U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85025769 views.
Photo by J BRICE / [email protected]
rating : 5.8 with 36 vote(s)
Sony DSC-P200
1/25s f/2.8 at 7.9mm (35mm equiv: 38mm) iso 400
1/25s f/2.8 at 7.9mm (35mm equiv: 38mm) iso 400
Glendale, United States
Exif.Make | Sony |
Exif.Model | DSC-P200 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/25 |
Exif.FNumber | 2.8 |
Exif.FocalLength | 7.9 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 38 |
Exif.ISO | 400 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-04-14 21:56:00 |
Exif.JpegComment | AppleMark |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by J BRICE / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050414 |
Iptc.TimeCreated | 215600+0200 |
Iptc.City | Glendale |
Iptc.ProvinceState | AZ |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | Photo by J BRICE / [email protected] |
Comments :Add comment
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 14:00:54
another hat..=) not usualy what he uses, but because it's Bono who's wearing it...then I like it=) hihi
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 16:13:52
Hats off to you Fan de U2! rumour has it that B nicked it off one of the Dublin Tour Bus conductors just as he was hoping off the bus outside of the Guiness Brewery! he's partial to a pint of the black-stuff don't you know.
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 17:42:38
oh? I didn't know that...hehe...=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 18:06:41
its true...a mate of mine out in Portmarnock told me so it must be true..
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 18:07:25
hehe...no doubt then;-)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 18:48:44
well - one can never be sure...you know they say that Portmarnockians are a little like TEXANS....big hats and tall tales...its all gotta be taken with a pinch of salt.
From: schrocker on 2005-04-16 02:21:40
BONO IN MINI MOSH MODE PEOPLE!!!!! I'm holding on to his knee!! I've never seen him do this but glad I was down there to give it a first time go! SWEEEEEEEET I tell you, SWEEEEEEET! I'd rather he do this than bring people up on the stage. It was so awesome I can't even begin to tell you. I just hope you have the chance like I was fortunate enough to have had and you love it like I did. EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT!!!! : )