U2 concert photos
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Boston.com Photo / Chris Begley
rating : 7.1 with 44 vote(s)
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From: Tanja on 2002-01-31 14:52:41
Jucheissa!!! new pics!!!! how I missed that!!!
From: ??? on 2002-01-31 14:58:48
Hi Tanja!! Long time no see.. and see, Larry is searching for something..
From: boomcha on 2002-01-31 15:02:34
seems that adam knows something? larry ask him....he has it!
From: ??? on 2002-01-31 15:05:03
ok.. the box in adam's pocket actually belongs to Larry!! We've solved it boomcha!! high five!!!
From: boomcha on 2002-01-31 15:08:37
high five you too! we got it!
From: Tanja on 2002-01-31 15:12:05
*worshipsboomchaandtriple* well ladies, you did well!!! two detectives in our middle... nice feeling!
From: ??? on 2002-01-31 15:14:09
and it feels damn nice to be worshipped.. thank you Tanja, now I know how it feels to be da Edge.
From: boomcha on 2002-01-31 15:16:23
Hi, Tanja... thanx for that... Triple do you have the same cutie smile as da edge?? now you know what you know?
From: kat on 2002-01-31 20:25:21
edge just mentioned the shite again!!!!
From: ??? on 2002-02-01 06:54:02
So Kat, you mean the white linings on bono's jacket are not actually linings but seagulls shite?? that makes a sense.. what sense I don't have a clue off though.. goodmorning my beautiful Edge I just wanted to say, you already had left when I woke up this morning.. eheheh.. and boomcha of mine, if I had that smile, I would have glued a mirror in a specific stand, to my forehead and spend my days being in love with myself. I wonder why he doesn't do that...?
From: boomcha on 2002-02-01 07:53:35
Do we really know that he´s not doing it?????
From: ??? on 2002-02-01 11:50:49
Adam surely is doing that.. I'm sure he's glasses are mirrors from the inside.. Adam, we love you too!! *bussies*
From: boomcha on 2002-02-01 12:43:04
oh, thats why he smiles so happily... he likes what he sees.... poor adam luv.... watch edge... hes the beautiful one....