U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85030057 views.
Photo by Rorie / [email protected]
rating : 5.0 with 30 vote(s)
1/250s f/5.6 at 55mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 400
1/250s f/5.6 at 55mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 400
Chicago, Illinois
Exif.Make | Canon |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/250 |
Exif.FNumber | 5.6 |
Exif.FocalLength | 55 |
Exif.ISO | 400 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-05-11 05:40:54 |
Iptc.Contact | <picasastamp/> |
Iptc.Copyright | Rorie / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Rorie / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Chicago |
Iptc.CountryName | Illinois |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050510 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-11 01:49:06
Check out these new pics guys!!!! Ingrid there are the rose colored glasses!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-11 02:35:33
Oct he wore these last night.......they are a gorgeous color.......not as pretty as his lovely blue babys but there nice... ;))
From: U2Trinity on 2005-11-11 09:54:19
I love the pics with his beauty marks....I wonder if Ali gave him the dimond hoops ???
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-11 18:55:18
Soulcat, where are you? You were suppose to tell me how Wednesday went!1 I read one of the concert going review on here and they said that tuesday on a scale of 1-10 was a 12 and wednesday was a 15!! Wowy. Then you were so lucky to have seen tow excellent shows. But question is,which one HONESTLY was the best of the two? And I know they were both probably good ,but since you have been to many, which was the one that touched your soul the most?
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-11 19:07:41
Sorry Soulcat, I just saw your take on Wednesday on another pic. I think I should have picked going on Wednesday then :( Don't get me wrong though I LOVED it on tuesday. And I know what you mean about loving them sooo much that you wish that you could tell them and you alone would be the only one who could tell them how fantastic they are. I think they know how much we adore them and when he thanked us for coming, it really felt like it was from the heart when he said it!!!! But since I didn't go to both shows, maybe I should have chosen the second. I did this last time and it seemed like the second one in San Jose was better also. My husband had a bad time at this one since this amazon of a guy was in front of him and he just could not see a damn thing. My husband is 6 foot, so you get the idea!!!Anyway he said next tour they do, he want's to pay top dollar to get better deats. Now hear comes a question for you Soulcat. How did you get your tickets? We got on our computer the day they said it opened and really tried hard to get some good seats and ended up both times behind the stage and way up there. That figures also that he would sing more to the back on the second night. I think they sould try to do that on both nights. Us poor slobs up there in the rafters!!I don't want to diminish the Tuesday show though because it truly,for me ,was magic regardless of the lame seats.
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-12 18:07:27
ohhh I can't belieeeve I have never seeen him wearing them before the suit! maybe the suit makes it even more perfect... hmmm also interesting fact.. bono wears two diff earrings... left the diamonds, right a 'normal' ring... I put it between 's because I don't think they're that normal.... hehe
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-12 22:51:15
Oct I don't know how I'm getting them ????? I just have a map of the stadium and start clicking away...when the set comes up that looks to be the best for my buck I nab them... but I do buy alot of tickets and I have about five computer friends working it at the same time...then we all divy up the tickets...it works out good or I probably wouldn't get any at all.... one of my outdoor Zoo shows was a complete disaster...this was back when you stood in line.... I was in line all night to get first dibs at good seats and the tickets I ended up with were right behind the backstop in the first row (almost on ground level) directly front stage... the damn netting from the back stop was there and I was beyond pissed let me tell you...!!! Thank gawd I saw other shows of Zoo or I would have went insane(hihihi) and never snapped out of it!...Oh I hate when Godzillas get in front of me... I'm 5 foot and its always a trick to see around these dudes! I have been know to stand on my seat!... For the second show I was in an isle seat and nobody in front of me when I stepped into the isle with my binocs...I didn't need the binocs to see him BUT for close encounters of the lustful kind I used them....RWARRRRRR...I had a perfect view of my baby.....and I was zoning bad on him...grrrr......Hey the show you went to was perfect as was the second show... if you look at the play list's both night's were just killer...but because I've seen all these songs before I was absolutely out of my head to get to hear Fast Cars....whooopeee...also the One Tree Hill was sweet the night before but I did see the full flege version (talk about wild as hell version) at Tempe....so yeah I have to go with number two show just because of the never before heard song for me...but both nights Oct were amazing shows ...they are definatly at the top of there game.....I keep asking myself are they ever going to be Sh-- are they ever going to be ho-hum? Well Not so far ....they are everything I hope for and more.... it just blows my mind every time they go on tour... by the way *just got through listening to Electrical Storm at full decibles*...kitty floating.....grrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-12 22:57:22
