U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85307619 views.
Photo by Maral Oranci / [email protected]
rating : 5.8 with 39 vote(s)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.UserComment | LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01 |
Iptc.Copyright | Maral Oranci / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Maral Oranci / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Philadelphia |
Iptc.CountryName | Pennsylvania |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051017 |
Comments :Add comment
From: knappevent on 2006-01-03 19:16:59
Ow, i see... it's just Bruce... good old Bruce
From: ??? on 2006-01-04 08:50:06
OH MY Gawd!! It's The Boss!!not.. just Bruce..Bono is trying to push the mrs Boss off the stage??Damn he is rude..
From: knappevent on 2006-01-04 08:54:42
hahahahaha, i made this comment after i commented the previous picture, asking who was playing His Majesty's Green Guitar...Everybody know's Bono love's Bruce, but i just didn't recognize him. He can play The Green Guitar ;-), it's allowed... LOL
From: ??? on 2006-01-04 09:07:18
:) This is a show I would have wanted to see.. well, ok, any show at this point would have been perfect, but for me this would have been special.. :)and yes, because of just Bruce.. lol, never heard/seen anyone call him that before :-p
From: U2Trinity on 2006-01-04 09:59:20
Triple , never heard him called the Boss , before girl , where have you been !!! and your nightmare is my fantasy . Please respect the B-butt ...
From: ??? on 2006-01-04 13:35:41
Sure I respect it, after all, all big things must be respected.. ;)Like the Boss!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-04 15:08:51
Lov'in everything in the Bee world....Bono...B-Butt---BRuuuuuuuuuuCe...its all good....grrr
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-04 16:29:48
dont forget Bvlgari there ^^ and I think I heard of the boss even before I knew that was the nick of Bruce springsteen... same with Bono - Paul Hewson... heh and knappe, the guitar is a Gretch Irish Falcon ^^ custom made for Bono, but now I've seen more of them!
From: knappevent on 2006-01-04 19:11:17
I just love the looks af that guitar... green with Gold "Goal is Soal" on it. Would die to have it ;-), instantly would get me some guitar lessons!!
From: Miroslava on 2006-01-04 19:20:19
You can buy one for about $3600.00 USD :Phttp://www.gretschguitars.com/gear/index.php?product=G6136I&cat1=&cat2=&q=&st=1
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-04 19:40:52
even tho I can't play a note, if I had the money.. I would buy it! Beautiful guitar, and it even supports DATA! *guh* want it!
From: Knappevent on 2006-01-04 19:44:08
Grrr.... getting mad here... don't have that kind of money....Wondering myself now if i should watch the \wowy video, which probably make me extremly jealous (?)...
From: Miroslava on 2006-01-04 20:26:13
Knappevent sweetie, it is not nice to be jealous of those of us lucky enough to have had Bono... I am hoping you get your chance one of these days and then others can be jealous of you.;-) :-D
From: Miroslava on 2006-01-04 20:34:18
Ack! I meant to say "have hugged" Bono... the other thing just sounded totally wrong... :hidesinembarrassment:
From: knappevent on 2006-01-04 21:06:51
euhh........Miro?? wakie wakie girlie.. get out of that dream, for crying out loud :-) LOLokay, willing to accept "hugging" in stead of... ;-) BGRIN!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-05 00:55:37
I'm just glad you used an H and not a B.....*wipes sweaty brow*...although ...*taps cheek*....come to think on it you could throw that B my way and I'd be a happy little clam-kitty....lol....grrrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-05 00:58:21
umm btw that was to Miro ...*insert happyface*..grrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-05 01:03:54
Do you know what ? I think I had a brain fart!.....for some laaland reason I thought you said he was a hugger!!!!!wooot...lol..Now see it makes sense......otherwise it makes no sense ........*frowns* does that make any sense??????????...laughing ...no I guess not....geezzz what was I thinking aboooot?.. ~~ok don'tgothere~....grrr
From: Miroslava on 2006-01-05 03:11:01
We really need an edit feature here... heee. Or I guess we just could proof read what we say eh? Heeeeeee...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-05 05:43:19
or clean me glasses :)).....grr
From: ??? on 2006-01-05 09:35:34
Well, back to the boss.. It really is not something I came up with in my tiny edgymon mind.. just write the boss in google, and one of the first results is Bruce Springsteens official website.Where have you been people???and in this picture, B-man lookslike a bugger to me.. no hugging going on there..
