U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85107007 views.
Photo by EatCrayons / [email protected]
rating : 7.0 with 60 vote(s)
San Jose,
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by EatCrayons / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050410 |
Iptc.TimeCreated | 211756+0200 |
Iptc.City | San Jose |
Iptc.ProvinceState | CA |
Iptc.Copyright | Photo by EatCrayons / [email protected] |
Comments :Add comment
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-13 15:18:10
Whoopa...this is a good one ...makes me excited just looking at it.....Bono had folded papers in his backside pocket ....kept wanting to go pluck them out!!! grrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-13 17:44:30
Soulcat...they were fanny pads!
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-13 21:16:45
what is all this stuff about saying that our guys is no value for the money?!or about their ugly?makes me sad..=( their so pretty and their music is SOOOO GOOD...need a hug now..hihi=)everything means nothing if I ain got U2!U2- a part of my heart...
From: EatCrayons on 2005-04-13 21:29:33
Nice, eh? I'm loving this one. I got a few of him crawling on the stage and reaching over the side. They're not so clear though.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 00:58:47
UHHH- UH RHONE my baby has the sweetest most perfect butt ever created on a man.....my gaaawd he needs nothing to emphasis his natural assests his twin cheeky's are beyond perfection....holy sheep sh-- I'm hyperventalating just thinking of him!!!!!!!...Hey Fanny I didn't read other posts yet but don't listen to the negative unless it's us U2 babes teasing each other over our men!.....Let's face it they are the most darling beautiful sweetest doll's on mother earth...yeppa!....Cray you got some of him snarling and growling at the crowd or of him sucking on the girlies fingers over there? Oh I do hate her cause she got her tippies sucked and her hand twiddled with and her arm traipsied up and down by MY MAN but I also know know she'll never bath again *she won't to wash away his touch* and that makes me sort of slap happy knowing she'll be mental the rest of her life...hahaha....ok I promised I'd be good this tour but come on I've still got a bit of the devil in meeeee! grrrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-14 09:48:40
Heh Fanyeh who are these guys giving out about the band? as i've mentioned to SCG i haven't had the chance to see them yet as i'm based in Paris...but i did see them in November ( London - BBC gig ) and they totally blew the crowd away...they were awesome. BTW i don't think SCG understood what i meant by Fanny Pads...oh la la ...i'm thinking that there is some cultural and cunning lingual differences between our native tongues...hmmmm? ....heh, its a great day in Paris & i can't wait for my date at le stade de France...its gonna be an out door extravaganza...anyone of youze got any preferences for the indoor or outdoor shows?que les critiques et ceux qui doubtent brulent dans l'enfer...connards!LONG LIVE U2
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 10:51:13
Ranger first of all are you a 007 fan?.... Ok anyway...what did you mean that I didn't get it? I thought you were implying he had no butt so he was padding it.... WTF? Ok ok... so you are a U2 virgin? No Elevation for you?...No POP? No ZOO? Oh your in for a hell of a ride Rhoney Ranger....I'm excited for you....ooops this is an outdoor show? How big is the venue? .....No out door shows for me now since Pop....I like to be close to them so the indoor works for me....grrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-14 12:13:23
heh SCG...hold yer horses..don't bring your guns to town girl...leave them all behind you...you them things at home...Erm, where to begin...well i'm a new recruit to this web-ring ( if you will allow me to use that phrase ) ...i'm a big fan of 007 ( Sean Connery movies esp )..as for being a U2 virgin...yes & no...you see i've travelled around a fair bit...and lived in one or two places...London, Tokyo & Paris over the past 15 years and have seen the boys play live in each of these cities...ZOOROPA / POP / ELEVATION..but inspite of working trips in the US & Canada over the past 6 years i've not managed to catch a show in North / South America which remains my dream...so in that respect i'm a U2 virgin..i've met the band on one or two occassions - thanks to a friend of my dads who went to school with Brian Eno...anyway, thats my story for the time being...go catch the stars as they fall!
