thorhammers @u2gigs Thanks for directing people towards my U2 Periscope. I will be doing it again tonight from GA at the Forum. #u2 #Periscope
ChikaLakerz Every RT today is worth a $5 donation to (RED) #poweREDbysalesforce. Be like a VIP and tweet !! #U2ieTour #U2 #RED
@xaquaheart @stateless79 Ok, same effect but exposure control is important. Can be done several ways. I use compensation or full manual.
Great video from B-stage “@xAquaheart: @u2gigs Until the End of the Worl”
We’ve added a great U2 LA3 #U2ieTour photo set by Jason Brice to our gallery
Just spotted this older tweet :)…
@stateless79 and ALWAYS turn off the flash/light. It’s useless at concerts and annoying :-)
@stateless79 I use Camera+. There are also free ones. Maybe @xAquaheart can tell you more details about her shots later.
@stateless79 Apps like ProCamera or Camera+ should be fine. Set higher ISO about 400/800 and a shutter speed about 1/60 to 1/125.
@stateless79 @xAquaheart I guess an App with manual exposure settings will do. That’s what I do for concerts. Automatic mode will fail.
@xAquaheart ah that’s you :-)
JoshuaKitchen My favorite shot I got of the night. @U2 #U2ieTour #U2Forum @u2gigs
xAquaheart @u2gigs ((((iPhone camera))))
@robertjwitte Yeah apart from Electric Co that set didn’t do much for me (Ax)…
And if you still have a nerdy itch to scratch after reading our report, here’s some great data to enjoy!…
Here’s our updated mainpage article with LA 3 setlist and show info:… #U2ieTour #U2
Thanks @ChikaLakerz for great Meerkat stream, & whose battery lasted juuust up to final note! Also thx @U2start, @SilRigote for Mixlr audio!
That’s the end of the show folks. Full setlist here:… #U2ieTour #U2
#Bono says it’s a privilege to be on stage with his bandmates and “to share this night with you”. #U2ieTour #U2
Others say it counts as a Crumbs From Your Table ref, but it’s a common phrase in human rights activism & that’s how I think Bono meant it.
The Great Snippet Debate continues! “Where you live should not decide whether you live or die” in Streets intro. I say not a snippet.
@EveryBrokenWave @atu2 Despite the lyrical similarity to that statement, I don’t think that was intended as a musical reference.
@plotbot3000 @GableJim @U2TOURFANS @U2ThreeChords One day we will add all instances of Hear Us Coming to U2gigs… one day.
Speech time by #Bono, thanking audience - especially those who are members of Amnesty Int’l, One Campaign, etc. #U2ieTour #U2
@EveryBrokenWave After all the work they’ve put into multiple songs pre-tour, it seems a waste they haven’t played heaps of them!
@GableJim @U2TOURFANS @U2ThreeChords Shine Like Stars was last done in Montreal, 9 July 2011:…
21. Encore begins with City Of Blinding Lights. I was expecting Miracle Drug to finally show up for LA! #U2ieTour #U2
@Drea104 Don’t we already have sonic whiplash from EBW to Bullet? ;)
Meerkat stream by @ChikaLakerz if you want to catch encore (she says she has 14% power, hope it lasts!):… #U2ieTour
@atu2 @coribald @U2Community Yeah, among us it’s love and peace… OR ELSE.
Main set is over. View the setlist so far here:… #U2ieTour #U2
@EveryBrokenWave @sb_wreeldeal OOTS (and Yahweh and SYCMIOYO) all have a place in my U2 bottom ten that we were discussing.
I’m switching the set to say LAPOE for now, for pretty much this reason (plus LAPOE fits the SBS/RBW/UTEOTW theme):…
I’m enjoying getting tweets of “clearly sung BEP style” or “yeah it was def LAPOE style”. THE GREAT #U2 SNIPPET DEBATE OF 30 MAY 2015.
@sb_wreeldeal @EveryBrokenWave I’ve always rated One Step Closer. It’s my #4 or #5 on HTDAAB - Miracle Drug about level with it these days.
I actually wasn’t even inclined to include that “where is the love?” thing as a snip in UTEOTW until a few people tweeted to point it out.
OK people, UTEOTW snippet debate: Bono sang “love, love, where is the love?” x2. A LAPOE snip (per @atu2) or a BEP Where Is The Love? snip.
@sb_wreeldeal @EveryBrokenWave I was so crazy about COBL when HTDAAB came out.
@EveryBrokenWave @sb_wreeldeal Ha, saying a song is my #1 on HTDAAB doesn’t mean much.
