#ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage Bono’s name
@FernandoDante My attempt at it
watchmojo @u2gigs Win 20th anniversary deluxe edition of U2’s Achtung Baby! Email your name & fave U2 song to [email protected] to enter! US only.
Enjoy the Achtung, y’all! BELIEVE. And remember: EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG. WATCH MORE TV

Last but not least, this absolutely incredible piano cover of The Fly. http://youtu.be/4psqmuFQ… #U2 #AchtungBaby

Mysterious Ways - the Elvis Costello version: #U2 #AchtungBaby http://youtu.be/gIITYnvF…

The rarely heard soundtrack version of Until the End of the World is our next pick: http://youtu.be/8md8py8y… #AchtungBaby #U2

The “SUPER” music video for Even Better Than the Real Thing: http://youtu.be/Yrch66gd… #U2 #AchtungBaby

The first performance of One: http://youtu.be/4_DpMDU0… #U2 #AchtungBaby

The infamously cut track from ZooTV Sydney: Tryin’ to Throw Your Arms http://www.youtube.com/w… #U2 #AchtungBaby

There’s some Ultraviolet love in Washington: http://youtu.be/OV2T6Jgd… #U2 #AchtungBaby

Love Is Blindness live on the Vertigo Tour: http://youtu.be/4nbza6Fd… #U2 #AchtungBaby

Fifth is a fan made video for Acrobat: http://youtu.be/R3T6QYSC… #U2 #AchtungBaby

Our fourth pick is a gorgeous orchestral rendition of Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses http://youtu.be/0ffyqH2O… #U2 #AchtungBaby

Third up: Ever wondered what Lady With the Spinning Head live would sound like? http://youtu.be/tOfXpy4L… #U2 #AchtungBaby

Next up: Zoo Station live from Mexico: http://youtu.be/TIjy9Zpj… #U2 #AchtungBaby

First up, here is a nice piano rendition of So Cruel: http://youtu.be/Ruc1ytke… #U2 #AchtungBaby
The Achtung Baby reissue is officially out today! Let’s celebrate with some Achtung y’all!
@HardRockBerlin Still looks like this? http://u2.gs/m4 Photos from my last visit 11 years ago :)

20 years U2 Achtung Baby poster in Berlin #achtungbaby http://u2.gs/m3
@smili72 yes, i think so too. The serial is probably stamped into the box if there is one at all.
beowulfjones @u2gigs Randomly: congrats on tweet #12345!
JoeriHarcksen @JoaoEvanildo @u2gigs I think it is Yankee Stadium. Yes, full songs. Too bad it is not the entire concert.
JoeriHarcksen @u2gigs on the bonus dvd disc from the Uber Deluxe we can almost see an entire Outside Broadcast show!

Our friend terrorsittich filmed his unpacking of the U2 Achtung Baby Uber Super Deluxe Box set http://u2.gs/uber
martinmccann1 @u2gigs thank goodness :) I portrayed him well apparently :)
@chris_rank Matt here and today is the regular release date in Germany.

Wow… this may just be the best cover I’ve ever heard. Disappearing Act. Beautiful. http://youtu.be/JfT8BX7Q… #U2
@mveernl looks much better than I expected. Best content/quality/price ratio I think.
@ludicrosity82 it’s from Amazon Germany so this might not help you much.
@ludicrosity82 it comes from Amazon.
@u2peacegirl booklet says English, French, Spanish, Portuguese subtitles for all discs in the box. The book is awesome :-)
borjaosant They’re so big… The “baby” album full of demos is much much better than other bands’ long awaited albums @u2gigs

Just received my 2,7kg U2 Achtung Baby Super Deluxe box. Surprisingly big for the price tag it has. http://u2.gs/m2
@atu2comSherry If you count only U2 songs there are 49. Detailed listing can be found here on our site http://u2.gs/kF
@atu2comSherry 61 incl. some non U2 songs.
@ryanmoothart Early versions of the Achtung Baby songs.
@spenceeastwood Ha, I’m just listening to this one at the moment :) (Matt)
Apparently some people are already receiving their reissues of Achtung Baby. Reviews of the Kindergarten disc seem positive.
@spenceeastwood Pretty interesting material after a first quick listen. Will have to dedicate more time to it tomorrow :) (Matt)
@spenceeastwood Any links?
Matkin’s favourites on the Q CD are EBTTRT, WGRYWH, SC, Fly, TTTYAATW, and UV(LMW). What are yours? #U2
smartinick @u2gigs @U2Portugal MW & EBTTRT are missing, rest of AHK-toong Bay-bi Covered is available, just made a playlist http://t.co/ZBj46rey
.@ludicrosity82 Nope. if you try it will show the current ‘standings’ and say “Thank you, we have already counted your vote.” #U22 #U2360Liv
@claymsu Is it? The tracklisting on the back of the CD looks to be the correct order to me from my memory of looking at it.

