U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85104810 views.
Photo by Dorenda Coleman / [email protected]
rating : 5.4 with 37 vote(s)
Glendale, United States
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Dorenda Coleman / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050414 |
Iptc.City | Glendale |
Iptc.ProvinceState | AZ |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | Dorenda Coleman / [email protected] |
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From: ??? on 2005-04-21 11:58:05
Ok sweetie, one thing.. do turn around NOW!
From: boomcha on 2005-04-21 12:11:26
triple darling you are back??? is it really youuuuuu???? oh, weve missed you sooo much here....im soooo excited to see you *givesrealtripleabighug**andbussiestoo*And yeah sweetie turn around ... although we luuuuuv your backside!!
From: ??? on 2005-04-21 12:13:12
See how happy I was??All numb?? for a sec or so..*grabs boomie and dances aroudn and around and around*
From: boomcha on 2005-04-21 12:15:26
darling were both online....good to have you back...still dancing around and around!
From: ??? on 2005-04-21 12:18:21
it's a bit difficult to find you here now, but I'm trying.. have lots of catching up o do?So, you have tickets to any show??So I know, for which show I will start to save my money :)
From: Kat on 2005-04-21 18:00:37
:O!!!! *can't believe that triple is really here!*
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-21 23:36:03
Well Kat believe it......she's already blinded by the buttless wonder......although Kitty looking at Edge pretty darn closely *must inspect for safety measures his butt's wired up* .....grrrr
From: ??? on 2005-04-22 14:29:46
Yes Kat, I'm back :DLike I was ever really gone.. :)And Soulie, I tried to make him turn around, but you know these men, always with their butts.. *shakes her head*
From: boomcha on 2005-04-23 15:52:53
Triple i go to 2 german shows. Was a nightmare till i got my tickets but now i have them and cant wait till theyre here. Boomie takes Kittys advice and too looks darn pretty close at this nobuttwonder that she missed soooomuch over the last years....its just as beautiful as it was in my memories...*sighs*