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-05 11:34:47
hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha ...oh is that right my girl....well he is the cutest bugger I've ever seen *kitty dazes to lalaland*...he can bug the tarnation outta me all day and all ...*too much info* ...grrOf course that fellow is the Boss ...looks around "why, who said he wasn't?....He's Bruuuuuuuuuuce and he's " the Boooss"..~~Triple I bet you'd hug the sh-- outta Bono if he came up and wrapped those marvelous arms around you and pulled you in really really close....smiling directly into your eyes....I'm not talking about a puny little grin..no no no.. I mean a full fledge hawt wired burn it on screw the rest of the world it can blow to smithereens because he's focused on only you and he's confeying in a potent charismatic way tapping directly into that *dorment feminine Edgebunny* sparking some life into that limp bedraggled puppet of a woman making you believe down to your knobby knees*lol* that he thinks your the most amazing remarkable woman and he simply can't take his eyes or his arms off you! ..........jeeeeeez *blinks twice* I hate you too!.. ;(~ ...........Oh *snorts* you'd hug him back....oh yes you would...! :))grrr
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-05 21:24:20
*rofl* yes knappe, one day your chance will come, and you will have Bono...... but is there a chance you'd share him??? I don't live That far away you know... :)
From: knappevent on 2006-01-05 22:08:50
Ingrid, A Randy Crawford song comes up when i read your comment "one day in your life..." And yes, i will share... your welcome everytime! But it will be shocking for you. You minor stereo at home against 820 Watt at 20 square meters ;-).. keep that in mind... soon i will get a 42 inch plasma to watch over and over again the U2 dvd's... all of them!!
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-05 22:23:20
well I'm having my late granny's stereo system here now... two big boxes and an amp/tuner... :) it's nice... hm warn me when your bono day comes.. I'd take the first train! (and get a big suitcase to smuggle him to Almere!)
From: Soulcatgirl on 2006-01-06 03:33:08
Ing gotta turn it to eleven ....boom boom boom...stomps feet clapping hands to Fast Cars!!!!....Want to thank you also for reminding me on another photo (forget where?) of the All Because of You single with the accoustic version of The Mystery Between a Man And A Woman....it comes out here on the 10th...I ordered it from Amazon..... ;))))))))...... grizzly grrr
From: Octu2 on 2006-01-06 05:15:17
Amen to that comment up there to ??? about Bono coming up to her and hugging her. I thought of those people who bash him and think, if he walked up to them right this minute, they would melt away with the Irish charm and that beautiful smile. Man or woman without a question. different subject, did anyone catch David Letterman bashing Bill O'Reilly,when he was a guet on his show this week?? I saw a clip and died laughing. any Americans know how to find a whole clip of it? I loath that guy big time and to see Letterman crush him on air,was a treat. I can't believe Bono actually went on that stupid show at one time for and interview with that turd!!
From: boomcha on 2006-01-06 12:31:10
Lov'in everything in the Bee world....Bono...B-Butt---BRuuuuuuuuuuCe...its all good....grrrand Bbbbbbbbilllly of course ... how could you leave him out??? Maybe two much of thee butt!!!
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-06 20:08:36
well soulie, I wish I could get it, but I always forgot to go to the record store in the main city here(about 15 minutes cycling)... and now it's too late... but I love the song on the US ABOY single, Mercy... Bono said in the Conversations book they left it off the album... I don't know why, I love the song! ^^ also on this pic, I love the fact that Bono is copying the hand moves of miss springsteen ;) or is she copying him?