U2 concert photos
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Photo by EatCrayons / [email protected]
rating : 6.2 with 38 vote(s)
San Jose,
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by EatCrayons / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050410 |
Iptc.TimeCreated | 211756+0200 |
Iptc.City | San Jose |
Iptc.ProvinceState | CA |
Iptc.Copyright | Photo by EatCrayons / [email protected] |
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From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-13 15:27:07
Oh yes there's the set list.....they were suppose to do Zoo Station but changed it at the last minute.....it was great .....I was treated to Zoo the night before so all was good with me to hear the debut of Original Of the Species..it was superb....you know I got to thinking that on one of my shows four years ago in San Jose they debuted "KITE" if I'm not mistaken.....somebody right me if I'm wrong about that cause sometimes I'm certifiably insane but if I recall it was a huge thrill for us then too.....grrr
From: Guntach Baby on 2005-04-13 17:41:00
OOTS got its first playing last night..but you haven't heard them play Crumbs yet..they bang it out so well...what was the highlight of the show for you...do you think that they'll play BAD at some stage in this tour
From: DAB on 2005-04-13 19:21:58
I hope they play Bad. But wait til Vegas when I am there...
From: zoo-keeper on 2005-04-13 20:04:37
yeh, couldn't complain if they play BAD its a classic...has anyone ever heard them play "Do you feel Loved" or "Play Boy Mansion" live? i've seen a helluva lof of US & Euro play lists but never seen either of these songs covered during POP MART or later tours.
From: Tanja on 2005-04-13 20:23:52
soulie, I remember that kite was part of every european show... dont know when they played it first...hope as well that they will play bad... but my highest wish is acrobat, its my favourite of achtung baby (together with one). it was never played live, what is a pity... zoo-keeper, I dont remember the two songs on a setlist... pop is really a minority in this current tour as well...
From: stateless on 2005-04-14 01:39:54
yep, the second night in san jose on the elevation tour was the premeire of kite. that show was out of this world.
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-14 03:12:10
Ok no Bad so far but nothing will ever top first night of closing shows at Tempe Arizona in 87 it absolutely took me out I had an epithany so to speak when they played it (yes I had heard it a thousand times before and since so it wasn't new to me) ......Here's a little trivia: back in '92 BEFORE the Hershey Pennsylvania show Bono is rehearsing on stage and breaks into Your So Cruel a bit of ACROBAT and accoustic version of FLY...*kitty grinning cause she paid a bucket load and got it on bootleg*..... Zookeeper I have a helluva lot of bootlegs gonna go through them and see about your choices ....don't think so either but I will get back to ya after I go through them.... Tanja your so right they have ignored our wonderful POP & Zooropa albums....but the thing is they have IMHO never made a sh-- album ....there all so damn good with so many great choices... where do you begin?...Also when it comes to priority of songs(for me) they all mean so much at different times of my life... a song I loved in 85 might not provoke the same feeling now in 2005 but the nostalgia of the feelings are absolutely there, right along with the fresh newly formed feelings I take from the words or rythm now in this time of my life ....for me I seem to grow with each album and really dig the shows they give us....I do so love this Band my gawd I love there music! I'm so proud to have lived in a time era that they were a big part of my life and will always be....grrrr Oh G-Baby the highlight was discovering my seat was right next to my dreams desire ..BONOOOOO....*SQUEEEEEEEEE* then waving to all my friends around the arena and them dying of envy where I ended up!!! hahaha....the next would be on the 9th show when he brought the girl behind stage and started dancing I mean really getting it on I about fell over the seat in front of me...hahaha....then of course all of the songs both nights no clunkers they were all great...being so close the first night I could really hear Bono's voice when he went all croony and soft and hitting all the high notes I was floating in heaven....*this for girls only but maybe guys too...his opened down the chest red shirt*...GRIN with drool... :)~ .... the reaction of the crowds are always fun they all go ape sh-- and I love it...of course as always the message that Bono evokes wanting all of us to engage in the struggle for human dignity and not tolerate the human suffering in Africa (OR ANYWHERE) always stikes a cord with me...especially when I find myself getting apathetic and lazy!!!! ... I belong to a another site GerardButler.net and in Feb. we raised 25,500.00 dollars to put toward the victims of the tsunami in Indonesia....see what people can do if they DON"T GIVE UP ON OUR FELLOW HUMANS... well gotta go I'm runn'n out of change....hahaha....luv SCG