U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85034938 views.
Photo by u2_sushi / [email protected]
rating : 6.0 with 20 vote(s)
Seattle, United States
Iptc.Copyright | u2_sushi / [email protected] |
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by u2_sushi / [email protected] |
Iptc.City | Seattle |
Iptc.ProvinceState | WA |
Iptc.CountryName | United States |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050425 |
Comments :Add comment
From: sushi for fanny on 2005-10-08 01:19:50
Bump!Here's my email!
From: Susanne (and Sushi's email to Fanny) on 2005-10-08 18:23:44
Ok now.... They are flying around with this thing??? Oh my... Well at least you know when U2 has landed to the town.
From: For Fanny Here's Sushi's Email on 2005-10-08 20:03:14
From: fanny//Thank you=) on 2005-10-08 20:12:23
thank you,thank you..=)=)=)I've send the mail,but I'm not sure if it's working..
From: sushi on 2005-10-08 20:47:39
No Susanne they got a different plane for the second leg *punches other plane* it's TINY!!! *screams* and this one is waaayy cooler anyway!! I wonder if they have this one now that they're back in the States?
From: Ingrid on 2005-10-08 20:53:03
I think so sushi, it's kinda logical... in the states, they can't drive all their equipment from state to state, I think they take it with them in the *huge* plane.. in the EU they used trucks for that and the plane just for the band.. ^^ before the amsterdam shows, bono took their plane to go to Nice.. ;) and he flew in later, when edge and larry flew in at the same time to get a special welcome at the beach here!
From: sushi on 2005-10-09 01:18:02
Yeah... but this plane is a passenger plane, a 737 or something. They'd have to do a helluva lot of complete revamping to the plane to fit all their equipment in there. Why can't they drive their stuff from state to state? Wouldn't that be easier than from country to country? Hehe... my dad (who was with me) made a joke to the guy who led us out to the plane. He asked if we could go inside (knowing, of course that the answer would be no) and when the answer came he said "Oh, yeah, I would probably break their solid gold faucet handles." which made everyone laugh... haha...