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-14 14:21:39
they don't have a clue if they're telling that our people are ugly!=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-14 15:07:42
Hey U2 Fanhows things ding dangling? you seem to be about the one left who is posting messages right now...are you also dug in deep somewhere in the ZOOROPEAN time zone? or perhaps you don't sleep so much like our iddy biddy soul bopping kit-Kat? I'm saddling up for an other afternoon of riding my wild horses ...i got 2 ..Tonto & BabyFace.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-15 04:09:34
Fanny's from burrrrrr Norway....and hun there full of it so don't listen to them....we know best! *happy grins on our faces*Ranger are you pulling my tail again? You have a freak'in horse named TONTOooo!....DAMN *kitty doubles over laughing herself silly* and one named BabyFace? Listen this has got to be coated with balarny cause this is just to precious to be real??????hahaha....*ride um cowboy*Rhoney I asked you about 007 because of something you implied in your post.....dum diddly dum won't say cause this is PG rated.....* I do luv Sean's 007 but I luv Pierce's more *..... and you never answered me what our language barrier is? No skipping out this time.....grrrrrInside connections with Brian Eno....well thats something too...my goodness your full of all kinds of goodies a regular fountain of knowledge... *kitty giggling* You do know this sounds a little far fetched to the average reader don't you? ....but I like it....we have been known to tell a few whoppers here in the past....*kitty's face turns pink as she waves*....grrrrr
From: boomcha on 2005-04-15 12:20:55
Kitty have you landed again or are you still up in the clouds walking around with Bman memories of this unbelievable show you were at???? this iris thing had a hell of a time with your darling but you had one too as it seems. love your story.
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 14:29:33
Listen Kitty...there are a lot of things that have happened to me in my life that make me realise that i'm a very fortunate kinda guy...you know i always dreamed of getting on stage with the Edge and doubling up with him on Mysterious ways and have the belly dancer come and tease me....i guess everyone's got a dream.....but let me assure you that the rest - apart from one or two things isn't make believe or dizzy froth of the daydream stuff - its the real deal...here's a quick recap of whats real and whats not....REAL: i was born in Liverpool, my dads friend IS a contemporary of Brian Eno, i currently live in Paris sellling wine ( Mostly Côtes du Rhône wine - funnily enough ) ..i have lived periods of my life in London and Tokyo...i actually toured the US for 1 year too...I do own 2 horses...Tonto and Baby Face...Tonto they reside however with my folks back in England....Baby Face ( sh's speckled grey ) became part of the Rhône Rangers family back in 1998...I still listen to Achtung Baby ( its in my car CD player at the mo ) and from time to time ZOO Station and Trying to Throw still reduce me to tears....I know .you don't have to tell me..i'm a sucker...! You and the rest of the U2 Babes out there probably know much more about the boys than i do and i'm sure that you've been to a shed load more of shows than i have...but it doesn't take anything away from the fact that U2 make me shudder...i dream about them regularly...sh*t..i even wake up talking to them. Fiction...my name isn't really Rhone Ranger...my folks were weird...But not the wierd...LAST FACT: i love this forum...i dig reading you and the rest of the gang out there...i avoid being troubled by the negative jibes that some loons seem to have taken up writing over the past few days...and i sincerely hope that this ring of U2 fans keeps it together and i can't wait for more ZOOROPEANS to get on line soon and share their stories and thoughts with us too...BACK AT YOU da Puddy CAT - RR
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 14:31:34
PS & RE the fanny pad thing...lets not go there..let me assure you that if you knew what it was we wouldn't be going on about it...know what i mean?
From: rhône ranger on 2005-04-15 14:52:23
PPS - and i did meet bono and talk with with him at the Clarence...and i never did get him to sign a bottle...duh!
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 17:50:19
those words were a bit complicated english for me...you see I'm Norwegian, and you probably know it, but I haven't learned all those words yet!=) I'm only 13 years old you see...
