U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32232 comments and 85307618 views.
Photo by Ingrid Petzer
rating : 5.4 with 44 vote(s)

San Diego, United States
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | Ingrid Petzer |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Ingrid Petzer |
Iptc.City | San Diego |
Iptc.ProvinceState | CA |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050330 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-01 00:36:56
Is B playing a drum?
From: Matt on 2005-04-01 01:31:12
Hehe, yes he is. Larry plays keyboard as well on one song :)
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-01 13:48:13
Matt hello doll.....did you get my email yesterday through the Vertigo site? I wrote you but something crashed and I wasn't sure if you got it????? Wanted to know if your running the forum board over there or is it someone else?..... now on to the band love that there doing new things changing shaking things up....can't wait.... :)) By the way I'm watching Conan (late night) and Kings of Leon are on ...... ummm ok I can't say as there one of my favorites ...but will wait to see them live before I fry them alive..... got to be fair right *snort*..... If there terrible live I'll just stick my fingers in my ears til U2 comes on and blows my mind to smithereeens :))grrrrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-01 13:55:31
OK WAIT ONE DARN MINUTE.....IS THE LEAD SINGER OF KINGS OF LEON STRAIGHT OUT OF CASTING FOR LORD OF THE *FREAKIN* RINGS.....He could be an elf with nooooooo prostetics....sorry don't mean to be mean but come on give me a break!!!!!!!! kitty gigggling like a banchee.....pleeeeeez......grrr
From: Matt on 2005-04-01 20:00:25
@Soulcatgirl: Got no mail from you yesterday but yes there was a problem with the datacenter were my server is located. Thats why my site were not available for a few ours. The forum site is not mine but from a friend.
From: TheMix711 on 2005-04-01 20:57:35
Where's my Larry? I mean, bono I love you but, you do look pretty sexy with the skins!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-01 22:22:04
Kitty bows to Matt.....thanks hun :))
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-02 11:06:41
this is just getting worse!!you see,finally I found some tickets avalibale on the internet.happy I told my mum, and said that I could pay my own ticket by my self...but no! of course she wouldn't let me!drives me crazy...(sorry if I wrote the words in this text, but I'm not really english)hugs to all U2 fans!!=)=)
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-02 11:08:05
sorry I did mean if I wrote the words WRONG...not if I wrote them=)*laugh*
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-02 11:49:38
THINGS COULDN'T GET BETTER!!!I found more avalibale tickets,but cheaper=) so I'm actually going!!!*SCREAAAAM!!*soulcatgirl!!You were the one I shold say thanks to!!You said that I shouldn't give up...and what was the price??two hot U2 tickets!!!so soulcat...BIG HUG TO YOU!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-02 22:35:49
SQUUEEEEEEEE......oh hun so happy for you....whats the date your going? eight days including today and I'm sooooo there..... Hallalluhua for your persistance..... you're gonna have one of the best experience's of your life....Our boys always delivere magnificently.....Come over here Tanja Boomie group hug with our little U2 *Fanny* (hope you like your nick-name) ;) ... grrrr
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-03 09:30:08
I'm going 27th of july (did I write it right??)hehe...can't wait=)so exited,this is seriously my biggest dream coming true=)are tanja and Boomie also going??I hope so=) Lucky you kitty=)try to get close to stage,and maybe you'll get a hug or something from our Bono=) he use to take some people on stage...I think=)Good luck kitty! hug's to all of you!=)
From: Tanja on 2005-04-05 09:30:41
fanny, I am so happy for you!!! this will be (repeating scg) THEEE BEST experience of your life!!! you are going to oslo, right? I will go to two german shows (gelsenkirchen and berlin) and to amsterdam II. thats the actual plan until NOW... ;)
From: boomcha on 2005-04-05 12:24:21
Triple another reason to come out of your hiding...another nordic girl on the plate!!! Welcome fanny and enjoy it it will be THE BEST EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIVE!!!!!!!!!
