U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85034686 views.
Photo by Kirsten Verdel / [email protected]
rating : 6.9 with 21 vote(s)
Olympus C100,D370
1/200s f/4 at 4.5mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 100
1/200s f/4 at 4.5mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 100
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Exif.Make | Olympus |
Exif.Model | C100,D370 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/200 |
Exif.FNumber | 4 |
Exif.FocalLength | 4.5 |
Exif.ISO | 100 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Exif.UserComment | |
Iptc.Copyright | Kirsten Verdel / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Kirsten Verdel / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Amsterdam |
Iptc.CountryName | Netherlands |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050716 |
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From: Monique v Nunspeet-Demandt on 2005-07-17 18:35:53
Maurice Demandt holding Bono
From: fanny on 2005-07-17 18:42:56
it would be very funny to hear the story behind this=)
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-17 19:44:52
This picture and the following ones made me laugh soooo much I thought I was going to die. I fanyone does know the story behind this set of photos,please write!!!! It looks like Bono is having a lot of fun in them.
From: Tanja on 2005-07-17 21:41:20
they played beautiful day and bono asked the muscleman to come on stage and then told him to pick him up... I can tell you, I laughed my ass off!!! bono laughed as well the hole time and the band and the whole audience had a lot of fun with that... I just thought that the security would have a heartattack... ;)))hunsandbuns... that was the MOST wonderful, amazing, breathtaking show of my whole life... I cant find words to describe... the setlist was.. well you know the setlist!!! wild horses... miss sarajevo... original of the species... 40... and out of control on friday... so many of my wishes came true on these days in amsterdam... but yesterday was the top of everything... well, tried to find slates report from dublin, I think you can copie it 1:1 and it would fit... this was a good end of my privat vertigo tour, cause I dont think that it could get any better... that is absolutely not possible. everything was pefect you know, the band was in a great mood, bonos voice was brilliant especially in miss sarajevo... the amsterdam arena is a fantastic stadium and the dutch fans must be the greatest on the planet... sometimes I feard that the roof will burst because of the noise they/we made...it was so emotional for me cause it was my last show, so I soak up everything and they made such marvellous gifts to me with the songs they played...well... I am still not back on earth, still on the edges spacecraft as bono said on friday... and I dont know if I will be ever back at all...
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-17 23:43:15
Oh hun, that was so beautiful... I'm really moved by what you wrote, and I'm so happy it's been great for you! You know, when I read that they played Out Of Control, I was really excited because I know that for you, it was a wish coming true! And I could so relate to that because in Dublin, it was the same for me, and I know what it feels like... *sigh* And also what you said about that this is a good way to end your tour... So very true. If it has been so perfect for you and you feel so satisfied and overwhelmed and everything was just right, then it definitely can't get any better. (I remember that this was how I felt after those four London shows on the last tour, where I was really happy to end my tour because I was so full with great moments and memories that I thought I can live on them forever.) Oh hun, I hope you can keep this feeling, this emotional high, and also this feeling of gratefulness of having been a part of all this. This is so very special, and to have been there and been a part of it - nobody can take this from you! Never! *hugs*
From: fanny on 2005-07-17 23:52:53
and the perfect end to these to wonderful written stories would be...amen!
From: u2_sushi on 2005-07-18 00:01:22
ok lol hahahah laughing guts out... hahahhaha omg lol hahahhaha *sushifallsoutofchairandrollsaroundonthefloor* woohooo what a hoot... oh god save me lol hahahahhahahahahahahaaaaaa!!! omg funniest pic ever... ok lol lol hahha... bono looks like a damsel in distress, his arm up against his forehead like "oh save me, save me!!" lol hahahha ok funny funfun... lol hahhahahaha oh gawd I'm starting to hurt... crap laughing hurts.... golly bono stop it! stop making me laugh.... hahahhahahahahahhahahahaha...
From: Tanja on 2005-07-19 13:31:41
slate, thanks for your nice words hun :) you are so right and I have to say I am still not yet back on the planet... so easy to find back to normal life after such a great time there in amsterdam... my boss thinks that I am in such a strange mood because I smoked one joint too much ;)))
From: Tanja on 2005-07-19 13:32:37
ups, its of course NOT so easy to find back to normal life... ;)
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-19 19:04:21
Was it hot that day, for this guy to have his shirt off?
From: Laura on 2005-07-24 15:16:59
I was very gratefull for the security handing out water...