it sounds really great soulie! but tell me, how was Bad? I have heard the Rattle and hum version, best of 1990-2000 version, live ZooTv version, Live lovetown version.... but I've never heard any recent version of it:( also, never heard the original before too;) that is if there is a diff between the best of and UF version, wich is in most songs the case.aww I really can't get enough of these picsQ!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-12 23:08:58
Well nothing will ever beat Tempe's first night Bad for me ...but this one the other night was pretty damn hawt.... then they swung it into "People have the Power" and every one was singing it when they waved bye bye.... it was vera vera vera worthy....Bono wasn't screwing around either he sang it like it was suppose to be sung... in other words he took no prisoners! ....the first time I saw Bono sing this song live was live aide and I was literally struck speechless and then a tidal wave of the most overwhelming excitement hit me that I've never recovered from it....Bad is a BAD-A$$ classic ... Ingrid his voice just boomed it out and off we went....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-12 23:12:38
wwaaaaaaaah h not fair! I still want to see the live aid version! I can't find it around the net, only Sunday bloody sunday! I love those leather pants;) also visit atu2.com, there's a bono podcast in three parts about africa and some u2 stuff.. now listening part one, I must say, his voice sounds great! much better than the raspy one in the rolling stone podcast!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-12 23:54:41
L E A T H E R .......*drool flowing down the salavating river*...slurp slurp....grrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-13 00:10:58
hmmm agreed! especially when it's very tight^^ did you notice during sunday bloody sunday, he turns his butt to the camera? hehehe well I did ^^
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-13 00:37:03
YOUR asking MEeeee if I noticed his a$$.....thats a good one....lol
From: Íngrid on 2005-11-13 00:53:26
hmmm I shoud've known that... hihi but I think it would be interesting to make all four of them wear their old clothes(okay but a few sizes bigger now then cuz there's no way these shouldes fit in!) wouldn't it be interesting?
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-13 00:59:17
hahaha...Bono's a$$ in those leathers would send me to the hospital.... I'd have a friggin heart attack on the spot...I'd like to see him in those what I refer to as his Mississippi delta gambling pants from Joshua tree.......*plop kitty down for the count* grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-13 01:07:13
errr picture plz... I don't know wich pants you mean;)
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-13 01:31:41
http://tinyurl.com/8x32chttp://tinyurl.com/c6mopI hope these woek I just did this....I took the stils off off...U2 Joshua tree documentary........testing...
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-13 01:34:52
Damn my slow poke dial up it takes me forever to do anything!!!! Yeehaw it worked......!!!whoopee...I need to find his pants.....grrrr
From: boomcha on 2005-11-13 15:21:12
http://tinyurl.com/cb4akHaha, had to test this too...thought if Kitty can do this you can do it too!!! So, easy, how stupid can someone bee??ehem hope it works! enjoy. Im off so much to read!
From: Ingrid *FALLS off chair laughing* on 2005-11-13 19:03:38
oh my god boomie! where did you find that? sadly for you, it is a fakey..... the hands you see... it's photoshopped... I would recognize B's hands, and these are the hands of an old man.. as in 65+... ^^ but still it's one heck of a cool pic!also soulie, I love that pop bono pic!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-15 13:33:02
Boomie are saying I'm deficient in the head!!!!hahahaha....its true if I can do it a damn slug in the yard can probably do it....hahahaha oh lordy......ok now its time for payback *kitty rubbing hands together* ...that was pretty good photoshop of my baby .....but guess what here's your real thing....lol....enjoy.....my darling Boomie....hehehehttp://tinyurl.com/7ncvgnow for the really REAL THING .....feast your eyes dear girl.....big ruff grrrrr rrrrhttp://tinyurl.com/a7c4o
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-15 13:47:35
Well SHEEEEEEEEET I am deficient in the head....these aren't working *bangs head on wall*....ok lets try thishttp://tinyurl.com/buu2gand now feast your lovely eyes sweety on this!!!! oooops need a bucket for all that drool....hihihihi....grrrrrhttp://tinyurl.com/7tpuu
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-16 03:07:17
Has anyone seen the new dvd yet? I read some reviews on Amazon,some good some not. As you would expect. I bought the single dvd at Target for only $11.98,but I decided I really wanted the deluxe version so I ordered it on Amazon and I will return the Target one. All the other places were charging 32.98 for the deluxe one. amazon had it for 23.00 or so. Now I have to wait until they ship the darn thing to me. I did get my other one though....Bullet in a Bible from Greenday. So, whom ever sees it you must be honest and give a review here.
