U2 concert photos
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AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett
rating : 6.4 with 27 vote(s)

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From: soul cat girl on 2001-09-07 14:50:43
Bono say's eff it were to young to get the Vanguard Award.....Edge was saying Yeah eff it were just getting started in our career's..Larry saying hey we should have won best effing video of the year....Adam saying well yeah I think mixing our video in with a bunch of wanker's is plain Bull Sh--!....grrrr....that's what they were really thinking...Ali too...when U2 lost to the 'joy boys' did you see the look of disgust on her face of "Oh that figure's!" and Bono let out a big laugh.....by the way did you guys catch the look on Bono's face when they showed those dip-shits on stage that had the bullet holes in their heads? I roared..it was the funniest thing You could imagine his thoughts at those turds...!!!!ummmm Bono luv hiding under the seats with hands clamped over my ears till U2 takes center stage...grrr
From: kat on 2001-09-08 08:43:08
doesn't bono look even fitter in that photo than normal? ....NAh! it couldn't be possible he's far too tasty all ready!
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-08 09:06:23
Well, hi there soul cat...I just got home and just saw the vma's..thank god i left the vcr programmed..and, yeah, I saw the look on Ali's face and the little laugh from Bono!! I felt really disappointed, it's seems crap music is really trying to kill rock music!! What's up with n'sinc coming up with a song called...POP? And what about Lady Marmalade? Allright, allright, they're songs that get stuck in your ear and you might find yourself singing them all day, but, that's like, a bit superficial, ain't it? Ok, but, i'm a bit pissed today and i'm forgetting that...it's supposed to be all about the videos, right? So, it's in that way i'm gonna speak out! Pop is a very nice video, I have to admit, with great, great fx, and i think elevation should (at least) come next!! Lady marmalade is a very colorfull video and it was directed by a great director, paul hunter and all, but i think joseph khan went way beyond expectations...elevation is a video sent from above, as well as Beautiful day from jonas akerlund (is it written this way?)!! But, well, the world is made of unfair justice!! ***
From: soul cat girl on 2001-09-08 11:24:49
HV I missed you so much gaaawd I'm glad your back...My Bono Honey buddy...jeees don't be nice to those turkeys...Hey I have the sound track for Moulin Rouge because our babes on it..but f--- that song that best video of the year is 30 years old and they stole their video idea from the movie so where's the efffing justice in any thing?????! It's bull sh--!!!!The one with Cristopher Walken I'd be more inclined towards just because of him...but N'Sunk No way....Aren't these itsy bitsy boys a little late like 5 years to come up with a title named "Pop"??? Oh I could throw a coniption fit for ever!!!!So much has happened since you left...No more Allen Klein,<<spell) Slane photos the big cootie yanked them to his own domain...all the comments except some Matt so adoringly put on other pictures are lost...pooopy scooper!!Lets see oh I wrote a few quicky stories and so did triple ?...did she do that before you left?..how was your trip? Any stories coming out of you...hopefully they envolve our doll faces!!!!!??Yee Hawww Oh Tanja's gone on vacation too! Are ya all rested up?...Doesn't our honey look soooo soooo yummy Wow!grrr
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-08 12:11:10
Well, my vacations were great! Now i'm really Pocahontas...i look like an indian...you should see my red skin, LOL! The sun and the beach and the sea and the handsome boys on the beach were great, but the trip itself was a bit boring, you know what it's like to be on a train for 9hours with the sun shinning without mercy? I was scorching! it's horrible! Thank god i had all my u2 records with me and some photos of Bono! But now i'm home and safe from the cruel sun! I didn't read ???'s story yet, but i put the 2parts together and printed them so I can read it as a whole! No stories coming out of me so far, just the usual fantasies but as soon as my inspiration comes back, sure our babies will be in it! Now, I think I just have some days off cause i quit my job cause, as i'm still studying, by the end of the month i shall go back to classes and that shouldn't interfeer!! So, i'm now enjoying my last few days of freedom!! Then, it's trying to come here as often as i can, and that will be something like once or twice in a week!! :((Well, about moulin rouge sdtrck, don't you think Children Of The Revolution should be released as a single? i think the world has the right to listen to that genious song!! And Bono's voice is so warm and so sexy in it, don't you think? i just love it! *****singing: "la dee da, la dee da dee da da da,you won't fool the children of the revolution..."**
From: Slateblue on 2001-09-09 02:44:23
Hey Homie Vox, great to have you back! Hope you had a cool time, though I'm sorry to hear about your sunburn. Soul cat was busy to keep the Bono action going while you were away, but I think it wasn't especially unpleasant for her... ;-) Well, great to see the Bono fraction has grown again! :-)))
From: Tanja on 2001-09-09 09:08:42
Ahhh, here are all the news. HV, my next holiday destination (sun-holiday, here its raining cats (one is looking like scg!) and dogs...)will definately be the Algarve! I heard many good things of it.VMA: I saw it yesterday and missed the live show, because my alarm clock hasntwork! You can imagine my mood when I waked up in the morning at 7 a.m. ... now I dont have an alarm clock anymore...I killed it..