From: Bumpity this on 2005-07-25 13:30:29
gonna read tomorrow...... Tanja gonna read about your show.... don't want to lose this....bump for me people til i get back....thanks soulie
From: Soulcatgirl to Tanja on 2005-07-26 00:25:34
Oh first of all these photos of this big fellow carrying our baby-doll around are priceless...I can see you now laughing and laughing in my mind..*holding my belly from the pain of hysteria*....gosh your story is so sweet and sad too....I'm glad you had such a beautiful time.....wow this tour you've had a great success with our boys such wonderful memories...so happy for you...*hugs*... I see by the date this has been a little while ago...haveyou come back to earth yet??? or did you crash and all depressed?...thats how I got when they left.. :( .....but 4 months *so long* and they will be here again.. ;)~....need to learn to be strong and not throw hissy fits til then... thanks hun for sharing love it.... :P~grrr
From: Boomie to Tanja on 2005-07-26 20:52:08
.... bumpity....
From: bumpibumforsoulie on 2005-07-27 16:33:19
thanks for marking this, huns :) soulie, it IS depressive. I am not feeling really happy these days, believe me. a few shows are still to come in europe, but not for me anymore... and all the time, after every show, I read the reports from people who had been there and feel what they felt and I know what they mean... you know?? you can be sooo happy to have the assurance that they will be back... we dont have that... oh my... its heaven on earth to see them, but its hell to let them go...
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-27 17:43:33
"its heaven on earth to see them, but its hell to let them go..."These words are so true... *sigh*
From: Kat on 2005-07-27 18:24:51
Security guys are great for giving out water, but it sucks when the stupid people in front of you pour it all over you when they're passing it back :|, haha *claps for all the great security guys*. I got Nick Oliveri's water sprayed all over me.. by him.. after he'd drank from it.. ooooohh.. lol, I love that guy.. Rock n roll personified!!!!.. I wanna see U2!!! NOW! *climbs into Fanny's pocket* lol
From: Soulcatgirl to Tanja on 2005-07-28 00:35:44
*Hugs Tanja so tight* ...I'm so there I hate the depression after they leave....remember last tour I told Triple they wouldn't be back for four or five years because thats what they do and she was heartbroken...well this time I'm like you questioning...... are they going to come back again after Vertigo? .....I get nervous now that there getting older and afraid they may throw in the towel ..... if that day comes it will be the saddest day of my life....*sniff*....your words said so much ....and like Slate says so true.... *bussie*....sends a hug to Kat cause she got ripped off of her chance to see the boys...damn that toad!!!!....grrrr
From: Tanja on 2005-07-28 09:34:15
well huns, its good to hear that I am not alone with that, of course not, but its good to hear that again and again... *hugsbacktoslateandsoulie* well, will they be back... soulie, to be honest, this is a topic I really fear to talk about. you can call it self-fullfilling prophecy (?)... or whatever... actually I am SURE they will be back, they cant live without a stage at least every for years... there are rumours of a new album next year, similar to the achtung baby/zooropa-thing... dont know.. maybe this will work because they KNOW time is running away... but is it really? I mean, they can come and play while sitting in a wheel chair, I dont mind!!! thinking about an end of U2´s live-life... this is really the saddest thing I can imagine :(
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-28 10:16:29
I don't really know what to think... On the one hand, I so agree with Tanja when she says that they can't live without playing live, and they themselves always say that this is what it's all about. On the other hand, this tour has so much of a farewell feeling to it that it's hard not to notice it (e.g. the setlist, all the hints to past tours and so on...). Then again, they really seem to enjoy themselves, just like they did on the last tour. You watch them play and you feel they have so much fun! So from that point of view, it's hard to imagine they would want to leave that behind.Anyway - personally I have this deep feeling of gratitude of having had the chance to have been a part of all this. When I look back, I can say I have experienced so many great moments, so much happiness, so many tears of joy, that it would be enough to live on the memory of that forever. In fact, I think I never felt more alive than when I'm at a U2 show. So regardless of what the future will be like, I will cherish these memories for as long as I live. *wipesawaytearsandgivesacollectivehugtoeverybodyaround*
From: Tanja on 2005-07-28 11:28:07
oh slate, you make me cry... but thats exactely my problem: I did not have ENOUGH of these moments!! my personal U2hype started not earlier than 2001... there is so much I still have to experience with U2... do you really believe in a farewell-tour?? wow, dont say that... dont you think they would announce such things? but I totally agree in never feeling more alive than when beeing at a U2 show... oh my... schluchz.
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-28 12:13:38
Yeah, but then again, it's never enough, is it? ;-) I don't think they'd announce something like a stop in touring or in recording or whatever. Simply because I think they will always be creative in some way or another, because they can't help it. They say themselves that this is the only thing they are able to do. And even if they decide to take a step back and do nothing than spend time with their families, I bet after a while they'd become twitchy and would pick up a guitar again (or a bass or whatever). It's hard to drop a habit like that, you know what I mean? ;-) So I'm sure that we'll always hear of them in some way or another.But don't worry, I'm not saying the end is near. But I like to be prepared. ;-)
From: Tanja on 2005-07-28 12:31:50
very wise, my dear slate :)I agree... our hyperactive kids could never ever stay home and spend their money... hope it!!!