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-05 14:55:01
U2- a part of my heart;-)
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-05 14:58:57
by the way...how cool would it have been to win a backstage meeting with those guys! I have a second thing I am hoping for..a hug or hand from bono=) haha=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-13 12:29:11
heh soulcatgirlyou are popping up everywhere i go. where you from? and have you seen any of the shows? i live in FRANCE and can't wait for the Paris & Nice gigs later this summer.maybe check you out later.salut.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-13 15:09:34
*Kitty rides up flips her ten gallon hat adjusts her black mask then jumps off her white horsey hooting a howdy to RHONE RANGER* this puddy tat lives on the edge of reality better known as a sunny seaside resort *snort* in Californ- I -A....My gosh Paris must be lovely this time of year? ....yeppa been to two shows so far on the 9th and 10th....just magnificent your in for a special special treat.....*getty-up* RHONE RANGER.... haha grrrrr.....gawd I hope this isn't a language or cultural barrier thang!!!! meow
From: Kat on 2005-04-13 17:43:55
Refering back to the lead singer of KOL comment, Soulie.. Caleb Followill is a lovely guy, be nice, lol
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-13 18:02:19
with a yip 'n a yap 'n hang dang doody! hows da puddy cat on the west coast doing? purrrrfect by the sounds of things...here in Paris the sun is shining and Tonto and me are soon gonna take leave of our senses down in O'Neils bar in the 18th District just behind Montmartre...heh, i wasn't quite sure if you accepted my invitation to come and see the B man & co later this summer! Tonto and i hoofed it over to London Town late last year ( November ) to see them play a live gig outside of BBC studios just as VERTIGO went straight into the charts at No 1. those boyz were pistol shoooootin gooood.PS: wanna know what wine Bono likes to drink when relaxing? i have the answers....i work in the wine trade here in Paris and have met him 2wice at a private tastings that we set up ( 1 at the Clarence in Dublin ) once at a resto in Eze
From: Chagtun Abby on 2005-04-13 20:09:48
ok ok ok...you've seen the album, you've learnt the songs, you've seen the show...but does HTDAAB and the VERTIGO Tour measure up to Achtung Baby & ZOO TV? Be honest.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 11:10:34
HAHAHA...ok Soulie has to recover from Ranger's greeting it made me laugh so hard...holy cow!....That is mind blowing that you went to the BBC show...I haven't seen it but read about it...yes my boys are loaded for action and smok'in hot....grrrr..So you were serving my baby some beverages were you? So no more teasing the puddy...out with it so no one gets hurt!!!! What's Bono's taste buds prefer?....I know so you better get it right... :) .grrrrrrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 11:15:31
Oh wanted to ask Kat who is KOL and who is Caleb Followill? Clueless dipsh-- here...! *kitty holds up hand*Do you want me to be nice to him? Where is he?...Looks up ....is he under Bono's drum?..haha....grrr psssst did you get a ticket yet?......
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-14 11:44:57
You are sounding in Root Tootling fine form there Kitty Kat ...here's me tinkering away on this clapped out all PC...i need tokens to keep this internet connexion alive...and i'm quickly running outta change...but maybe its time to let the cat outta the bag and tell you that when we were conducting our wine tasting at the Clarence for the Irish Trade Delegation last May - Bono showed up...eh expressed to me his appreciation for Ch Petrus 1976 a fine vintage Ch Cheval Blanc 82 and Domaine de la Romanée Conti 78 ( all superb vintages )..only thing is ..as we all know he is alergic to wine ...it sends him off to sleep! so he was "tasting" rather than drinking..anyway, i've seen a few of your posts today..i'm with you all the way..its about time that the kitty kat got amongst the pigeons and blow the misers who dowing the band away...whats it all about? anyway, i'm feeling smoking gun good and looking forward to the next set of downloads from tonights show in Glendale...you're not going are you?
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 12:04:21
Kitty holds up fluted glass taps it to Rangers....vera vera good thanks for letting kitty outta bag.... I thought you were pulling Soulcat's tail with this story at first because I knew wine puts him to sleepybye....so now the question is WAS HE ACTUALLY STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU TALKING TO YOU?.....NOW THAT IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!! ....tell a little more of this please..*kitty bats long curly lashes* .....Oh yeah Ranger who are these people I ask? WTF is there trip? They must have fleas in there ears there cranky I guess....Oh how I wish I were at the Arizona shows.....nope not going...I went to Tempe Arizona in 87 with my Mom ...we flew and thats the last time I've been on a plane...I have a fear of heights so the plane thing sort of fits into that catagory...yeppa...If they would let me get drunk on the dumb thing I'd get on one now....*kitty looks around for security police* I think they arrest you for that now......eeeeek......grrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-14 12:28:04
