Everyone seems to take the route I have to go. Will have some clips uploaded soon. Good show but a bit cool. Liked the snips Bono did.
Ax’s random setlist stat: today’s main set was the first since 21/03/98 to actually be closed by Streets.
That’s all. Got another clip I always wanted: full MOS and the band walking off stage :)
UV, Wowy
All you need is love snip
Tutu speech / Streets
Never walk alone snip
Walk On
.o0( can’t hear it anymore )
Rock the casbah snip
Remix time
Screen not extending today.
UF, Cobl, Vertigo
The Unforgettable Fire
Unknown Caller
stuck in a moment
Don’t stop till you get enough snip
She’s A Mystery To Me snip after One
MW with Norwegian Wood snippet
BD with Rain snippet
The sound is a bit blown away by the wind.
Get On Your Boots
No Line On The Horizon / B mentions the flag dur Breathe
Lots of white stuff in the crowd.
Major Tom
Any network.
Hard to get any here at all. I’m behind the red zone on Adams side.
Network is crap. We do what we can.
Snow Patrol on stage.

Finally the sun is coming out. http://yfrog.com/0o6kbj

FOS wrisrband. http://yfrog.com/7bdeyj
Finally filmed ALL my way in incl. ticket scan. I’m into FOS once more w/o queueing.

On my way in. http://yfrog.com/649pexj
Took some vids at the gate and go in now myself.
Gates are open now. Ppl get in one by one. Very civilized.
They’re giving out masks. Gates are still closed.
Breathe now.
They just played smthg I could not recognize. Too bad.

Q moved forward. Still rehearsal inside. Nloth again. http://yfrog.com/1kwprj
Nloth now. The Q started to move forward one by one to the next barrier.
Uteotw rehearsal.

Security prepares. http://yfrog.com/1k7fyj

Security is taking their positions slowly. The wait for these ppl should be over soon. http://yfrog.com/272mmj

They just closed the gap in one queue. http://yfrog.com/acm4wj

That’s a lot of beer. What time gates will open? http://yfrog.com/6wbtuj

This is the other Q. Haven’t seen a less crowded stadium sor far on this tour. Maybe it’s the bad weather http://yfrog.com/6w69034…

The flash coloured cap ppl are selling ear protection. http://yfrog.com/1j7bwj

Haven’t seen this one before. http://yfrog.com/2lvexj

This is the beginning of the queue. I can see Simona sleeping right on the rail. Good luck to her. http://yfrog.com/acczkj
It’s like 50-100 people more in the queues. Everyone of them should be FOS.

Stadium map. http://yfrog.com/2ngmqj

Blackberry still loves U2. Message written on my iPhone. http://yfrog.com/e1z7mj
The city shirt is down to 300kr again. Let’s get one.
I’m going to the stadium now. It’s a bit early but I enjoy the rain and storm so much ;-)

I’ve taken a few clips around Ullevi and merged them together here: http://bit.ly/ptyVR
Here are the photos just taken around Ullevi stadium: http://bit.ly/6mX7v
@AlexLoos The ppl here look less international so far.
@lilind I’m back at the hotel now.

Newspaper. http://yfrog.com/5rdvksj

Something to read before the shows. http://yfrog.com/1u82xj

Whatever … http://yfrog.com/9t4vtj

2nd queue. http://yfrog.com/7gt9fsj
@heliocamargo only some seats are covered so I expect a wet and stormy show tonight. Must be not a bad thing at all.

Merchandise. http://yfrog.com/6ws1gdj
The city shirt is 325kr. One stand is just ready and has all prices.
@heliocamargo ams1 was 35, ams2 30 and Dublin 25€.

They’re just counting ppl here. http://yfrog.com/amf5kj

City shirt will be 300kr which equals to 30€. http://yfrog.com/2naryaj

Preparing the merchandise stand. http://yfrog.com/278c8j
I’m just thinking about buying myself a much more solid rain jacket than I have with me.
Just posted 170 user photos from Milan, Berlin, Amsterdam and Dublin to our gallery at u2gigs.com: http://bit.ly/1arcdQ
@jenboberg I heard there are under some trees. Maybe the heavy rain forced them to go somewhere else.
@u2_se Where is it then?
I’m back at the point where I started and there is no queue at Ullevi yet. Wish I had my ticket with me ;-)

