If you missed it last night, here’s a little musical preview of our first podcast; enjoy~ http://www.youtube.com/w…
@U2log Hmm, I wonder if there is a reason why they are airing it after the watershed!
U2log U2: From The Sky Down will be shown on BBC One on Sunday, October 9th at 10:25pm bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01…
Dizrythmia @u2gigs in as much as it still means the Sydney show is included in this package, yes, I’m surprised.
I knew I was wrong! RT @tassoula: @u2gigs The Buffalo version of ONE is on the Best of 1990 - 2000 DVD.
@3213dev Yes; Ax is on a break at the moment but he will be back and finish off shortly
@beezee05 Not yet, but that is the plan eventually
4LP version has 2 discs of B-sides. That’s quite cool.
Also, perhaps the most unsurprising news is that the ZooTV DVD in there DOESN’T have TTTYAATW. Seriously, is anyone surprised?
Looks like the AB Super/Uber DVD has the Buffalo version of One; correct me if I’m wrong, but was that ever aired?
u2w Universal Italy marketing brochure has details of AB sets, including “Original Album Remastered.” tinyurl.com/6gpgx44

Hey everyone, Matkin here! I finally finished editing part one of our podcast (again). Here’s a little teaser ;) http://youtu.be/xHm70u3Y…
@wazowski09 I know, but I’m looking for one with a free license I can use on Wikipedia
Damn. 7 pages on Flickr and not a single one of Bono in a sling from the Joshua Tree Tour. Do any of you happen to take a pic of it? #U2

This is a place where the streets really do have no name! http://www.flickr.com/ph… #U2

Lego my Joshua Tree! http://www.flickr.com/ph… #U2
@u2tourfans Still stealing our videos on Youtube? What about making your own ones?
AfricanWellFund U2 fans bid on some rare vinyl AND help support water well construction in Africa! bit.ly/ovs839
So TVNZ cobbled together their own video from The Unforgettable Fire and WOWY vids. And now you know! #U2 #OneTreeHill
people at TVNZ realized they had a problem. No music video was made for it, so they couldn’t show a video for the top single of the week…

Here’s an incredibly rare ‘music video’ of One Tree Hill: http://www.youtube.com/w… When it topped the charts in NZ, the…
EveryBrokenWave Okay, #U2 followers! I’ve done COBL, MOTD, NLOTH, and Exit on #Wikipedia. What’s next: Acrobat, Heartland, THBAO, OS1, or Kite? (@U2Gigs)

U2log “The man on the train” trailer: j.mp/pDYF3c starring bearded #LarryMullenjr
Wow, a lot of really diverse and interesting activities there! Nice to see how much you’ve all been inspired!
RoseliMelo @u2gigs I learned to speak English just to understand what U2 are singing about.
martahU2 @u2gigs Playing keyboards and get too into shows/music photography. Also, they make me spent quite a lot organizing my ‘collection’!
i_Zepeda @u2gigs well, I´m happy to say I learned to play guitar and base guitar becouse of U2 and Adam Clayton.
EveryBrokenWave @u2gigs As those who know me will agree, my passion for Wikipedia and U2 is a great match for my number one hobby!
So U2 fans: how does your love for the band reflect in your hobbies?
@atu2 You missed the obvious choice in the funeral song list: Wake Up Dead Man! I’ve always said that would be my choice, :P
nevri @u2gigs BBC are to show From The Sky Down on October 9th, no idea which channel yet… #u2 #theskydown
atu2 BBC Worldwide acquires TIFF-opening U2 doc bit.ly/naiIEr
@rnolan76 Ax has been away. He should be back with his answers soon though!
RT @martahU2: #U2 at 2012’s Guinness World Records book! http://www.guinnessworld… #ButWeAllKnewThisAlready

Have I ever posted this before? I can’t remember. Anyways, beautiful acoustic Ultraviolet: http://youtu.be/6pD6mmPG…
… save for some reason. Back to the editing board (and sorry for the delay!) :-(
Soo… with the return of my internet, I (Matkin) was going to send the podcast for posting. Only to find out that my last session didn’t…