Patti Smith - Until The End Of The World http://u2.gs/kY ; Gavin Friday - The Fly http://u2.gs/kZ (via @U2Portugal)

Glasvegas - Acrobat from Q Magazine ‘AHK-toong BAY-bi Covered’ CD http://u2.gs/kX (via @U2Portugal)

One more … The Killers - Ultra Violet (Light My Way) from upcoming Q Magazine ‘AHK-toong BAY-bi Covered’ CD http://u2.gs/kW
@canuck_rob Thanks a lot for the link!
Nine Inch Nails - Zoo Station from upcoming Q Magazine ‘AHK-toong BAY-bi Covered’ CD http://u2.gs/kV thanks to @canuck_rob

Depeche Mode - So Cruel from upcoming Q Magazine ‘AHK-toong BAY-bi Covered’ CD http://u2.gs/kU
Wazowski09 Sneak peak of the Achtung Baby Uber Set on dutch TV with Anton Corbijn. (sorry, no sub.) omroep.vara.nl/media/74184 @jaimearodriguez @u2gigs
@U2Baja @u2wanderer Wrote up a full list from least to most played here: http://bit.ly/vIqAw7 #U22
@U2Baja @u2wanderer UC: 35 times; OTH: 44 times; NLOTH: 49 times; Breathe: 52 times. All others over 100 full performances. Most over 200
@U2Baja @u2wanderer: ES: 3 times; YBR: 7 times; SE: 16 times ; MOTD: 18 times; Zooropa: 31 times; Stingray: 33 times; Scarlet: 46 times
@U2Baja @u2wanderer I (Matkin) don’t have Ax’s memory, but I’ll try to help!
MT @EveryBrokenWave Lets get all of the rarities we may never hear again preserved forever!
#U22 is a fantastic idea. This is the way to do it!

Ever wondered what a cello cover of Streets would sound like? Wonder no more! http://youtu.be/9TO4Qw6N… #U2 Surprisingly good, actually
So those outside the UK can get the Q covers through http://U2.com shop. Nice find, @U2place
New Zealand win the Rugby World Cup! I (Ax) have never been so happy to be a New Zealander!!
U2log According to @neil_mccormick Achtung Baby hasn’t been remastered, source told him because it “didn’t need to be”
ludicrosity82 @u2gigs Have they released pre-order infofor people outside of UK yet?

Here’s another Q cover for you all. Garbage and Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses. http://youtu.be/hFJnzab8… (thanks @Dmodert66)! #U2
scatterolight ooh. these clips from Achtung Baby cover CD are all enticing. RT @U2log: Q Magazine on their U2 special (with snippets) http://t.co/t2I7dt0M
U2log Q Magazine editor Paul Rees on their U2 special (with snippets) bbc.co.uk/6music/news/20…
@CBarcaSTJ Ax has added this to our database. Thanks for the heads up!
@MekVox @u2torrents is a good place to share such material.

Hey, would you look at that. U2 in a movie. Hands up everyone who has seen Entropy. http://youtu.be/ikoV0EF9…
MotionVDevice @u2gigs Bono is featured in a new video by 9 year old Sara & Motion Device called “Mr. Misunderstood”!!! Enjoy!!!
I (Ax) have just updated our Setlist FAQ due to A Man & A Woman being played. HTDAAB now just has 1 sung unplayed live: http://u2.gs/faq
RIP, Dan Wheldon. “Sleep… sleep tonight. And may your dreams be realized. If the thundercloud passes rain, so let it rain… down on thee”
ElevationRadio @u2gigs I can’t believe Bono/Edge pulled AMaaW and SatS out of their asses last night. AWESOME
Our article on the #ClintonConcert has now been updated with video of A Man And A Woman. Enjoy! http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

