@KUEFC At least the GAs left/right now make sense as well. I hope it works out for all viewing angels.
Here is another one with the screen. Same source http://u2.gs/pj #U2ieTour http://t.co/S2kM2xQrK0
Some possible stage photos finally appeared. Credits to http://u2.gs/pj for posting them first. #U2ieTour http://t.co/Izyt9M9sDI
#U2 came back for a second, later rehearsal session in Vancouver. Our article is updated: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
If you’ve been waiting for today’s update on #U2 rehearsals in Vancouver, here it is: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@ac_83 I bloody hope so! But no rumours as yet.
Want audio from #U2’s rehearsals in Vancouver? Including one of the biggest surprises so far? Listen here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@TopATerreros Cheers, just saw it and posting it on the site now!
What have #U2 rehearsed over the past week in Vancouver? What did they play today? Our latest report is here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@JeffReinhart77 You will be relieved: Streets was rehearsed today. I’ll have a report up on the site soon.
Here’s more #U2 Vancouver rehearsal news from Monday, with the biggest spoilers yet: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Incoming #U2 rehearsal news from Vancouver for you spoiler junkies: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@JoeriHarcksen Oh, and forgot to reply to your other question - no support act news yet. Very strange.
@mjpisaturo Strategy for tour schedule this year is lots of shows in select markets. Rumoured 2016 leg will prob hit other major markets.
@JoeriHarcksen As rehearsals go on/more info comes to light, I’ll keep a running list.
@JoeriHarcksen The amount of songs known to be rehearsed so far isn’t long - can be fairly easily picked up from our articles so far.
dillonwithlife Ran by the coliseum in Vancouver today but no luck. Guard told us “show’s over.” Did see a limo leaving @atu2 @u2gigs http://t.co/g4WZ1encSR
@TrailerTrsh No, my tour starts later. But 2 of my friends are going :)
@TrailerTrsh Hey Jason, haven’t noticed this so far. Do you still have problems? I’ve tried but it seems to work. Post me a link please.
@JeffReinhart77 I honestly wouldn’t expect to have a good idea of everything in contention or setlist order until they move to Rogers Arena.
@JeffReinhart77 I’d like to believe by now they needn’t rehearse Streets! But then you’d think they do Pride, BD, Elev in their sleep too.
@TrailerTrsh …went on stage a bit after midnight. When it’s an unscheduled misc date like Bono at a pub, we tend to give the actual date.
@TrailerTrsh Hah yeah it’s a bit dicey with this stuff. When there’s an officially published date, we usually stick to that even if they…
@TrailerTrsh But we have a couple of friends in Vancouver. And I’ll get Matt to check on the broken links. :)
@TrailerTrsh Yep, U2’s only previous Forum performance was 1986-06-06 on Conspiracy of Hope. Neither Matt nor I (Ax) are going to Vancouver.
@ryannichols7 Some people on Interference are speculating there won’t be an opener too. I’d be very surprised - but starting to wonder…!
If you’re after more #U2 Vancouver rehearsal news, we’ve got it right here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
More on #U2 rehearsals in Vancouver, including a link to audio of them practicing a track from Songs of Innocence: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@_Shannon387 Rehearsals reported in late afternoon/early evening, but I’m not sure if there’s a regular time or if you take your chances.
officialLSII U2 are now touring with our LED technology and will be live in Vancouver, Canada tonight ow.ly/i/aurYI #LED #Video #Screens #Tour
Those who’ve followed us for years know we are #U2 tour spoiler central. So with that said, Vancouver rehearsal news: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@enjoytheclaw November counts! Source claims NO Dec shows, but will be end of year gigs, which can only imply 2nd half of Nov. We’ll see.
@Noodles105 @U2Kouklitsa The source says shows at the end of the year but not December, so that means second half of November. We’ll see.
Invisible rehearsed in Vancouver? Read our report and have a listen to the short clip yourself: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
New rumour claims no #U2 shows in Dublin during December, but implies shows in 2nd half of November: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
More from the Dublin rumour mill - reports of at least five shows in December: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
harrykantas #U2Request results are out!
Enjoy, and well done to everyone involved once more! #U2 #U2ers
Studio version of Volcano also played at #U2 Vancouver rehearsals. Unclear right now if other songs were live or studio (for PA testing).
Reports that #U2 have begun rehearsals in Vancouver & played Vertigo, The Miracle, Every Breaking Wave (full band!), Elevation, California.

Rehearsal clip from Vancouver posted on youtube yesterday https://youtu.be/ffK7hs-… #u2ietour
Things getting real on the #U2 tour front: reports of the band’s crew arriving in Vancouver. Hope for stage/rehearsal news in coming weeks.
u2w Twenty years ago this week that @u2wanderer uploaded his first webpage. Happy birthday u2wanderer.org #U2W20 http://t.co/wbjtJRYtgH
@louie1401 Yep, could be shows into 2016, esp if they don’t want to book around other events. An NYE gig like Lovetown would be cool.
What if the rumour of ten #U2 shows in Dublin at 3Arena later this year is true? On what dates could they play? http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@louie1401 Given 3 Arena’s bookings, earliest 1st show likely to be 21/11; wouldn’t be an unbroken run since some other bookings in Dec.