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-16 09:37:29
hmm I only have the single one... but I want the double:(also soulie... nice pic^^ the first one must be a real one right?also the 2nd one... *drool* scruffy bono = best! hehe this one is either from ethiopia or he just got back.. since he couldn't shave there! *aahhhh heaven*
From: U2Trinity on 2005-11-16 09:46:19
Cct , I bought the deluxe at Best Buy for22.99 .still watching..
From: Ingrid whaaaa on 2005-11-16 09:53:09
soulie, present for your pretty pics... bucket first... http://www.livejournal.com/community/u2daily/96687.html#cutid1enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!
From: boomcha on 2005-11-16 12:27:18
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd Kitty cant stop laughing and scrubbing my backside couse the bunnies are stuck in there! Lordylord how I love these.....damn cant stop laughing! but the second bored me to hell....boringboringboringboringoldBpic....*boomiejawnsandfallsasleepsoshemissesworkstartagain*
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-16 15:50:03
grrrs at boomie... respect our man, we respect yours too.... also did you read slates BonoXedge story? hihi it was really funny ^^ I wonder if soulie wants to write us a story about Bono and edge... hmmm I miss all those stories I've read on the elevation pics.. but there was said alot about certain elevator stories, and I've only read one of those.. could it be that the rest is take off the site or so?
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-17 11:57:24
Laughing with Boomie....gaaawd hun I so luv Edgybunny *smiling* what a sweety doll he is....still giggling I knew you'd love him in his cowboyhat! hehehe....... as for Bono gaaaaaaah Ingrid those ones you sent are some of my fav's.....the car one I have in an 8x10 glossy and the other I have in a mini calender size poster book..... thanks hun I hardly have that much stuff on my puter so these are SWEEEEEEEEEET for my Bono file...... grwaaarrrrrr....;))I have the new DVD since Wed. and I've been gone *jeeeez*...It's 3 am Thursday and I just stopped in before I go to sleep....The Stones were pretty darn good last night.... actually it was Tues night and I had really close side stage seating much better than Sundays show. Mick was probably 20foot away when he came out on the cat walk...woot woot...I got satisfaction..... ;)I know one thing I'm exhausted from running up and down the freeway...whew.....Hope things settle down and my babies Spider and Gerry are happy to have there mommy back home....;))....oh hell almost forgot I taped u2 tonight singing the Wanderer on the Johnny Cash special....way good and Edge's back vocals were AWESOME....grrrrrr
From: boomcha on 2005-11-17 15:34:22
Tryed to pay you back with something but couldnt find a pic...and with the other one I didnt see that it was fake. Thought he was funny dressed up with his fathers clothes ... so first it wasnt meant to be a joke (shakesheadboutherstupidity)
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-17 17:55:08
hihi I knew it! but I saw the hands and was like... wtf that's not him! no way! ... you were mean to his hands before weren't you?
From: Ingrid for Boomie!!!(and also bonobabes) on 2005-11-17 18:32:15
hihi check what I got here!!! http://www.livejournal.com/community/u2daily/176749.htmlaren't they adorable?
From: Susanne on 2005-11-18 22:04:26
*giggles to Ingrid's pic* Woohoo, Edgie decided to show that he can do something else than just stomp his food... And Bono is having fun with it, while poor-Edgie looks veryvery serious&concentrated...
