U2 concert photos
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Photo by Jason A. Smith / [email protected]
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rating : 5.9 with 57 vote(s)

Tampa, Florida
Iptc.Copyright | Jason A. Smith / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Jason A. Smith / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Tampa |
Iptc.CountryName | Florida |
Iptc.DateCreated | 19850502 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-23 18:25:05
I love that maniacal grin he has here... teh mullet.. :)
From: patty on 2006-01-23 18:27:54
wish I knew what was on that paper! and Oh! Yes! thee mullet!!
From: Octu2 on 2006-01-23 18:37:58
If anyone could pull off the "Mullet" he certainly can. My daughter thinks that he doesn't look that bad in it. and you know how critical teenagers can be. Rock on Bono!!
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-23 21:45:51
oct.. I am one... and I think he looks damn hot in it! I don't get what's wrong with it at all...
From: boomcha on 2006-01-24 12:04:47
mmh, Ing that might be cause you never had one yourself...but I had....Nena was my hero back then (shes a german singer)..
From: mariëtte on 2006-01-24 17:08:11
neun und neunzich luftballons?:P
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-24 17:26:47
I actualy have a very nice metal version of that song... 99 red balloons XDhm.. maybe I should get a mullet XD
From: boomcha on 2006-01-24 17:44:37
yeah, totally forgot that was a big hit worldwide...its called "vokuhila" here...vornekurzhintenlang!
From: Octu2 on 2006-01-25 03:59:23
Well, Ingrid I don't know if it is the same in your area,but that hair cut here in the states goes hand in hand with the scary white trash people. Not at the time when Bono sported it, because it was the style,but if you see it now, it isn't the best thing.
From: love_u2_adam on 2006-01-28 20:35:45
its bloody hot and sexie
From: Ingrid on 2006-01-29 22:01:15
agreed Love_u2_adam(same person on PLEBA?)also oct, here it is not seen like that ... a few kids at my school have one, and btw, the director of the Beautiful Day video also has a mullet XD
From: Bonnie on 2006-02-01 02:50:59
The band just keeps getting better and better. They are a must see...