Here is a photo Butterking mailed us from Bono singing at the Hollywood Bowl yesterday #clintonconcert http://u2.gs/kQ
epereyra82 @u2gigs I hope that some day happens the same with Stand Up Comedy

Watch Bono and Edge perform again: http://www.youtube.com/w…
Anyway, Matkin’s done a good job on the mainpage; I’ve edited it a little & added set to the database: http://u2.gs/amaaw #ClintonConcert
I’ve always said AMAAW is one of Atomic Bomb’s most under-rated tracks. When it wasn’t played on Vertigo, I thought it never would be.
Ax here, coming out of what I guess was something of an unannounced hiatus. A Man And A Woman? Woah! And SATS? Nice. #ClintonConcert
Good night everyone, thanks for joining us!
Oh wow, he hit that perfectly! The best Miss Sarajevo ever?
Our (updated) full set recap is here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #ClintonConcert
Full set: Desire, I Still Haven’t Found, A MAN AND A WOMAN, Sunday Bloody Sunday, STARING AT THE SUN, One, Miss Sarajevo
Yes, it is. Bono says it is their last. Miss Sarajevo concludes the set. #ClintonConcert
Bono is talking about Sarajevo. Could be Miss Sarajevo? #ClintonConcert
Oh wait, an encore? Clinton says yes.
…I still can’t believe my internet froze during A Man and a Woman (which now happens to be a trending topic on Twitter!)
Well, looks like that is it. Our full write-up can be found here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #ClintonConcert
Happy birthday snippet
Honestly, at this stage I wouldn’t be surprised if they pulled out Heartland or Two Hearts Beat as One.
This is the best performance since Pavarotti and Friends back in 1995
One is sixth. Bono says it wasn’t a hit.
Trivia: Staring at the Sun was just nine days away from being a full decade since the last performance
Staring at the Sun is fifth.
I had an excellent connection until U2 came on. Then it all went down the proverbial toilet. #notpleased
Bono improvises the final verse of Sunday Bloody Sunday. #ClintonConcert
I really hope somebody has managed to record this without the problems I’m having. I would die if I never saw the debut of AMAAW.
I only wish my net would stop freezing so I could listeb to more than a third of a song. #ClintonConcert
Sunday Bloody Sunday is fourth
…I missed the whole thing *sobs*
And my feed has frozen. Damn.
This is a really nice change of pace from the full band version. I’m enjoying it more than I have in years. #ClintonConcert
I Still Haven’t Found is second
Nice to hear that again
Come on Clinton, hurry up! The #F1 starts in 45 minutes! #ClintonConcert
Wow, Bill himself will introduce the boys it seems. #ClintonConcert
U2Ginger @u2gigs Guess they are rolling out the Claw after all ;-) #U2 #clintonconcert
And now an intermission? Seems odd to have it before the final act.
That was an amusing video
Bono and Edge are up next folks! Last chance to lay your bets on what they’ll play! #ClintonConcert
@atu2comSherry Hmm… would be nice if I could!
RT @bethandbono: Not sure what the William J. Clinton Foundation does, but this concert has helped convince me that Gaga is, indeed, a lady
Hahah, Lady Gaga tells Clinton she wishes he would play sax with her. #ClintonConcert
Stevie Wonder, Kenny Chesney, K’naan, Juanes, Usher, and Lady Gaga… not a bad slew of opening acts! ;) #ClintonConcert
matheuscn27 @u2gigs embarrassing, just embarrassing what you’re saying.
Lady Gaga is next, so Bono and The Edge will round out the show. #ClintonConcert
RT @bethandbono: Maybe Bono and Edge come out in drag and do *that* version of ‘One’ with Gaga. #clintonconcert
Usher’s set is done. Who is next, Lady Gaga or B&E? #ClintonConcert
shooboxx77 @u2gigs the beatles version is good - cocker is better - usher rocked it :)
And I actually don’t like the Beatles either. Never have. So this is actually the best version of it that I’ve heard. In my opinion o’course
Yes, yes, I am joking. Consider it a shoutout to my mother (who isn’t even on Twitter). She loves Joe Cocker.
CrookedArm23 @u2gigs That was meant tongue in cheek, right? Joe Cocker is no Lennon-McCartney.