Is it just me, or does this sound VERY familiar? http://www.youtube.com/w…
Bono & Edge to play at A Decade Of Difference Concert, Hollywood Bowl, Oct. 15th, 2011 http://u2.gs/kM
RT @ChristyRae75: Bono’s upset so I’m upset. I need a cupcake. #U2TIFF
CoachRocks @u2gigs @edgefest That closing statement is up to par with the “dream it all up again” speech. Hope they rise to the occasion. #THESKYDOWN
U2log If the songs remain relevant to the band, they will be relevant to us. Think not of irrelevance, but of the song that is within you.
RT @EdgeFest: Already starting with CTV news tweeting it as ‘the’ quote.
RT @U2log: Don’t know if the tabloids are watching, but if they are they’re gonna jump on that last question and answer.
RT @EdgeFest: On the edge of irrelevance. We all know now that will be the single quote from this presser that is used everywhere.
MT @trojanchick99: Damn, the end of that press conference was pretty raw and unfiltered. U2 really is struggling with wanting to be relevant
RT @EdgeFest: MODERATOR GUY. WHO CARES if you have to be elsewhere. Bono was saying some really important shit that U2 fans need to know!!!
(I can’t remember whose idea it was, but I still think it was awesome. I look forward to it!)
Oh, and I haven’t forgotten about the ideas for #U2360PRE; when my internet at home gets installed… ;)
Rocket Man time. Bye for now, everybody! #U2TIFF
Now if they’d only asked my #U2Monopoly question! ;) #U2TIFF
Thanks everyone for being with us for the interview today; just like old times, eh? #U2TIFF
Whether they can survive will depend on if they can still play the small clubs. And that’s it for the press conference #U2TIFF
Bono says he feels VERY close to the edge of irrelevance now. #U2TIFF
Bono says U2 has dodged irrelevance for the last 20 years. Made some great work and some faux pas. #U2TIFF
Some nights it catches his attention, other nights they just play it. The song (One) is very diverse. #U2TIFF
Bono says he would counsel people before they play it at their weddings. Bono says it connects with SOuth AFrica, Bosnia, same-sex struggles
Oh, it’s about what One means to the band when they play it today. #U2TIFF
That’s it with the Twitter questions. One from the audience, which I can’t really hear. #U2TIFF
Davis wants to know if they like him. Edge says yes. Bono says like is a strong word, don’t get carried away. Davis replies with a fuck.
Bono asks Davis what motivates him. Davis says he doesn’t like feeling safe. #U2TIFF
Davis says U2 really believe in reinvention, speculates it is why they opened ZooTV with 7 straight from AB many nights. #U2TIFF
Adds that the Fish out of Water mix is fantastic, and that he;s trying to convince others to release it!!! #U2TIFF
If you were to release a single from AB in today’s music world, which would it be? Bono: EBTTRT #U2TIFF
Bono needs a shave. Mind, so do I! #U2TIFF
Bono inflates the Edge’s ego, saying he orchestrates the rest of the band and creates places for everyone else to fit. #U2TIFF
Is Edge a perfectionist? Bono says “oh yeah”. Edge says he tries to be but isn’t there yet. #U2TIFF
Edge says it was very close because it wasn’t a crash and burn, it was a breaking of the trust between them. #U2TIFF
On a scale of 1-10, how realistic was a break-up? Bono says very, adds that is Irish for 9. #U2TIFF
Video flickering again now. And it was just starting to improve too! #U2TIFF
Nope, that’s good. Ignore this tweet and the last one!
Test test. Did the client just break?
U2’s music starts with a feeling; the movie is constructed to reflect that. #U2TIFF
Davis: Audience starts the movie bringing a relationship with U2. Audio interviews attempts to keep the band raw. #U2TIFF
Davis says showing them the rough cut was like showing Gore the rough cut of An Inconvenient Truth #U2TIFF
Bono nearly enjoyed it last night; not as indulgent as he feared, liked the wanting to unearth the creative process aspect. #U2TIFF
Bono saw two rough cuts. First time was great but he was unsure. Second time he didn’t like it. Davis didn’t change much though. #U2TIFF
