U2 concert photos
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U2gigs.com gallery » 2001 - U2 Elevation Tour » 2nd Leg Europe » 2001-07-29 Berlin (pictures by Matthias Muehlbradt) »
Photo by Matthias Muehlbradt / U2gigs.com
rating : 5.6 with 15 vote(s)

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From: racy on 2001-07-30 18:04:32
I don't know why, but i love that one... He looks like a hero and he really is one.
From: pesi on 2001-07-31 18:25:58
you are so damn right, racy!!!
From: soul cat girl on 2001-07-31 21:27:52
Very cool of Bono
From: Quiquepa on 2001-08-01 00:43:14
I just wanna say something God exist
From: kabru on 2001-08-01 04:16:44
baby - baby - baby light my way - jeah!!
From: Sarah on 2001-08-01 13:51:16
He looks like an angel that was sent by God. Or is he God himself?
From: HV on 2001-08-01 16:42:06
Trust me! He's God! He walks like a god, he talks like a god, he's the way out we've all been looking for since the beginning of time!!
From: Jules on 2001-08-01 18:07:56
I love that man!!!!
From: Tanja on 2001-08-02 07:07:01
he´s on a place that has to be believed to be seen...he is just divine
From: soul cat girl on 2001-08-03 03:22:21
This is to Tanya,Jules,Kabru and Quiquepa....girls you need to hall your bottoms to the 2001-07-26 Vienna site.....It's the page with the airplane on it....go to Larry's photo and read...you'll know what to do...it explains itself.....I'm smelling a winner with Wild Bono Honey essence all over it.....
From: soul cat girl on 2001-08-03 03:24:42
To Racy and Pesi same as above.....Bono luv all around in big warm hot tubs full.......
From: ??? on 2001-08-03 04:16:23
Hey, you can't do that you mean thing!!!
From: soul cat girl on 2001-08-03 14:49:51
From: NTc5Om5pbmE6RjhsbmV2cjlKOGR6LjoxMDo6MDowOjA6MDo6MA== on 2001-08-03 20:45:36