@louie1401 yeah, should be 30 degrees if not 360 ;-)

Youtube takes some time today. Elevation, ISHFWILF, Crazy Tonight and Moment Of Surrender should appear on our channel soon http://u2.gs/yt
I wonder if Larry has taken this dress from a 5 star hotel ;) http://u2.gs/cT

The new U2 song Every Breaking Wave live from Vienna http://u2.gs/cS #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna
Here are my photos from Vienna. I’d say it’s the best set I’ve done on this tour so far http://u2.gs/viennaphotos #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna

Here is Mysterious Ways from Vienna; Edges guitar failed again at the beginning http://u2.gs/cR #u2360vienna #u2
Not sure if someone mentioned this already but Bono really sings partially into his jacket during UV now. There must be another mic.

Here is our first video clip from the Vienna show. Get On Your Boots http://u2.gs/cQ
Full Vienna set, info, stats: http://u2.gs/cP
That’s it. Had a great spot for photos. Will post them tonight. Some vids as well. Matt. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna
Hi folks, will have Vienna set up soon. Not much in the way of surprises; Every Breaking Wave played again, UV instead of HMTMKMKM.

Streets. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cN
Poor Edge, guitar not given in time, failed guitar on MW, change guitar on COBL and not loud enough for Walk On. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna
@llootsteen39 ax is not around today. Matt
Uh, Edge had to change guitar. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna

Cobl. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cJ

Miss Sarajevo. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cH

In A Little While. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cG
Boring. Want Snow Patrol back. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna

One Republic on stage. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cF
It’s cold in Vienna. Can’t wait for Athens and 30 degrees.

Fans? #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cE

Vienna stage panorama. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cD

Stage in Vienna. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cC
@Drea104 it’s now 5pm here.

The Vienna boulevard press knows the setlist already ;-) #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cB

Gates are now open. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cA

Nice hair colors in the queue. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cz
@U2start band will arrive 4pm at airport so it us just techs and it even sounds like them. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna
@Kim23432 only the seats. Matt
Hey, Ax here. May not be able to tweet some/all of Vienna gig; will be here to summarise at end, and Matt is at gig.
U2log U2place claims crew says tour will end in Europe 2011 with shows in Paris, UK and Belfast and finally at a new location in Dublin.
Queue photo taken 3 hours ago http://u2.gs/cy at the moment the rain stopped. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna
@U2log They never were at the shows I’ve seen here …
My apologies to all who had to wait for their photo submissions to appear on the site. I just work on them. Have been a bit busy …

Funny Bono & Adam photo from Helsinki http://u2.gs/cx

Vienna queue at the moment. At least they have a roof. Current number given out is 223. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cw

Rain rain rain in Vienna. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cv

A small 10 ppl queue in Vienna. #u2 #u2360 #u2360vienna http://u2.gs/cu
Here are our photos from Moscow http://u2.gs/moscowphotos

Another Moscow newspaper photo #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/ct

The Moscow Times concert photo #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/cs

Just added One, Streets, Pride and ISHFWILF from Moscow to our Youtube channel http://u2.gs/yt #u2360moscow #u2
@_Deimos_ No, no mention at all and I payed attention since I’ve read before the show what happened.
Campaign to bring U2 to Christchurch, New Zealand: http://u2.gs/CHCH
Must apologise, accidentally listed snips of My Sweet Lord & Singing In The Rain with Magnificent, when I meant MW. Moscow set fixed now.
Snippetwatch via @Matkin22: City Of Blinding Lights in Moscow ALSO had a Singing In The Rain snip.
I’ll have a beer now…

Most videos are in the upload queue now. Will add few more on Friday. http://u2.gs/yt #u2360moscow #u2

Here is our first video from Moscow. New Years Day … http://u2.gs/cr
Ok, had a shower and will upload some videos quickly. Photos will take longer (Friday) since I have no power supply for my notebook :-/
@srj68 they blocked us for some time.

