U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85030041 views.
Photo by Mike Padawer
rating : 6.0 with 34 vote(s)
Olympus C160,D395
1/17.09s f/2.8 at 5mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 80
1/17.09s f/2.8 at 5mm (35mm equiv: ??mm) iso 80
St. Louis, Missouri
Exif.Make | Olympus |
Exif.Model | C160,D395 |
Exif.ExposureTime | 1/17.09 |
Exif.FNumber | 2.8 |
Exif.FocalLength | 5 |
Exif.ISO | 80 |
Exif.Flash | 0 |
Exif.DateTime | 2005-12-14 10:29:16 |
Iptc.Copyright | Mike Padawer |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Mike Padawer |
Iptc.City | St. Louis |
Iptc.CountryName | Missouri |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051214 |
Comments :Add comment
From: sneeky on 2006-02-06 16:36:19
WOW!! Bono, a red lit room and a blindfold- HOT HOT HOT
From: Susanne on 2006-02-07 20:49:58
Sure it's hot hot hot, but look at Larry's direction.... Oh no, the aliens have finally landed and taken Larry's position on the drums.... Noooooouuuu... No wonder Bono wants to be blindfold.
From: fanny on 2006-02-07 21:45:29
*goes behind stage and gets bonos cop hat,takes it on and runs on stage*hey!! touch that man over there at the drums and I am gonna get Mariah Carey right over here!! so you guys stop right now!! thank you..*gives scared larry a little kiss and tells him that he don't need to be afraid anymore*and btw, thanks for borrowing your hat Bono;)