U2 concert photos
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Boston.com Photo / Chris Begley
rating : 7.0 with 59 vote(s)
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From: boomcha on 2002-01-31 14:55:26
Gaawd what a beautiful gang is that...And Edgy almost perfect with this jeans and leather jacket.... cant get enough of this 4!
From: ??? on 2002-01-31 14:56:58
so lovely.. and Larry is still trying to find out what's on the floor..
From: boomcha on 2002-01-31 15:00:57
and bono..... blablabla.....all the time talking talking talking.... and edgy hangs on his lips if its messias himself....gggrr
From: ??? on 2002-01-31 15:03:41
don't worry boomcha, edge's fingers itch only after the ball in bono's hands..
From: soul cat girl on 2002-02-04 20:33:28
Are you two a pair of twirly birds?....gawd yes Edgymon hangs on Bono's every word...see his precious arm crossing his heart pledging his allegiance cause he knows Bono ..HE's Da MAN!!!!!! and Larry is peeking up through his TOO long of lashes looking like he just fell off a James Dean pocketwatch while he eyes the crazed reporters as they hang on Bono's every word ...and WHY you say? Cause Bono ...HEE is DA HOO DO VOODO MAN and HE PUT A SPELL ON THEM ...hell yes and Adam well Adam he just don't give a Hoo Do VooDo's Rats Ass about it cause he's thinking the chick in the second to last row looks like his date for the night and he's wondering how long it'll take to hack his way through the crowd to meet his new luv...and wait damn rubbing my watery eyes you girls are not twirly birds atall..!!!! YOU girlies are some of those pesky blind sexless bats!!!!!...grrrrr...Oh Triple you've started a breed all on your own!!!!....hihihi....gosh these men ARE the sweetest ...aren't they?grrr
From: Elevationangel on 2002-02-04 21:40:30
o edgey looks good! but hmmm larry, like the shirt baby like it alot. I am a sucker for those polo collars heehe scg james dean is right! they all look FABULOUS here, speically edgey and larry hehe -mel
From: boomcha on 2002-02-05 08:13:02
Did you girls see how Bono tried to throw the ball to one of the reporters... hihi what a man!!!!
From: ??? on 2002-02-05 08:14:39
tsirp.. tsirp.. *BOOM*.. auts, hit the wall again.. *BOOM*.. oh sorry, bono, it was your butt?? I thought it was a wall .. tsirp.. tsirp.. that is how bats speak in Finland..
From: soul cat girl on 2002-02-05 23:25:48
Ok wait just a second BoomChaCha one two three..one two three..twirl..twirl ..twirl ..one two three...hey thanks for the dance...*grins cheeky*..hihi...anyway Bono threw the ball underhanded because he's a rugby player...sh--!!! you guys are so darn picky..* tsirp tsirp tsirp* .... Did you hear that ?..*tsirp tsirp tsirp*... Holy hell there it is again...LOOK AT THAT>>>> its trying to squirm its way into Bono's most outstanding and attractive feature by way of his pocket!!!!.Goodness sakes...Kitty runs over to blind sexless bat and using Edge's handy large butterfly net and a kitty pooper scooper..she capture's this rare species..and surprise of surprise she counts two squirmy little things....Edge walks over very curious and peeks into the net looking his fill...but of course the blind sexless bats can't see him as he trys to get their attention and really wants to pet them but then to his horror one starts peeing in the net and the other starts screeching tsirp tsirp tsirp in Batty-finnish wails...alarmed at this behavior Edge backs off shaking his head no no no freakin way and holding his hands to ward them off...then he swipes a finger across his throat which dooms the webed arm darlings to a batcave forever after...hahaha.. better rethink the way you think of my mans body parts...grrrrr
From: boomcha on 2002-02-06 13:34:46
*AHoogaChakkaHooga* yeah Kitty dance for me.. dance... twirl around.. one more time... and don´t pee in your pants while you´re so excited---but dont worry i´ll bring you some *catsan* and you´ll be o.k
From: ??? on 2002-02-07 07:04:45
Its a lot of pee around here.. I think you need to hire a cleaner Matt!!lol.. she can use my bat disguise, as it is very absorbing. In the meanwhile, I keep the teeth on, as Edge loves how they feel against his neck.. keep that neck bare, my bunny, I'm on my way..
From: ??? on 2002-02-07 07:10:40
..and of course, a cleaner can be a man too. *blushing of embarassement*.. and in that case he can use my bat disguise!!
From: soul cat girl on 2002-07-31 03:49:04
Giggling at you crazy mofo's I forget how far gone you women are...these little trips help to refresh my garbled memory...hahaha...but anyways I'm sooo darn excited I just found out my effing doll faces are on there way back to meeeeee!!! Hot Damn I'm floating on air!!!!!....Now I just gotta figure out a way to get to New York and hitch a ride to my babys butt.....grrrrr ....sing " I'm sooo excited and i just can't hide it I know I know I know I'm about to lose control and I like it ...I know I know I know I want H..I..M ...!!!. hahaha ok I effed the words but I 'm having a spaz attack ......this is the first I've heard of this ....ohmygawd it better not be a Bull-sh-- story or the Post is gonna get a nasty letter....I can't wait....hip hip hurray hip hip hurray...*my pom poms are hitting the ceiling!!!!!!....grrrr