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 18:01:06
U2FAN you are pulling my leg...are you really 13?
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 18:09:30
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 18:15:27
by the way, did you know that soulie,boomie and tanja??
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 18:30:35
Ok U2ie...i can't keep on calling you U2Fan and as i've already said i'm not going near Fa**y...so do you mind me calling you U2ie? as for the ( dare i say it )...U2 SHUGA-BABES - Kitty Kat //Soulie...Boomie & Co...i don't know them, i'm only new to this scene...i don't know where they are from , what they do, what they look like, what they are called, what their favourite colour is, not even what their favourite U2 song is...and it don't really matter...whats great is that we're all supping from the same well...we're all standing at the same wonder-wall and putting out what comes from within...THATS ENUFF
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 18:33:16
I don't mind if your'e calling me U2ie=)I agree with you...thats enuff=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 18:39:37
ok Uie...while wait for the others to rise from their west coast slumbers what are we gonna tchatch about? pick a subject...
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 18:47:19
hmm....yes now I know..can you tell me: have you ever met Bono or the others in U2? if yes tell me all about it!=) how are they like? nice? outgoing and all that stuff=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 19:06:53
Uie...i think i've kinda been there before ...i don't mean to cut you up cos i did ask...but i've been there with the kitty kat already check out some posts on the San Diego No 2 photos..got any other questions?
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 19:11:40
not really...but, if you have some facts I might not know about,I would be happy to know some=)and I also have to say a pretty funny thing about adam. I have read that one of his nicknames was "madam clayton"=)
From: Kat on 2005-04-15 19:22:13
heyheyhey, I've known Soulie, tanj and the crew, since elevation tour. I'll vouch for them.. We used to be the Hunnies and Bunnies, lmao, well, i guess we still are.. good times *Punches the air* **bussies**.. Madam adam, what a star
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 19:24:34
Adam was a big collector of "spoons" during the POP MART tour and has recently sold off a bunch of rugs - some of xhich appeared in teh Beautiful Day Video...i feel i have Déjà Vu going on right now....All Go Citrus is gonna hit me next. WHERE THE BEEJAASUS is the Kitty KAT
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 19:38:01
well, well...guess that spoons are something to collect on to..hehe=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 20:26:58
Subject: 40....there is just one thing that bothers me about the current rendition of 40 in the playlist..i've been hearing and reading that Edge takes the Bass offa Adam and plays the bass line himself...all i've got to say is that its a bit of an enditement of Adams' bass playing that Edge doesn't leave him to play one of THE main bass lines in U2's history.... equally i wonder if "SECONDS" may make an appearance in the tour....i never heard it live...and yet its one of my all time faves...
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 20:51:49
you know i don't want to sound demanding..but what the hell is Kitty Kat and Boomie ...its almost mid-day in LA and its about to turn 9PM here in Z00ROPE..
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 20:58:54
I've never heard "40" or "seconds"...are they great??
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 21:01:19
they're the puppets, the puppets that pull the strings.....i wanna live the life of danger...push the button and pull the plug...takes a second...ref: atomic bomb too....you've gotta go and buy WAR Uie...you just gotta.
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 21:03:25
oki...the next U2 cd's I'll buy, then it is going to be WAR an achtung baby..=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 21:25:45
heh Uie...once you've had the chance to listen to WAR & AB...i'll send you a bootleg of the POP MART tour from MEXICO city....it'll blow your mind..you gotta check a very under-rated tune called PLEASE ...its a call to say a prayer and to stop the sectrarien violence in Northern Ireland...Larry snaps n crackles at the drum..Adam ghostes the Bass, Bono schmoozes the agonising lyric and Mr Edge comes from way down town to raise the bar on this heavy tune - he takes his WA WA vibe to a whole new level...
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 21:33:53
oki...I'll do that...thanx for the tips.I know this web site..anther one..hehe=)but anyway it's a site called musicbrigade, and there are 47 U2 videos there(you'll have to have a password to look at the whole video I think)and PLEASE is one of the songs there...very pretty...=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 21:38:20
come on are you seriously 13...i'm struggling to make head way through this without the kitty kat and Boomie.