@EveryBrokenWave @atu2 Well shit. Where Is The Love? or LAPOE. I don’t know. He’s snipped Where Is The Love? before.
@sb_wreeldeal @EveryBrokenWave AMAAW and Crumbs are two of my three favs on HTDAAB to be honest (COBL obvs #1).
@EveryBrokenWave @sb_wreeldeal Well it’s weird, I’m atheist too and that shit normally puts me waaayyy off, but not the October songs.
@EveryBrokenWave @sb_wreeldeal No objections there except Some Days, which I think is underrated esp Adam’s contrib, and With A Shout.
@sb_wreeldeal @EveryBrokenWave Oh, I like Elvis Presley & America. I’m talking about Elvis ATE America, the lone shitfest on Passengers.
@sb_wreeldeal @EveryBrokenWave #1 worst is Elvis Ate America. #2 Stand Up Comedy. #3 A Room at Heartbreak Hotel.
@postrin I (Ax) think I copped full band Stuck in Melbourne 2010. I wiped it from my memory.
This is right. IE Tour after 9 shows has 35 songs. 1st leg of 360 had 35 including Happy Birthday & Auld Triangle.…
@EveryBrokenWave It’s one of U2’s ten worst songs whatever way they play it. (Chris is coming to kill me now, I’m sure.)
Larry and Adam come in for the “I will not forsake the colours that you bring” verse. Bono jumps cue and comes in early. #U2ieTour #U2
Edge is on piano for Stuck. Before the performances of this song and Elevation, BDay was the only ATYCLB song played on the #U2ieTour. #U2
And Stuck In A Moment! I (Chris) am thrilled!
Chris here. Just got home from covering a The Who concert. Just popping in to say it’s nice to see Elevation make its tour debut! Sorry Ax!
15. Stuck in a Moment, also a tour debut after appearing at Roxy two nights ago. Spoke at length about Dennis Sheehan before. #U2ieTour #U2
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs its a big party on a Saturday night.
@EveryBrokenWave At least it’s not Stuck - but I fear that’s next.
@StartAtlnfinity Yep, agreed, so much has been rehearsed, would love to see more rotations.
Apart from appearing at the Roxy on 28/05, Elevation was last performed on 30 July 2011 in Moncton at end of 360 Tour. #U2ieTour #U2
If you’re not listening, tune in to this tour debut via @ChikaLakerz:… #U2ieTour #U2
So far this set has been same as LA #1. Will we see any variation after MW in the rotational slots? #U2ieTour #U2
@harbinger384 I was all prepared to go “hoooooly shit!” and write an excitable tweet. Damnit Bono!
I may be in a huge minority here, but if #U2 are going to play a song with “mystery” in title, I want it to be She’s A Mystery To Me.
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs its visually stunning
If you’re only now tuning in, this Meerkat stream is seriously good:… Sil is also doing audio:…
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs some more. Hi Rez photos are something extraordinary 2nite Glad 2 be here with my one true love @ChikaLakerz
OK, snippet catch-up: yes, Psalm 23 at end of RBW, and Where Is The Love? in middle of UTEOTW. #U2ieTour #U2
xAquaheart @u2gigs aka no zoom
That’s the end of the first set; Wanderer vid now playing. Check the full set so far here:… #U2ieTour #U2
Bono recited something at end of UTEOTW, prob from one of the books he throws to crowd; will need recording to figure out what that was. #U2
@EveryBrokenWave MW is worthless live without the slide solo. Can’t believe how much weaker 360/IE versions are compared to older ones.
Bono was muttering something at the end of RBW/start of UTEOTW but couldn’t make it out. Probably the Psalm 23 snippet? #U2ieTour #U2
@EveryBrokenWave It’s not even a big fav of mine in any form, but it’s always nice to hear songs live that I haven’t heard at prev gigs.
@EveryBrokenWave I don’t care what version they play, just as long as it stays in the set outside of the Americas!
Yes, in case you’re wondering, SBS is back to the new version after being played in traditional form at the Roxy. #U2ieTour #U2
Looks like there might be another audio stream here, though not working for me right now.…
@EveryBrokenWave I seriously have no idea how I managed to type it as “Bong” that night I was drunk on Interference. Boy oh boy was I drunk.
@U2sJerseygirl I was drunk on Interference the other day and somehow actually typed it as “Bong For Someone”. The joke has endured.
I’d love to hear #U2 actually do a 15 minute psychedelic freakout version of Song For Someone and release it as “Bong For Someone”.
