U2 Baltimore 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360bal
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Baltimore with the hashtag #u2360bal. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1852 tweets for the hashtag #u2360bal between 6 Jun 2011, 08:45 and 3 Jul 2011, 20:47 EDT

@ritaroeder you did? Nice it was a great show #U2 #Baltimore #U2360 #U2360BAL
Saudades desse dia!! EU FUI! :))) “@u2aovivo: RT @u2_news RT @SaZoART: #U2 #Baltimore twitpic.com/5ff9l8 #U2360 #U2360BAL”

I hereby declare #U2360NASH #u2VU hotter than #U2360BAL. No other shower ever felt so good!

RT @atu2: U2 360 Baltimore: Our Videos and Photos www.atu2.com/news/u2-36... #u2360bal

U2 on #googleplus - plus.google.com/photos/... #u2360BAL #photography

Still no audio bootleg of #U2360BAL? Wasn't @NancyPelosi there recording it?

@MemphisMullen Supposed to be 99 in Nashville Saturday. Add in the humidity and heat index will be 105+. Tragically hotter than #U2360BAL

@MemphisMullen Dunno - Miami in June? LOL! #U2360BAL #U2360MIA

@U2Jerseygirl nothing could be hotter than #U2360BAL

Hearing from friends that it is not nearly as hot for #U2360MIA then it was for #U2360BAL or will be for #U2360NAS

RT @U2_News: 16-I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360BAL #U2360USA #U2News

You looking at me?!? I said...are...you...looking...at me?! www.u2.com/gigapixelfan... #U2360BAL

@akmcquade Stalking!! No it wasnt stalking I just searched #U2360BAL & saw your Fan cam post clicked on it and said HOLY SHIT!!!!! LOL

The 1st of my 5 #U2 Shows this summer (in Pics) Baltimore June 22 2011 #U2360BAL From the GA Line to the end. flic.kr/s/aHsjvfmTfu

fan cam at #U2360BAL www.u2.com/gigapixelfan...

#u2360bal I got snapped by the @fan_cam at U2's U2360 show in Baltimore. How cool is this? www.u2.com/gigapixelfan...

Every shower feels like a luxury after the sweatfest that was #U2360BAL

matt's droid took MUCH better pics from #u2360bal. check them out here: www.flickr.com/photos/2...

At the stadium for U2360EL. Thanks to U2360BAL, more excited than ever!

@MemphisMullen Hopefully you got some rest between #U2360BAL and today! Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you there! Have fun @ #U2360EAS!

Sooooo nice out. Wish it had been like this for #u2360bal

@memphismullen Had an amazing time at #U2360BAL. Awesome spot on front rail. Downside: Couldn't see Larry. :( Headed to E. Lansing in a.m.!

Pics are up for #U2360BAL. Taking a breather before East Lansing tomorrow night. Gonna watch from soundboard. flic.kr/s/aHsjvfPzZ7

Doing the post- #U2360BAL laundry. Wow. Sweaty clothes shut in a suitcase then left n car n 90F heat. Let's just (cont) tl.gd/bbm60j

@akmcquade Nice pics! #U2360BAL

Reposting #U2360BAL pics - www.flickr.com/photos/p... #photography

One of my favorite pictures I took of Bono during With or Without You at #u2360bal. #u2 twitpic.com/5gn6oy

@jaimearodriguez did you see my #u2360bal pictures on facebook?

@jencrutch it was an incredible show! #U2360BAL

#U2360BAL pics, public link www.facebook.com/media/... I didn't take many due to camera issues. Enjoy!

Whuk the whuk? Out Of Control?! If it really is the last song...going out with bang. Still betting on 40 since sndchk #U2360Bal. #U2Glasto

Bad! So jealous. Didn't hear that at #u2360bal. #u2 #u2glasto

It looks chilly at #u2Glasto tonight a BIG difference from #U2360BAL where it was HOT HOT HOT!!!

@ChristyRae75 haha yeah, I was near death post #U2360BAL. I'll be at ny/nj & maybe pittsburgh. Have tons of fun lady!!

My first tweet is in honor of one of the best experiences of my life-seeing U2 live. Thanks Bono, Edge, Adam, and Larry! #U2360BAL

RT @martahU2: U2 in M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore (22/06) – Setlist, Videos and Photos u2nt.com/2011/06/u2-in-... via @U2_NT #U2360 #U2360BAL

Bono in Baltimore #U2 #U2360BAL flic.kr/p/9W8M15

#U2 pictures from Baltimore, MD June 22, 2011 #U2360BAL flic.kr/s/aHsjvfmTfu

U2360BAL fans - we heard alot about the boys pulling a runner - Well it was expected and we did tell you that... www.facebook.com/U2TOUR...

Thanks for the #FF such a great time at #U2360BAL only sad that its over! RT @u2tourfans: @atu2comSherry @u2_news #FF

Check this video out -- U2 - Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2 360 Tour - Baltimore www.youtube.com/watch?v... via @youtube #U2360BAL

RT @atu2comSherry: VIDEO: The Fly from #u2360BAL: www.youtube.com/user/at...

Video: U2, "Stay" (Faraway so Close) from Baltimore, MD 6-22-11 www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360BAL

RT @MemphisMullen: U2 360 Baltimore set list #U2360BAL brightkit.com/dlBV

My #U2360BAL Pictures - www.flickr.com/photos/p... - I need a better lowlight pt-and-shoot camera. #photography

VIDEO: The Fly from #u2360BAL: www.youtube.com/user/at...

@garychampagne Maryland still (#U2360BAL), and then on to Delaware this afternoon for Beachtime