U2 concert photos
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Photo by Tim Johnson
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rating : 5.6 with 19 vote(s)
Houston, Texas
Iptc.Copyright | Tim Johnson |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Tim Johnson |
Iptc.City | Houston |
Iptc.CountryName | Texas |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20051028 |
Comments :Add comment
From: Lucia to u2trinity on 2005-11-04 22:44:33
oh oh...Bono really looks like the Pope in this pic!..hihihi.....he usually waves his hand like this!
From: U2Trinity on 2005-11-05 08:35:10
If Bono was the pope ,we would never get to heaven because of our unpure thoughts!!!!!!!!
From: Susanne on 2005-11-05 15:04:27
*Peace on earth*
From: Lucia on 2005-11-05 21:08:45
haha triny....I totally agree with that!
From: Ingrid on 2005-11-05 23:23:14
I so agree with you triny^^ hmmm don't you think that blue right up left to his face looks like kissing lips?? hmmm ok wrong way... hehe I'll never make it into heaven if Bono continues being himself ;) ohhh and I don't care much anyway.... *drool*