U2 |LIVE NOW| Stay Tuned… #U2ieTour #meerkat
6. Cedarwood Road. At end of Iris, Bono led audience in a “free yourself to be yourself” singalong. #U2ieTour #U2
@EveryBrokenWave (I’m making myself slightly nauseous here. I can put on my native Kiwi icksunt rul thick too bro eh.)
@EveryBrokenWave You’ve got to drag out that “i” for all it’s worth, and say it through your nose. Gunna come awt toniiiight cobber?
Well, that setlist spoiler about 11OTT being second song of the night obviously hasn’t come to pass. Damn. #U2ieTour #U2
#Bono still talking about why #U2 like LA: “What we love about here is that there’s a sense of what might be, not what is.” #U2ieTour
#Bono: “we love the fun and frolic of the Sunset Strip”; says Edge was out on the dancefloor at the Roxy after the show. “He’s a funky man!”
@atu2 I hadn’t heard him put it that way before either, but it does make some sense.
Streams are a bit in and out tonight it seems. Here’s another Mixlr via our friends at @U2start: #U2ieTour #U2
@EveryBrokenWave You need to learn a bit more Strayan. It’s g’day whether it’s midday or midnight.
@EveryBrokenWave G’day.
@sb_wreeldeal @JackRyder120 I would looove to hear Cedarwood/SBS/Please/RBW/UTEOTW/Bullet to end main set. Would be intense.
Also a snippet of RHCP’s Give It Away at end of Electric Co. Now onto 3rd song, Vertigo, w/ Rock ‘n’ Roll Radio snip at start. #U2ieTour #U2
@JackRyder120 Yep. Can’t believe there have only been 3 performances of Pop songs in the last decade (Discotheque x2, SATS x1).
If you’re not having luck with Meerkat or Mixlr, try this Periscope:… #U2ieTour #U2
Want to listen? Meerkat:… Mixlr:… #U2ieTour #U2
Our mainpage article with the set in progress is here:… #U2ieTour #U2
ChikaLakerz |LIVE NOW| #meerkat
@jbgeosat Hawkmoon was played 7x Australia, 1x Netherlands in 1989:…
@KevinMFeeney Ugh that’s right. I’d conveniently forgotten about that.
@ladyvesper It definitely feels weird to say decade! I (Ax) can’t believe I’ve been working on U2gigs for over ten years now.
@JeffReinhart77 I’ll wager $10 right now that it will precede EBW.
@KevinMFeeney I must have missed that…? It was checked before the Roxy too.
@dmacirish Stuck In A Long Song Title You Can’t Get Out Of.
ANOTHER SPOILER ALERT for tonight’s setlist. #U2ieTour…
When was the last An Cat Dubh performance? Almost a decade ago, 27 June 2005:…
OK now this is VERY exciting soundcheck news. #U2ieTour…
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs want more iphone shots from tues/weds?
SPOILERS FOR TONIGHT via @scottgronek who saw 1st half of set: 11OTT in 2nd spot, California after Song For Someone. #U2ieTour
Here’s some soundcheck news that is a bit less surprising! #U2ieTour…
Via @TrailerTrsh, Chris Martin of Coldplay is in attendance again tonight. He likes his #U2, it seems. #U2ieTour
@KevinMFeeney I’m worried they’ll interpret the Roxy enthusiasm as “let’s put Stuck/Elev in set”, not “let’s put 11OTT/Ocean in set”.
More on the soundcheck situation… #U2ieTour…
UNCONFIRMED: Some people say UF & Hawkmoon soundchecked. Others say they were played by radio station loudly near GA. Be sceptical for now.
Hey folks, Ax here to take you through LA 3 #U2ieTour. In case you couldn’t guess, I very much hope 11 O’clock Tick Tock stays in the set.
RT @ChikaLakerz: @u2gigs here’s my view. Along w/pics will be attempting to live stream on #meerkat during the show. Pass it on..
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs Looks like an exciting evening ahead.
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs and another
TrailerTrsh @U2 gigs another iPhone shot from 5-27
@TrailerTrsh Oooh! Some folk on Interference say Hawkmoon (& UF) played loudly by a radio station near GA. But you say you heard it inside?
RT @JohnnyVOXX: @u2gigs @atu2 @U2UKFanfeed so apparently local argentina radio station confirms u2 south american #U2ieTour for 2016 https:…

Sunday Bloody Sunday at Roxy multicam by @vetriu2… #U2Roxy
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs overslept que, but still did all right
AfricanWellFund Hide and seek! We’re hanging out in the U2 GA line! Come find us for buttons, donations, and more. #BonoWell #u2ie
@frankbrouwerss I guess it will be a good one. I’ll be there as well.