Bono felt like he was being mugged, and didn’t realize it. #U2TIFF
Edge: Davis could tell when they were speaking of when they were unaware. Everything in the film is them being honest. #U2TIFF
Video did quite a big skip there. Jumped from Davis to Bono mid-answer. Don’t know this question #U2TIFF
Davis did sound only interviews with each band member with no time limit; just a convo and it allowed a good relationship to begin #U2TIFF
Edge says it’s embarrassing on the dance floor when they put on a U2 song and everyone leaves cause they can’t dance to it. #U2TIFF
Have U2 ever finished a song and said they like it? Bono says Miss Sarajevo. Edge adds One. Bono resumes and says Vertigo is good #U2TIFF
Bono says that Q have commissioned Achtung covers. Jack White does LIB. Depeche Mode have a So Cruel cover. Patty Smith = UTEOTW #U2TIFF
The Glasto video for EBTTRT will probably not be shown again, Bono says. #U2TIFF
Bono says EBTTRT is a type of pop art thought. #U2TIFF
Edge says every single song they’ve released they would want to change in some ways, which they do live. #U2TIFF
Is there anything unfinished on the album? What is ‘Even better Than the Real Thing’? #U2TIFF
Adam looked like the Queen, Bono like Barbara Bush. U2 still have some trabants in storage (another question) #U2TIFF
Bono: Larry hated the idea. Edge took to it with a perfectionists’s eye. Edge chimes in that he looked like his sister. #U2TIFF
WHo enjoyed dressing in drag the most, Bono? #U2TIFF
Edge says U2 has no interest in making a comfortable sound. No more ATYCLB or HTDAAB I presume? #U2TIFF
Bono notes that it is frustrating for their audience when they go off-pace. #U2TIFF
Bono says he would have loved to have seen the Clash now, or the Beatles who he describes as the blueprint of a band. #U2TIFF
Bono says it was a self-imposed crapness because they were trying to make music they didn’t understand. #U2TIFF
“There’s a giant chasm between the very good and the great” - Bono. Says they were crap and great, without much very good #U2TIFF
Bono found the AChtung sessions a bit humiliating. #U2TIFF
Edge: Taking risks seems to become a fruitful thing. Never more evidant than in Achtung. #U2TIFF
Edge now talking about plane crashes, likening the pilot-co-ilot relationship is similar to a band relationship. #U2TIFF
@U2roeli U2.com
Davis says the film made him think about how his marriage has endured, describes it as a similar thing. #U2TIFF
Bono surprised that #THESKYDOWN was chosen to open the #TIFF. #U2TIFF
Lots of buffering. Hope we don’t miss anything. #U2TIFF
Edge is happy with the way the phone turned out. Bono likes talking about himself. Who knew? #U2TIFF
And there is video. Kind of. Lots of flickering. #U2TIFF
Journos being told they can’t ask questions, only take twitter Qs. Won’t be happy the deadline has closed! And was that Bono singing? #U2TIF
U2, Davis, and the moderator (Tom Powers) are on their way up to the… is stage the right word? Meh. I’ll use it. #U2TIFF
Oh, the press conference is about to begin! If U2.com is right, that leaves 15 minutes for questions! #U2TIFF
So much for professionalism… #U2TIFF
RT @collectoraholic: “Boner. Borner. Bono.”—Dude, we can hear you! LMFAO! #U2TIFF
@babetteross Hmm, that’s wierd. Try the TIFF website, I think there should be a stream there too.
Settle down children. We want a nice clean fight; these press conferences have rules, you know! #U2TIFF
“DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK!” Somebody is chewing out somebody else and sounding really petty too. “I’M CANADIAN! CANADA IS WORSE!” #U2TIFF
@babetteross Try this one: http://www.boom973.com/u…
Oooo, one second of music! This is getting really interesting now! #U2TIFF
RT @martahU2: I literally dragged my dad off my computer for #U2TIFF .. He is not happy xD #THESKYDOWN
RT @ChristyRae75: I’m waiting for someone to say smthg really inappropriate not realizing the mic is picking them up #U2TIFF
Sounds like some action? People talking more loudly near the mic anyways. Are they journos? TIFF employees? The voices in my head? #U2TIFF
