U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85105320 views.
Photo by Ingrid Petzer
rating : 6.1 with 21 vote(s)
Casio QV-R52
1/60s f/4.1 at 17.2mm (35mm equiv: 84mm) iso ??
1/60s f/4.1 at 17.2mm (35mm equiv: 84mm) iso ??
New York, New York
Exif.Make | Casio |
Exif.Model | QV-R52 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/60 |
Exif.FNumber | 4.1 |
Exif.FocalLength | 17.2 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 84 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-10-15 04:25:20 |
Iptc.Copyright | Ingrid Petzer |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Ingrid Petzer |
Iptc.City | New York |
Iptc.CountryName | New York |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051014 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Susanne on 2005-10-23 13:35:07
Yeeees, take it off, take it off... And now just handle that jacket to me thanks, I'll look after it, and you Bono can come later and ask it from me... *Susanne looks all innocent*
From: Ingrid Soulie must see this!!! on 2005-10-23 17:40:25
oh my! is that His roadie?? llook the armss! rawr!
From: sushi Soulie you must see this! on 2005-10-24 00:23:26
Hand the jacket to you NO WAY! *sushi runs up and snatches the jacket from Susanne then sneaks a kiss on the B's cheek and runs away singing "When you're happy with B's jacket clap your hands!" ^^ heheee
From: Ingrid Soulie must see this! on 2005-10-24 14:23:41
hee hee sushi the jackett thief strikes again! still I don't mind it, as long as I can keep thee man!hmmm now I'm curious... would his shirts fit me? I think they do,.. I'm the same height, and I am pretty broad-shouldered... ghehe so sushi, you can have the jackett, I get the shirt and the Bman ^^ deal? also I thought you wanted the old LoveNpeace jackett... this is the way cooler one, the new! ghehe now I get why he has a new one! you stole the old!
From: Susanne // Soulie you must see this on 2005-10-24 16:32:01
*Sushi did it again! Susanne starts to cry... Suddenly she realizes somebody is standing right next to her. "Is something wrong, little darling?" asks a very familiar voice. Susanne finds it hard to breathe. There's shirtless Bono looking at her!!! "Now there darling, there's no need to cry, here, let me just give you a hug... Adam, Edge, Larry, come over here, this girl needs some comfort." Susanne is surraunded by hugging U2, she's living her happiest moment as she hears bono whispering "I really am sorry that I'm not wearing a shirt or anything, but it seems that my jacket is missing, and I can't find my shirts anywhere either... Wonder where they are..." * Sushi, you can have his jacket, I don't mind..... And Ingrid, you may have got his shirts (btw, he misses them, but don't be in a hurry to give them back to him, I kind of like b-man without his shirts) but I'm the one who got the man himself... Buahahaaa hääähähääää...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-24 17:22:53
ohhhh nononononoooooo way... read my commwent again... I get shirt and Bman!! ^^ ghehe yes I am greedy! and proud of it! or else, we have to fight over him! beware, edge taught me a few of his great left hooks bono describes often when he tells the Edge allmost broke my jaw story... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-24 18:34:51
Heeheheeeeee.... Oj it's ok, I'm not gonna fight, I'm a peace loving person... You can have B if you let me visit him often, and I'm gonna go and find smiling Adam...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-24 19:08:04
deal! you can have adam and we can have parties with both of them once in a while! ofcourse the parties are Nomaninshirts parties ^^ let's dannnce too the mussic;)
From: Susanne on 2005-10-24 20:08:37
Oh yeeees now we're talking... Both of us get something, that's what I like. :)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-24 20:18:22
okidoki! well, now think of, what music to play at the party, where(carribean, deserted island?) and who're invited... hm how about you adam bono and me... a little private party ^^ and 'unfortunately' there are only two beds in the house.... what to do, what to do?
