U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85021769 views.
Photo by Branko / [email protected]
rating : 5.0 with 20 vote(s)
Canon PowerShot SD400
1/60s f/2.8 at 5.8mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso ??
1/60s f/2.8 at 5.8mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso ??
Montreal, Quebec
Exif.Make | Canon |
Exif.Model | PowerShot SD400 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/60 |
Exif.FNumber | 2.8 |
Exif.FocalLength | 5.8 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-11-28 21:27:57 |
Iptc.Copyright | Branko / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Branko / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Montreal |
Iptc.CountryName | Quebec |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051128 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Octu2 on 2005-12-03 02:48:05
Oh no this person is touching Edges butt!
From: Susanne on 2005-12-04 20:18:52
Hehe Oct, I really liked to say "what butt??" but let's not go there... Her hand is indeed very well placed, yep... Hmmm Boomie, come and confess, it's your hand, right? And again, I can see some hair, I really thought he was bald but I suppose I have to update my data now...
From: Ingrid on 2005-12-05 15:55:27
well maybe he has that typical bald man thing.. that he isn't totally bald, but has a circle of hair around his scalp... or however you say it... cuz I've seen pictures without the beanie and there were no hairs at all... maybe he shaves it when going out without cap?
From: Octu2 on 2005-12-06 03:00:06
I think everyone is being way too mean about the Edge Butt thing. I saw a cute butt on the DVD. It isn't the worlds biggest, but it isn't bad:(
From: PL on 2005-12-06 05:54:02
There it is again, I should have remembered...
From: Octu2 on 2005-12-06 19:18:34
Pl, there are about three camps on this site for the girls here. The Larry lovers,I think that is Fanny,then there are the Edge girls they are sometimes called "Edge Bunnies" Then there are the Bono Babes. The Bono Babes and the Edge Binnies are always fighting and the Bono Babes get back at the Edge Bunnies by making fun of his flatter butt. Hope this explains the comments. I think the Edge is just fine, even though I am in the Bono camp. Edge is my second fave.
From: Susanne on 2005-12-06 20:30:49
Well let's not forget our beautifully smiling Mister Clayton from that list of yours, Oct... I could be the vice president in Adam's Angels, okej... (Errr hmm,or is it vice chairman???? Well anyway, I think you guys got my point..). And about Edgie's butt, we got very lucky sometimes and are able to see it in pics and when we do see it, it's looking veeery nice... (Altough you can't see it in this pic).
From: PL on 2005-12-07 18:20:52
I don't realy understand...(lets pretend it's neither Bono or Edge's butt) Is it better to have a big butt or no butt at all? Just "questionning"...I'm I the only male on this site? The only one here that is actually a U2 fan for their music? Who's winning anyway ? "Bono's babe" or "Edge's Bunnies" ?
From: Octu2 on 2005-12-07 19:33:22
Well, PL it is hard to day who is winning this one. Since you are a guy and I don't think your gay,since you don't get what we are saying. I think on men it is a good thing to have a nice rounded out butt. MR. The edge has a flatter butt,which isn't always the best, but I have seen worse than his. He is just so darn cute, I cna over look it. How old are you PL? Right now I think you are the only guy on here. We do talk about the music also. The last guy on here was ZK, we had a war with him,then we made up,then he disappeard and I don't know if he is reading the site anymore or not. He was a lot of fun though and wrote some great comments. It is fun to have another guy on the site. Oh, by the way ZK lives in the south of France,but is originally from the U.K.
From: Ingrid on 2005-12-07 20:51:22
hehe and sometimes matt is here too.. but besides that you are the only guy... and I'd prefer a big bubble-butt over no-butt ^^also, you're french right? can you maybe help me with this... for french on school I have to read a french article of my choice, it has to be 3 pages... so I was wondering, do you have any french U2 or Bono article that size for me, or a hint where I can find it?? Or do you know if there are prints of the french rolling stone available(since I have the englishg one, the french one is the same right? but in french right?) well or maybe a place I can find those articles....
