U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85165799 views.
Photo by Stian Haraldsen/Dagbladet
rating : 5.8 with 51 vote(s)
Iptc.Caption | |
Iptc.CaptionWriter | JFE |
Iptc.Headline | Valle Hovin |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Stian Haraldsen/Dagbladet |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050728 |
Iptc.City | OSLO |
Iptc.CountryName | NORWAY |
Iptc.Category | INN |
Iptc.Supplementals | BILDER |
Iptc.Copyright | Stian Haraldsen/Dagbladet |
Comments :Add comment
From: Tanja on 2005-07-28 16:48:03
is she the first blonde on stage?? gives hope for the future for me! :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-07-28 17:31:00
well.. most scandinavian persons are blonde....
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-28 19:03:45
That guy below is looking at his zippy pants :)
From: Boomie on 2005-07-28 21:04:44
Oh, Tanja seems youre, back if you notice the woman and not only the man...so youre back to normal live ?"? :-)
From: lizeth on 2005-07-28 21:10:43
I think she is hughing him a little to tight by the neck.hihi I know I would be doing the same thing :D
From: Fanny on 2005-07-29 21:17:29
*whisperstolizethsotheotherscan'thearit*don't say this to anyone,especally not to the bonobabes,she got a kiss and she also gave him a kiss back. a good thing she didn't kiss him on the mouth. hehe=)
From: lizeth on 2005-07-29 21:31:39
hihih, how coool!! she is soo lucky.I wouldn't mind a kiss form bono, of from the rest of the band :D
From: Fanny on 2005-07-29 22:03:15
she was freakin' lucky! she was dancing with bono for like two whole minutes!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-07-29 22:16:35
wow, bono's got a weak point there... gni gni gni... good thing I'm blonde!...too bad that I don't have tickets to any show so he'll never see me:(
From: Lucia on 2005-07-30 00:08:37
...if it would have happened to me I 'd kiss for sure him on mouth...and ears...and his neck...and "........." opps....can't say that!....hihihi
From: Fanny on 2005-07-30 00:19:22
like EVERYONE has interiewed that girl now=)
From: IsDinnerReadyYet on 2005-07-30 00:55:01
The press reported her saying that she thought Bono smelt like a "real man" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-30 04:54:51
walking along singing daydreaming having a good ol' time and BONG !....stops in tracks!!!!....she got a kiss danced with him for two minutes and can remember how he smelled !!!! Now this girl deserves a medal for sure...... I'm so glad somebody finally said that!!!! Most girls go out of there heads and can't remember a damn thing....geeez....Oh I bet he smelled devine....gaaaaaaaa....*biting fake fingernails*.....grrrrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-30 06:17:00
He sure is giving her a very nice hug. Would be nice to be there wouldn't it.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-30 06:21:11
Oct is that a trick question????? lol hahahaI'd give a years wages to be where she's standing.......big ol fat rooooaaaarrRRRRR...
From: Boomie on 2005-07-30 09:46:17
Soso like a real man....does that mean??? Oh dont wanna know how he smells after running around dancing singing and allways wearing that jacket.... baaaaah. Always think when the are sooo close with there noses in his neck and hes hugging them so tide...ah would run away and hide behind Edge and Larry (who for sure smells fresh like after a shower)
From: Lucia on 2005-07-30 21:28:00
..haha Boomie,but trust me...in this situation no matter if sweat!!...ggrr...i would hug Bono even if he was not taken a shower for days...lice and fleas included.......hihihi...oh no here we go again!!!..^_^
From: Lucia to Soulie on 2005-07-30 21:40:26
...Soulie...remember the glue story?....see b's hand?...I would have taken his hand and bring it to my breast...always 100% genuine stuff....he could not Know that I put some permanent glue on it....so that was it for the rest of our life....hihi...oh what a wonderful sensation!...ggrrr
From: Abbie to Lucia on 2005-07-30 21:51:58
Hmmm...i think i remember that glue story too ;)
From: lizeth on 2005-07-30 21:55:26
You girls and that glue story!!! hihi, Watch out Bono!!! :P
From: Kat on 2005-07-30 22:18:45
my hair was black and blonde the other week, but now I've ruined all my new Bono-dancing chances by dying it green!! if only I'd known!! *breaks down* lol.. glue, muhahaha
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-31 12:47:06
kittyKats hair is sooooooo IRISH.....how sweet is that!....Lucia hows that gonna work with one hand glued to your booby and the other glued to my ......................*sing out loud.....lalalalla the hills are alive with the sound of music*.......hehehehe....and I'd definately nuzzle my snout right into his neck and sniff away....hell they'd have to drag me away....with a bulldozer..... you know he smells manly in a good way.... ;)~Oh boomie you only how a frigg'n bunny smells and believe me you need nose plugs to handle that scent!.......ummm Bono smelling like paradise........grrrr
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-31 21:26:39
Amen soulcat!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-07-31 21:51:22
hm, boomie complains about bono being sweaty? well i wouldnt mind bathing him, or personally lick the sweat of his body....... bono, if you need somebody to do it, give me a call!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-08-01 02:01:00
lol...maybe Ingrids the one that would need the bulldozer! .....hehehehe.....grrr
From: Lucia on 2005-08-01 10:44:03
...haha Soulie...we gonna find out the way to share B...can I put my "little" nose somewhere else tooooo????.....last night I saw the dvd of elevation live from boston...when he was lying with the girl on stage and suddenly kissed her on mouth!!!!!!....Jeeeezzzz....heart attack.....Lucia's death!