Ohhh - you little minx... da iddy biddy puddy kat is scared of big jet engines and heights...you crack me up. yeh the B man was ( as he is with everyone ) a charming, funny and mellow guy...it was a real pleasure meeting him in this kind of environment cos it means that i don't act like a jerk (telling him how much i loved the last tour and how edge was just soooo on the money ). you see we ended up talking about wine...i had stories...so did he..and so it went! getting to know that side of the B man is just so wicked...you know we ended up playing a sort of game...( blind tasting wines and giving them human personas and characters ) we jostled with ideas, aromas and flavas and came up with something new and exciting....that was really special. you know, i didn't even ask him to sign a bottle for me cos he said he'd catch up with me soon....well, the truth is...he didn't catch up with me soon...but what the heck...we may touch base again soon if he needs to have his wine cellar filled! i guess the other thing that struck me was that he's just not as tall as i always imagine him to be....they say he's 5ft8...he can't be a ball hair more!heh, i'm out...take it easy whiskas!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 12:44:48
So much to say to you but twilight is calling me ...talk tomorrow Ranger....kitty hitting fluffy and dreamin of BONooooosnoooze....grrrrr
From: Kat on 2005-04-14 14:29:53
"OK WAIT ONE DARN MINUTE.....IS THE LEAD SINGER OF KINGS OF LEON STRAIGHT OUT OF CASTING FOR LORD OF THE *FREAKIN* RINGS.....He could be an elf with nooooooo prostetics....sorry don't mean to be mean but come on give me a break!!!!!!!! kitty gigggling like a banchee.....pleeeeeez......grrr" Caleb is the lead singer of Kings of Leon. No still haven't got any tickets.. dammit!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-15 01:12:26
Kat you poor baby damn it...somebody give this girl a ticket pleeeeeeeazzze! What show do you want to go to?Oh *kittyswipes brow* that Caleb of KOL....! Ok I will be nice...I will tell you this if that boy would put on a few pounds he will have a fantastic body..grrr....he has all the makings of some hot stuff *nice set of shoulders* he just needs some beef on them..(oh hun he had no butt to speak of it was sort of a sad little thing).and as for the playing ...when they go they go in super hyper speed ...I thought they were interesting and have lots of potential I clapped every song.. :) .the first night Caleb got into an argument with a cat in the audience because the guy was yelling they sucked...How RUDE !! See now that guy needs a lesson in being niiiiice!!!! *kitty's hands steepled praying for a tic to fall upon Kat's worthy tippies* grr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-15 01:40:07
Ranger that story was someting else....I can see where your coming from to be able to talk to him one on one rather than presenting yourself as a *drooly stuttering adoring fan screeching and dropping at his feet for annointment (umm this would be me)yiks... ... I was especailly tickled with the part where you both were personifying the wines...can you remember some of them? You'd have to be quick and clever to keep up with him i would imagine....Holy sheep sh-- you say he's five eight.....wow thats taller than I thought!!! Thats a giant to meee! Did I mention I'm an albino pygmy *puddy* sport'in fuzzy foo-foo hair? Sort of makes you wonder huh? hahahaha....I'm barely 5 ft. so he's a gawd if you know what I mean..whooopa!....He may be slight but he's established everything nicely in proportion........ok u2 babes I was speaking diplomatic to RANGER! grrrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 08:02:10
da iddy biddy puddy sports foo foo hair huh! did you get enuf calcium as a kid? RE: giving wines a personality with the B man..to be honest we didn't come up with anything concrete, because wine not only evolves in the bottle, it also evolves and behaves like a chameleon in the glass and of course in the palate...so, let say that a fairy young Cheval Blanc started out as a big bruising heavy weight - à la Louisville Slugger "Casius Clay"..but give it some time to breath, get its bearings and shave away some of the rough and tough edges ...well the wine metamorphasises itself into the princely, the fine, the elegant, the beautiful, the undisputed greatest prize fighter of all time...Ali - floating like a butterfly - stinging like a bee....So you see with wine, nothing needs to be set in stone, and because of that we can always go back and learn from it, reapraise it and talk about it some more. thats what appeals to me about this unique product and the B man didn't shoot from the hip...he gave it some thought and said that wines are like Bottled Poetry - Sunshine in a glass. The vinous equivalent to Mozart...in 500 years we'll still be talking about him and his work and we'll still be learning. I liked the analogy. back to you KITTY KAT
From: boomcha on 2005-04-15 12:12:08
Kitty sounds youve found your master in Ranger :-) you get on quite well together...keep it up its fun to read!
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 14:08:41
Yo Boomie....you must got some moves too though...give it some bubble popping shuga dropping - rock n roll..jump in and come n dance with us...ride our wild horses and shoot the breeze..spread the net and give us some of yer feedback...B Man memories...U2 highlights....mirrorball moments...is that not what this cyber-space mecca is all about...switch on, boot up and post us all yer vibe.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-16 00:57:25
Ummm you better watch yourself there Rhoney......Boomie's been known to hog tie a stampeeding Bull quicker than a bumble bee while painting her toes nails and cooking Spagetti all at the same time.....she can take you out at the knees boy without breaking a sweat....don't piss her off she loves her couch and chips and dip ...when she's ready to play she'll let you know....*pushes Boomie over kitty brought some chocolate cremes as we watch Under a Blood Red Sky* ..ooouuuu looky Boomie Edgy has foofoo hair too....hahahaha.....grrrrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-20 10:16:06
so Boomie likes to chip dip on the couch? sh'll come out to play when sh's done hoovering up the crumbs huh? i like to suck my sparkling wine though a swizzle stick straw and watch the sun go down on the parisien skyline...its gonna get sicker sooon...looking forward to a long hot summer..full of U2 gigs ...bring them on.