U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85165817 views.
Photo by Miroslava
rating : 6.9 with 30 vote(s)
Cleveland, Ohio
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Miroslava |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051210 |
Iptc.City | Cleveland |
Iptc.CountryName | Ohio |
Iptc.Copyright | Miroslava |
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From: myveryownconga on 2005-12-21 10:22:01
here Adam reacts to Bono's impromptu Ed Sullivan impression...once again captured with unmatched elegance by the incomparable and most excellent Miroslava, who has turned in the best and most consistently AWESOME and thoughtful shots of anyone on the tour. happy trails, Miroslava! i'll see you again, when the stars fall from the sky....
From: Miroslava on 2006-02-20 19:15:14
Oh wow... just saw this... thank you :D There are many more people with waaaaaay better pictures than mine, but you know, these are MINE. :D Nothing liek capturing your own memories...And you're going to have to introduce yourself next time ;) Unless you already did and I am missing something :hmm:
From: Octu2 on 2006-02-20 19:21:04
this is a great shot Miro,and I 'm rooting for you if you are going to Hawaii! Are you going?
From: Miroslava on 2006-03-14 21:32:10
Well, I am going to Hawaii, despite the fact that the show got cancelled. Should be a good time with friends. But thanks octu!! :D
From: knappevent on 2006-03-14 22:25:28
wb miro! big hug!to bad that it's cancelled, but i'm sure you are going to have a great time @ hawai... just for $10 ;-) LOL.'when the new dates come up, are you going then as well?dutch kisses 3 three times!PSLost your mail adress due to comp crash :'(
From: boomcha on 2006-03-15 12:22:17
Hey there...sorry for beeing absent but I am still in shock over all the news... but I am still going to Hawaii!!! I didnt tell before cause I was afraid something like this could happen and now we have to go even without seeing the band...hope they have lots of Alc over there...we´ll need it ;-)Anyone knows if Lucia is still going?? So, Miro were meeting on the 8th at the Stadium round 8 I think was the time...maybe you join in. Think there will be alot of fans who have to travel. See you there...
From: Ingrid on 2006-03-15 17:15:13
what's with the site today? it looks weird.... knappe, I can email you her adress if you want... well one of the three at least ;) I have all of them.. ^^good to be back boomie, enjoy your trip to hawaii!!!!! have a good vacation, even without U2...
From: Susanne on 2006-03-16 10:58:26
Yeah Boomie, try to enjoy yourself, I'm sure there's lots to do in Hawaii even without U2. And try not to drink too much alc, it only makes you sick afterwards... ;)