, I'm very late, I promise I'll be here tomorrow K? and next day it was even MORE crowded, it was in our paper ^^
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 18:56:33
*I still should have his apologizing vid on this pc somewhere..... *
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-08 19:25:16
Lol Lucia.... if i got a chance to meet him I'd turn all blubbery fall at his feet grab his ankles and eventually have to be dragged away by his body guards kicking and screaming..... I don't want to embarrass you.... hahaha ....grrrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 20:34:43
oh no you wouldnt soulie... I think you'd me more like a statue, bono coming towards you, what's the matter pretty lady? you:..... *drool*... Bono: hmm maybe if I'd hug you, would that help? *hugs* *soulie grabs him and never lets go*... and so you are tied to him^^
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-09 02:46:34
Oh my god Lucia if you see him again at the Boston Hotel that would be sooo funny. Are you thinking about it?
From: Lucia on 2005-10-09 03:42:17
hihihi..Soulie ..you don't embarasse me at all..I can do worse I tell you that!..I was so shy when in Rome Bono was drinking something at the bar and his bodyguard came to me and pleased me not to disturb him because he was tired and was spending a nice time with his family...he added "you Know we've been travelling thruoghout the world since last january..."...oh jeez I just wanted to hide and people around me was looking...fortunately the were some other people trying to get pics so the bodyguard was quite busy.....btw he's not this one...he's on other pics.....Ehi Oct...of course I'm thinking to see him again somewhere in Boston...:-)))))...I'm spending 5 days in the city and I would have nothing to do but find our man...hihihi...but this time my camera will be ready!!!!!....oh well I hope so....I mean to take a pic with him...after all I'm flying something like 14000km return!..and by myself!!....jeez I'm completely out of my mind...as always girls! :-))))))
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-09 05:36:59
BY YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAPSTERS!!!!!! You are alot braver than I....wow! I wish you all the luck but 5 days and your on his scent....whoo hooo go get um sweety....lol... wonder what he'd do if you asked to sniff him....hahahha .....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-09 14:09:24
rofl, I think he wants to smell you first then! but lucia, wich bodyguard do you mean? this big guy is mostly in the pics with bono as his bodyguard, maybe he has more than one? altho that sounds strange to me, sicne he'd rather have none, but that's impossible for him, hehehe;)
From: Lucia on 2005-10-09 22:10:21
hahaha soulie...can you imagine?.." Hi bono,may I sniff you from the topo to the bottom?...I've come from Italy to do this..."..hihihi...I could write it on a poster for the show....what do you think??..Ingrid there's another one,I saw him on Toronto pics and for sure Bono has more than a bodyguard...try to imagine if he recognizes me..." oh no that's her again!!!"...hihihi....
From: Lucia on 2005-10-09 22:25:38
Ing I found him...it's on chicago pics by Chuck,he's with the Edge,he's got a white t-shirt with a 63 number on it....that's him! :-)))
From: clsully on 2005-10-10 01:24:15
ingrid... your pictures are awesome... looks like you do alot of traveling to see them. Thats great...have you met bono yet?
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-10 15:02:50
errrrr this pics aren't mine,... I sadly have never ever even been to a u2 show... and also haven't met bono... but I kinda think I know how he would react, after reading millions of fan stories who met him... ;) and lucia, I don't think he'd remember you, he sees so many ppl... maybe he'd recognize miroslava, cuz, hm they had 'something special' ;) and I think if she made a sign with the girl with no name on it, there must be a tiny bell ringing inside bono's head ^^well lucia, maybe that's edgeys bodyguard?
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-10 16:34:47
Lol haha Lucia thats too funny ....jeez insanity runs in my family or I'd never thought of it...hahha ...good lord if somebody said that he might punch there lights out..... he's a hot headed Irishman don't let his good deeds fool ya....good golly miss molly hahhahaha....But what I would give ( years paycheck) to get a little wiff...hahahaha...*insanity insanity insanity*........grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-10 16:39:35
gheheh soulie, and you try to tell us the only thing you'd do with our man is Sniffing him???????
