U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85025345 views.
Photo by Mike Caito / [email protected]
rating : 7.7 with 13 vote(s)
Glendale, United States
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Mike Caito / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050414 |
Iptc.City | Glendale |
Iptc.ProvinceState | AZ |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.Copyright | Mike Caito / [email protected] |
Comments :Add comment
From: fanny on 2005-05-04 23:23:20
boomie should see this one...this is ART=)
From: u2_gecko on 2005-05-05 01:33:00
yeah no kidding get over here boomie you'll love this pic!!!
From: u2_gecko on 2005-05-05 01:51:59
oh btw anybody who wants more u2 pic goodness there's a site called flickr.com....... you have to create a login name and all to view pictures but if you do, join a group called atu2. they've got great pics. and anyone who wants to see a great pic of bono go here: http://flickr.com/photos/rangergirl13/12041660/in/pool-atu2/
From: fanny on 2005-05-09 15:21:34
if boomie sees this picture...she ain't exactly stopping to like edge-bunny!!but thats a good thing...even if I'm a bono/larry lover!=)but this bono man...he propably wins with some % on the battle...;-)
From: boomcha on 2005-05-13 12:29:30
U2 are soooo sweet that really is a great pic of my darling...of his buttie butt of his beauty arms of the way he plays the strings walks up to me bows down grabs my hand and ... Oh, yes thats ART 8-P
From: fanny on 2005-05-13 12:40:27
I can't believe that we are actually going to see them!=)sorry if I ain't answering on your questions, just came home from school..hehe=)hugs!