From: ??? on 2001-09-10 01:30:11
Hi HV!!! Welcome back!! And Tanja I wish you a nice holiday again!!Then, talking about expression at VME, did you see how scared Edge looked, staring at those idiots, untalented enough to kill themself, even with a bullet in their brains... well, maybe that's the point.. a bullet can't hurt something that doesn't excist!! Anyway.. as ever was he sweet and Bono was too, during the speech!! Didn't see the post-show show..:( .. and I'm very confused about all these comments that happened during weekend.. but happy to see you all, well.. Ginga is still missing..
From: soul cat girl on 2001-09-10 09:53:57
Tell us ??? what are you scratching your head over? Talk girl....grrr
From: ??? on 2001-09-11 04:53:39
Nothing anymore luv, there was just so many new comments and new pictures and I didn't know where to start!!And also I sctrached my head over the question; who is Larry giving the eye too? And the other question was; is it the same person as Adam smirks too? the third thing was; Why is Bono and Edge holding hands?? Was Slateblue right after all?? And the forth question, the question of life; How is it possible that a man like Edge, so perfect and incredible, can exist?!?But no more have I questions.. only answers..
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-11 05:24:24
Adam and Larry were looking at me, cause at that time I was beating up the guys from MTV, responsible for that f***ing tech failure...but...why edge and Bono were holding hands...beats me!...but, you know what, i think it's a visual illusion...I think Edge is a little behind bono, so it looks like their hands are together, but if you look carefully, you'll see that their hands are not even touching!! ***
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-11 05:24:48
Adam and Larry were looking at me, cause at that time I was beating up the guys from MTV, responsible for that f***ing tech failure...but...why edge and Bono were holding hands...beats me!...but, you know what, i think it's a visual illusion...I think Edge is a little behind bono, so it looks like their hands are together, but if you look carefully, you'll see that their hands are not even touching!! Any other suggestion? ***
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-11 05:26:29
What the hell happened? My comments repeted!! but the 1st hasn't got the last line!! Weeeird! ***
From: Slateblue on 2001-09-11 05:51:40
I'm so sorry to admit that HV is probably right about Bono and Edge there... but hey, how was that - "The essential things cannot be seen with the eyes", I suppose this fits for me here :-)
From: ??? on 2001-09-11 06:00:20
They are holding hands!!! And look how happy they are! Not as baffled as Adam and Larry, being proud of you, doing the dirty work for them and yet again scared if you'll start beating them up too.. you see those doubble comments.. those make you look.. weird and the boys do not know how to look at you anymore..
From: ??? on 2001-09-11 06:10:15
Sorry Slateblue, you sneaked on me ;).. my last comment was to the Brave Pocahontas, fighting for the rights of VME awards, way you go HV!! Beat the hell out of MTV!! We stand by you!!
From: Tanja on 2001-09-11 08:45:00
Hi girls, back again, I buyed a laptop some hours ago, I am an idiot, but couldnt wait anymore to get back ;-) O my god, have you heard of this terrorists and what they done to the world trade center and the pentagon in USA??? My godness, cant believe whats going on the minds of these people..SCG, hope you are all right and hope you know that we think of you..but for godness sake you are far away from New York and Washington...
