U2 concert photos
The gallery contains 38884 photos with 32231 comments and 85165828 views.
Photo by Martin Kendell / [email protected]
rating : 6.1 with 40 vote(s)
Vancouver, Canada
Iptc.ObjectName | Photo by Martin Kendell / [email protected] |
Iptc.DateCreated | 20050428 |
Iptc.City | Vancouver |
Iptc.ProvinceState | BC |
Iptc.CountryName | Canada |
Iptc.Copyright | Martin Kendell / [email protected] |
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From: fanny on 2005-04-29 12:26:46
yep, there's my sweethearts!=)
From: ??? on 2005-04-29 13:30:45
Hi Fanny, I'm Triple from Finland :)and, I wonder.. Edge is not your sweetheart???Oh, and you know, my daughter has her 13th birthday today! :DDon't tell her, but I really think your music taste is so much better than hers ;)
From: fanny on 2005-04-29 14:54:03
oh...of course! edge is gorgeous as well...but I don't know anything about him! give me some information=) happy birthday to your daughter! maybe you should give her the cd how to dismantle an atomic bomb?hehe=)at least it opened my eyes for this four gorgeus guys!=)hugs...
From: Tanja on 2005-04-29 21:13:02
hello fanny and triple... happy birhtday to your daughter! how comes she does not love our heros??? unbelievable... go and follow fannies advice, give the a U2 cd... although I think that you did that already??btw triple, what about your plans to join us here in germany...??? any news??
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-04-30 02:36:35
Hello Fanny Triple Tanja.....First Happy Birthday to Triple's daughter...she's officially a teenager!!woot woot! Second of all Fanny is definately a BONO-Babe so stop trying to convert her into an Edgy-Bunny! .. What to say you sad desperate woman!!!.... and yes Fanny has GREAT taste...lol... Tanja I was watching a tape of U2 making there Vertigo (desert one) video and Bono is so vera vera darling just wandering around looking hexy as hell in his open necked black shirt and are those leather pants? ...yum.... I wish I had a camera I'd just follow him around filming him for days...gaaaaa !!!! The thought makes me crazy....grrrr
From: fanny on 2005-04-30 11:18:07
yep, I'll guess I'm a bono-babe...but Larry...he's so gorgeus!so I guess I'm 50% bono-babe and 50%larry-girl!=) hehe...=) hugs all around...
From: Tanja on 2005-04-30 15:03:02
soulie I know this documentary... very very darling our man... wish to be lost with him in the desert... with enough red wine and a bed of roses of course... hmm ;)fanny, this fifty-fifty-solution is ok, we dont have many larrygirls here...
From: rhône Ranger on 2005-05-01 17:36:48
...changing the subject a little bit here...but, i see that U2 play Chicago on B's birthday....so, 1) have any of you been to a show when one of the guys celebrate their birthday and 2) if so...do they get up to any special antics or does the evening go off like you wouldn't have known any different?
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-01 19:30:30
Yes in the past they've sung our boys Happy Birthday songs...but I personally have not been to any of these shows.... If he's like me he'd probably like to forget it's here again! :( ....grrr
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-01 19:36:06
TANJA nooooooo red wine for the B-man he will go sleepy-bye and it's all she wrote....! The bed of roses and with a wild Irishman does sound rather nice though... :) * looks up at Bono ...grrrr*
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-05-01 20:55:34
Re: U2 RDS Stadium 1993 - Dublin...i got the drummer boys ...i got the trumpets...the teutonic din is thundering through my computer speakers...What do you Want? What do you Want? ZOOROPA...vorschprung durch tecknik....whiter than white...eat to get slimmer...its the ZOOROPA CUP FINAL...MacPhisto v Mirrorball man...Rock n Roll v live war in Sarajevo and THEN the guitar rips the night sky...ngrrrrrrrrrrrah..na na .ngrrrrrrrrrrrrah..na na .boom booom boom ngrrrrrrrrrrrr ngrrrrrrrrrrrr boom boom...Ready, Ready for the laughing gas...anyway back to the point of my last post....they don't play happy birthday here , but they sure do a good job of seranding Ms Miomi Campbell when she comes on stage for "Arms around the world" and "Desire"...during the opening bars of the latter they play the weddign waltz..cuz Adam had just got engaged to her...its alright its alright ...bono was back in his own bed that night..Soulie...its good to hear from you...it looks as though i'll be heading east some time soon...to the land of 1.1 billion Chinese....i got business back out in zoonoodle land...have B and the boys ever played Tianemen Square ? if they haven't they sure should, i don't think they ever even played Hong Kong...even though Bono stopped off there before heading on to Japan to play ZOOROPA in 1993..if they come and play in China..and i'm out there i'll give you a shout..how do you like your rice? boiled /// fried /// à la chicken feet /// sticky /// they got all sorts out there....///we'll rise we'll fall like a fly offa wall /// no eastern secret....thats allSo this is me checking out..from my shack here in Geneva tonight (i'm on the road AGAIN )///still no chance of a trip to Chicago ///or the big A, so i'm just a long way from my appart in Paris and even further from my horses back in England and a whole ocean away from where the vibe is rumblin and tumblin the great cities of North America...so this is a big shout out to you "Soul Cat"...to Boomie to Fanny ( ok, so i said it ) to Kat and all the other U2 crackerbarrels out there...riding on the wave and hanging on to the edge of VERTIGO.....YOU'RE THE REAL THING...even better...than the real thing. gotta go..i'm running outta change
From: Soulcatgirl on 2005-05-03 02:20:50
In a Willy Nelson twang "on the road again just can't wait to get on the road again" ...hey Rhoney Ranger..... 'n da house Connoisseur of all things pleasurable.....As far as I know no to Tianeman <spell? Square...never heard of Hong Kong either...Yes I do like boiled rice in a pretty bowl with tons of sugar and cinnamon bathing in extra rich milk with raisons sprinkled in for pleasure :) ...is that a western dish or what?.... I loved your intro ......in fact I was just watching Zoo from Sydney yesterday....gaaaa ...luv it!...."I WANT I WANT ALL YA GOT ....GIVE ME WHAT I WANT AND NO ONE GETS HURT".... Edge with a stick of Dyn-O-mite up his arse is gonna give it .. Adam already gave it...Larry will pound you with it...and my sweet sweet Baby isn't one damn bit shy about any of it and just luvs to spread it.... around around slipp'n slipp'n I'm at a place called Vertigo and I'm slipp'n into my baby's arms.....grrrrr
From: Rhône Ranger on 2005-05-10 08:47:05
happy birthday to yousquashed tomatoes and stewbread and butter in the gutterhappy birthday to youHAPPY BIRTHDAY BONOTHE RHÖNE RANGER
From: fanny on 2005-05-10 14:12:50
happy birthday to our dearest bono!!45 years ago,a sweet litlle boy named Paul David Hewson was borned in to this world!I wish you all the best Bono!!hugs from fanny!