Whatever … ;-) http://yfrog.com/6jhj9j

U2 truck carpark. http://yfrog.com/21hwaj

Other side of the stadium. http://yfrog.com/1jro9j

A lot of equipment stands outside at the moment. http://yfrog.com/2l50aj

Stage from outside the stadium. http://yfrog.com/2lo7hj

Here we are. Ullevi Stadium. http://yfrog.com/1hwudj

Dark sky and rain as I just arrived in Gothenburg. http://yfrog.com/7g28bpj
BTW, really need a lift to Chorzow as mine just had to cancel the shows next week. Contact me via DM on Twtr or u2gigs.com if you can help.
Leaving for Gothenburg shows in a few minutes. Better have all the U2 equipment there in time ;-)
Sorry to all of you waiting for their concert photos to be posted on u2gigs.com. I’ll work on them tomorrow. Spare time is rare these days.
http://ping.fm/p/Wc5ic - The Claw almost hits video cube…
http://ping.fm/p/f1Hcy - The Claw invades Schalke!! Who is it?! Borussia Dortmund…?? (-;
http://ping.fm/p/MWCB4 - The Claw: it goes on and on!
http://ping.fm/p/LSRAu - The Claw in Schalke
http://ping.fm/p/vH7hq - The Building Of The Claw in Progress!
http://ping.fm/p/VeQUK - Stage build in Gelsenkirchen
http://ping.fm/p/JjoCH - The claw arrived in Gelsenkirchen (from yesterday) 3/3
http://ping.fm/p/vSbM9 - Building the stage in Gelsenkirchen
http://ping.fm/p/rKn0w - The claw arrived in Gelsenkirchen (from yesterday) 2/3
http://ping.fm/p/0BGeN - The claw arrived in Gelsenkirchen (from yesterday) 1/3
Here are my photos from Dublin III: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… Matt
Forgot to note in my article: yesterday’s set was first of the tour to not include either of Angel Of Harlem or Desire.
@Gravy1199 They were 3 good but not great shows. Enjoyed myself but underwhelmed. Glad I came to Europe to see more than U2. Cheers, Ax.
RT @U2log RT: This is the most disturbing report on residents protests http://bit.ly/LdduX (via @bugsyshugars)
All clips from the third Dublin show are now available here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
I’m back in Berlin. It’s just for 2 days. I’ll leave again for the Gothenburg shows on Thursday. Matt
All other clips will be uploaded later. 3G is not working well in the airport area.

New Year’s Day from the third Dublin gig is available here: http://bit.ly/16Vk5y
Ax here, just got in from the gig. Setlist is now on the site: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Filmed NYD, Stay and Bad today. Will have a beer first. I’m at the Airport later. Anyone else?
Only NYD … uhm … well. Was Berlin rhe last great show? Matt
That, apparently, is it. what? we heard that soundcheck. nyd and stay were great but they are no elec storm or drowning man.
Moment of surrender
Shine like stars!
With or without you
Fool to cry snip also in bad. encore starts with ultra violet.
40 snip into bad
All you need is love snip in streets, then one.
You’ll never walk alone snip, then streets
Mlk, walk on
Sbs with rock casbah, pride
Vert, crazy with relax and 2 tribes snips
Unf fire so good, then cobl
Unknown caller
Movin on up snip, stay
Still haven’t found
Debut nyd
Magnif, b day
Nloth, then boots
Bad in brackets.
Nyd, Stay spottet on the setlist.
Here we go! opener is breathe.
The script are done and were also enjoyable. now bring on u2! this is ax and it’s my last show of tour, though by no means last for matt.
Bell x1 are done and were good. now waiting for second opener, the script.
Also soundchecked: new year’s day and … electrical storm!
Now drowning man being soundchecked now for first time since barca rehearsals!
I will follow being soundchecked by band right now.
@EPicoz not really. It’s a nice beach ;-)
Larry just left his house with a police eacort.
Ax here. Going to today’s show rather early. Hoping for a memorable gig!
My photos from Dublin2 are finally uploaded here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Just added snippet of MOTD to MW in yesterday’s set: http://www.u2gigs.com/sh…

At the studio. http://yfrog.com/5o96106…

Windmill Lane http://yfrog.com/e88alj
We are at the Cafe Vivaldi behind a little book stand atm.
@U2Log: seems that way! I was planning to be around that area anyway, so if anybody else is around, see you there…
Actually, @U2Log and anyone else, may be slightly late, 15 mins. Look for blonde albino guy with cane. Most recognisable person on earth.
RT @U2log: Fansites in Dublin: meetup on Temple Bar square from 12.00 today!
@U2Log: I (Ax) should be around Temple Bar Square then …
Here are the videos taken at the second Dublin show: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@Gravy1199: Basically, I (Ax) think WOWY has lost its passion. I will explain further in my reviews, whenever I get time to complete them.
Oh yeah, and the mainpage article about today’s set is now online: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Ax back. Clearly Matt and I disagree on today’s show. :) I’m just looking forward to something more interesting on Monday…
I liked it better than yesterday. Got 4 clips that I’ll upload later. Let have a Guinness first. Matt
That’s it. bit of a step down from last night.
Wowy again sucktastic, then moment of surrender
Encore opens with that new intro and ultra violet.
You’ll never walk alone snip in walk on, streets, one
Rock the casbah snip in sbs, pride, mlk, walk on
Thunderstruck snip end of vertigo, crazy tonight with come ye faithful snip, sbs
The unforgettable fire as the rain comes down, cobl with rain snip, vertigo
Don’t stop snip in angel, ialw, space chat, unknown caller. goddamn, where is elec storm?
Still haven’t found with stand by me snip, angel of harlem
B day with here comes the sun, mw
Probably no vids today. Too many cams in front of me. Haha. Matt
Alas, nloth is but 2nd. then boots, magnif
Here we go. first tonight is… breathe. come on, u2. open with nloth instead!
Kaiser chiefs were really good. hyperactive frontman even went crowdsurfing. now waiting for… v2, i think? local lads. i hear they rock.
Ax here. republic of loose, the first opener, are on already. two songs in and i wish they’d go back off.
Looks like we’re a bit famous: http://bit.ly/3WAT4 (Italian article)
50 people around the Clarence hotel. Will I miss something if i just walk away?
My photos from the first Dublin show are here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Added Moment Of Surrender from Dub1 to our Youtube channel. Everything we got is uploaded now.

Breathe, Elevation, Stuck, UTEOTW, Crazy, Sunday, MLK/Walk On, UV are currently uploading. Check http://www.youtube.com/U… later.

Bad from Dublin1: http://bit.ly/7EWdR

The Auld Triangle from Dublin1: http://bit.ly/lEdi3
Oh, and fancy soundcheck info for today? UTEOTW, Elevation, Mysterious Ways, and Edge worked on New Year’s Day. Poland, look out!