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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

February 2010

@maxischermo This one was very moving: http://bit.ly/PgBOR but it’s hard to name a single best one. What do you think?

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RT @BillboardPR: @atu2 Here is the full money-maker list on @billboarddotcom if you would like to share. http://bit.ly/ayuPvv

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RT @u2w U2.com sez Artificial Horizon is now shipping. ‘Bout time. http://tinyurl.com/y88ef…

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I favorited a YouTube video — U2 - Moment Of Surrender (Milan, July 8 2009) http://youtu.be/N0-M9-Vq…

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Glastonbury to be broadcast worldwide by BBC http://ping.fm/XKH7W

 via Ping.fm

Bono talking and King of Trash performance from Music of Ireland Documentary (via @atu2). http://bit.ly/ccFC3C

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Universal newsletter mentions OneRepublic as U2 opening act for Munich http://ping.fm/njwff

 via Ping.fm

Joseph Martens U2 Stage Crash ’92 http://bit.ly/ao2sLE

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U2 announce more opening acts for US leg: U2.com announced a few more opening acts for the US leg today:Lenny Krav… http://bit.ly/9JCsRa

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Salt Lake City presale page lists Lenny Kravitz as support act http://bit.ly/aKeLjc Thanks Greg for the tip. #u2

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U2 Salt Lake City fanclub presale times updated: http://bit.ly/9k5GMI

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US leg to kick off in Salt Lake City on June 3rd: http://bit.ly/bWNb59

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U2.com article “… tickets go on public sale next Monday, February 2nd, at 10am local time… ” Eh?

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@wind_mill_lane U2.com says this was the last date to be added.

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Salt Lake City show June 3rd just confirmed by U2.com. Presale starts Feb 18th for fanclub members http://bit.ly/aDGv3W

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@u2wanderer I’m glad European dates seems to be fixed now. Time to plan a few trips.

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US leg to open in Salt Lake City on June 3rd? This is was local radio 101.9 The End reported earlier today.

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What snippets Bad had so far and when have they been played? Click on one of the snippets here: http://www.u2gigs.com/Ba…

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@Ticketcorner seems to have problems with Mastercards today. 5 times failed; Visa worked fine now #ticketcorner #u2 #zurich

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@Anita_Loves_U2 heard somewhere it might be the final concert so maybe after Rome date.

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Anita_Loves_U2

RT @SteveDupoy U2 to play Dublin Aviva details here: http://bit.ly/u2dublin

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Want all upcoming U2 dates in your Mac calendar? Just click here webcal://www.u2gigs.com/U2upcomin… and change refresh to your liking.

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Second show announced for Zurich: U2.com has just announced via an e-mail to subscribers that a second show will b… http://bit.ly/ah1zaX

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2nd Zurich show on September 12th, 2010 at the Letzigrund Stadium just confirmed by U2.com.

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