From: PL on 2005-12-07 23:00:41
Well, it's not that I don't understand what yours saying it's more that I was wondering how many of you girls were in each capm? If Bono had no butt and Edge a round one would you feel the same way about it....(Is the butt realy important or it's the person) Anyway dosen't matter. For the record, I'm 27 and not gay. Ingrid, it's pretty hard to find good french articles on the net about U2...Most french articles come from <France> and these people are realy self centered and you will not like most of their articles...They always complains about everything...(I'm from Quebec by the way...) The article you request must be at least 3 pages...This is even harder to find...Here is a link to one of them...It's on the Popmart Tour...I don't agree with him on most of what he's saying exept that yes, we U2 fans would like to ear others songs than the singles on tour like ACROBAT. (Don't know why this song was never in any setlist, it's one of my top 5 U2 song...)http://www.lecargo.org/spip/U2/Pop_Mart_Tour/lives-1288.htmlWill try to find other articles better but i'ts kind of hard...About the french Rolling Stone, never seen that maybe thay have it in Europe but not here in Canada...
From: Ingrid on 2005-12-08 15:32:14
ahh well thanks for your help.. I'll search myself, It has to be from 2005 :( otherwise I could've used something from Michka Assayas maybe)and I think it is the person, not the butt ;) hehe and the Bono Babes are in the majority.... quite with alot I think..
From: Octu2 on 2005-12-08 18:28:02
I hear you PL, I just moved back from France a year ago and they do seem to be very insullated. But I think as Americans we are too. I think that is why we don't get a long very well at times, we are too much alike. Only difference is,that the French really don't act fake to you like we Americans at times do. I think that is admirable of them, but sometimes comes across as self centered. We have had this conversation a while back with ZK also,but it is worth saying again. My daughter married a French guy and now live here in the Sates, so we still have ties to France and I have to try and understand them a bit better. He isn't very typical "French" Just like I think I'm not typical American. I think the butt thing is just in fun :) Bono has such a huge personalitiy that is what draws people to him. And the more serious type I think love the Edge's personality.
From: PL on 2005-12-08 18:45:38
I shouldn't say things like this here...I don't know where peoples are comming from....Anyway, I think I don't like them because we have a little war with them (Quebec/France) and yes it's probably because we are alike. And, also, because all articles I found on the net comming from them was saying that U2 are boring and too old to give a good live performance...Witch is not true at all. Were you saying that bono has such a huge butt??? I tough you were one of his "babe"...
From: Ingrid on 2005-12-08 19:41:35
no PL, personality, not butt :) hehe oh and let's not forget the nose too... and the ego... ^^ no just joking.. still love him, no matter what!also do you know the song Mercy(Bside US all because of you)?I really think that song should have been on HTDAAB... I love it! it has a certain happiness in it.. and B's voice is... a bit rougher.. dare I say raspy... but it gives the song a different twitch.. in case you don't know it, check u2emporium.. they have it!
From: PL on 2005-12-09 02:51:18
Are you sure it's on the the US version? I was pretty sure this is the one I had but there is only Fast Cars & All Because of You on it... 8-( Why are they doing so many different version of the singles...I know now why it was 3.99$. Will chek the link...and let you know...
From: ??? on 2005-12-09 11:01:43
hmpmh... The Butt surely is HUGE!!Just look at some elevation-tour pictures.. it's all you can see. How hard you try to look even for a tiny glimpse of Edge, The Butt is everywhere!!Actually that is the reason I don't go their shows, I'm afraid of it!!I'm afraid Bono will turn on the stage, too fast and hit me with that huge thing and I will hit my head and miss the whole show!!Wouldn't that be just scary??That would just be so my luck.. By the way everyone, did I ever tell you that my son got his first guitar last christmas and he is a natural with it!!Too bad he is more to sports, he has no time to practice, but he would be so good!He doesn't read notes, but learns by what he hears.. Proud mom I am :DA proud mom planning on selling his ice-hockey staff and telling him his soccer-school has ended and motocross bike stolen.. MUAHAHAHAAAA!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-12-09 12:25:34
just popped in for a minute....uh-oh well there's Triple the fearless guitar mama...my girl how are you???...*kittysmiling* busy reading ??? and sputters~~~....ahh so your in fit and true form always sticking up for your butt=less hero..*pats shoulder symppathetically*...........my dear Edgy-ho YOU just wish Bono would swing * it * your way....humph! You aren't brave enough for THAT kind of HEMANLINESS !!!....*kitty bats lashes*........muwahahaha.....lol.....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-12-09 18:37:22
ghehee triple you allways crack me up with those comments! I read all of them on the elevation pics... and lolled around for hours about the endless discussions about the Bbutt and nobutt.... also, you can't convince me that you wouldn't go to a u2 show if you had the chance, just for the fear of Bono.... no chance! You love him, in your heart.. you're just denying it!