From: boomcha on 2005-11-19 19:01:42
Susanne take a second look again...Edge is going to stomp his foot!! See??? This time with more power hehe. Is that taken at the "Edge" movie??Haha, Kitty good that you got Satisfaction ;-) What else than this can you expect from a stones show?? Hope to go next year. Have you heard anything from Ruby yet???Revenge is sweet!!!http://tinyurl.com/au449Mean to his hands??? *triestorememberNoWay 8-0
From: boomcha on 2005-11-19 21:55:49
Did upload some pics to my photobucket account. At least you will like some of them ;-)http://tinyurl.com/b9ylfhttp://tinyurl.com/8296whttp://tinyurl.com/8gslghttp://tinyurl.com/cnfathttp://tinyurl.com/8fyfzIf thats a day in the life of Edge...than...I wanna be part of it! Seems they really have fun :-))http://tinyurl.com/9aa8khttp://tinyurl.com/asc9uhttp://tinyurl.com/8le3b:-)
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-20 03:29:07
ok Boomie wtf is that????? hahahahahaha holy hell fire girl !!!!! oh sh--! ok I'm in a crocadile roll.....whooooweeeee! What the F---------!!!! hahaha..snorks snorts .....snorks again! Geeez!Kitty recovering.....holy hell........awe look at the sweet darling ones you put up......awe so adorable...... oh my they are just ......perfect......saved all of them....*smilimg at darling Boomie*....well I can never top those there just to sweet of our baby-dolls..... *hugs Boomie*...kitty gonna go stare at her pretty piccies..... grrrrr ;)~
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-20 13:12:27
RAAAWWRRRR BOOMIIEEE!!! love you love you love you!!!!!!where did you find those *a day in the life of edge* pics I haven't found yet?????? waah that one with bono and edge posing(b with camera) is soooooo adorable!!!!! and the bono eyes one too, what means speicher btw?????? he looks sooo cute... and his neck so weirddd, there's a little blue hole in it :S
From: Susanne on 2005-11-20 17:04:04
Uhuh Boomie, great pics... :)And you know girls what I just found out???? My dear friend called me and told " If I were you, I would be watching TV today at 23.15 onwards. In fact, if I were you, I would make sure to put my video taping". That mean gal didn't say anything else and I rushed to see tv-guide to find out what she's talking about........ THEY...ARE...SHOWING...U2'S...CHICAGO-CONCERT...FROM TELLY HERE!!!!!!!!!! *starts to cry and laugh happily and hysterically* Tonight I'm singing u2 so loud that my neighbours will lose their nerves, I'll dance with Bono in seventh heaven, stomp my foot with Edgie, smile with Adam and have a staring contest with Larry.... Hello hello, Susi's gonna be in a place called Vertigo... *faints*
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-20 20:20:54
O_O THE WHOLE CONCERT?????????????? lucky darn you!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhh so happy for yoU! also, at the u2daily part of livejournal you can find one more Edge and Bono pic^^ edge performing it's called... here's the link to u2daily... love that site ^^http://www.livejournal.com/community/u2daily/
From: Susanne on 2005-11-21 22:07:00
Hihii... I was so hyperhappy while watching that concert yesterday... Ojjjj, thank you U2 for that great music you're making!!!!!!! :)But I'm still going to buy that Vertigo-dvd, and I was wondering, did I get it right, there are two different Vertigo-dvd's? Since I read somewhere here that somebody bought double-version, the one I saw in store today had only concert on it... (Heh, yes, Vertigo-dvd has finally landed to Finland).
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-22 06:14:17
Oh Boomie I ran into this sweet little piccie of Edge and it was just calling out ot you...hehehehe.....grrrrhttp://tinyurl.com/bj7dj
From: boomcha on 2005-11-22 12:19:07
Damn Kitty how did you get that??? thats taken in Privat!!! No one should ever see that...so maybe you too got the vid we shoot back than 8-D OMG you krack me darling!!! sooo loooking for a pic but Ingrid already found it!! who is he supposed to be??? with the blue shades and the moustache???