Ppl can leave now. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/cq
Today’s setlist features the first snippet we have ever recorded in New Year’s Day.
Full Moscow setlist, stats, and info here: http://u2.gs/cm

That’s it. Just want to get my all wet clothes off now. Some vids to come if camera survived. Matt http://u2.gs/ck
I’m sorry, but U2 playing KOHD now always makes me think of the funniest U2 performance ever, TV Gaga: http://u2.gs/cj
Ax here. Set fairly normal in Moscow, mainpage article coming soon, except right now: Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door after WOWY.

Sunday. Rain stopped but everyone is just wet. May have killed my cam … We will see later. #u2 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/ci

IALW. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/ch
New years day and now boot. Quite hard rain … I don’t care.
Rain snip in BD
Stingray, BD #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow
Showtime. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow
Rain protection is coming back … light rain now. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow

Snow Patrol. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/cf

Snow Patrol coming just in time. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/ce
We just had to left the stadium after being up in the seat. They won’t let us down again. Good scanners are not synched here. Phew. Matt

Last entrance control. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/cd

Another Claw shot from seats. Signing off for now. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/cc
@const_ivanov yes, was no problem.

Claw in Moscow panorama. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/cb

Another Claw shot. Massive amount of sec people and army all over the place. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/ca

Stage in Moscow. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c9

Here we are after many security checks. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c8
Ax here; I can’t do Moscow set live today. Matt will do what he can, depending on phone reception. I’ll post full set at end of gig.

Moving more far away from the stadium … #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c7

So this is the queue now. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c6

Pride full band from stadium. IALW now. Looks like we have to leave the stadium area. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c5
Everyone has to go away from the gates now. Not sure what’s going on but everyone looks relaxed so are we. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow

More Police, Milliz and Army here than fans at the moment. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c4
Acoustic Desire guitar sound from stadium. Not sure if band or techs. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow

The yellow/blue stands are merch stands. Each stand only offering some items. #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/c3 http://u2.gs/c2
@_Deimos_ sorry, wrong conversion. My mistake. They’re 25€.
Sorry, wrong conversion … Shirts are 25€ in Moscow. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow

This might be the queue … it’s not yet clear … #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/bZ

Lenin statue in front of the stadium in Moscow. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/bY
@Kim45654 it still smells a bit but no problem.

Moscow stadium in the morning. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/bX

Stadium in Moscow at night. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/bW
@AndyFC91 nope

Collecting tickets in Moscow. It’s raining here. #u2 #u2360 #u2360moscow http://u2.gs/bV
Yes, it’s been a while coming, but I’ve just made some much-needed updates to the U2 Setlist FAQ: http://u2.gs/FAQ
U2.com have updated their FAQ to cover the Aussie/Kiwi gig presales: http://u2.gs/bT
RT @Matkin22 More U2.com humour: Best of 90-00 released in 1969! And why is ZooTV listed as 94 with PopMart as 07? http://bit.ly/czkULl
@malcolm42 I’m not confident it’ll be 3 on the bill, since there weren’t last time, and most 360 shows have only had one support.
New U2.com design now working for me. More easily readable, but it still looks incomplete at this stage to me.
@Matkin22 Cheers! Got it working here now too, though the bar above the video is pink for me, not orange as in your screencap.
Seems U2.com is failing for some, not others. For me, it looks like the old site, but squashed. Wonder if the new site will be any better.
Haha, oh U2.com! RT @Matkin22 In other news U2.com thinks HMTMKMKM was on Zooropa: http://bit.ly/aguD3o
@malcolm42 Got little to do with Jay-Z personally; everything to do with overlooking local talent in favour of importing an act AGAIN.
@u2wanderer And I certainly don’t condone booing opening acts. I’ll give him a chance. But geez, we’ve a wealth of talent down here.
@u2wanderer Well exactly. It may boost sales now from Jay-Z fans, but it won’t help a future tour’s sales much.
Am I the only person currently getting “unresponsive script” errors on 90% of U2.com’s pages?
Presale info for Aus/NZ shows - begins 11am THIS THURSDAY for existing U2.com subscribers: http://u2.gs/pre
@u2wanderer Will it drive up sales that much? Jay-Z fans want a Jay-Z concert, not an abbrev support slot.