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-28 19:50:42
OK you guys, stop talking about them not coming back for another round. Baring nothing happening to them personally, they have been saying in several interviews here in the States, that they have a big hunger for it still and they want to see what is around the corner with music. I don't think we will see the last of them by a long shot. The book I just read, seemed to me like they really have more to say and do and they aren't finnished yet. So perk up darlings and think optomistic. I was on such a high after I saw them,and was happy that I could see them. I didn't think that I would be able to go again and them Voila!! I get an e-mail from ticketmaster saying there were some tickets left. Crappy ones,but still............ After I see them in November, I think I will be sad though since it will take a few years before they do another one. Touring is hard even though they say they have it cushy. So look at it this way,we need them to rest up and relax, then come back and blow us all away again :) Lets keep writting how much we love them and if they read this they will know they have to come back. I do think they already know though,since all of their concerts keep selling out. Think about how dang old the Rolling Stones are and then that will make you feel better about them doing more. Bono is only 45 remember as well as the other guys,that is far from old and past it.
From: Slateblue on 2005-07-28 21:23:28
Hmmm... So chances are I'll still go to U2 shows when I'm Bono's age? Will I take seats then?
From: Fanny on 2005-07-28 22:27:29
of course slate,they have just started=)
From: sushi on 2005-07-28 22:31:10
Bono said on opening night in San Diego when he whacked the tambourine during ABoY he felt like a little kid back in the Boy era... he felt really young... so you can count on them coming back!! ^^
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-07-29 06:20:17
I'm optomistic Oct.....but I'm also a realist....believe me... I of all people absolutely DO NOT WANT THEM TO RETIRE.... I feel after all these years there just hitting there stride ...I also love everything they do ....Whether or not they decide to do more tours is anybody's guess? But I'm pretty sure they're not gonna come and ask for my opinion!!! ..lol.. Tanja I know how you feel ....its unbelievably depressive and its something that no one else can talk you out of.......but at least here at Matts you have a place to express how you feel and that does help a bit :)) ....the waiting is always the ruffest...my scenerio since Live Aid ... they come blow my mind feed those sensibilities that are hungering starved for an outlet and then pooft there gone and the wait is on again...Its magic ladys and were caught in their spell....Slate I agree these men were born to create.....art ...music ...consciousness.... clothes ...styles....trends.... visual specticals of beauty or shocking awareness.... a mini work force.... a tribe of devotees.... and yes babies too... ;)~...so I too believe if the touring stopped it would not shelve them into obscurity.... lets face it I would love to have Bono for myself but not only is he already taken by a gorgeous family he's also taken by a whole world that wants a piece of him on a daily basis... and he's trying to deliver from many different fronts..... gosh I get exhausted just thinking on it..... and this will take a toll on anyone....ok gonna snivel a bit here cause I wish he could just get what he wants and he wouldn't have to keep trying so hard.... I think back on my jinn in a bottle story off Elevation and I wish we could make all these horrible conditons disappear with the touch of a finger.... ok I'm rambling and way too serious so gonna go blow my nose and put some Zooroopa on and finish looking at all the beautiful piccies...... grrrr *hugs gals*
From: Octu2 on 2005-07-29 19:27:46
Well put Soulie,Well put. You wrote exactly what I ment to write,and I agree with you totally. Sniff Sniff.
From: Tanja on 2005-08-03 14:14:43
bumpity!!!AND: does someone know if these files with the big man are without sound?? or do I have a problem???
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 15:26:18
you have a prob gal!you can hear a wooohoooing audience, a complete lolling bono trying to sing his song... ^^
From: Tanja on 2005-08-03 16:47:40
call me the problem solver ;)) it works now... my, it was so fucking GREAT and its marvellous to hear and see it again now...
From: Ingrid on 2005-08-03 19:08:08
it's the most lolling moment of the tour sofar! hmm I just saw Rattle and hum dvd again, I love it when I'm home alone^__^ Bono+pants+suspenders+boots+nothing=hawt! Gotta love Bad
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-08-04 00:51:35
Hey Bono-babe Ingrid...... you betcha!!!! Bad on Rattle and Hum sends me into overdrive.....varoom varooooom.....gaaaa can he get any sexier than that? *kitty's eye balls the size of saucers*.....well yeah I can say when you see it live right in front of you!!!!!! Rwaaaar! Oh girl he use to do some hexy hexy moves on stage......makes me drool remembering..... ;}~ Tanja it is so hysterical.....just so darn sweet that little vid is!.....you can hear Bono lose it when he gets picked up and twirled.....what a hoot......and then when Bono comes back at him and the guy goes ape sh--! so darn hilarious!... grrrOct thanks hun big hug back.... :)