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-10 18:26:42
I'm rooting for you Lucia!!!!!! If you find him again, it would make all our days on here :) May all the good luck in the world be with you on those days,or should I say "Miroslava's" Good luck be with you! :)
From: Lucia on 2005-10-10 21:20:53
I don't know Ingrid,in Rome he was with Bono and he was standing in front of his room on the sixth floor...that was the first time when I spoke to him!...amazing thing....hahaha Soulie...I'm the queen of insanity!...all my family is so worried about that..they always say that my face looks like my butt....it's an italian sentence and it means that you don't fear anything in this world and with this face I could go everywhere,I don't shy!...hihihi....ehi Oct..thanks a lot and I swear that if I find him again I'll try to get an autographs for you two "old" girls..hahah...joking! :-))))
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-11 09:17:53
*rocking her chair* oh that would be sweeeeet...*chair rockin fast* I'm rooting for you girl.... **help i fell and I can't get up*....lol ...pinches Lucia make you think old....hihii...if you only knew my age you'd faint.... buwahaha
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-11 13:49:18
yeah in fact soulie is a 15 year old gal.... bet you didn't know that huh;)also tell bono if you meet him that he shoud pay a visit to this extraordinary site to say hi to us ^^ but make him use a certain sentence or name so we know it's him... and not a fakey... o, wait.... bad Idea... first get rid of all the weird comments before making him check them!!!!!!!
From: Lucia on 2005-10-12 00:24:19
hehe..Soulie I got your age....:-)))...well I can tell you I'm almost 29 but my brain is definitely about 12...hihihi......and the situation is getting worse!
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 03:27:57
Oh that would be sweet wouldn't it gals if Lucia could get an autograph and tell him to come on this site. Even more funny if he says to Lucia"What makes you think I don't already go on" :)
From: sushi on 2005-10-12 03:30:55
I think this was on Interference's forums... someone said they met Bono and they asked him if he knew PLEBA. He said, "PLEBA? Scary girls!!" I dunno if it's true.. hah, but that would be soooooooooo funny if it were, because it means Bono does visit sites like these!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 18:03:39
uhhhh I feel really stupid now... what is PLEBA???? also oct, now youre scaring me.... I'm getting paranoa(arg how do you spell that?) even when I try to think about it, he could be you, he could be soulie(okay then Bono would be VERY very narcistic) or wait.. he could be me!!! see? the thought only freaks me out!!!!And lucia, everybody should be a kid somedays, some parents forget what it's like to be one, like mine... and that's really nogood for your relationship with your kiddo's.... as the generation gap between me and my parents became quite big... but still, tell bono to come over here, but tell him NOT to visit the elevation tour comments and especially not the ones of him in copenhagen! ;) we wouldn't want to show him that wouldn't we ... or the ones lying on the ground, in a fight with edgeymon...
From: Susanne on 2005-10-12 18:35:25
Hmmmm... Okej, now I really have to go and read those Elevation tour comments... And I haven't even read all the Vertigo-tour comments yet.. Oh dear, this is going to take some time *Susanne looks the book pile next to her and thinks about her coming exams... Then she thinks hell with it and runs to see the Elevation tour comments... And is having a great time surfing there...*
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 20:49:31
I know, Susanne, it takes a bit of time to read all of this doesn't it!! I should be mopping my floors and getting ready for the day,but I'm on here like a nerd reading these comments instead.:) My routine is to talk to my dear sister for three hours in the morning while we talk about all the things in our lives and our obsessions with U2 and hers with Greenday and then I go on here. I get little done some mornings because of this site. I have to limit my self or it will be bad.!!:)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 20:51:57
hehe I should be working on a book report.. since the teacher got sick monday and tuesday, and got better today, and now he still expect us to give it to him tomorrow, while we don't even have dutch class anymroe!!!!! that man is unfair! there are strickt rules that we have to hand it over to him in the last class of that week!(that's friday, but we're off to Rome there, well half our class, so the last was tuesday, when he was sick) damn and a lil part of our class doesn't even KNOW they have to be ready tomorrow.. since he came tell us, but the other half of the class wasn't in that class, okay I'm confusing myself now... I really need to get better at english!
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 20:54:30
Ingrid are you on here 24/7 or what. I post and you are right behind me with a new one. isn't it about 9:00pm there at night(21:00hr.)?
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 20:58:20
oh yea it is, and yess I have no0 life.. hehe I spent alot of my day behind the pc... and next to my work, this site is allways open^^ in case some of you gals react on something, I can chat back and so forth ^^ mostly you and soulie are on late at night so I am not able to talk to you much, except for talk now and you read it next day... but susanne and fanny are on much on the same times as I am ^^ timezones yay! hehe I know I can be very hyperactive... actually I am... also, back to my bookreport.. next thing to commet.. uhh petrarkism... wth is that?
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 21:00:01
For me right now it is 12:00 noon here and I should be ready and eating lunc but I got trapped on here!! HELP
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 21:01:50
do what I do... check the time, give yourself FIVE minutes... make a quick sandwich, and get back on the pc! if you didn't make it in the five mins... you have to stay here longer ;) and that's how I end up staying here all night... ghehe well not that bad, but I eat alot... O crap, I didn't even think of that! I will be in the bus for 24 hours to get to rome.... what will I take with me, how many kilograms of foood?