From: kat on 2001-09-11 10:08:29
Yeah I heared that 2! I Just glad non of are boys were around at the time!! *phew!*
From: Tanja on 2001-09-11 10:12:34
Yes, but I am really thinking of the people who HAVE been there...and about all the things now might will follow this..
From: Slateblue on 2001-09-11 10:40:05
I just came home and read about it on a German U2 mailinglist... then I called my parents to get the short version and now I've switched on the TV. And whilst sitting there and watching, I thought about if I know someone living in the United States, and the only person who came to my mind was some guy in Texas and Soul Cat - are you alright? As Tanja said, we are thinking of you! I hope you're doing well and you have no-one amongst your family or friends who was there...
From: soul cat girl on 2001-09-11 10:53:19
Hold your breath hun because I think our babe is in Manhattan and that is right in the middle of this f---ing mess...I hope they left but I have a feeling their probably still here..I'm not ok I can't stop crying for all those people...shit!!!
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-11 11:25:05
My God! No, I take back what I just said, and I don't wanna step on anyone's beliefs, but, what kind of god lets this happen!! I hate war and I don't know...why the hell can't we all live in peace? But I just hope those cowards pay for this, though we all know that nothing can repay all those people's lives and the damage that they're doing to the icon that is New york and the US in general!!! I'm very sad and very disappointed...and I don't feel like the world's safe! Soul Cat, honey, I'm really sorry for you two, cause after all, it's your country! i'm here for you, just letting you know! I never thought something like this could actually take place! How's this possible? I'm still waiting to wake up, really...
From: soul cat girl on 2001-09-11 12:08:15
HV thanks hun....well I've thought it was totally possible because of how free and open we are...After the last World Trade attack we all new terrorism in even a bigger way was a major possibility....we've kind of kept our fingers crossed and held our breath.... were a society that allows all to cross all borders state to state freely and roam till your hearts content without any body stopping you....its awesome but it makes us and people here visiting vulnerable to this kind of crap...This was done by some real sick f---s...they can say God made them do it but lets face it they are so twisted in their logic and humanity they have NO clue what their very own man made God even is..I have a feeling its a God of Hatred and only a flimsy excuse for causing Death and Pain to other humans...HV take care..SCG
From: Tanja on 2001-09-11 13:25:51
HV, I know what you mean with taking the words back, I also thought of this..but I am not willing to think about this. But we have to face that this can happen. Depends on what Bush will decide...I would have a solution for that, its not fine but effective..but nobody will ask me. Maybe its better
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-11 13:53:26
I'm gonna be honest, i don't like Bush very much, but there's nothing left for us to do, but trust him, right now! Hope he makes the right decisions, and i hope he "hunts down and punish" those monsters but without harming innocent people! Enough death, enough pain, enough destruction, we want peace, for the world's sake!!
From: kat on 2001-09-11 14:02:45
Jesus! I am so sorry About what I said earlier. I didn't mean it like that!! I do have a heart. I am soooooooo upset about the whole thing. - I am not taking the mick. P.S hope U R fine SCG. XXXXXXXXXXXX
From: soul cat girl on 2001-09-11 14:18:30
You know I don't like him either HV he's a dip sh--...the only consulation he won't make the decisions his people that hopefully know what is happening will make them, and we can only pray they know what the hell is going on, which let me put it this way they probably flip a coin for a decision, you catch my drift....I wish we knew where the f--- Bono and the guys are at!!!! Sh-- I'm chewing my fingers raw...I think he lives in upper manhattan but I don't know where that recording studio is located!!!anybody know?...SCG
From: Tanja on 2001-09-11 14:25:35
Girls you know what? I dont like him as well! And maybe he takes this situaton to do what I ever wants to do...but maybe then I agree to him. maybe. Btw, I am proud of VIVA, Slate, das habe ich denen nicht zugetraut!
From: Tanja on 2001-09-11 14:26:51
sooooorryyy, I meant what HE ever wants to do...for godness sake...
