U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85034873 views.
Photo by Dorenda Coleman / [email protected]
rating : 5.5 with 18 vote(s)
Glendale, United States
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Dorenda Coleman / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050414 |
Iptc.City | Glendale |
Iptc.ProvinceState | AZ |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | Dorenda Coleman / [email protected] |
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From: boomcha on 2005-04-21 12:09:43
wow seems they really enjoy being on stage...beautiful!
From: ??? on 2005-04-21 12:11:26
*knocks boomie on her shoulder*Hi my sweet BoomBoom!!!They do look happy, like I feel right now, being back here :D
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-22 01:33:32
The're leading the charge to get to us......*Triple flips blondponytail licks lips raw and stares hypnotized til her pink lenses fog over...Ruby adjusts her thong, pinches cheeks(face)hihi blushes pretty and flashes her pearly whites....Boomie sucks in tummy wiggles like a spaz praying jean buttons hold then stomps floor til the ceiling cracks....Kat ditches baggy jacket floppy hat and combat boots to reveal she's actually Kate Moss! *shock!*....Fanny gets her pen her vid cam her glossy 8x10's wondering frantically how her nerves up and ran away?...and Tanja oh yes sweet sweet Tanja blocks out reality caling on higher powers to pull THEE BESTestes of all BUTT's to her... then there's Soulcat who got to the party late cause security jumped her quickly adjusts her South Park vocabulary asking WTF's been going on here without me?...and braces for the stampeed!!!!! Yeah Baby.....grrrr ....ok in re reading this I wrote something (LMAO) but I didn't mean it the way I spelled it ....Oh Lord.....but you know me I'm gonna leave it anyway!!!hahaha Tanja sorry hun...hahaha
From: ??? on 2005-04-22 16:39:15
Triple flings her ponytail a bit too much and the wig flies away and lands on Kats head.. No way is she Kate Moss, with that hair she must be, no other than Pamela Andersson, how could they ever have missed that?? Or those.. *shock again* Lots of eyes turn at triples direction who smiles widely with her short brown hair. "It is me girls!!, It is!!" She pulls her shirt up and reveals the perfect ??? tattooed on her not so flat tummy. "See, it's me, just got tired of the blondness a while ago"Eveyone nods approvingly and they continue climbing on the stage, well everyone else but Tanja, who is very much stuck under... Muahhhhahhahahaaa!!! (<--- that reminds me of sarah, my sweet twin :) )