U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85082339 views.
Photo by Rob / [email protected]
rating : 5.4 with 27 vote(s)
Anaheim, United States
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050401 |
Iptc.City | Anaheim |
Iptc.ProvinceState | CA |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Comments :Add comment
From: Ostervuh on 2005-04-02 11:36:02
...and they come with car!!!Bono why the fuck you are not drive??? :-)))
From: VickyB on 2005-07-22 17:27:38
cos thats some1 elses car. he has a maserati.
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-22 19:26:52
Hey, Ostervuh,watch the language!!
From: VickyB on 2005-07-23 20:13:36
cos bono doesnt swear.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-24 06:34:24
Effin right about that !!!! ...lolgrrrrrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-24 20:57:42
Well,now, i have heard our man say some swear words,but why is it so funny and cute when he does it. Could be the accent.
From: boomcha on 2005-07-25 12:18:20
I too wondered bout Kitty?? Bman not swearing oh f*** he surely does....So give us what we want...give us what we want...give us what we f.... want!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-25 13:20:32
Takes up Boomies chant....Yeah give us what we want ....give us what we want ...what we really effing want! ............ummm pretty please....! ... and he says all gruff and hexy *f...ing A rightaway baby*......grrr