From: ??? on 2001-09-11 23:28:29
Heeeeelp!!! I almost lost my mind last night, not getting to this fucki' machine and ask how you all are?!? Well, now I see.. Scg, I'm so sorry and Sarah too.. I'm happy that everybody here are so wonderful, and we think of each other and all that.. I'm not starting to analyze anything, I just .. feel.. numb.. and please, please, let me know where the boys are?????... I just don't understand..
From: Slateblue on 2001-09-12 01:55:59
???, I thought of you last night, wondering how you may feel and what you were doing. One night can be so long, and it's great to have you back here! *sendshugsto???...andtosoulcat...andtotanja...andtohomievox* I'm happy you're all safe, girls... and I'd like to hear from Sarah, I hope she's okay.
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-12 03:50:24
Hey girls, how are you? We are all pretty much going crazy over what America and the world is going through! I have the feeling the whole planet(except those foundamentalists) is mourning the death of thousands of people, victims of those monters' extreme fanatism! Have you seen ID4- Independence Day? Throughout yesterday I've seen images and situations that could be compared to the movie...but it hurt so much when you remember that this is REALITY, it wasn't created in a major studio, and that the attack wasn't made by aliens, but by a different phorce, something way worse, it was made by Man himself! It's incredible what we can do to our own spieces, just because of different ideals, sometimes different races, different cultures... ***
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-12 03:56:07
And I forgot to say that I hope Sarah is ok too, and wish she was here, don't hear from her a long time ago!Thanx Slate, I send a big, big hug to you too and to all the girls!! ***
From: Tanja on 2001-09-12 05:14:52
???, nice to read you, we missed you yesterday! Say, ís Sarah from the US too?
From: ??? on 2001-09-12 05:37:37
*Sending hugs to Slateblue and to you all* ..Sarah is from US of A, yes, don't know exactly where, but I just went to her page and she's been updating it yesterday, so she should be.. as fine as she can under these circumstances.. thank god...I still feel.. a bit.. no words.. and I'm afraid that I'll write something, that goes out wrong.. because this is just too much....so I think I'll just need to back out for a while.. and that will be more then ten minutes girls.. but stay well my friends, and take care of yourselves, each others, your loved ones and HV kiss the baby!! I'll be back tomorrow, maybe with some words even..
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-12 05:44:38
I'm off too! I'm gonna have lunch now, and then i'm going out with a friend to see if I can empty my mind a little!! Need to smoke and need to have lots of coffee! Though I don't really like this song...from now on it's gonna have a different meaning, it's gonna sound very different: Peace On Earth (we need it now)!!! ***
From: kat on 2001-09-12 10:38:22
hi!! I hope u r all fine! (SCG & Sarah imparticular!) Sorry 2 copy u HV But 'Peace on earth' 2 all of U and a bundle of kitty sorrys 4 being such an idiot!!!!!!! xx
From: sally on 2001-09-13 14:19:20
i love bono's jacket it is so f**king sexy on him.....wait a miniut every thing is f**king sexy on him he is just plain drop dead sexy....rock on u2 long live bono and of course edge,larry and adam thay r the best
From: kat on 2001-09-14 11:06:30
2 true sally!! 2 true!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx
From: sarah on 2001-09-15 11:59:33
hey everyone. sorry i didn't check in but as you know it's been so crazy.i just got an email from homievox, and i just thought i'd say i'm fine. the plane in PA crashed about an hour away from me so it was scary but i'm fine. just feeling numb like everyone else. i love everyone here so much! i'm glad everyone is ok. now if you'll excues me, i'm going to run around and make distasteful comments about my edge bunny to take my mind off of everything. grrr purr meow my kittens!
From: Tanja on 2001-09-15 15:04:43
Hi Sarah! You know that we havent yet talked together very much, but nevertheless I am very happy to see that you are ok...hope that Edgy hun will bring more beautiful thoughts in your mind...take care!
From: HomieVox on 2001-09-16 05:20:01
SARAH, thank god your fine! Thank you for answering! Well, hun we luv you too! Take care! ***
From: kat on 2001-09-16 07:08:44
Oh god !! SARAH!! you're O.K!! Thank god!!! Hope you r alright!!!! Pussy cuddles xxxxxxxxxxxx