U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85081918 views.
Photo by James Venes / [email protected]
rating : 5.5 with 42 vote(s)
Oakland, California
Iptc.Copyright | James Venes / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by James Venes / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Oakland |
Iptc.CountryName | California |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051108 |
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From: Ingrid on 2005-11-10 16:08:20
these pictures are really clear! cool effect given by the blue lights... hehe and is it me or is B wearing his newwest tint of shades.... rosypink^^^he didn't wear them onstage before.... at leasst I can't remember... hmm he looks cute, walking up to edgey, to smack his face inbetween his hand and the tambourine.....
From: Susanne on 2005-11-10 18:13:06
Yeees, these new pics are great! Good work..errr...James! :)Have to go and try to see Bono's shades closer, but they're looking good, veeeryveery good... And hihii Ingrid, poor Edgey doesn't seem to be having a clue what Bono's up to... Watch out that Tambourine man, Edgy!!!!!
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-10 18:57:39
'All because of yooouuuu*WHACK* Ahaaaall because of youuuu*WHACK* All because of youuuu*WHACK** I laugh!'
From: James Venes on 2005-11-10 19:15:53
Thanks! First time taking concert photos. I'm happy with the results.
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-10 19:24:57
Thanks James for these pics, I was at that concert and it was out of this friggin world wasn't it!!!!
From: James Venes on 2005-11-10 19:30:51
It was awesome, but I think I enjoy it more without trying to take pictures. ;-) More concentration to hold the camera steady, less time to move around and sing along.
From: Lucia on 2005-11-11 13:50:38
wow.....Oct what about your seats?:-))
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-11 18:44:59
My seats were so horrible that you would laugh, like I did as I was going to them. They were behind the stage on the last row!But Like I said in another post it really didn't matter because they were so Amazing that the music was truly what it was all about that night. I brought some bigger binoculars this time and I was sure glad I did,since I was able to view them well. Seeing them from behind does have its benefits if you know what I mean ;)
From: lalatoots on 2005-11-11 18:50:58
I remember when I saw the Joshua Tree concert - we were behind the stage and actually they were pretty good seats. Bono and all of them came and faced the back stage quite often and it was a little more intimate feeling
From: Lucia on 2005-11-12 00:11:56
:-))))...Oct that was a good one....but I still prefer the front Bono.... :-PPP
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-12 03:00:38
Lucia were on the same page... FRONT and center Bono .....although he can turn and twist shimmy and dance all he wants... ummm its all gooood!...grrrr
From: Lucia on 2005-11-12 21:08:31
haha Soulie...I like all B's parts....I'm already getting excited for my trip to Usa..wow..everyone here thinks I'm out of my mind coz I'm coming to Boston to follow our guys..I hope to get the front row or catch him somewhere in town....hihihi...Lucia is ready to leave the groundddddd!.. .-))
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-12 21:41:21
You lucky thing ...darn I'm starting to have withdrawls ...*screams I WANT MY MAN* ....they are so hawt right now my shows were the absolute best ....*waa waa* I want to go too.....hun you are NOT crazy you are 'crazy wild' for the greatest Band on the planet!!!! ....WARNING WARNING Lucia's com'n to get'ch-ya BONO ....and she will too! whooopah!......grrrr
From: Lucia on 2005-11-12 22:35:33
hehe..Soulie thanks...I can't wait to see a U2 indoor show with "only" 20.000 people!...and I bet Bono will be more relaxed than here!...so if I get the hotel he's going to stay (it won't be difficult...I hope) I'll be able to take a pic and an autograph without any risk to be arrested!...hihihi....there's still the rumour about B'presence in Rome on Xmas'concert in Vatican city...can you imagine that?...hihihi....btw come what may it's gonna be funny..and I can finally eat my MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!! :-PPP
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-12 22:51:52
lucia, if you see him, youre gonna steal him and take him to sushi's future castle in france! there we all gather and live a happy life staring at him for the rest of our days!!!!also, say hi to him from me ok? and the usual thankings for making my life a lot less miserable and that bla bla bla;) it's blablabla but true^^
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-12 22:58:53
Lucia do you have GA tic's?
From: Lucia on 2005-11-13 14:54:09
Ing I'm sorry for sushi but if I steal him I would take him to my castle here in Italy...hihihi.....Colosseum would be allright?...btw for sure I'll think of all of you if I get him....we are like a big family aren't we?Soulie I have GA tickets but I don't know how it works in Usa...I have to go and get my ticket at 4.00 p.m. and then straight to the Fleet Center.Can I carry a bag?it is supposed to be very cold then I'll have a coat is there any place to leave it?How much time before the show american people usually stand the line outside?....Sorry for all these questions but you know I've always seen U2 outdoor shows and I know perfectly how it works here and it was always in summer!....Can you tell me a little bit more Soulie?thank you from this crazy girl... :-)))
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-13 18:55:46
hm I don't know bout the colosseum lucia, a bit crowded don't you think? I'd say we'd kidnap him inside the Bvlgari store and try all shades they have on him^^ also the Usa works with the lottery, and for what I've heard is you stand in line, and get a mark or so that you can get a drink and such without losing your spot.
From: Lucia on 2005-11-13 22:59:30
..hehehe Ing...but what would happen after trying shades? :-PP...about standing the line my friend Raffa who was in NY last october told m,e something about it....however this is very well organized,at least much better than Rome last July....hope to win the lottery anyway.... God help me! ;-))
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-14 02:23:00
I can tell you Lucia about how it was in San Jose and Oakland and then maybe you could get an idea. When I arrived at the Oakland concert,some of the elipse was a bit crowded,but not so much. My advise would be to get there super early and get over to the stage as fast as you can when the venue opens, since you do have GA. If you have numbered seats then that is where you go. Sounds like your tickets are like the ones in Europe where you run like the wind to get a good spot. In the US there are those types,then the number seats. Good luck and may the U2 concert God be with you :)
From: Lucia on 2005-11-14 23:35:20
thank you Oct...I have to get my ticket at 4.00 p.m. and then I'll go straight to the venue...I don't know what's gonna happen...in Italy we say that the important thing is to be there however...I have three shows to see I hope to be lucky at least at one of them.... :-))
From: Octu2 on 2005-11-14 23:44:18
I hopeing you will get close enough to give him a note or something. You have to tell them how much we adore them!!! and if they want a big ego boot,tell them to come to our site and check out how much we are obsessed.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-11-15 12:02:51
Holy Hell you are going to three shows!!!! OH MY GAWD!!! Thats wonderful....*stutters from jealousy dripping out every orfice*...hun I've never had GA tic's for one of there shows so I don't know how it works either? As for indoor jackets you have to hold onto all of your own things so don't bring in anything that will interfer with you groveling to get to Bono...*cheeky grin* ...if your on the floor I wouldn't bring a purse or anything that will be a big pain in the a$$ to watch...other than that good luck...it will be hot as hell if your in the scrunch part on the catwalk in or out of the elipse .... oh you are in for such a great time....whoohoo hot damn wish I was going.....grrrrrrr
From: Lucia on 2005-11-15 20:44:31
..well fortunately I have three shows to see so probably on the first night I will get how it works and then things maybe will go better....there are less then 20 days to go and I feel a mixed of excitement and a sort of fear...I don't know..I met other guys from Rome that are coming to Boston and Hartford and the will do Buffalo too...you see? a pacific invasion of North East America by crazy U2 italian fans... " l'amore giungerààààà........." :-))