I prefer this to the original actually. But then, I’m really not a fan of Cocker’s voice. #ClintonConcert
Usher covering Joe Cocker? I didn’t expect that. #ClintonConcert
Usher is on next. Probably Gaga to follow, and then Bono and Edge to close #ClintonConcert
atu2 Word on the street is the song K’Naan and Bono performed at the #clintonconcert is called “Bulletproof Pride”
Oh look, it’s Charlie Sheen’s replacement!
shooboxx77 @u2gigs yeah its good and I do not understand a word of it! ;)
Juanes is a very popular artist in Latin and South America it seems. I can see why. #ClintonConcert
So K’Naan’s set is over. Next up: Juanes. #ClintonConcert You can watch the concert here: http://yhoo.it/pvlyOR
shooboxx77 @u2gigs bono made a nice cameo ;)
Ah, so the song was a new one. I do hope we find out its name! ‘Unknown song’ looks tacky in the database :P
santiago2u @u2gigs already have 3 beers…I hope Bono & Edge perform before I get the fifth corona beer amigo…already asleep in #MEX
Bono joins K’Naan onstage. Nice to see them sing together again. Now what is this song called? #ClintonConcert
K’Naan is the third act
PSU2Girl @bethandbono @u2gigs @atu2 @EdgeFest maybe acoustic Love is Blindness? #justsayin #whatif #itCOULDhappen
“Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico!” I hate Country music with a passion, but that’s a funny lyric #ClintonConcert
Okay, I got disconnected and now all I’ve seen is 6 ads in a row. Anyone else with this problem? #ClintonConcert
That’s it for Stevie Wonder. Up next: Kenny Chesney
Make that five songs for Stevie Wonder. And I’m pretty sure even I’ve heard this one before! #ClintonConcert
Thanks to everyone for keeping my updated on what the songs are; its nice to know what the song is!
Stevie Wonder is on his fourth song; a prelude for what’s to come with everyone else?
@atu2comSherry Not to mention One a la Miss Sarajevo b-side; that’s still my favourite rendition.
@atu2comSherry Oh, good choices! Hadn’t realized this would be full orchestra! Pride and BD would be awesome with that backing!
I do like the stage design and lighting they’ve got going on. Is Willie Williams in the house? #ClintonConcert
@atu2comSherry One is a cert, and I’m also guessing Stay. MoS or Desire could be the others? I think we’ll see someone join them for 1 song
For those without the link, here it is: http://yhoo.it/qAAgZB I hope my net connection stays stable tonight! #ClintonConcert
@atu2comSherry I’m going to guess three or four songs with two snippets. How about you?
I’ve admittedly never listened to Stevie Wonder before. But I do quite like this song (whatever it is called) #ClintonConcert
Stevie Wonder opens the concert #ClintonConcert
Speech by Clinton, with celebrities joining in. #ClintonConcert
Its rare that The Edge is billed before Bono, but’s exactly what Yahoo just did. Cool. Sounds like it is about to start. #ClintonConcert
Less than 10 minutes to #ADecadeOfDifference. You can watch it online here: http://yhoo.it/qAAgZB #ClintonConcert #U2
Here is a shot of the stage http://twitter.com/Clint… (thanks @ClintonTweet) #ClintonConcert #ADecadeOfDifference
peterostreicher In LA for tonight’s Bono & Edge Clinton show! WOOT! Here’s hoping it’s more than 4 songs!! @u2gigs @u2eros #ADecadeofDifference #u2
This timing works out perfectly. In 15 min it is the Leafs game. When that finishes, it is #ADecadeOfDifference. Then #F1 in Korea!
Our article on #ADecadeOfDifference is now online here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2
As for the question of what (if anything) else they will play… we’ll have to wait and see. My money is on acoustic MOS. What do you guess?
About 3.5 hours until the #ADecadeofDifference concert. If rumours are true, B&E will play One. You can tune in here: http://yhoo.it/ogNs7y
Well that answers on question about #ADecadeOfDifference tomorrow. Seems that Bono and Edge will play One with @serenamckinney #U2
svein_etc @u2gigs There’s a screening of Rattle and Hum at Bølgen Cinema in Larvik, Norway tomorrow, worth a visit if you’re nearby! :-)
RT @u2boypeterrowen: Ha! This just hit the front page of http://Yahoo.com…!! http://news.yahoo.com/bl…