From: susanne on 2005-10-12 21:05:09
Hihii, Oct... This is very dangerous site indeed, once you got in, it's almost impossible to find your way out (and most time you really don't even want out)...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 21:06:06
and as we say in dutch, WHen you're talkin bout the devil, you can hear his chains... hello susanne ^^ *waves*
From: Susanne waves back to Ingrid on 2005-10-12 21:08:47
... And Ingrid, I'm also having this site open sometimes when I'm writing an essay, it's so nice to visit here quickly and see if somebody has said something interesting, and then go back to work if anything isn't happening...
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 21:09:15
I know Susanne. I feel super guilty right now because I;m not ready for the day and it is lunch time. I have been on the phone with my sister and have done nothing so far. And I know what you mean about not wanting to leave either. I think this will be my last post of the day though, since it is not cool that I have not done a darn thing today.
From: Ingrid waves to oct (and susanne) on 2005-10-12 21:12:18
*quoting bono* who cares about cool? It's all about being hot!hehe well I love to do nothing days long, nothing but listening to my favorite band and checking their sites... hehe how's your essay going susanne??? I think I'm stuck to my book report for a while now... all these stupid things.. *yawn*
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-10-12 21:13:52
I should be on my way to work but here I am , a quick check 5 to 10 min.....
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 21:16:01
OK I know I said that the last one would be my last, but I had to say hi to Trinity!! HI HI. You really think you will be on here for only 5 to 10 min?
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 21:17:05
hehe hi trinity, and, five-ten mins?? how about five-ten years??? ghehe okay I'm really goin goofy now.. but oct, do you get what I'm meaning with the thing that it's way funnier to have conversations here, as in posting at the same moments?
From: Susanne says hi to everybody on 2005-10-12 21:19:59
..My essay?? Hihii, well it's...Eeehh... I'm doing a little bit progress with it every once and a while... I think I have been writing few chapters...Hehee... But I was reading in library earlier today, so I don't feel very guilty about it..
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-12 21:21:00
Yes I do Ingrid. also if you post on the Vertigo one with the white. How do you get your name to say on there? I have hit remember me a dozen times and it never stays. On the blue one my name stays.
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-12 21:22:58
well you have no Idea how many typo's Ive made with typing in my name here... mostly I type in a rush to make sure I'm not forgetting what I wanted to type, so that goes wrong alot.. AAAAAAARGH I wanted to say something to susanne... and now I forgot... also u2 is very good for my typing skills... I can type the lyrics of beautiful day with the song ^^ now I wanna hear about you trying that oct;) I warn you, it's FAST! hmm if I get bored in rome, that's what I'll do... write down the lyrics I know^^ it calms me.. don't know why...
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-10-13 09:16:59
Hi Oct & Ingrid , How can I take the caps off my name ? now that I know It's rude it's bothering me..
From: Soulcatgirl to Triny for Someone Smart on 2005-10-13 13:36:10
Hun its not ...what made you think that? ..but I don't know how unless you just hit the caps button....oh wait how do you post not in caps but your name is in caps????? ok this is way over my head???? grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-13 16:20:27
uh it;'s not that rude... but if you want to take it off... do you use vertigo-tour.com or elevation-tour.com.... the first one.. just type it in w/o caps... the 2nd one... I'm not sure... but I think you should just retype your name w/o caps
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-13 21:41:08
don't worry Trinity, having caps on your name is fine, it is when you write comments all in caps it is concidered rude since it is like you are yelling. I have heard this more than one on other sites so,that is what I have been going back to. Does anyone know where that started?
From: U2TRINITY on 2005-10-14 07:34:00
Ok I will keep the caps on my name since I don't know how to change it , I post on elevation and it automatically prints it..
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-14 19:28:33
Trinity I think,IF you want to change it you want to change it on the elevation,just erase it and put what you want then check the remember me. I Change it all the time on the elevation but the vertigo one never remembers my name and I have to enter each time,no matter how many times I hit remember me.
From: Teresa on 2005-11-25 15:11:18
Does anyone know what hotel in Boston this picture was taken???
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-25 16:45:47
correct me if I'm wrong but I'm quite sure it was the Four Seasons hotel... right lucia?
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-26 19:41:59
Could be four seasons, since that is where they sayed in San Francisco. My daughter was on the look out for me since she lives very near The Ritz Carlton,but they ended up near the water side at the Four Seasons instead.
From: Teresa on 2005-11-28 14:01:12
Thank u for your comments! We are very excited about going to our second show in Boston on 12/4. I would just die if I ran into any of them around the city!!!!