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 21:52:13
I'm changin the channela|-7-7-7-5--7-7-7-7-5---7-7-7-5--7-7-7-7-5---7-7-7-5--7-7-7-7-5- from the shear face of love..like a fly from a wall
From: Kat on 2005-04-15 21:53:45
Semi-Random tabs?! nice touch! *hi5*
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 21:57:30
KAT...semi random heh? name that tune? anyway, i was checkin outta this zone. Ta Ra
From: Kat on 2005-04-15 22:04:35
The Fly, obviously. I wudda got that even without the major lyrical input, for I am a bass player by trade, lol *doffs her cap*
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 22:05:24
I'm really thirteen...its soo true...
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 22:09:46
Alright then...i've got the Kat Girl who is calling my every move...right down to the Chords of The Fly...i dip my cap to you Mlle....and as for you Uie...i give up...lets talk about something different...start a trend...give it a name...call a subject and lets go at it..... i'm locked and loaded..lets doo one.
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 22:13:08
make a trend...give it a name...what to do,and what to say...I'm out of things to talk about, exept U2...the only thing I don't get tired off...hehe=)
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 22:14:03
I feel Numb...the red shirt is the future..
From: Kat on 2005-04-15 22:15:38
From: u2 fan! on 2005-04-15 22:16:43
by the way...heard anything about the nobel peace price?? do you know if Bono is going home with it?
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-04-15 22:30:13
i aint heard anything about the Nobel Peace Prize but i have heard about the Knobbly Prick Prizum...once you step in there..you never get out and it hurts.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-16 03:37:32
Madam adam....*kitty LMAO* good times Kat yes...*bussies*...friends for ever.....grrrrI'm still waitng for Rubycat to show up and tell about her trip to LA....*kitty getting figgety*...
From: Rubycat on 2005-04-17 11:47:05
Well, here I am...! Sounds to me you all having a pretty good time around here. Sipping whine with the Rhone tiger...burning some Norwegian wood...None of that in the city of angels. Just soaked in Californian wine (best wine on the planet...adieu mes amies...!) and smoking on the patio...!I spend most of my LA time at the beaches (Huntington and Shark) or around the hotel swimming pool, sipping margerita's...Ever since San Diego I'm on a constant high...nothing like Elevation but higher than the sun and the ocean....Then I went to second San Diego show, the first Anaheim show and I saw the 2 LA shows as well...I don't know where I am...still figuring it out I guess. All these euphuism like 'Blown away', 'Rocked out', 'Through the roof' or 'Fantastic' sound so silly, so inaccurate....like saying 'a drop' when you are talking about the ocean...Talking about the Ocean...now that was the spiritual supernova which magnitute is still enfolding over LA, Southern California and the rest of the friggin' world. 'Love is like a drop of the ocean..,'Love is like a drop of the ocean...YAHWEH' O - MY - GAWD ..I HAD to smoke a cigarette afterwards...I just HAD too...! Thanks to Arnie being so liberal about that...!!!Hi girls! I'm back...!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-17 12:58:38
AWWWW....yes our Rhoney Ranger the Tiger who rides a pony named Tonto.....YIKS ! *kitty's eyes popped* wait let me rephrase that......ok I'll just step away slowly..Ruby if I could spend a week pool side sipp'n margaritas with Bono at my side I'd be smok'n and smoldering alot too!!! ...*puff puff*....RWAAAR.....You know the ocean is a spiritual and refreshing entity has healing powers that feed the spirit ....you just have to watch out for the effing Great Whites up here cause they like to take a chunk outta big big booty's....*kitty looks at her bootie thinking prime Shark treat*....grrrrr Kitty waves a hey to Ruby Fanny Kat.....and of course a special kiss to *Babyface* the lonesome horsey.....grrrr