From: Slateblue on 2005-08-01 11:10:39
That was a great moment. My heart breaks each time she puts her hands before her face and starts sobbing. Such a beautiful moment. *sigh*
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-01 18:20:46
I remember that too,lots of emotion in that show I remember.
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-01 18:24:02
The other thing that makes me smile is the making of "All Because of You" In the video ,they don't show that high school girl freaking out with her cell phone, trying to call her friend to say they just went by her school. It is like those dreams where you can't seem to dial the number on a phone. She is shaking and saying Oh my god a million times. I saw this on the Vh1 behind the scenes of the Vertigo tour. It was cute.
From: Slateblue on 2005-08-01 19:48:49
Yeah, that scene was cute! That often happens in my dreams, that I'm dialling a number but can't seem to get it right, although I know it by heart. Really strange...
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-01 19:59:17
also when you can't see and your eyes are funny. I hate that. And yes you know the number but tyou can't see the damn keys!!!
From: Slateblue on 2005-08-01 20:06:26
Or you want to walk or run, but your legs won't move. Terrible feeling!
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-01 20:08:08
What the heck is that all about anyway!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-02 12:46:53
bulldozer? what bulldozer?*did I actually say that instead of thinking it...... *blushes*stupid dudes here don't have videos from u2, only dvds 1990-2000 and slane castle.. I want zootv, and elevation! :(
From: IsDinnerReadyYet on 2005-08-02 23:02:07
I think we seriously need a spychologist here (Pyshycologist, phsycholigst
From: IsDinnerReadyYet on 2005-08-02 23:03:36
oopps, my cat just stood on the enter-key!! Sorry bout the spelling!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-08-03 10:09:17
Ingrid a bulldozer is a big rig equipment that pushes or digs massive amounts of soil ..or anything really.... lol...it would take strong heavy equipment to drag or push us away from our lovely man.... :))IsDinnerReadyYet.....gads you need to seriously think about a shorter name...hahahaha... my baby Spider jumps on my keys all the time and sings too ...meow meow meow meow..lalala... yes we all need a visit from the spooky dudes in the chalky white coats....bet they have perfect fits for each of us in their latest pop straightjackets....yiiiiiks!...
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 11:08:37
hm, I KNOW what a bulldozer is dummy! but I'm affraid it won't keep me away from the man.. I"m quite sure about that tho..^_^ and I have big nails, so beware you men with the white coats!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-08-03 11:24:25
hahahahahah...Ingrid you little devil.....I thought you were asking what a bulldozer was???? hihihi....ok you scamp....! I have big *fake nails* too!!!!....I was gone after posting that awhile ago BECAUSE MY FREAK'N ELECTRICITY WENT CAPOEY! I'm in the dark.....I was sitting here in the pitch dark *fumbles for a flashlight*.....waits til it comes back on!...thought it blew my puter to hell and back...! grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 12:01:19
cool, well lightening struck my pc once... I was asking What bulldozer, since I didnt saw any ^^ and my nails are REAL muahahaha...
From: Soulcatgirl to Ingrid on 2005-08-03 13:46:22
Oh boy I'm really pissed now....I wrote you a long letter about the mock Bull Fight on Until the End of the World and my electricity went out again...!!!!! I lost the whole story!!! DAMN .....I'm to tired to write it again 4:45 am ....hell i can't even find the photo.....oh stomps foot I'm so mad! If I can get my sh-- together sometime later today after I hit fluffy I'll come back.....*takes deep breath*.....ok sweety see ya later.......grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 15:24:58
*sniff* now I have to wait all day for it... well sucks that your elec went out.. man an e-friend of mine just got Best of 1990-2000 dvd, I want it tooo :( he's bullying me with it, cuz he knows I love the Stuck in a moment EU video, and elec storm is my 2nd favo song... :(
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 15:31:04
here you go ^^ it's your bono pic remember, I just found it...http://www.u2-vertigo-tour.com/tourpictures/?display=2005%20-%20Vertigo%20Tour%2F2005-07-27%20-%20Oslo%2Fu13.jpg
From: Octu2 on 2005-08-03 18:48:14
Is it the screaming one? If so give more details, I don't know that I could find it that way.
