U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85165877 views.
Photo by Mary Juric
rating : 6.1 with 22 vote(s)
Sony DSC-W5
1/8s f/4 at 15.1mm (35mm equiv: 73mm) iso 320
1/8s f/4 at 15.1mm (35mm equiv: 73mm) iso 320
Toronto, Ontario
Exif.Make | Sony |
Exif.Model | DSC-W5 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/8 |
Exif.FNumber | 4 |
Exif.FocalLength | 15.1 |
Exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 73 |
Exif.ISO | 320 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-09-17 10:25:51 |
Iptc.Copyright | Mary Juric |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Mary Juric |
Iptc.City | Toronto |
Iptc.CountryName | Ontario |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050917 |
Comments :Add comment
From: branko on 2005-11-24 23:37:01
hi mary, did u bring your own camera to the show and you where able to take these pictures. Did they look for camera ? thanks
From: Mary on 2005-12-13 16:42:30
I brought my own camera they searched my bag but security at this venue was great they knew U2 allowed cameras and let me in with mine. Usually I hide it to get it in but had no problem.