Another clip by Coppel Presents to advertise U2 coming to Australia and New Zealand. It’s different from the one on u2.com http://u2.gs/bS
Here are our photos from the 2nd Helsinki show: http://u2.gs/helsinki2ph…
@u2fanz Broke up just as they were getting popular. Would take them over Jay-Z any day.
Athens gets Aviv and we get Jay-Z? Ugh. Or heaven forbid U2 give a local band their biggest opportunity ever…
It’s true: Jay-Z will be supporting U2 on Aussie/Kiwi tour. :-/
Here are my photos from the first U2 show in Helsinki: http://u2.gs/helsinki1ph… #u2360helsinki #u2

U2 already in Moscow. news item http://u2.gs/bQ (via @u2miracle)
Will be so jealous if Aviv performs any Blackfield songs in Athens. Why can’t he support U2 in Australia?
Aviv Geffen to support U2 in Athens: http://u2.gs/aviv
@scatterolight Uh, that’s me in the back ;)
@stu2 Hey, just FYI, noticed your Helsinki 2 set has Amazing Grace snip with Streets; AG wasn’t actually done last night. :)
EVERY city on the Oceania leg is rumoured to get a second show if the first sells well enough. Yes, including Brissie and Perth.
More info on Aussie/Kiwi tour: http://u2.gs/bP
ISHFWILF clip should be finished in a few minutes. That’s all from us today. Good night.

This is our Moment Of Surrender clip with a nice Singing In The Rain at the end http://u2.gs/bN #u2360helsinki #u2
@scatterolight for sure! We’re so happy to have seen this show. Makes us wonder what might come next … :)

The tour premiere of I Will Follow http://u2.gs/bM

Here is Vertigo from the 2nd Helsinki show http://u2.gs/bL (sorry for cutting it short … tech fault)

Here is the new arranged (semi acoustic) No Line On The Horizon from Helsinki http://u2.gs/bK
Just added another weather related snippet to the setlist on our site. Rain at the end of One.
@U2log Any idea what Bono did before MLK? The “trouble in your heart, trouble in your head” part?