From: U2Trinity on 2005-12-10 05:20:40
Hello, Hello , Hola , Triple , I read yuor post about why you haven't been on the site . I hope things have gotten better for you !!! Lose yourself in the music , I can't tell you how many difficult times in my life U2 "s music have gotten me through.Now on to the debate , Aw there is no debate Bono is beautiful from every angle!!!!!!!
From: Patty on 2005-12-10 13:41:36
I'm on board with this butt topic! Bono's physique is flawless. And that definitely includes his beautiful butt!
From: boomcha on 2005-12-11 12:03:54
Ah, wake up girls...theres nothing beautiful of his backside! I can tell you bout my concert in Berlin where I stood right there in the shadow of THEEE Butt (as Tanja calls it) at one of the bombes and it truely was huuuge!!! Everything went dark in one second and the people round me were really scared and asking "Is that the end of the world??" but I knew what it was and told them "Noooo its only THEEEE butt standing there in front of you" and then he turned and they both moved back to center stage and the whole round let off a sigh of relief!!!!!!! I swear thats how it was :-D
From: boomcha on 2005-12-11 12:06:00
Oh forgot ..... '-' Rock on little ??? son '-'!!!
From: U2Trinity on 2005-12-11 21:26:05
Ok boomcha , LMAO funny story , but we all know fiction when read it ..Just check out Lucia's , beautiful B-butt photo!!!!!!!!
From: ??? on 2005-12-12 09:58:40
True Soulie, I'm a bit of a scaredy cat myself, I don't do benji-jumps, I don't fly with hot-air-balloons and I definitely do not want to be squeezed under The Butt!!I like breathing too much..Ingrid, no fear for Bono, but respect I agree, but the Butt is another thing!! *shivers*:DHi U2trinity, thank you for your kindness. Things are looking quite good now. especially as everytime someone phones me I get a smile on my face, I should've changed my ringtones a long time ago.. such an idiot I can be..And how can you people say it's beautiful? After all, it's too big to even see it?? As boomcha here wrote, with no fiction in her story!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-12-12 12:33:25
You know I will say I do believe Edge has a nice "wittle butt" this tour.....he must be using the ass-master cause you don't need binocs to see it anymore.....hihihi...or he might be padding it too.... either way he sure plays the hell outta his GEEETAR and that makes us all happy!....grrr
From: mariëtte on 2005-12-12 18:33:19
maybe this isn't his butt!! Maybe he put some papers in his pants to get attention...well...Edge..good job...it looks good! *hides*
From: Ingrid on 2005-12-12 20:31:53
*whispers* it are socks mariette... socks I tell ya.. okay and now the question is, can we thrust Bono? From the paul martin front! Brilliant!http://www.cbc.ca/mercerreport/videos/bono.wvx
From: fanny on 2005-12-12 20:43:22
hahaha^^ no,we can't trust him=P
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-12-13 04:28:11
Pretty silly had a chuckle......lol
From: ??? on 2005-12-13 09:03:19
what I think is.. He read all the no-butt-wonder-comments on last tour and has spend all his sparetime in the gym, developing some mighty fine muscles on that area, so that you people can stop with the non-butt comments now. As you've seen, and said it yourself, it is there, yeah!!All muscle.. *nodding*