U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85387897 views.
Photo by Art / [email protected]
rating : 5.2 with 65 vote(s)

Sony DSC-S90
1/50s f/5 at 15.6mm (35mm equiv: 100mm) iso 250
1/50s f/5 at 15.6mm (35mm equiv: 100mm) iso 250
Washington, District of Columbia
Exif.Make | Sony |
Exif.Model | DSC-S90 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/50 |
Exif.FNumber | 5 |
Exif.FocalLength | 15.6 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 100 |
Exif.ISO | 250 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-10-20 21:52:24 |
Iptc.Copyright | Art / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Art / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Washington |
Iptc.CountryName | District of Columbia |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051020 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Vix on 2005-10-31 15:58:17
luvvin the shoes m8!! i want some!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-31 16:40:12
they're called Brothell Creepers.. larry also wears them... but I STILL want to know B's shoesize!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-31 17:39:14
Is it because they traipsy around BROTHEL'S....holy sheep sh--! .... I just thought they were called Big Foot Loafers.... size 14...for big & strong men....grrrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-31 18:59:02
hmm strong yepppaaa big, in muscles yes;) but not in height... who cares about that anyway... he's same height as I am so if I ever meet him I can give him a big fat snog without standing on my toes!!!!!! *not meant to be mean to you soulie... I just read it again... no offence!*and size 14.. is that his or did you make that up??... I wonder what that is in EU size....
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-31 22:14:32
Finally a close up of these cool shoes!!!Think about all the places these shoes have been to...hopefully not any brothels though!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-01 14:56:18
hehe I had to use a dictionary to get the meaning of brothel.. but actually... they've been in a club called Lillies Bordello... alot... but that doesn't count right? and there are pictures of bono walking and talking to fans in front of a sexshop.... but that doesnt count either^^ hmmm I really wonder why we actually think these shoes are cool.... guess it's the man attached to them... and I wouldn't mind to be 2 inch biggerr tho^^
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-01 22:58:04
Yeppa they were at Lillies and I always wondered what my baby was doing in front of that store...hihii....Was it just a coincidence...NOT!! hahaha.....Have you read about his trip to that comedy sex show with Naomi and friends; *clears throat well actually it was... excuse me don't hate me* .. it was a puppet show with a males *you know*....as the puppet????....I suppose you've read it by now...*kitty looks around* ...What the hell does that have to do with his shoes????. *scratches head*...I think I got side tracked...hahahagrrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-02 02:39:20
I haven't read about that! Where did you read it Soulcat? So it was a PeePee Puppet?:)
From: U2Trinity on 2005-11-02 08:35:00
I've never heard of Lillies is it in the USA ?Solcat , tell us where we can read about the puppet show he attented...
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-02 11:44:55
two questions soulie.... first one.. where did you read thatsecond... did HE participate in it????
From: Susanne on 2005-11-02 18:26:22
Woohoo, the conversation of Bono's shoes got just veeery interesting.... Soulie, where did you read that???????????
From: Patty on 2005-11-02 19:48:22
Hi every one! I love this picture of B's shoes. Does any one know where you can buy them? Most importantly though, what's all this puppet show talk????
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-03 02:23:06
not all together sure about where this took place, but read Soulcats comment above.
From: U2Trinity to Soulcat... on 2005-11-03 08:54:02
Soulcat , you left us all hanging ... Divulge..........
From: SOULIE COME HERE AND ANSWER!!!! on 2005-11-03 16:48:10
hmm this'll do I think... also Lillies is a nightclub in dublin.... and the shoes... I think they're made by a specialist, cuz I've never seen those HUGE soles around in the stores here... hehe would you want to buy them o_O...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-04 03:55:33
Hey guys I've been out of commision and not online sorry.... as for the puppet show its very true and no he did not participate as far as I know??? The same guys brought their act to my town but I couldn't no way go....Yiks!I'm sure it's probably funny but I'll sit that one out...heheheok I can't remember if it was a Rolling Stone or what mag originally and I've a trunk load so I'm not about to dig *do not feel well*...honestly i figured you had all heard about it cause your all catching up to speed faaaast otherwise I probably wouldn't have even mentioned it (cheeky grin) I do have a site where there is an up-date story about these *mental* guys so if you are sensible or you are squimish do not I repeat DO NOT click here.....sorry but there's none of Bono's quotes here..Beings were on the subject you all know about his famous rattle right? If you guys say no I'm serious going to have to take those books you'all been reading and throw them in a dumpster.....cheers girls....
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-04 04:01:29
Ooops sorry forgot to confirm ....Lillies is in Dublin... yeppa :))
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-04 04:03:17
http://www.theage.com.au/news/Arts/Puppets-wellhung/2005/03/23/1111525220121.htmlONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK ....and younger folks should not bother......grrrr
From: U2Trinity on 2005-11-04 07:41:59
Soulcat , your going to get mad , but I will be the first to admit I don't know about his famous rattle????