Here is the new song Every Breaking Wave as performed today in Helsinki http://u2.gs/bJ
I’ve been up for ~25 hours now, so it’s time I slept. Over to Matt for now. This is Ax, signing out. (PS Go the All Blacks!)
OK folks, here’s today’s full setlist and lots of stats to go with all the changes: http://u2.gs/bH
Singing in the rain again at the end. All stadium singing as the band left. Matt
Show ends with yet another Singing In The Rain snip. No Bad, alas, but some other huge surprises. Revising mainpage article now.
AMAZING show. Lots of new stuff. All new or leg premiere. Vids to come. Matt
OK, 24th is Moment Of Surrender. Would normally assume this is the end, but the way tonight’s been - is it?
@llootsteen39 I love Pride more too… in studio. One of the very few U2 songs that gets worse, not better, live. Though it was OK last year
Holy shit, assuming no totally unexpected surprises happen, this is the first gig with no War songs since 1997-06-27.
@llootsteen39 So am I, but replacing SBS with Pride feels like one step forward, two steps backward.
Could Bad have knocked off MOS? Will it not make it out of soundcheck? Or will U2 do a 25 song set? The tension…
23rd is With Or Without You.
If you don’t count the Vertigo public dress rehearsal, the last time SBS missed a set was 1997-09-30, Tel Aviv.
Assuming SBS does not appear late in the show, this is the first time it has missed a gig since the Vertigo public rehearsal on 2005-03-26.
22nd is HMTMKMKM, awww yeah.
Asian tour dates conspicuous by their absence…
@GreyRaccoon It’ll be two Claws. One for Auckland/Brissie/Perth, the other for Melb/Syd.
@Merken1980 Given how badly U2 play WOWY these days, I don’t support anything involving it staying in the set!
I’m barracking for a 2nd encore of HMTM/Bad/MOS.
21st is Streets.
I think I chose exactly the right night to pull an all-nighter. Well, except for the hung parliament…
Aus/NZ tour official, @U2fanz has posted promoters’ press release. Our article from 3:30am is updated: http://u2.gs/bG
20th song of the night, first of encore, is One.
18th is MLK, 19th is Walk On.
So, all soundchecked songs are in the set thus far except for Bad. Here’s hoping it makes the cut too.
Something is going ob here tonight … Matt
So Pride’s back after missing 25 shows, its longest absence ever. Previous record was 8, on Elevation Tour.
So Pride follows Crazy Tonight, 17th song in the setlist.
Pride instead SBS. Matt
To answer those of you who asked, North Star was not played, new songs were EBW & Glasto.
No North Star today. New song followed ISHFWILF. Matt
16th is Crazy Tonight. Set has been a bit crazy tonight, huh.
COBL, like BDay earlier in the set, had a Singing In The Rain snippet.
After COBL is Vertigo.
Aaanyway, back to the set as it happens: COBL after Miss S.
OK, here we go, setlist went: ISHFWILF, Every Breaking Wave (live debut!), Glastonbury.
And can I just say “holy shit” at this set so far? Yes? Holy shit!
OK, this is getting confusing. Every Breaking Wave definitely played, live debut. Glasto also definitely played. Was North Star?
@u2miracle Between North Star and Glastonbury? Three new songs in a row?
The rain is back … Matt
Miss Sarajevo after IALW.
After Glasto is In A Little While. Still not 100% clear if we are missing a song in the set or if one has been inaccurately reported.
Glasto was done after North Star… not sure if Matt means a third new song was done or what…
MW had My Sweet Lord and Norwegian Wood snippet.
@srj68 Only! I’ll up the “might” to a “definitely” if Treasure is thrown into the deal too. ;)
New song Every breaking wave? Matt
@u2wanderer Hell yes! Though I may actually only be doing the Melb gigs myself thanks to other commitments.
Tenth is North Star, third performance ever, first time played at consecutive gigs.
@u2wanderer Not in December by any chance? ;)
After NLOTH, 8th was Elevation, 9th I Still Haven’t Found.
@ClaytonsKitten Norwegian Wood is one of my fav U2 snips… in BAD. MW needs its solo; to hell with snippetry if that’s what it takes.
MWays had a snippet of Norwegian Wood, by the way.
@atu2comSherry Finnish vodka, Aussie perry, Kiwi wine - take your pick! Big night down under.
@AndyFC91 I really hope so! Won’t mind if Pride doesn’t make it out of the soundcheck though…
No Line semi acoustic rocks. Matt
This new arrangement of NLOTH is a bit unpolished, but has some good energy about it. Glad it’s back, whatever guise it takes.
@Galeongirl I also have some wine… but I do think HMTMKMKM will come back today. Guessing HMTM and UV will rotate in 2-gig cities.
Oh hello, now NLOTH’s making its 2010 debut! And it’s acoustic.
Now, if U2 decide to play ASOH, One Tree Hill, and Heartland, that MIGHT be better than winning the rugby. MIGHT BE.
IWF is cool, but I still reckon the best thing to happen today is the amazing All Blacks rugby win. God, I am such a Kiwi sometimes.
@u2br Haha, I’m almost tempted to follow U2’s tour itinerary with a “local alcohol tour” of my own…!
Sixth is Mysterious Ways.
@Galeongirl Hahaha, might have to get me comatose for that to work. ;)
So, so happy IWF was played. It would have been sad to see Boy miss a tour after such a good run. (Plus it’s my 2nd fav U2 album.)
Fifth is Magnificent.
Nice to know that even when drunk, my critical setlist faculties still work…! Haha. More vodka? Why not!
My suspicion on the money. 2nd was BDay with Singing In The Rain snip, then IWF & Boots. Thanks @u2tourZargor!
Singing in the rain snip in BD.
I will as usual be posting the full set in a mainpage article, see: http://u2.gs/bH