U2 concert photos
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Boston.com Photo / Chris Begley
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From: kat on 2002-02-07 21:15:46
he looks so damn good.. and he knows it!!!
From: Esteban on 2002-02-19 10:05:45
I'm completely agree with you bok@no! Who can be like him?
From: kat on 2002-02-20 20:34:31
uuummmm..... NOone!!!!! it is true, apart from larry maybe.....
From: Brian Calalang on 2002-02-28 01:27:21
His Wig looked AMAZING at the press conference!!!!
From: ??? on 2002-02-28 06:48:59
LMAO... I need to remind you all, I have always.. always kept my mouth shut about this thing!!! :-DAnd congratulations B-man, four grammys was not enough that is for sure, but each one of them, you clearly earned !!! LUV U2 !!!!!!!
From: boomcha on 2002-02-28 07:46:55
I only saw 10sec in the news this morning but that was more than I would ever see, for sure and that was right between Him and Larry!!!!
From: kat on 2002-02-28 17:17:25
f**k you brian!!! i wasn't surprised that they won 4 grammys.. they win 4 or 5 every year!!!!
From: ??? on 2005-04-10 13:12:16
WIG??? What the hell are you talking about Brian???