U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85044807 views.
Photo by Susanne Kempf
rating : 5.5 with 28 vote(s)
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From: Lux on 2005-07-01 14:32:11
wow...from this pic it seems he's getting old..
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-01 17:36:40
Hey watch it man. Maybe he had a long night with his back pain. Leave him alone. What is the obsession with youth anyway!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-03 05:34:45
Is that Lux lithium Luther? When did you get let out? I thought you were a lifer ? Well nice to know they let the looney's out for some sunnyshine once in while.......hey I'm out here too ;) ......BTW some advice don't say that again about my doll face cause i don't wanna have ta hurt ya you know what I mean?... *kitty kicks highheels off hitches up what is obviously a way to tight for her bigbutt skirt and pins long fuzzy hair up in a pebbles top knot immediately taking up boxers stance*.....using my Sylvester the cat voice.....Bono is ageless and beautiful and is spectacular specimen of our special sparkling spunky species ....grrr