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U2gigs.com gallery » 2001 - U2 Elevation Tour » 3rd Leg North America » 2001-11-18 Las Vegas (pictures by Daniel Hazard) »
Photo by Daniel Hazard
rating : 6.4 with 59 vote(s)
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From: ??? on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Yes slate, the belt is bad.. and of course we know that Edge prefers his women to look more.. sweet.. we lucky ones!!
From: Slateblue on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
You say it, Triple! Poor Bono huns... We feel for you! *patpatpat*
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
girls, look at this, its about if bono shaved his chest or not, sooooo funny!!!!http://www.interference.com/thegoldenarch/media/bonochest.rm
From: soul cat girl on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tanja you are the master...that clip is so damn darling ..watched 20 times..his our man funny ...you know it took me 5 times before I could figure what he said at the end...isn't he cute as hell...what was this for anyway a British TV show...Bono babes go see your gonna die for it...gawd thanks hun it was so fun I laughed and got such a super kick out it...lots of luv..meeow..also I finally got to see the Halloween Bono Troll baby too...laughing my buns off...grrrrr
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
scg, what did he say?? everytime I watch it, I understand something else!!! help!!!!!!!!!!
From: soul cat girl on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
oh tanja hi...he says after the guy asks do you ----blank ity blank--can't spoil it for unsuspecting babes--anyway at the end Bono says "I'm not saying"...how cute is that...he was growling soooo cuuuute oh gawwd just like i imagined he would....grrrrr right back at him.....haha thanks again luved it
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
ojeeee, I understood something totally different... shame on me... heheee
From: sarah on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*pouts* :(my real player won't work :(*blows kisses to bonoluv*
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
scg hun... watched it again.. are you sure he said that?? dont know what I understand, but.... hmmmmm... I go and hear again...
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
hmm. I understand something like" god... sake... I am not..." maybe "saying" isnt anymore on the tape.... could that be???
From: HomieVox on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
I'm with SoulCat on this one: I think he says "I'm not saying , am I?" ***
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
hi homie... yes I think now I got it... maybe its "I am not" in the end... look forward to what I will understand after the next 100 times ;-))
From: Tanja on 0000-00-00 00:00:00
yeees "am I"!!!! excuse me, I have to get everything step by step... heheee
From: Slateblue on 2001-11-21 15:25:33
The way they look at each other is, uh... very interesting, I must say... yes, very interesting indeed...
From: Tanja on 2001-11-21 16:42:42
SLATE!!!! dont say that... nononoooo... she cant have everything... she has got already one of the most beautiful men... she CANT have THE MOST beautiful one!!!
From: Slateblue on 2001-11-21 21:14:41
Is she? What man? I've no idea...
From: soul cat girl on 2001-11-21 21:14:50
Well Babes he kisses her too both damn nights big effing smack-a-roos on the efffing lips..SH--!! She's pretty but her out fit is childish and looks silly on her..she's needs to up grade to better material or something....Where's Triple she could lend her a few items!!!! haha...but isn't this look he turns on her just stop your heart..gaaawd he is soo sooo darling...sigh...wish it was me..grrr...gotta go to therapy be back later homie...lots of Bono luv to ya....
From: soul cat girl on 2001-11-21 21:19:23
S-L-AAAA-Te how did you sneek up on me...haha bono is the sh-- oh yeah edgy dov ....he's edgy beat by a mile in these photos ..gaawd Hazard has his stuff together big time!!!!! lots of luv dovey see ya later...grrr
From: Traboy on 2001-11-21 21:30:10
They are both laughing because Gwen's belt kept falling off. Bono had to help her put the belt back on (both only having one hand free). It came off earlier in the show and she told the audience to "F*#k off!"
From: HomieVox on 2001-11-21 22:43:52
Oh, girls...he throws that look at all women...don't tell me he's been f***ing them all??!! It's just his natural sex-appeal!! Oh, and what would Gwen want with Bono if she already has 1st. class material at home??!! Her man fits her...Bono just plain doesn't!! But this is a warning to Gwen...Gwen, don't mess with our man, otherwise...the next time your man steps in my country...hi, hi, hi... **very nasty thoughts going through lil' Homie's mind!*****
From: Tanja on 2001-11-21 23:57:47
slate, its gawin rossdale from bush... homie, I saw them live on our german music channel again, and I must say: ... YUM!!! YUMMYUM!!!! but no fear bono-darling, you will be my number one forever!!! (I am sure you wanted to hear that, hun :-))and traboy: thanks for your story, seems as you have been there.. tell us more, boy!!!
From: Slateblue on 2001-11-22 09:12:29
So they were both holding on to her belt, looking at each other like that?!? Oh my goodness... What a bad day to be a Bono lover... I'm so happy this wasn't Edge who clung to her belt! Triple, Sarah, Boomcha, we're some lucky folks, aren't we?
From: kat on 2001-11-22 18:07:19
....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stops2breath* gwen!!! get away from OUR MAN!!!!!! gggrrrrrrrr! this pic makes kat angry!
From: BONOBABE on 2002-01-11 19:49:02
LUCKY CHICK!The looks between them?Uh, Ali wake up and...get on the ball.Just a thought.
From: kat on 2002-01-12 20:27:15
you are right!! if we are jealous, f**k know how ali must be feeling!!!!