@babetteross The one on U2.com
I’m not usually a very fast typer, but I’ll do my best to transcribe what I can :) #U2TIFF
SO if you’ve tuned in and can’t hear much yet, don’t worry. They’re just running late. #U2TIFF
Turning the volume up to max, I do hear voices in the background - but it is just journalists talking amongst themselves. Waiting. #U2TIFF
It feels like the last leg of the tour again; inevitably waiting for the feed to work! #U2TIFF
“I see tumbleweed, ridiculous tumbleweed!” Can you guess what song I modified the lyric from? (Of course you can!) #U2TIFF
Maybe this is why the boom 97.3 link said a 3 PM end; 45 minutes of silence while they get the microphone working first! #U2TIFF
chris_rank @u2gigs kinda woulda thought they would have had this done BEFORE The start time?
“This is Major Tom to ground control…” #U2TIFF
RT @atu2comSherry: anyone feel like we need to hear Space Oddity while we wait for the TIFF press conference to start?
RT @bethandbono: Just a soundcheck so far on the #U2TIFF feed. It’s taking so long because they have to hang Bono’s circle mic.
Sounds like they are debating (in undertones) how they will do this conference now. #U2TIFF
Microphone testing. It’s not one-two-three, it’s uno-dos-tres! Silly microphone tester. #U2TIFF
1:30 has arrived; the press conference is about to begin! #U2TIFF
What do you guys think? #U2TIFF work as a hashtag for you?
CelticArche @u2gigs What are the odds of getting a version of a setlist tweet for those of us at work?
Interesting thing is that link says the press conference will go to 3:00, rather than the 2:15 promised by @u2com #THESKYDOWN
Looks like this link will be streaming video of the conference: http://www.boom973.com/u… (thanks @atu2comSherry)
Celebrity is a job. Death is a career move.
RT @JessicaSU2: #THESKYDOWN is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
About 45 minutes until the anticipated start of the live chat with Bono, Edge, and Davis Guggenheim #THESKYDOWN Did I spell his name right?
I challenge every U2 fan who follows us: how many B-sides can YOU name? http://bit.ly/pICjEM
@coldplayer4life Yup.
therod730 @u2gigs the bank in the middle of the game board has to be The Claw #U2360 #U2Monopoly
RT @alancross: My review of #U2 From the Sky Down http://bit.ly/p7udOr
@Reina_de_Marte They have now! ;)
Have you ever thought of making a special U2 edition of Monopoly? #THESKYDOWN #U2Monopoly
Reina_de_Marte @u2gigs is anyone asking about #u2monolopy? ;)
@U2BROTHR That’s a heck of a nice shot; love the Mirrorball Man!
RT @universalmusicC: Watch the #TIFF red carpet for the premiere of U2 documentary ‘From The Sky Down’ on @etalkctv http://bit.ly/nBbBqs
MT @CBCsteph: Just talked to Bono & Edge on their way to screen their doc. Edge was hilarious. He’s looking forward to seeing it for 1st tim
Are you going to see the premiere of #THESKYDOWN at #TIFF tonight? We’d love to hear your thoughts! #U2
#THESKYDOWN Do you plan to one day play Bullet the Blue Sky or Mothers of the Disappeared in El Salvador?
#TIFF’s big opening night gamble pays off: http://bit.ly/oZHKGw (via @TorontoStar)
@amarcitynews I can confirm that I am @EveryBrokenWave, who just messaged you about your question
RT @PartyGirl_Laura: Live ‘From the Sky Down’ discussion to stream online from Thttp://www.criticizethis.ca/201… #THESKYDOWN
wxander @u2gigs I seem to recall an old St. Patrick’s Day radio show that transitioned Zombie into Please…Put togeth… (cont) http://t.co/nyAWg8S
fakebono The movie is really great. You’ll love it. (Duh. I’m in it. Of course you’ll love it. You love me!) #TIFF
Bono arrived in the city last night. All of U2 will be in attendance for the premiere 8 hours from now. Are you excited yet? #TIFF
Has anyone else thought that The Cranberries’ ‘Zombie’ would make a great snippet in SBS or Please?
@SarahStoneJ333 @U2log had one for 2009 but I haven’t seen a more current one since then. If you find one let us know.
@canuck_rob u2torrents.com is a good place for this. Check if it is already available there.