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 19:13:01
wich screaming pic? well, no its the vertigo themed one, soulie was trying to post the elevation story for me there, but her electricity crashed, and she couldnt find the pic anymroe
From: Pernille Jørgensen~the dancing girl on 2005-11-18 03:11:00
Hey Guys!Yes-it scertainly was a BEAUTIFUL moment with Bono! I will never forget it:D!U2 rocks!Love,Pernille:)
From: Ingrid to pernille on 2005-11-18 11:08:00
wow great to have you here! tell us your story please, every little detail ^^
From: fanny to Pernille! on 2005-11-18 15:04:27
hi Pernille! I was at the same show as you, and it certainly looked like you liked to have Bono's arms around you..hehe=) I am norwegian as well. that concert,those two hours were the best two hours of my life..klem fra fanny:)
From: Pernille on 2005-11-19 13:21:10
Sorry the late answer...Ingrid you wanted me to retell the whole story and I won't mind;):First of all I have to say that this was my first U2 concert- but what a GREAT and FAB concert it was!:D:DWell, I came to Valle Hovin(the concert area) 09 o`clock in the morning, and the gates opend about 17-those hours were the longest one in my whole life- but I kept myself preoccupied with hearing a lot`s of U2 songs from the I-pod and getting to know other U2 fans.When the gates opend my friend and I ran(as fast as we could) through the whole arena and reached the most perfect place-first line in front of the stage!I was estatic!:D There we stood for another 4 hours, and then- U2- Bono,the Edge, Larry and Adam- were finally on the stage.I got goosebums all over me,actually, and sreamedand jumped- Fantastic! At one point in the concert I said to my friend: "Oh,I whis we had some other places" I had no idea what I was going to experience....Then, after "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"- Edge started to play the well-known chords to "All I Want Is You"(which actually was and most scertainly am one of mye favorite songs, and I know it by heart).I was screaming "Bono", he was just a couple of meters from me, and who would have thought-but he actually came.We got eyecontact and I sang from the bottom of my heart and as strong and powerful as I could, while smiling - I mean- EYECONTACT with BONO- That was really enough for me, I could have lived on that for the rest of my life. Then Bono turned away- and I was really in heaven! But then he came back and sang"AllI want is you", he's hand came out to me- I understood nothing and thought he was pointing at the girl beside me. Then suddenly one secutiry came and said:"You're going up! Just lay your hands around my neck-you're going up!" Then my arms were around this securityman's neck and in the next moment Bono took my hand and I was on the same stage as him! WOW! I didn't think and didn't dare to say anything - I was just staring at him.He must have thought I was mad or something- I was just speachless and could't believe it.Bono held me tight in his arms and said "Just be quiet"with his most caring and beautiful voice.I was trying to hang on- shaky as I was...While singing, we danced slow-dance and I hugged him as hard as I could. ¤Hahaha¤Poor thing.. The first thing that hit me was actually how short Bono is- he was just a couple of centimeters higher than me, and I'm 165cm..I suited him well;) Hehehe.. The other thing that came to mind was how teriffic he smelt.:D:D No joke! It was just enough strong and real good man's perfume-oh..He really smelt like a man,I tell you. ;)After the slow dance, he stopped, looked me into my eyes and sat down on his knees. Then he kissed my hand. I was in another world! Freakin'!Then he stood up and helped me down to the audience- but then suddenly a thought came to my head- I couldn't just leave without doing anything! So I turned, gave him a really good hug and a kiss on the cheek.;):) Then I could go back to my place in the audience.So- that was the story..I will never forget thatmoment or that day! It really was A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!:D Hope you like the story guys! I'm actually watching the U2 dvd right now-smoking good!Later!:DLove,PernilleAnd I was just wondering: Am I the first blonde Bono ever has danced with???
From: Pernille on 2005-11-19 13:23:50
Hhehehe-I looked over what I had written- and please DO NOT MIND all my faults in english writing....Ooppss..I'm going to look it over next time!*Hahahaha...*Love,Pernille
From: Susanne on 2005-11-19 17:25:56
*smiles happily* Awwww Pernille, your story is very sweet...
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-19 19:02:41
Pernille great Story! We are all trying to figure out which cologne he is wearing!! I wish someone really knew. I'm sure it will be a day you will never forget, I don't think I would.
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-20 12:40:58
oct, you really are ignoring me aren't you????? also pernille I love your story^^ also Bono is actually uhh 1,72 tall... 5'8".. and you know, with the shoes he's like 5 cms taller hihi and I don't think he'd mind your strong hug ^^ aww he's sooo cute... and you know... I have never seen a blonde with him onstage before... our man seems to prefer brunettes... but you gave me(and the other 1% of the total world population who is blonde) a little hope for the future ^^