Hahah, I love it! Bono calls ‘George’ at the Whitehouse: http://www.youtube.com/w… #U2 #Seinfeld
HardRockBerlin @u2gigs Thank you for the RT. By the way, Desperate Husbands will play at least 1 U2 song 2night @HardRockBerlin Have a beautiful day ;-)
MT @HardRockBerlin: Good morning, on this day in 1984, U2 scored their second UK No.1 album with ‘The Unforgettable Fire.’
EveryBrokenWave @u2gigs Bono & Edge play at the Clinton Concert on Friday. Can watch it live on yahoo.com from 10:00 PM EST (time zone differences vary) #U2

Awesome! About 1:20 in RT @santiago2u: Guns N Roses ‘SBS’ snippet #U2 #WTF People sings it! :D http://youtu.be/FNqtSQiE…
@BallinMVP No legitimate method I am aware of. If you live in the UK you can see it on the BBC iPlayer.
You can hear Damien Rice’s One here, about 51 min in: http://bbc.in/pQe1I1 2 Q tracks in 2 days from Jo Whiley. More tomorrow? #U2

Ever wanted to hear the original 11OCTT? Here’s Silver Lining! http://www.youtube.com/w… #U2
U2log Q Mag just said on facebook: “News on how to get the issue and album outside the UK will be announced very soon.”
@ludicrosity82 For now, unless it goes lower than $345 (with shipping) somewhere else
EBTTReal_KS @u2gigs: DEFINITELY! I actually had a feeling that may be the fan club disc for this year? Or am I dreaming out loud? @u2com
@ludicrosity82 Nope, not yet.
In full and minus the commentary in the film, of course
From the Sky Down truly is amazing. I would love to see the reimaginings of LIB, WGRYWH, & So Cruel released to us someday, @u2com #fanclub?

MT @joe_ahorro: The Edge singing an acoustic version of ‘Love Is Blindness’ http://youtu.be/NFepFjC3… #fromtheskydown #U2
First taste of the Q covers. BBC played Jack White’s Love Is Blindness earlier. Have a listen: http://bit.ly/pkxHaf #U2
RT @WilliamOrbit: Happy Thanksgiving to everybody in Canada!
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Anyone else having trouble pre-ordering the Q magazine, even though it’s well after lunch in Britain? #U2

Nice find! I love this ‘Bono visits Edge’ skit! RT @Idefix_2009: @u2gigs http://youtu.be/w0I68_TN…
jcvalentine @u2gigs It’ll be cool to hear what Jack White does with the guitar solo at the end of “Blindness.” I have high hopes.
What I’m curious about is if The Fly really is out of order on the cover CD #Random
So Q’s Achtung Baby cover CD tracklist has finally been announced: http://bit.ly/oiAMMC What cover are you most excited about? #U2
u2com Achtung Baby re-imagined by legendary artists for limited edition album, with Q. u2.com/news/title/ach…

MekVox New Video!!! Magnificent (New Mix) #U2 #U2Fans #MekVox
#u2chile @u2gigs @u2place @u2360gradi @SilvanaaMGL @partygirlu2

Bono writes autographs at St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town. Photo by Clayton Morar. http://u2.gs/kP

Bono leaving St. George’s Cathedral after Tutu birthday celebration. Photo by Clayton Morar. http://u2.gs/kN
One year ago today U2 finished the 3rd leg of the 360 tour. Bad, Mercy, and the final performance of MLK were in the set. My how time flies!

It’s Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. Here’s the perfect song for it! http://youtu.be/Pq1Gn1Vg… I rejoice! #U2
RT @News_Irish: #Spider-Man musical has the last laugh [ #U2 #Bono #TheEdge ] :: Sunday Telegraph: http://bit.ly/oKJygS #Irish
harbinger384 @u2gigs just finished podcast. great to put voices to names :) like the idea of bad->wire; how about bad->wire->boots?
@ludicrosity82 Doesn’t surprise me. I ordered the Uber when it was $308. Then it shot straight up to $600. Wonder what the final $$$ is