@frankbrouwerss Look closer at song 19. There it is.
U2comZooMods Video of California from #u2roxy @u2 @theroxy @kroq thank you Roman !…

Song For Some @U2 at the Roxy… via @Raylene326 #U2ieTour
@U2santos @EveryBrokenWave Imagine if they rotated Elev w/ BDay! It would leave Vertigo as only pre-SOI song played every night since debut.
@U2santos @EveryBrokenWave Yeah I agree w/ Stuck rotating w/ SThing; 11OTT w/ EC/OOC on 3rd+ nights. Elev could rotate w/ MW or EBTTRT?
@chikalakerz I haven’t heard anything so far :)

Sunday Bloody Sunday from last nights Roxy gig… #U2ieTour Thanks a lot to JEMS for the video!
@ChikaLakerz If you find some time to upload the current photos I’m happy to post them :)
Remember, we’ve got the full #U2Roxy setlist and show info here:… #U2 #U2ieTour
I (Ax) hope all of you catching up on #U2Roxy tweets enjoyed my freakout when they did 11 O’clock TickTock. Good times. Keep playing it #U2!
@RolandSquire Indeed he is!
@RolandSquire I’ve met @me_and_U2 a few times around the world during the 360 tour :)

‘Me & U2’ documentary filmed last tour is now online -… via @RolandSquire
SilRigote Finally at home. I’m the happiest girl in the world right now. So glad you guys could be part of it somehow. We get to carry each other ;)
ChikaLakerz Okay a guy from the #U2 crew came up and tapped me on the shoulder and handed me the set list #U2ieTour @u2gigs
@gunga07 They were using Beat On The Brat mixed w/ EBTTRT and Discotheque. Since Phoenix they’re using Patti Smith’s People Have The Power.
U2Baja Check out this video “#u2roxy4” on @Ustream ! #u2roxy Out of Control #u2 @theroxy @u2
U2Baja Check out this video “#u2roxy” on @Ustream ! Stuck in a moment #u2roxy #U2 @U2
U2Baja Check out this video “#u2roxy” on @Ustream ! #Electric Co #u2roxy @u2 @theroxy
ChikaLakerz #Edge greeting fans before leaving the #Roxy on the #SunsetStrip in #hollywood… #live #LA #u2ieTour #U2 @U2gigs
Here’s a photo of the #U2Roxy printed setlist:… #U2
@cqleonardo No, it was not. The only change was the band playing Vertigo.
Turns out that Vertigo was not on the #U2Roxy printed setlist. Encore was meant to start with Song For Someone. #U2
U2Baja Bono decided to crowd surf , security was NOT please #u2roxy @theroxy @u2
Another fun stat: #U2Roxy featured 3x more ATYCLB songs than the whole #U2ieTour so far! Only BDay has been played on tour.
Co-signed! Simply an incredible performance of an astonishing setlist. Hope 11OTT sticks around - it was scorching.…
@u2interference I was actually surprised it wasn’t later on the UF Tour.
The last time #U2 played at least 5 Boy-era songs in one show was 1984-09-24, Perth:… #U2Roxy
It’s time for bed for me (Chris). U2 turned back the clocks to 1980 tonight, glad I stayed awake for it! Night all and congrats Ax!
@mhealy1972 Hopefully we’re treated with some surprises, as it’s the last show of the North American leg
This was, by far, the most exciting #U2 show on which I (Ax) have ever reported. Wow. What a set. ELEVEN O’CLOCK TICK TOCK!! #U2Roxy
I (Chris) only wish Ax was actually there to see that gig! Unreal opening quartet with awesome energy. Good on @U2 for playing this set.
To recap: THE OCEAN AND 11 O’CLOCK TICK TOCK! Out Of Control, The Electric Co and I Will Follow made five Boy era songs. #U2Roxy
U2Baja California #u2roxy
No, that’s it, the show is over. Full setlist here:… #U2ieTour #U2Roxy #U2
Sounds like the gig is over. Just 12 songs, but what an action packed set it was. #U2Roxy
Band have left the stage. Will there be a second encore? Pretty please #U2!
God Only Knows snippet in California #U2Roxy
@mhealy1972 18th, 26th and 31st
California freaking rocks both on SOI and live, in my opinion. I’m praying I (Chris) get to see it live in NYC. #U2Roxy
#Bono introduced California by talking about his admiration for Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. #U2Roxy