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-22 13:31:28
Well Edgy stopped by to see if I stiil had that gold lame little number he is so fond of but I reminded him he has his own bunnies to borrow from and i took a quick photo of him thinking it over.... *kitty's grin looking more and more like a Tyrannosaurous Rex with Rudolf the Reindeer red runny nose*...hiihiAs far as my baby-Bono I 'm stupified?????? Here's all I can get on it at the movie site..i've heard of it but I don't know much...http://tinyurl.com/deo2g I say he looks like a freaky relative of Sean Penn... lol..... I don't know why but thats my story and I'm sticking to it.... :P Boomie I had to get my cable guy out to my house I thought I effed up my TV's with this machine *scary piece of sh--!* ...but the cable guy said no I didn't do it somebody unhooked my cable!!! I was so pissed....what are the odds of that happening when i'm trying to hook up this inner planetary device!!!!Jeeez! ....Boomie I've been sick as a dawg since my concerts and I thought I blew my TV's up!Of course it might have gotten exagerated by the overdosing of cold meds I'm shoveling down!!! *sniffle*....ok tomorrow's another day and I'm going to try so hard to work this bastard thing out?......Boomie do you know how to work yours?....Is it hard or am I just a deficient reject?.....ok pulling myself together and going to do it first thing when I get up.... Wait i have a better idea Boomie what if I send all of the sh-- to you and you do it???????? hahaha......ok...ok I'm not a baby...*sneeze cachewy* ....wish me luck....grrrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-22 13:46:46
ooops almost forgot :)~ Just wanted share my thoughts.........http://tinyurl.com/d6oqxOh look Boomie has a T-Rex grin now too.....grrrr
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-22 16:57:26
ROFL soulie, that pic of edgey cracked me up.. boomie they are under the pavarotti bono picture^^the link for the bono dessed like popedge pics I mean.. yeah and soulie, that's all I could find too... Bono's roll isn't very clear too.. and soulie, your last pic... hair.. I see alot of hair... *wonders why edgey wears U2 rings... *
From: boomcha on 2005-11-22 21:41:42
OOOops hurt my mouth cause of THEE BIGGEST GRIN ever on my face......thousands of bussies for Kitty but I have something for U2 to make you feel better and get rid of that stupid cold....http://tinyurl.com/8k7u4Awe Kitty seems we 2 really have something in common. Since that stupid ugly new neighbour of mine moved in I have so problems with my TV. No excess to the programs from time to time. But with that machine from hell everythings fine with me. It works for me when ever I want it to. Only if I press all the right buttons of course ;-)But come over and bring all your stuff with you and we celebrate a month of U2copying together.... Oh by the way mine says 2. so this must be the code for europe :-( But i think I can watch it on my puter but cant copy.....OH how stupid is this?? Wich bast**d invented that and made it that complicated? We have to ask Edge, I have no idea how we could cope with it without him *dances around singing Edge is coming*
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-22 21:52:35
*dies laughing*gawd you two are really doing a great job with the artsy pictures.. it's a great laugh to vieuw them... where are the larry and adam pics????? ^^ or make one with B and E together... ghehehe
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-22 22:01:22
Ok you seriously just gave me the caughing laughing fit of my life.....OH HOLY DAMN IT to Hell still losing my sh--!!!!! hahahahaha screams with laughing..... holycow nice outfit!!!! bwuhahahahahaha......*tears are falling*....eeeeek!..hihihihi....OHHHH GAWD!....Damn Boomie you should be a stylist to the stars!!!! hahahaha....thats so chick!!!hahahaha.....oh hell I'm losing it ......kitty falling on floor!!!!....jeeeez!Well Boomie my temperature from laughing just sent me into the coma stage!!!! hahaha....grrrrrGads wipes tears blows nose....Thanks I'm a wreck!Speaking of that *bastardmachine* I got it hooked up again ....and I stared at it good and hard all morning and mental telepathy doesn't work evidently !! Its still setting there staring right back at me too!! One thing it has a pretty blue light on it !! ...*mean grrrr* oh screw it....I'm going to go look for some more Edge's piccies that he's personally sent me over the years....why you say? well the devil is making me do it...hihihi... ;))))))
From: boomcha on 2005-11-23 15:06:17
That is sooooo much fun!! Love that artsyfartsy we doing...pee my pants only by the thought of it.Mmmh, have no idea what machine from hell you have. wich company is it from? mines a sharp. And the manual is not that complicated. At least it works when I want it to (most the time hehe).