From: Susanne on 2005-10-24 21:37:50
*The Jacket*
From: Ingrid SHOULDERS FOR SOULIE!!! on 2005-10-24 21:44:18
she still has to see this!! cmon gal! they're calling for you!!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-10-25 15:19:36
Niiiiiiiiiice....wish it was lite up better....thanky very much for saving it .....*grinning*.....Take that *jacket* and run with it Susanne cause thats all your getting and poooft Ingrid you can have the shirt cause he'll twirl out of it into my arms...yeppa..... muwahahahagrrr...ooops sushi well you can have the stars on the sleeves......and you already stole a kiss so alls happy.....grrrr
From: Susanne on 2005-10-25 18:36:41
Hmmmm Ingrid, I really think we have to check our plans... Now how could we bluff Soulie? Maybe you should lock her in a closet again.. ;)
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-25 18:39:02
hmmm *mumbles to susanne* or I could send a clone to her... in a christmas box, with the sign: happy christmas, Ingrid.... would that be obvious.... naah... or just, SOULIE LOOK OVER THERE IT"S BONO!!!!! *runs away with susanne adam and Bono to theeee island*
From: Susanne on 2005-10-25 19:43:20
...And there they lived together happily rest of their lifes...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-25 19:47:23
oh yeah, happily, and forever... those two words sound perfecto^^ hmm wich adam do you prefer btw?? I'm wondering, can I get the aliens to build a time machine... so I can send bono back to the JT/RH era? hmmm or better, to the fluffy hair era so we can grow up and I can live trough all the era's(and the bad hair era, wich I don't think was that bad anyway, I love the mullet!)
From: Susanne on 2005-10-25 20:34:43
Hmm, I kind of like Adam's style these days, there's something peaceful and err... I lost the word... Well you know, he seems to have found what ever he has been looking for and is taking things easily now. And he smiles a lot... Altought there's nothing wrong in other Adam-eras eithter, he is quite jummy...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-25 20:43:00
uhmm satisfied?? well personally I got totally into R&H adam.. but the present adam has this *I am so cool* aura around him... silver cool dudeee
From: Susanne on 2005-10-25 21:18:57
Oh now I got the word I was thinking.. I think Adam is these days very tranquil (if you can use that word?) when you compare to his past... And yes, he is a very cool guy. Oh and Adam in Rattle and Hum..... *slow down my beating heart* Oh well they all in that movie are giving me extra heart beats, errr, even The Edge although I'm not that into his hairstyle, he looks better these days! :) And I love Bono's voice in that movie and cd, it's so strong and errr, deep... There's amazing spirit in whole of that movie's concerts, I wish I could have been there those days... *sihgs*
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-26 18:23:13
I know the feeling.. but now I saw that 1990 documentary, I think edge's hair on the R&H dvd isn't that bad YET!!!!! you should see the frizzly gigantic shaggy mop of hair he has there!!! I mean, it's alive!
From: Octu2 on 2005-10-26 18:59:41
Yes Susanne, I too am hooked on the old Rattle and Hum at the moment. It kind of gives me chills and I love how they looked also. Adam is super cute in it, I can't say I like Mr. The Edges hair though.
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-26 19:19:40
and larry and elvis! schoolboyish moment! oh and surprise, on the 90 dvd I have now... larry's hair is EXACTLY the same as he has now! he looks so the same, it's scary!!! anyway gotta run now, karate practice for the first time in two weeks.... ciao!
From: Susanne on 2005-10-26 21:04:31
I bought Live at the Boston -dvd today, since it was my paycheck day... It was preetty expensive, but I have wanted that dvd ever since I first saw it two years ago... Now it's burning in my hands, but I'm probably gonna watch it at the weekend... Can't wait, haven't seen it for a loonnnggg time...
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-26 21:06:22
then why arent you watching it now????
From: Susanne on 2005-10-26 21:13:08
...Well... I was sort of thinking... It's quite late... and... hmmmm.. Yes, good question, why am I not watching it now?????????? Hehee..The reason is 'cause I'm waiting Conan O'Brien's show, tonight I get to see the episode where he is showing some finnish newspapers which have been writing about him and his "looking like finnish president" comments... But maybe I could watch that concert after that, I mean, I'm only going to work tomorrow, so it doesn't matter if I stay up late tonight...Hmmhmmmhmmm....
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-26 21:16:57
I KNOW WICH PICTURE I AM MISSING HERE!!!!!!! okay I'm goin to bump it again! our alien abduction clone deserted island happy lalaland forever ever after story picture!!!!!!!!!!! soulie still must write us a story ^^^okay I saved the pic so i'm getting it in no time!