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-04 15:33:02
err trinuy... haven't heard of it either... and I lolled about the article but err lemme copy it "it's prohibited to even say the word "penis" on radio, or print it in a newspaper or magazine unless it has a medical relevance."that's just insane!!! that's the thing most ppl dislike about america... they're just okay and happy about violence and crime... but they're soo against sex.... I'm sorry but I think it's much worse for a teenager to have a gun than to have sex,..... that's the thing we generally don't understand... "Number of women who have auditioned for Puppetry of the Penis: None"wouldn't it be weird if they did??? o_O
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-04 16:10:03
Ingrid and Triny the rattle is really a baby rattle and I think it's actually referred to as Bono's Rattler...... I'll give ya time to find it ....yes it has a photo with it and a story....happy hunting ladys....*giggle*Oh my gawd ...Hey Ingrid there's enough sex in America ....don't fret... they take after those darn Edgey bunnies just going nuts everywhere......heheheheI could get all politico about the comment but trying to keep my wagging tongue in my head.... ;)~u2 u2 u2 u2 u2 u2 u2....grrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-04 16:57:34
errrr rattle... bono's rattle... NOW TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!! I wanna know WHAT you mean....... argh I hate my curiosity.... ok wanna trade it for a picture of Bono with his tongue out???? he's licking 'something'.... from the side... now TELL me that story!
From: Ingrid for soulie! on 2005-11-04 18:54:42
speak gal, you just made me terribly curious!!!! and in the meantime, this picture is shoes.. so I'll post some more shoe fun! Enjoy!! also.. I want the whole pic... JEANS!http://www.livejournal.com/community/u2daily/132192.htmlbe sure to scroll down!
From: Soulcatgirl to Ingrid on 2005-11-05 19:54:27
Here's an article dating back::The People : 6/10/1996 .....BONO?S WILLY SKETCH IS UP FOR GRABS ! A CHILDREN?S CHARITY IS TO GO AHEAD WITH PLANS TO AUCTION A DRAWING BY BONO OF HIS WILLYJohn JamesA children?s charity is to go ahead with plans to auction a drawing by Bono of his WILLY despite bitter criticism by a parents? group.Health Action Overseas, formerly Babies of Romania, invited hundreds of celebrities including the U2 star to contribute a drawing of their favourite childhood toys. While other celebs chose horses and trains for their sketches, Bono had other ideas.And he signed the naughty drawing "Me Rattler". Fionnula Kilfeather of theNational Parents Council branded the drawing "tasteless"."Any organisation that is raising money for charity has to be very conscious of the values that they are portraying," she said.But the charity has refused to withdraw the picture from its auction in Dublin?sTemple Bar Theatre in December to raise funds for a Romanian orphanage.James Dillon, chairman of Health Action Overseas, said : "We expect Bono?s sketch to raise more than pounds 1,000. If we withdraw it, the only people to suffer would be handicapped children."The drawing certainly reflects Bono?s sense of humour."It?s not our job to be art critics. People have to form their own opinions."Other celebrity contributions include a painting of a toy train from Gab Byrne.Pop star Chris de Burgh and golfer Bernard Langer have submitted sketches and Taoiseach John Bruton has promised to contribute.The auction was the idea of UCD film student Ciaran Gearty.Can't find a photo online of his sketch but it was cute ...it does look like a babys rattle.....but then again it does look like a lil willy too.... ok end of story..... why haven't the bio's your reading talked of these incidences? ....ummmmm...strange....grrrOk now fork over the tongue.....grrrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-05 19:56:34
OH fooooook'n shooot! When I transfered the article it brought the dreaded question marks with it ....sorrry everyone.....*stomps foot*..grr
From: Susanne on 2005-11-05 20:01:49
Oh my, hihihihii... I think I have been reading the wrong Bono-books... Huh, talking about Bono's sense of humour... ;)
From: Soulcatgirl bumping BonoRattler on 2005-11-05 20:10:13
He's a vera funny guy ...and sweet as honey too..... :))
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-05 20:54:00
I haven't read that story,but in 1996, I was in a whole different world with small kids and just not reading a whole lot of stuff back then. It sounds pretty funny and it seems like it reflected him in that time :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-05 23:18:23
Pfffrrrrtttttttttttt *dies* ok I am laughing badly now... that story is SO bono... ghehehehee oh soulie, how can you be the one allways finding the greatest stuff??? where did you find the article??? hmmm might aswell go diggin in the archives of that paper... meej wants pictures XD
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-06 03:40:47
Ok Ingrid ....*kitty scratching her post with claws* = = = = = = = < scratches........You promised me a tongue photo of my baby and now you've forgotten...?...grrrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-06 16:59:00
oh yeah that ^^ I forgot yes... well lucky for you I saved the pic on my pc cuz I have no idea where I found it... *uploads*http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8650/bonolickingmicgotheborg7ka.jpgand as bonuis, you probably allready know this one... but anyway it's a cute one^^http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3195/bonoboarofl5bu.jpg
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-06 17:00:06
also the website of the people has no archive or what.. so I couldnt find anything about it... do you have pics soulieeee?
From: Ingrid *bumps tongue pics for soulie!!** on 2005-11-07 18:20:45
you allmost lost 'em here gal^^ also I love his smile on the 2nd one.. as in, oh I'm so insane that I don't care about! You will think I'm pretty anywayz;) hehe and yess he looks really adorable in it.. but also a slight bit ridiculous... hehe